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Just a small story...

Just a small story...

Postby eve » Mon Feb 20, 2012 3:03 pm

Ok,so this is a small story I wrote..I wanted to dedicate this story to those who will be touched by it,and will understand her message +::heart ( I will give my best to translate it,though please forgive my possible mistakes,I will try to translate it the best way I can,so it will be as much accurate as it can be)

All was the same...There was a day though,that something changed.When I woke up,I saw a little girl in front of me..She was so little,so cute...She had curly hair and a deep gaze...That's how I saw her..

''I'm standing in front of you'' ,she told me.
''I'm standing in front of you,so many years now...From the day you began to take shape...''

I just stood and looked at her..Without knowing why,how,I knew she was right...

''Then...Then how come I didn't see you?'' ,I asked her.
''That's what I came to ask you...Why you didn't see me?'' She responded.

I was shocked...Her words made me cry...I felt a deep pain inside me...Her look...She was looking at me like she knew me...And the strange part is that I felt so familiar with her.

''I didn't do it on purpose..'' I told her full of regrets.

''I know...'' she told me. ''Every time when you felt lonely I was there...Every time you were scared I held you,do you remember?''

''Oh my,you are a strange little girl!How can that happen?How come you weren't scared when I was scared?You...You are a little girl and I am the adult!''

She smiled at me.When she smiled,it felt so warm...

''You know it...'' she said '' You know that kids are very strong.Because the can see.The can SEE and believe in their powers.I know...I know you.I see you.I always saw what you were really afraid of.I wasn't afraid because I believed in you..Because...Because I SEE you.''

''If...If you were able to see me,how come I couldn't?It doesn't make sense...''I said full of question.

''Because noboby taught you to.There are people how already know it from the very beggining,and they don't need anyone to teach them how.There are also people who need guidance,someone to help them,because this is like the first step.''

My eyes filled with tears.I couldn't stop crying.. Images from the past,were passing through my mind,one after another,each of them screaming their own story.I looked at her and I told her

''I SEE you...I'm so sorry...Please forgive me,my little one...I should have seen you...I SHOULD have seen you long ago,from the day I began to take shape...''

She sat next to me and held my hand.

''Don't cry...'' She told me with her sweet little voice. '' The word SHOULD does not belong in the world of dreams.Don't cry...Because I cry with you...''

''Will you forgive me?'' I said, as my eyes were desperately looking for atonement.

''Hihihi!How funny it sounds!'' She responded.

''Funny?'' I asked.

''But of course!Funny!Because you silly!You and I...We are one.You don't have to ask for my forgiveness.It's never too late for THE knowledge.She is (the knowledge) somewhere in the corner waiting...Some people,as they walk,they choose to see her,to hug her,and to continue their way WITH her.Some other,they walk,they see her,but choose not to take her because they think that they already have her.Other,they walk and choose to ignore her because they can't stand her burden.Why yes,knowledge sometimes could be really heavy...But not is you have someone to help you carry her!Besides,that's why the children are here for!To make her as much lightweight and beautiful as we can...''

She talked to me and I was in a complete shock.A child,a very cute and playfull little girl,talked to mε about the greater truth dipped in absolute childishness.

''Come on,don't look so surprised!You taught me all that!''


''Yes,you...Yοu taught me what is reasonable,and I taught you how to dream.You and I...We are one...I can't live without you, and you cannot exist without me...''

I smilled.Then,she stretched her little hand and she told me

''Come,come with me.As you can see I'm little,so...You will help me climb the stairs,and I will help you fly....''

ImageDare to dream, dare to fly, dare to be the ever chosen one to touch the sky.
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Re: Just a small story...

Postby Gin » Mon Feb 20, 2012 5:51 pm

So pretttyyyyy! +::heart I liked this story a lot and i think you have a strong potential in this area.^^
About the story, I have 3 guesses.
1-The little one was a fairy(like a guardian angel fairy).
2-the little one was an image on the mirror and the girl was schizophrenic and was talking to herself(the end is a suicide- -')
3-It is a mommy bird talking to the little bird kid that comed out of an egg, and the flying part and stairs in the end is a metaphor for"come on, lets live life and learn about it thogheter".

+:oops: Either way, i like this things where the story can have many diferent meanings.^^You did a great job! :)
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Re: Just a small story...

Postby eve » Mon Feb 20, 2012 6:05 pm

Oh,thank you very much Gin,I'm really glad you liked it!! :) The sure thing about the little girl is that she can represent a different amount of characters,that depends on the reader!But I can tell you for sure that the end of the story is something good for sure,it could be the unity of logic with the soul,or the balance between pain and happiness. ;) But that is something that the reader gets to decide,because every little story touches every person in a unique and different way! :)
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Re: Just a small story...

Postby eve » Mon Feb 20, 2012 6:10 pm

I don't know if you noticed but 2 of your three guesses where pure creation of the dreamworld! +::heart (I LOVE THEM) and one of them was logic! :) So,you can say that that is a good balance huh? ;) You are so very cute Gin! +::kiss :)
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Re: Just a small story...

Postby Gin » Mon Feb 20, 2012 9:49 pm

Dont know why, but i think you would be a good psychologist. +::shhhh
About balance, its almost like the yin-yang in a battle for equilibrium(the 2 sides of one coin)! +::lol
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Re: Just a small story...

Postby eve » Mon Feb 20, 2012 10:12 pm

Oh,thank you :) +:oops: but I don't think I would make a good psychologist. +::lol It takes strong nerves and a lot of patience something that I don't have! +::biggrin It's all about good perception really ;)
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Re: Just a small story...

Postby eve » Mon Feb 20, 2012 10:20 pm

I agree with the yin-yang theory +::Thumbup
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