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[Update] DragoonHP - The streetjack writer

Re: DragoonHP - The streetjack writer

Postby jyarceus1993 » Thu Sep 02, 2010 12:47 pm

So,you recieve/Send SMSs like these as well +::biggrin +::biggrin Et tu,Brute? XD Did you make this one up by urself? :)
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Re: DragoonHP - The streetjack writer

Postby DragoonHP » Fri Sep 03, 2010 1:43 pm

Nope, someone sent it to me, but the whole story, yes, I made it up.

How you liked it?
"Writers aren’t exactly people…. they’re a whole bunch of people trying to be one person." -- F. Scott Fitzgerald

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Re: DragoonHP - The streetjack writer

Postby jyarceus1993 » Fri Sep 03, 2010 1:51 pm

OF course :) +::Thumbup
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Re: DragoonHP - The streetjack writer

Postby DragoonHP » Fri Sep 03, 2010 1:55 pm

jyarceus1993 wrote:OF course :) +::Thumbup

"Writers aren’t exactly people…. they’re a whole bunch of people trying to be one person." -- F. Scott Fitzgerald

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Re: DragoonHP - The streetjack writer

Postby jyarceus1993 » Fri Sep 03, 2010 2:00 pm

I mis-saw your post. +:oops: Lemme clarify +::biggrin I liked it coz of the girl Jessica +::biggrin You've got talkent there
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Re: DragoonHP - The streetjack writer

Postby DragoonHP » Fri Sep 03, 2010 2:03 pm

Why did you liked Jess?
"Writers aren’t exactly people…. they’re a whole bunch of people trying to be one person." -- F. Scott Fitzgerald

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Re: DragoonHP - The streetjack writer

Postby DragoonHP » Thu Sep 23, 2010 7:44 am

Touch of Sayuri


Touch of Sayuri is a story about a dumb girl. It is set in a fantasy world. The girl name is Sayuri, who lost her voice when she was neaing seven by a magical mistake. From the day she has been living as a dumb, facing hassles and taunts from the society because she now cannot fulfill her dream, her dream of becoming a Healer.

Through all of this, there is a person who had always supported her, whether it be light or dark. Both had been friends from the age of two and they share an amazing bond. The boy name is Niyok, and is practicing for becoming a master swordsman.

Both of them are around 17 year old.

One day, Niyok comes to know about a world-famous healer who has just taken residence for a short time in a village faraway from their's. He tells this to Sayuri and both of them readies themselve for a adventure, which they thought would be easy and fun...


Dark/Hurt & Comfort/Mystery/Romance


Third-person Narrative or in a rare chance First-person descriptive.

This story, in any way, will be told from a girl's perspective.

Expected Date for the first chapter or the prologue:

I haven't started writing the chapters yet, but I have the full thing(which in my case means just the starting and ending, and when I say this I mean it; I don't know what I'm going to write in between those two very distant points). Now all I have to do is pen my ideas.

In seven days

* * * * * * * * * * *

Kiss of Death

Streetjack Writer Note:

Well how should I say this... I don't know what I am going to write in the story. You see, that's my writing style. I usually think up a charactrer or the title of the story than I start to web the story around it.

For example, Sholastic Heir came in existence after I made Escor.
-----------> The Seventh Wish came in existence after I thought the title.

So, believe in me I will write the story. I have thought of little bit, which comprimise a fantasy. And the second thing if I even thought of the content (which for me is thinking of the starting and ending only), there is the huge task of filling in the two points. Now, I will let you know that I never think what I'm going to write.

For example, He is_____________
Now I don't know what I will write next. It may be 'a' or 'going' or 'happy' or virtually anything.

And this is what keeps me hooked to the writing. See, I'm a task jumper, I usually get bore pretty easily. But the pure unadulterated passion and the writing of the unknown keeps me hooked.

So I think you understand, now.

Genre: {Yeah, I thought that}

Dark/Hurt & Comfort/Mystery/Romancep


Male; First person descriptive.

"Writers aren’t exactly people…. they’re a whole bunch of people trying to be one person." -- F. Scott Fitzgerald

Persistance is the key to success +::biggrin -- DragoonHP
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Re: DragoonHP - The streetjack writer

Postby DragoonHP » Wed Dec 29, 2010 6:39 am

Here's the Chapter 2 for Sholastic Heir...

Here's the link for the pdf version of the full story:

Scholastic Heir

Chapter - 2

The world around us has suspiciously gone quiet, very quiet. I can hear her breathing and beating of her heart, no maybe its mine for my heart is banging against my ribcage like it want nothing better than to leap out from it.
A strong wind blew around us, rattling the tree branches in the process. Her hair starts to fan around her face, occasionally slapping it. Some of the tresses fall in front of her eyes. I take a step forward and lift my hand to tuck the hairs behind her ear.
As soon as I take a step forward, my feet slips and I come crashing down. After a moment of shocked expression on Rose face, she burst out laughing, so hard that she falls on the ground rolling around in mirth.
Dusting my clothes, I stand up, a frown on my face to cover up my embarrassment. Still Rose continues to roll around, laughing.
“Don’t you think it has gotten enough already?” I say to no one in particular even though my jab is aimed at Rose. But she seems to be oblivious of it.
After some moments of uncontrolled laughing, Rose manages to put a lid on her lips, for perhaps her stomach has started hurting now.
“So… s -- sorry,” Rose says, as she gets up, “I am really sorry; I didn’t mean to – Why you are so red? Are you ill?”
“It would have been better if I were,” I reply dryly and understanding dawns on her face.
“Don’t start laughing again,” I warn Rose as I see her lips have started to twitch again.
“I wasn’t going to…” Rose counterattacks, “And anyway is my laugh so hideous?” I can hear the hidden threat in her voice very well.
“No, it’s not that hideous,” I reply truthfully and duck the assault of twigs, “And abundant amount of even less hideous thing is not good for health.”
“Oh… now is it?” Rose asks me, her eyebrows arching questioningly.
“Yes,” I reply.
Silence surrounds us, which none of us dares to break. We both look pointedly away from each other, trying our best to look at anything except the other.
“Do…” Rose begins, “do you need something to eat?”
“Why did you presume so?” I ask her as I turn to look at her. A red blush is gracing her cheeks, making the green of her eyes more vibrant, more beautiful, if possible.
“You are staring at the trees hungrily--”
“You were staring at me?” I interject; a kind of victory note in my voice.
“AND ANYWAY,” she continues loudly, behaving as she didn’t hear what I said. But the beet red colour of her cheek, is giving the truth away.
“You were behaving like a hungry daft yesterday…” Rose comments jauntily, and I seethe. I’m going to get back on her for this, I sure will.
“Well…” I say, glaring at her, “I’m hungry, I suppose.”
“You suppose,” Rose snorts but nevertheless starts to walk toward the cottage. I look at her retreating book until she turns around and glare pointedly at me. I quickly turn my eyes away, not wanting to be seen looking at her.
Having nothing better to do, I pick up a flattened rock and skim it to the water. It bounces twice on the water surface, before giving itself to the water. The water is so clear that I can easily follow the stone’s track to the bottom.
I sigh and fall back, landing softly on my back. The grass feels like a cushion as I land on it. I can feel the cool touch of dew on my skin and it feels as if it is soothing my tension away. I stare at the clear blue sky for some moments before closing my eyes and waiting for Rose.
* * * * * * * * * *
“Get up,” comes a sweet voice, breaking through the peaceful oblivion in my mind. Not wanting to get up, I mutter, “Go away Rivaski. Let me sleep.”
“Get up already,” comes the voice again, and before I know I feel like I’m rolling on something soft.
I tremble from head to toe as I feel water rushing through every opening in my clothing. I jump in alarm and my eyes shot open. I found myself lying in water, every article of clothing I’m wearing drenched in water.
“What is this?” I shout at the only living being present beside me, Rose.
“You were not waking up,” Rose replies casually, looking me as if I was at fault here.
“But it doesn’t mean you will push me in the water,” I protest, getting out of the water. The cool morning breeze breezes along my skin, making me shiver.
“What if I had drowned?” I ask her, wrapping myself in my arms.
“I had a feeling you won’t,” she casually reply, “Food is ready, come in the cottage.”
“Don’t change the topic,” I say. She looks at me as if I have grown a second head and turns around. I glare at her turned back and sulkily follow her for my stomach has suddenly got alive at the mention of food.
“Can I at least I have something dry to wear,” I say to her as I continue to shiver. I look up in the sky and see that sun is already up.
“Will girl clothing suffice?” asks Rose with a definite note of laughter in her voice.
I grumble and try to shake my body as a dog to dry myself off. Some drops ricochet off her body, making her jump in surprise.
“Behave, okay?” she says, turning around and glaring at me.
“See, who’s talking,” I shot back at her as I continue to dry myself up.
She huffs in exasperation and marches off to the cottage at top speed. I just stand there, shaking my head in annoyance. I will probably catch a cold in these clothes. So giving no heed to my uncooperative stomach demands, I head toward the forest for drying my clothes.
I undress and look around for Rose. Feeling secure, I start to dry my clothes. With a little bit of magic, I manage to half-dry them in some minutes. I can’t dry them completely, even though I desperately want to because I don’t want her to get suspicious about my identity.
Feeling happy on a job well done, I dress again and head toward the cottage. I see Rose standing on the doorjamb, looking around for something with a worried look on his face. She doesn’t seem to notice me for she makes a upset face and slouches inside.
Utterly confused I enter the cottage and see her plopped on a wooden chair, her eyes looking at some point unknown to me. To her right I see a stack of clothes, strewn across the floor.
“Hey Rose,” I softly call out to her, “What are you doing?”
Rose jumps from the chair in surprise and looks at me as if she had seen a ghost. She blinks her eyes as if to confirming that I’m real.
“Escor,” she tentatively begins, looking as if she still don’t believe I’m there.
“Yes,” I reply promptly. My stomach grumbles lightly and I add, “Where’s the food?”
A flurry of emotions plays through her face as she looks at me. Suddenly her face hardens in a scowl as she says, “I threw it.”
“Why?” I protest as my stomach states it’s displeasure.
“Because you are no royalty,” Rose says, “You have to come at the dining table when it’s time or get on for the day, hungry.”
My tongue starts to move in my mouth, ready to explode at her and say, ‘Yes, I’m royalty.’
I shake my head to control my emotions and a face pops in my vision. Rivaski. She is no better than him, if anything she is worse than him.
I look at her, thoroughly disgruntled. She seems impervious to my gaze as she glares back at me bashfully. Her gaze seems to penetrate though me.
“I went to dry my clothes,” I say weakly, shifting my gaze away from her, “If I hadn’t, I would have caught cold.”
I don’t know why I’m justifying myself to her but I feel like I have to. The atmosphere in the cosy cottage suddenly seems very tensed.
Time trickles away in droplets but no one breaks the silence. I can feel her gaze on my body but I find myself unable to meet her gaze; so I just stare at the floor, behaving as if I’m the culprit here.
“Here take these,” Rose suddenly says and toss something at me. I hurriedly stretch my hand and barely manage to catch the stack of clothes she threw at me.
“I thought you didn’t have any clothes,” I accuse her but instead of replying, she ignores my question and continues, “Food is in the back room; be there in five minutes or I will really throw it away.”
I nod profusely as I start to peel my half saggy clothes away. Rose leaves the room and I change in a flurry and all but jump in the kitchen.
A small wooden table for four is settled in the middle. It looks old and really weak. I have my doubts on the versatility of the table, but my hungry stomach is motivation enough for me.
I take a seat and start devouring the food put in front of me.
“So,” I begin, trying to strike a conversation, “you made all of this?”
“Who do you think made this?” she shot back in reply, scowling back at me. But her eyes doesn’t hold the playful annoyance, all they have is a faraway look.
“Sorry,” I mumble and start to silently eat my breakfast.
“So,” I say again, after an uncomfortable silence, “how’s life going for you?”
This time she doesn’t reply, instead she busies herself in twirling the contents of the bowl with a spoon.
After a long stretch of silence, long enough in which I completed my breakfast, I got up and thanked her. Looking out of the window confirms that it is late in the morning and high time to head back to the castle.
“Are you going?” Rose asks me, her eyes still fixed on her unfinished breakfast as I get ready to leave.
“Yes,” I reply, feeling a disturbing longing of staying here.
Silence again stretches between us, broken only by the almost inaudible huff of our breathing.
Not able to take more of this silence, I quickly rush to the other room and call to her, without turning around, “I’m going. Thanks for the meal.”
I change my clothes in a flurry and rush out of the cottage. As soon as my feet touch the springy grass, I start to walk slowly thinking, no, hoping that she would come out and stop me, that she would ask me to stay a little more.
I hear the soft Pitter Patter of footfalls behind me and my pace slows. My heartbeat quickens as my breath labours. Even though I’m forcing my head to look straight, my conscious is very aware of the footfall noise.
“Umm…” Rose hums behind me, and I stop. Feeling happy inside, I slwoly turn around to look at her.
“What!?” I gently say to her, as she continues to stare at the grass.
“Nothing,” she says hurriedly as I continue to look at her bowed head, “Don’t you have to go?” she finishes in what was supposed to be a scathing voice, but is only a pitiful attempt at one. But it doesn’t change the fact that it leaves me feeling hurt. Suppressing my obvious disappoint; I turn around and start to wearily head toward the forest.
“Will you come here tomorrow?” Rose asks in such a small sad voice, that for once I almost don’t hear it. But as I look at her face and her slightly shaky body, I make myself believe that she had said those words. She looks so alone and weak that my body starts to ache to hug her and assure her that everything is fine.
But as much as it feels right, reality is cruel and I know this is not my place to do so. So, I just smile wistfully and murmur in the same small voice, she used,
“I sure will.”
With that I turn around again and head toward the forest as warm wind blows around me. It feels good on my skin as I head with heavy steps towards the boundary of the huge maze of forest. My heartbeat feels like the trickling of sand from an hourglass for every beat makes me painfully aware of with every passing beat, I’m going far away from her.
Restricting the feeling to turn around, I head straight in the forest.
“Escor,” a voice reaches my ear as I enter in the dark confines of the forest. My feet stops dead in track and I stand there in a stiffened pose, my ears straining for any noise. But there is none; the accursed forest is as silent as anything can get.
Shaking my head ruefully on my foolishness and imagination, I start to head toward the town. After a bit of help from Zokari, I manage to enter the town before afternoon.
I have a feeling that Rivaski is going to be really mad at me. As my mind works in a flurry trying to think of a valid reason to please Rivaski, I find myself standing in front of the castle. I remove my hood and the guards bow to me and open the gate.
As expected, Rivaski stands there, looking all unpleased.
“Good Morning my Lord,” Rivaski says curtly, “Oh, I mean Good Afternoon, my Lord.”
Silence stretches between us as we both stand there, completely still. Rivaski looks at me like he would nothing better than to grill me right here. He looks at me unexpectedly, as if he is waiting for me to explain my situation. He should know me better than this, I think with a smirk.
“What’s the schedule for today?” I say to him in an authoritative tone.
“Before that my Lord,” Rivaski says, completely ignoring my question.
Is this how you talk to your Ruler? I almost shout it out, but I manage to control my tongue at the last moment. It won’t do me good to get into more trouble than I am in right now.
“What were you doing till now?” Rivaski ask me in a stern tone, “You were supposed to be back hours ago.”
My voice dwindles as Rivaski looks at me sternly, looking like he is daring me to continue. I gulp and cast my eyes downward, trying to minimise the eye contact as much as I can.
“Go on my Lord,” Rivaski says, encouraging me. Someone would have thought that he would treat me with more respect, seeing that he almost always never says my name, instead saying, “My Lord.”
But the truth is harsh.
“Well,” I say, and suddenly remember something, “Weren’t you the one who said that I can come till evening if I want to?”
At this Rivaski glares at me distastefully but keeps his mouth shut. He nods angrily and marches off. He suddenly stops dead in his tracks and says, “You will not be getting any breakfast today Es… I mean My Lord.”
“Oh…” I mutter every syllable thick with sarcasm, “that’s a change.”
Without waiting anymore, Rivaski marches away. I shake my head and smile. For once I’m not hungry.
I speed off to my room and enter the cave to take a bath. But at the entrance stands Cleo.
“What happened, Cleo?” I ask him as I take my clothes from him. Usually a servant would be here with my clothes.
“Where were you?” he asks me, obviously worried. Still I want to keep my little secret. So, I just ask a question in reply,
“What happened?”
“What happened?” Cleo asks me and looks at me as if I have grown another head, “Rivaski was fuming with angry. He wore out the Hallways carpet by pacing on them. He was ready to send a search party for you.”
“He was worried?” I ask Cleo, my jaws hanging open.
“I think he was,” he says, “But knowing him, he now would be so mad that he would probably plunge a sword in your chest without second thoughts.”
“I agree,” I say as I solemnly nod at his words. But still, Rivaski should know that I’m no kid now. I can take care of myself.
With that in mind, I bid Cleo farewell and enter the Cave, fully intending to take a nice long bath.
As soon as I enter, I see the twilight and the small orb hanging in midair shining like stars. Undressing, I enter the lake and relax myself in the water.
I barely spend five minutes in the refreshing water, when Rivaski comes barging in. Someone would have thought that a person such as Rivaski would be more prideful.
“My Lord,” he begins more curtly. He is still angry at me or so it seems to me. Without waiting for an affirmative from me, he continues, “Your presence is required in the court. Please come as soon as possible.”
With that he moves out but not before giving me a sharp glare. I shake my head and after the cold water ritual, I hurry to my room and get dressed.
* * * * * * * * * *
I yawn again as the court finally ends. I will never understand the use of discussing same things for hours on no end that we discuss daily.
With these thoughts in mind, I get up from the throne and head toward my room.
But I have barely taken a step when Rivaski comes to me and says, “My Lord, I shall accept you to see in the training room.”
“Do I have to?” I ask him, but like always he just ignores me and strides past me like I do not exist. Glaring at his slowly disappearing back, I sigh and follow him. I can go to my room but in the end he would surely see that I am dumped in the room. So, it’s better to go willingly, that way my dignity will be left intact.
I enter the depressing dome shaped room and change my clothes to something light. Rivaski stands in the middle of the room, in his battling clothes and in an attentive position.
* * * * * * * * * *
I slouch out of the room after getting pummelled repeatedly by Rivaski. My muscles ache and my legs feel like someone have tied a ton of weight to them. It is obvious that Rivaski took all of his frustration out on me about the morning incident. I feel like I will faint anytime. But somehow I manage to reach my room and somehow I end up on my warm soft bed.
But as much as I want, I can’t sleep. Even though my eyes are drooping down with sleep, my aching muscles keep my tethered to wakefulness. So I just thrash painfully around on my bed.
Someone knocks on the door.
“Enter,” I say.
A servant comes inside and starts putting the platter full of food on the table. The alluring sweet waft of food surrounds me and I feel energy pumping through me. The servant finishes setting my dinner and with a bow retreats back and out of the door.
I look around and feel alone. Usually Cleo accompanies me to dinner but today he has to go somewhere. That fool didn’t even give me any real reason. Only said, “Will tell you tomorrow…” before rushing off.
With these depressing thoughts in my mind, I start to dig in my dinner. But somehow I am not able to enjoy it as usual. Maybe it is because of my aching muscles or because I’m alone today.
But as I think about it, my morning meal flashes in my mind and its taste suddenly comes on my tongue. I may not have praise the food in front of Rose, but it was delicious. Maybe because of all the tension I didn’t acknowledge the taste as I usually do. But in the comparison of the food I’m eating now, it was delicious. Strange how that common meal felt so delicious and the delicacies in front of me, tastes tasteless.
But feeling quite hungry, I devour them fast. I suddenly start to feel very good and even the aching in my muscles start to subsides. I am sure there was some kind of potion in the food for reliving my stress. To others it may be a sign that I should be more careful about myself, but I know better.
Now feeling quite awake, I head out of the room after changing in comfortable clothes. I walk in the silent corridors and feel more depressed.
Suddenly I found myself heading to the woods surrounding the castle. I look left then right then I make a dash as if my life depends on it. Having learnt the guard’s pattern by my heart, I easily manage to dodge them.
Moon shines at me from the sky, casting an eerily silver glow on the ground. Trees rattle and swish with the cool night breeze, dancing to their own rhythms. Fallen leaves crunch with creak and crush around my feet and it is the only noise in the woods except of the joyful dance of the trees. Here in the woods seems likes a different world to me, no it is a different world out here.
A nightingale signs in the dead night, filling the world around it with a sweet resonating voice.
Soon after dawdling around, I arrive at my destination, The Wintershine Tree. Like in the morning, its dead branches swish stiffly with the wind. With Moon as a light source, the Wintershine casts grand shadows on the grass around it and it somehow looks grander and scarier.
I smile wistfully, feeling secure under the shadow of the grand tree. If rumours are to be believed, this tree is one of its kinds and has been here for more than five centuries. It means that it has seen all of my family.
I lie on the cool grass and use its trunk as a support. The tree branches creak as in response to my sitting. I smile, and stretch my hand in midair, conjuring a little orb of silver light. My own Moon. I smile as I conjure many more of those Moons and with a simple swish of my hand I scatter them around; making them surround the dead tree.
I stand up and look at the tree once more and shake my head. It is nothing compared to what it will look once winter arrives. I disappear the small orbs as I smile wistfully. It bring back memories, happy memories; the time when Mum and Dad were still alive.
* * * * * * * * * *
“Hey Dad,” I say to Dad, “I want that flower.”
“Which one?” he asks, looking at me and the tree in turn.
“The white one,” I reply, pouting.
He stares hard at the tree for a second and then turns to me. He adopts an overly innocent look and says, “Aren’t they all white?”
I humph and point at the flower on the top of the tree. Dad sighs in defeat.
“Can’t you ask for anything else?” Dad asks me, blinking innocently at me, “Anything except that. I promise.”
Mum laughs at our playful banter as she continues to sit in the shade of the Wintershine.
“You promise?” I ask him.
“I promise,” Dad says, nodding solemnly.
I hum and look up in the sky. Moon shines in the dark dusky night, painting all the things below it in beautiful and heavenly shades of silver.
“I want that,” I say to him, pointing at the Moon, “Moon.”
Dad’s jaw drops as he looks at me incredulously. He turns to look at Mum, but Mum merely laughs ad says in a defiant tone, “Don’t look at me like that. What did you except anyway? He is your son after all.”
Dad humph’s after hearing Mum reply. But I do not care for all that. I just fix my expectant gaze at him, waiting for him to put the Moon in my hand.
He turns to me and crouches down to my level and says,
“Hey Escor, can’t we forget all about the promise thing and I could just give you the flower on the top?”
“But you promised?” I yell at her as tears start to brim in the edge of my eyes.
“Now, now,” he begins again, this time defensively, “big boys don’t cry.”
“I want the Moon,” I reply, ignoring his blankly, “Weren’t you the one who taught me to kept promises?”
Dad’s eyebrow twitch and Mum giggles. I find their reaction disturbing, but all I care right now is about the Moon.
“Okay…” Dad says, “Give me a few minutes.”
“You won’t run away,” I enquire.
“I won’t,” he says and looks at the moon. I walk to Mum and say to her, “What is Dad doing?”
“Probably accusing the Moon for shining tonight,” she replies, looking at me with a gentle warm smile.
“It means he won’t give me the Moon,” I ask her, worry etched all over my face.
“Probably,” she says, but as if to assure me, she adds, “But you know your Dad, he might be able to do that.”
Mum word doesn’t reassure me, but I hope for the best as I look at the Moon.
“Yes,” Dad suddenly whoops as he marches off to me.
“Where’s the Moon?” I ask him, looking all around him as if he has hidden the moon behind her.
“It is here,” he says, as he opens his fist. A small orb shines in his hand, slightly bigger than a grape. But it is enough to fill my palm. I look at it in wonderment as I compare the light of the Moon and the orb in my hand.
“But it is small,” I complain to him, not taking my eyes off the Moon in my hand.
“Well see dear,” Dad begins and pulls me into his lap, “The moon up there needs to come out daily to light the dark roads. Many people need him. So he couldn’t come down. So instead he sent this and said, it will be your own Moon.”
“My own Moon?” I say in a shaky voice.
“Yes, yours very own Moon,” he says.
I spring off my Dad lap and hurry to Mum.
“Mum see,” I say to her, showing off my Moon to her proudly, “Dad got me Moon. He says I could keep it forever.”
“Yes,” she says, tears in her eyes. He takes a golden-silver chain from her neck and says, “Give me your Moon.”
I suddenly tighten my fist and say, looking at her suspiciously, “Why?”
She smiles and says, “Just give me it for a second. I promise I will give it back.”
“Okay,” I say half-heartedly as I reluctantly give my Moon to her. She tenderly lifts it from my palm and places it on the chain. They suddenly glue together as if kept together by a strong force.
“Here,” she says, “now you will never loose it and it will be close to your heart.”
For some reasons, tears brim in her eyes as she says this.
* * * * * * * * * *
I wipe off the tears as I pull myself from my reverie. My hand automatically clutches my Moon over the clothes and I squeeze it tightly in my hands. I pull it out, kiss it and like always compare it to the Moon. But like always, mine shine with extraordinary beauty or so I believe.
I thrust it back into the confines of my clothes as I wipe my tears again. Suddenly I’m filled with the feeling of running away from here for the time being. I look at the dark looming form of the castle and come to a decision. I will not be returning back to the castle tonight. I just came here for relaxing, but now I do not have the strength to return back.
So I brace myself and put my hands over the teleportation runes, as I try to set their position. A strange force resists me, proving my suspicion right. Rivaski had addled with the runes. But he does not know that I’m his student.
I quickly reset the charms on the Runes, and set the position to Rose meadow. I do not why, but I just thought of her when I thought of someplace peacefully.
I glance back for one more time, before the golden haze surrounds me and I land in the dark forest. Weird, as I am sure I set the portal to Rose meadow. Maybe I did a mistake. Probably.
So with these thoughts in my mind, I head toward the general direction of the meadow. Treading along these path in night, feels weird.
Soon, I arrive in the meadow and its magnificence overwhelms me as usual. I see a lone figure sitting by the side of the lake.
I swiftly make my way toward her. The moonlight here seems to be more enchantingly beautiful.
“Hey Rose,” I call out in the deadly silence and my voice reverberates in the meadow.
She slowly turns around and I gasp in surprise.
If I had thought she was beautiful yesterday, then today I’m out of words. No word seems to come to my mind as I stare at her.
Her read hairs fan with the wind and the silver of the moonlight illuminates them. Her face seems to emanate an enchanting silver glow. There are no worry lines on her forehead like there were in the morning and it makes her look beautiful, if possible.
As I stand there like a statue, all I can do is gawk at her. She must be thinking of me as a freak, but I cannot help it. Her long tresses slap her face, and my fingers twitch to put those traitorous tresses behind her ears. But all I can do is stand there stiffly. It is as if earth has glued my legs.
I hear a distinct noise of lub dub coming from somewhere. As it quickens, I realise it is my own heartbeat.
“Escor,” Rose says after a long time. Her cheeks seem to be tinged red.
“Yes,” is the only reply I am able to give her.
Silence surrounds us.
“I came back,’ I suddenly say without thinking. And as soon as the words leave my lips, I turn red with embarrassment.
She does not reply; all she does is stare at me wistfully and smile gently.
“Come here,” she says, “Here’s a spare blanket. You will catch cold here.”
I nod blankly and before I think about my situation, I find myself walking to her. I do not mind it for it is the very thing I want to do.
We both sit down besides each other and stare at the Moon reflection in the crystal clear water of the lake. Just sitting beside her makes me feel like I have nothing to worry about.
I chance a glance at her and I see her doing the same. This course of action continues for quite some times, before I am unable to take the suffocating silence.
“Hey Rose,” I begin, not knowing what I am going to say after it.
“Yes,” she answers enthusiastically, whipping her head towards me. She looks very happy, just opposite of what she looked in the morning.
“Hmm…” I say, my mind whirling around trying to continue the conversation, “Had you eaten dinner?”
“Yes,” comes her prompt silence, “Do you want some?”
“Nah…” I reply, “I too, had dinner.”
She looks disappointed at this and silence stretches between us again. I mentally kick myself for denying the opportunity to continue the conversation.
Sighing wearily, I look at the reflection of Moon in the lake and my mind fills with the past memories. I am suddenly filled with the desperate urge to talk about anything, just anything.
“Hey Rose,” I say to her and continue without waiting for a reply, “Don’t you found Moon enchantingly beautiful?”
“Yes,” she replies, a little confused because of my sudden question.
“The divine silver light,” I continue, now lost in my own thoughts, “the cycle of disappearance and appearance, the wistful way it looks down on us. It’s soft simmering light which falls and illuminates the world even in the darkest of night.”
I fall silent as I stare blankly at the Moon.
“I think the same,” Rose says as she smiles at me. I do not turn to see if she smiled or not, but I could feel the smile in her words.
With that we fall in silence again, chitchatting about this and that occasionally. But silence this time feels much better than before.

Please Read and Review.
"Writers aren’t exactly people…. they’re a whole bunch of people trying to be one person." -- F. Scott Fitzgerald

Persistance is the key to success +::biggrin -- DragoonHP
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Re: DragoonHP - The streetjack writer

Postby Alikamou » Wed Dec 29, 2010 3:29 pm

Hope you continue +::clap enjoying this +::Thumbup
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Re: DragoonHP - The streetjack writer

Postby debhi » Thu Dec 30, 2010 2:32 am

Yes...........really looking forward to more.....
Spoiler: show

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Re: DragoonHP - The streetjack writer

Postby DragoonHP » Tue Jul 19, 2011 5:13 am

It has been a long time... but thanks to Alika, I'm back on business or so I hope...
Anyway... here's the Chapter 3 of "The Seventh Wish"

And before I forget, thanks for the comments debhi and Alika... They mean very much to me...


“Yeah,” I say, “W… Ahh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

I instinctively jump back as her fist starts to pound on my chest. Tears stream down her eyes, leaving a sparkling trail on her cheek in their wake.

“Stop it already,” I say while trying to block out her assault.

“YOU. SICK. B******D,” she seethes out.

In a desperate act of defense, I grab her hands in a grip. Her hands almost break free of my grip; such is the force she is exhibiting right now.

“Leave my hands this moment,” she says, trying to wrench her hands away.

“Calm down,” I say in a soothing voice.

“CALM DOWN!!!?” she spits out and forces me back with her full strength. The sudden force catches me off guard as I go stumbling back, barely managing to keep my balance.

“Where do you think you were?” she shouts out, her hands flailing in the air. I cast furtive glances around the neighborhood; I’m worried that my neighbours might wake up because of all her shouting and I don’t want to make this a public scene.

“Calm down,” I say again, my eye begging her to understand.

“Say that damn word again,” she says while glaring at me, “and I will show how calmly I can murder you.”

I gulp, coming to the conclusion that being silent is the best option for me.

Silence befalls around us, only broken occasionally by her sobbing. All I want is to pull her in a deep hug but I fear that she may do something drastic.

“You promised me…” she says, finally running out of her stream, “you promised me that you’ll be here.”

Her knees buckle and the next moment, they crash down, her body hunching down in a ball.

Without even knowing, my legs start to rush toward her but before I have the chance to take two steps, her shrill voice stops me.

“Stop there; don’t you dare come closer to me.”


“Don’t you ‘but’ me,” she says, staring me down.

“What excuse do you have this time?” she asks me mockingly.

I remain silent, staring intently at my shoelaces.

“Tell me,” she says again in a mocking tone, “What!? Mr. Excuse-Maker does not have an excuse this time.”


“Well what?” she spits out, cutting my sentence.

I am in half a mind of shouting out ‘Let me complete first,’ but I am intelligent than that, so I keep quiet.

“Speak up, you half-minded idiot,” she says throwing her flippers at me. I dodge them and it only seems to infuriate her more.

“Just say something god-damnit,” she says again, “Did you bloody die this time?”

I taste the distinctive taste of copper in my mouth and realise that I have been biting my lips in order to prevent myself from shouting at her.

But my patience runs thinner by the moment. My ears feel like they have been leaded, but she does not show signs of running out of steam any time soon.

“Kill me,” I suddenly shout out, violently flailing my hands around.

“Stop blaming every goddamn thing on me,” I say taking furious step towards her. Christy just stares at me, a horrified look on her face.

“Don’t behave as if this all is my mistake,” she says, jumping onto her feet, “you were the one who asked for me to come early for a ‘special’ dinner.”

“My mistake I called you for a dinner,” I shout, not caring that my voice can be heard by my neighbours.

“What!?” she shouts back, staring me in the eyes.

“You heard me,” I reply and plunge my hands in my pocket. With a swift movement, I pull out the ring case and throw it on her face.

“This was what I wanted to give,” I say, “but I guess you won’t be needing that now, not from me at the very least. But I don’t want to keep it; so do whatever you want to do with it.”

Various emotions play across her eyes as she stares at the fallen box. The cover has opened up because of the impact and the dim shine coming from the diamond ring illuminates the moon lit grass.

Silence as thick as ice falls around us.

Not being able to take more of this suffocating silence, I turn around and march away. And if I was hoping for hearing her shouts calling out to me, I was wrong. But what I do hear is the faint sound of sobbing, so faint that they are almost inaudible.

As I trek down the road, I see the faces of my neighbours, peeking out the windows. But as soon as their eyes meet mine, they snap shut the curtains.

I walk aimlessly around; my mind completely blank.


I hit a pole and massage my knuckles as the pain registers in them.

“WHAT HAVE I DONE TO DESERVE THIS?” I shout out in the dead silence of night, my mind in turmoil of raging raw emotions.

Tears run down my eyes before I know it and I let myself fall on the asphalted road. Strangely, the cold breeze makes me feel better; it takes my mind off the worries.

I sigh, already missing the boy… err… ghost… ghost boy, Jack.

My hands unconsciously rake my head, looking for something. But if I had thought of finding something, I was wrong, like I have been many times tonight.

I sigh; I should be dead right now, not bloody alive; it’s all because of that git, Daniel. Maybe I was happy in the start, but now, the prospect of death looks much more appealing.

“It’s all your bloody fault DANIEL,” I shout out, banging my hands on the cold asphalt, “If I get my hands on you, I will wring your bloody life out of you. REMEMBER IT.”

Suddenly, my hackles rose and my body tenses, as if preparing for a fight. Before I know, I jump to my feet and my body whips around on its own accord.


“What are you doing here?” I sub-consciously ask the person who I have suddenly grabbed, my mind still not out of the daze of my sudden reaction.

“Ron,” comes the fragile voice of Christy.

“Go away,” I say wrenching my hands away as if her skin had burned them.

“Come back home,” she says, her voice heavy with unshed tears. My hands twitch, wanting to hold her, to comfort her, but I restrain myself.

“I don’t want to,” I say to her, “I just want to cool my head off. Many things have happened tonight.”

“But…” she begins but then abruptly stops, only to begin again, “at least look at me.”

I take a step away from her and say, “I just don’t want to be near anyone and…”— a lump suddenly forms in my throat — “umm… if it is about that silly ring, wash it down the l—loo for all I care; I’m pretty sure you don’t want it anyway.”

Silence surrounds us and it feels like that the silence is trying to choke me, choke me into oblivion.

“Is this what I mean to you?” Christy asks in a small voice, her hand clutching my shoulder with all their might. If it were a normal day, I would have joked that she was trying to rip it off. Now it does not seem like a joke, if anything it seems more than possible that she might do so.

“Is this what you really think of me?” she asks me, her voice breaking down.

“At least I think that highly of you,” I spit out as I turn around to face her. I grab her shoulder, my anger getting the worse out of me.

“Why did you stop?’ she asks me back, her eyes burning with a furiousness I have always admired, as her voice pleads to me to continue, “if you think that I’m so bad, just say the word and I’ll vanish from your life.”

I remain silent, still unable to believe the words that have left my tongue; was I truly the one speaking those words?

“Please, just say so,” she sobs and I look away, unable to control my own tears. Her arms slacken and her body starts to slither down. But before her knees could hit the road, I catch her, my amazing reaction surprising me once again.

“Shh…” I say, putting a finger on her beautiful lips, “it’s nothing like that; I’m the one who is a mess.”

I sigh deeply as I pull her in a strong hug, forcing her head on my chest.

“I just don’t know what to think anymore,” I say as I nuzzle my nose in her sweet smelling hair, “Tonight just don’t feel like a part of my life; it feels like something pulled out of my darkest nightmare.”

Christy tries to pull her head away, but I restrain by applying more force. Christy does not protest and just leans her head against my chest.

“Shall we head home?” I gently ask her.

“If you want to,” she says.

“Well, I can’t say about you, but I don’t think these roads make for a good bed.” I finish with a smile.

Christy just gently smacks me in my chest and I shift her so that she walks alongside me.

We walk in silence and for the first time I notice the length of road I have traveled in my rage. If I had to take a rough guess, I would say I sprinted around a mile or something.

Damn, sometime I impress myself.

Suddenly, as if to spoil my pleasant mood, the recent conversation with Christy plays in my mind.

“Something on your mind?” Christy asks me, worry evident in her voice.

“Nothing,” I say, waving her concern away, “Just too much happened today…”

… enough to change my whole personality, I finish in my thoughts.

Never in my life have I lost control like this, except maybe once or twice but never with Christy. I don’t know what had happened to me, but from the looks of it, it can’t be anything good.

For a moment there, I have felt indescribable fury of such furiousness that my bones rattle just thinking about it.

I need to talk to that git, and ask about these weird changes my body is going through; I mean, if this continues, Christy will dump me for sure and I don’t want that… absolutely not

“Aww… aww…” I say as a stingy pain ran through my right earlobe.

Wrenching away from Christy crushing hold, I pout my lips in protest.

“Why the sudden hostility?” I complain, “And here I was thinking that we have gone to being lovey-dovey aga — Hey, put it down, that will hurt if it smacked me.” I say in a breath as I see her pulling out her shoe.

“Now, we can talk about it like reasonable adults,” I say, as I lift my hands in surrender.

“I don’t know why I even bother with you,” Christy sighs, putting back her shoe.

“That’s one of my charms,” I say, smiling sheepishly.

“You wish,” Christy pokes out a tongue.

“You still haven’t explained why you suddenly thought that my ear is made of elastic,” I ask her, slinging an arm around her shoulder and pulling her closer.

“Maybe because a certain someone was too lost in his thoughts,” she says, giving me a dirty look.

“Maybe that someone needed a little him time to sort out his thoughts,” I say, my mind getting lost in thoughts again.

“That someone needs to learn to share,” Christy says pouting.

“Well, personally I can care less about that certain someone,” I say as we reach our house, “because right now, I can hear the sweet rhythm my bed is playing for me. It is saying its missing me and I’m missing it. So…”

“Stop already,” Christy says sighing, “sometime you are worse than a kid I swear.”

Ignoring her, I open the door and slip inside. I can hear Christy’s shouts of protest but right now I couldn’t care less; right now, I just want to drift in the blissful world of obliviousness and think. Perhaps all this might turn out to be a dream.

“You couldn’t be more inconsiderate,” complains Christy as she enters the house, “What the heck Ron! We have beds to sleep on.”

“What are you saying,” I complain, “I’m not sleeping on the floor.”

“I won’t be so sure if I were you sweetie,” Christy says as she scoots down. She slings an arm around my shoulder and hauls me up.

“Let’s take you to your bed,” she says adorably.

“I’m not a kid you know,” I complain as I feel my cheeks burning with embarrassment.

“Sure, sure,” says Christy smiling.

The last thing I remember before drifting away to nothingness is her sweet smile.


“Mm…” I hum as I stir. My back feels sore, as if I have been sleeping on hard wood or dry uneven ground.

My eyes take a couple of moments to adjust to the darkness but perhaps it was more like many minutes; I can’t tell the difference in my groggy state.

As my eyes accommodate themselves to the dark, my nose registers the mushy smell of decaying leaves and mud.


I wobble up as if the strange smell had worked like fresh brewed coffee for me.

What I see is not what I have expected!

As far as my eyes go, all I see is big tall dark tree, looming over me and possibly reaching the sky. Their fanned-out branches have made a canopy all around me, successfully blocking out most of the light.

I brush the twigs and dust away from my clothes as I walk forward. Somehow I know where I need to head in order to reach my destination.

Suddenly my feet stop in front of a clearing. Inside that small clearing, I see some people, all huddled in a group. In the center lies a man or at least it appears to be one.

As I near them, I notice that they haven’t noticed me, even though the ground is littered with twigs and dead leaves. On that note, am I making any noise at all?

Ignoring that little thought, I continue to walk forward as stealthily as possible even though I know that right now I’m a splitting image of an assassin without trying.

“Is it ready?” one of the man asks the other and I curse under my breath; the light is not enough for me to make out their faces.

“Yes Master,” says the other man… I mean woman.

“Good,” the Master says, “Let me see his face.”

“Yes Master,” the woman says and out of nowhere conjures a flame and brings it closer to the face of the sleeping male.


Huh… huh… huh… huh… huh…

I exhale rapidly from my mouth as my hand presses over my heart, begging for it to calm down.

Damn. Today is just not my day. Surprises after surprises; I swear a couple of dozen years from my life have already been wiped away.

But then, they really have been wiped off; I mean how many days of my life are left, six days and some bloody hours.

But I really hadn’t expected that person to be me and honestly, it was kind of creepy, seeing myself there. But should I be surprise, after all I have seen my dead body some mere hours ago, and in any case this one was way better; at least my head was intact not split open like a cauliflower.

Ah… I do remember reading about this kind of occurrences in a book; how one deals with a tragic event and the nightmares that follow. But I bet none of those books tell can tell me about how to get over my own death.

I sigh as I loose my strained muscles, my mind more exhausted than ever.

“Hmm…” I hum, “it feels quite good, almost like a soft mattress; but I don’t remember coming up to my room.”

Still pondering, I turn around and see Christy, snuggle besides me.

I smile; always the caring one. I brush my hand through her hair, feeling their soft texture.

I run a finger down her cheek as I wonder how she would take it if she knew I died once and I was going to die once again in a week period.

I bet she would think I’m joking, and alas, I myself wish it to be a joke but fate has a cruel way of playing its game.

I bite back the flood of tears which has suddenly overwhelmed me and take a deep breath filled with her sweet smell.

I try to engrave this moment in my mind, and curse myself from fighting with her tonight, that was so immature of me.

And the most troubling thing was, for a moment it felt like it wasn’t me, I mean I can never shout at her like this.

But as someone has said, future is a mystery, past is a history and now is a gift that’s why it’s called present.

So with that quote in my mind, I hug Christy tightly and let myself loose in my thoughts, waiting for the wagon of dream to take me on a ride to the world of light.


“Wake up Ron,” I hear a sweet voice playing a melody in my ears.

“GET UP NOW,” now it doesn’t sound like a melody.

“Yeah… I’m getting up.” I grumble, “A man cannot even get a good night rest in his own ruddy home. Ah… where the world has come to.”

“Do you really need to grumble first thing in the morning?” Christy says as she appears from behind the door, looking a little angry, “you are like an old man, who is tired from his life.”

“I’m not an old man,” I protest, as I lean against the bedpost, “and I’m sure as heck not tired from my life.”

“Sometimes I really doubt it,” Christy says.

“Whatever,” I say changing the topic, “What’s the time?”

“Not much…” Christy says.

“Then let me sleep,” I say and slid in the bedcover once again.

“… for someone as you,” she continues, ignoring me completely, “but for a normal hard working man, it would be really late by now.”

“Please, just tell me the time,” I say poking my head out of the bedcovers.

“Fine Mr. Sleepyhead,” Christy grumbled, “10:30.”

“Don’t joke,” I say as I throw the bedcover away in surprise, “if you want me to get out of bed so badly, just say so, but please don’t give me a heart attack. I value my life too much these days.”

“Do I look like I’m joking?” Christy says pointedly.

“You are not,” I say, unbelief etched all over my face. Christy gives me a look which freeze my blood.

“Damn, I’m going to get late.”

“Where did you need to go today anyway?” Christy says smiling as she walks towards the door, “And your dad called…”

“… again.” I finish for her, my mood already going in the dumps. It seems as my bad luck have swore some kind of unbreakable allegiance to me.

“What did he want?” I ask in a bitter tone.

“He is your father,” Christy says as she sits beside me on the bed, “I’m sure he just wants to talk about stuffs.”

“We both know what kind of stuff he wants to talk about,” I say, bitterness dripping from every syllable.

“You shouldn’t be so harsh…”

“… just because he is my father,” I say mockingly, “Didn’t you hear him say, leave her or get out of my house. Do you mean to say that I should’ve left you?”

“That’s not what I meant,” she says in a small voice. She has always hated the fact that she was the main reason of the spite between my father and me.

I pull her close to me and say,

“And it’s not like all the money is his. It’s my grandfather’s, and he left me quite a bit of share. I’m pretty sure I will live a life of luxury even if I don’t do anything.”

“Which you don’t,” pointed out Christy with a smirk.

“Don’t spoil my moment,” I tell her, “And I do make some bucks from this online thing and you know that.”

“Whatever,” she says, rolling her eyes in amusement.

“Anyway, if he calls again,” I say to her, kissing her forehead, “tell him to come here and we will talk.”

Saying that, I stand up from the bed, take out my clothes for the day and head towards the bathroom.

“Make it quick,” Christy says, “The breakfast will be ready in five minutes.”

“Okay,” I say and roll the shower open.

I just stand in the cold water as it rushes down my body. I still can’t seem to forget about my death and how my body looked at that moment, all messed up and broken.

Not wanting to depress my mood further, I roll the shower tap close and after dressing up, head down the stairs and in the kitchen.

“Mhhmm…” I smile as I take in the smell of fresh coffee.

“Here,” she hands me the coffee jug and a tray of sandwiches.

“Put them on the table,” Christy says and immediately busies herself with some other thing.

I follow the orders and after putting them down, pull the newspaper and flip through it, looking for something that may catch my eyes.

There is nothing special in the newspaper, except the usual report of crime and corruptions.

It feels unfair, really unfair; I mean after all I went through yesterday, the world should have at least gone through a major scene, something to connect myself to.

“You seem depressed,” Christy point out as she sits beside me.

“Tell me about it,” I say as I take a sip of my coffee. Ah… refreshing.

“Caffeine is not good for your health,” Christy says again as she takes a sip of her orange juice.

“Better than your bottled juice,” I say as my eyes wander off.

My eyes fell on Christy hands and I see the diamond ring glinting on her index finger.

“You wore it?” I ask her, almost in surprise.

“Wasn’t I supposed to?” says Christy as she rolls the ring around her finger.

“You were…” I say and then continue in a whisper, speaking almost to myself, “but not on that finger.”

Christy glares at me as if she had heard everything I have said.

Desperate to change the topic, I look around, my mind whizzing, trying to find a perfect topic.

“I will never understand why you make so much coffee,” I grumble as my eyes fell on the filled jug, “Almost always I have to drink stale coffee.”

“Well I make it because,” Christy says in an almost complaining way, “your friends drop-by in the morning.”

“He has his own house to eat breakfast in,” I grumble as I take a large sip of my coffee.

Suddenly as if in cue, the door bursts open and John walks in, as if it is his house.

“Good morning,” he says as he runs a hand through his long blonde hairs.

“Good morning,” Christy says.

“What are you doing here, first thing in the morning?” I ask him as he helps himself to a cup of coffee.

“First, it’s almost noon,” John says as he sips his coffee and comment how great it is, “and second, can’t I come to meet my mate?” He finishes as he reaches for a sandwich.

“Not if you plan to devour my breakfast,” I complain as I try to punch his arm away.

“You behave like an old man,” complains John as he munches on my breakfast.

I stand up as I finish my coffee, really feeling like an old man.

“I’m going to the library,” I say to Christy as I kiss her goodbye.

“No, you are not,” John says as he gives me a look of disbelief, “Did you forget our little trip we planned with the boys.”

“I do remember,” I sigh, “and do we honestly need to go? I mean I did not even agree to that on the first place. You and Christy agreed for me.”

“And we know what is good for you,” John quips a smile on his face, a smile I suddenly want to wipe away.

“Who are you, my Mum?” I say in exasperation.

John and Christy stares at me, looking as if they have seen a ghost.

“Fine, I’ll go,” I grumble as I lean on the wall.

“Are you fine mate?” John asks, “You seem a little disturbed today.”

“Nothing to worry about,” I say, waving my hand.

“Sure?” John asks in a concerned voice.

“Do I need to go see a psychiatrist and get some sort of certificate to prove it?” I shoot at him.

“If you have so much time to waste,” says John, a grin spreading over his lips, “come with me. We need to do some shopping for today.”

I stare at him in disbelief and utmost horror. I don’t wanna go shopping, I hate shopping, especially with girls and him.

“Sorry,” I say, my palms getting sweaty, “I would love to, but I can’t. I have to written a book and today is the last day or I will have to submit it with fine.”

“How much?” asks John as he pulls out his wallet.


“How much fine you would have to pay if you give it back tomorrow?” John says, giving me a questioning stare.

Christy seems to be enjoying my suffering as she leans on the wall with a huge grin on her face; I snarl at her.

“It’s not about fine John,” I quickly say, “it’s about a squeaky clean record.”

“What are you?” John asks, his cheek twitching in irritation, “An honour student? Come on man; don’t leave your mate all alone in this situation.”

“I highly doubt this is what you will call a situation,” I say, “Go shop for yourself, you have better taste than me… in everything.”

“I know that,” John points out and this time my cheeks twitch in irritation, “we’re talking about purchasing your clothes and some stuff we will need tonight.”

“You should go with him Ron,” Christy says, barely able to contain her laughter.

“I doubt I have the time today,” I say and suddenly a devilish smile spread over my pathetic expressions. Christy seems to take it as a warning, as she suddenly jolts forward.

“You two know me better than I know myself,” I say, edging toward the door, “And you have proved this on multiple occasions; so why don’t you two go to shop for me. I mean you know what’s best for me.”

“No, I have wo—“

“Shut up silly,” I say, successfully shutting Christy up, “I’m sure you will love to shop with him, seeing how you two are shopping addicts.”

Before any of them had a chance to say anything, I dash towards the door.

“Now I must go,” I say smiling, “Meet you later.”

“Fine man,” says John as he looks at me in disappointment.

Christy, on the other hand, looks murderous. If looks could kill, everyone in a one mile radius would be dead by now.

But I do feel kind of good; after all she had been doing to set me up on these silly things.

Well, I doubt it will be a punishment for her, or maybe it will be. I mean, yes they both do love shopping, but their taste couldn’t have been different. They are like polar opposite of each other when it comes to shopping.

I wish I was there to see her suffer and take pleasure from her miseries, but I better clear out of the area before she realises I never took any damn books from the library this past week.

But I think I will give the library a little visit. Maybe I might be able to find something there about yesterday night events.

Although I highly doubt I will find something… no, I should think positive. I will find everything I need.

Damn, this sounds worse.

As I walk down the pavement, cursing myself for not bringing my car, I suddenly remember about the thief.

Sigh. I need to file a police report.

As I write the to-do list in my head, my feet move of their own accord.

And before I know it, I’m standing at the exact point where just yesterday I lay dead and smashed up beyond recognition.

But now, it looks as errr… dirty and disorganised as before. There is not even a blood drop in sight.

I lean against a tree as I shake my head, wanting to get all these depressing thoughts out of it.

“Get moving,” a familiar voice calls out in my mind.

“Get out of mind, you git,” I spat, “I never called for you.”

“I wanted to see how you are doing,” he says, a slight note of amusement in his voice.

“Satisfied now,” I almost scream but I manage to control myself at the last moment. It wouldn’t be good for my mental stability if people start calling me a lunatic.

“Don’t you have some important meeting to attend?” I ask him, looking around , hoping that he would materlise so I could hit him.

“No, I’m free now,” he says as calmly as ever.

“Do anything,” I say to him, still looking around, “just leave me alone.”

“I will,” he says, “if you will start working on the little project I gave you.”

“Little?” I resist the urge to spit out, “I will do it when I feel like it and anyway, you can always throw me in hell if I fail.”

“I didn’t give you this project so that you can fail,” he says in a menacing voice, “And surely not so you can frolic around all day.”

“I am filling my seven wishes,” I say to him coolly.

“I get the feeling that you don’t have any wishes at all,” he says and the feeling of dread gnaws at my mind, “I feel that you just spat out the first number that came to your mind for the sole purpose of irking me.”

“It’s not exactly like that you know,” I say stuttering a little, “I may not know what I exactly want…”

“That’s what I thought,” he says.

“Anyway…” I say, trying to stride the conversation to a safer topic, “Where should I look? It’s just like you gave me a blank notebook and tell me to solve ciphers.”

“Well, may I point out that,” he says, his voice a little exasperated, “your notebook isn’t completely blank. Do you remember what Jack said?”

“I do,” I tell him, “but I can’t just barge in a private property, saying that some weirdo half-minded human something asked me to come and search around.”

“I never know you thought so low of Jack,” he says in an emotionless voice.

“I meant you,” I point out, “he advised me against.”

“I don’t care how you do it,” he says, completely changing the topic, “but just do it.”

“I will see what I can do,” I reply half-heartedly.

“You don’t seem to understand the gravity of the situation,” he says in an exasperated voice.

“I don’t want to,” I say with a sigh, “so stop pressuring me. I’m just a normal human and I will go berserk in this much pressure.”

“I don’t care,” he says in an emotionless voice, “This was what you signed for.”

“And I’m already regretting it,” I sigh as I feel strength leaving my body, “And I just remembered, why is my body changing?”

“What do you mean?” he asks, “I can’t see any abnormalities in you.”

“I mean mentally,” I add.

“Well… this is something you should figure out yourself,” he reply in an unconcerned tone, “but I suppose, it is to be expected.”

“Suppose?” I say my tone harsh.

“Who’s there?” comes a voice.

“Damn,” I mumble under my breath and start to walk toward the library.

Enjoy... and let me know what you think...
Maybe tomorrow I will wake up Escor from his deep slumber...
"Writers aren’t exactly people…. they’re a whole bunch of people trying to be one person." -- F. Scott Fitzgerald

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Re: DragoonHP - The streetjack writer

Postby Alikamou » Tue Jul 19, 2011 9:53 am

+::whistle About time! +::biggrin And you have me wondering about what kind of clothes shopping needs to be done... LOL and Ron reminds me of the HP Ron fighting with Hermoine +::lol

Keep up the good work +::Thumbup

I also want to read more about Rose, too :razz:
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Re: DragoonHP - The streetjack writer

Postby DragoonHP » Wed Jul 20, 2011 5:22 am

Ah well... I can't seem to come up with names so I borrow them from other fictions... and I guess it might be a little bit inspired from that scene (although the inspiration would have come to me subconsciously...
And I assure you, the cloth shopping strictly depends on your thinking... +::biggrin

I want to read more about Rose to... but I guess I will have to write more in order to do so...

Till then feed on the new chapter of Scholastic Heir... but I fear it might be a little short with only 4,588 words... but I wanted to make the ending... interesting...

Scholastic Heir

Chapter - 3

We sit in silence for many moments, before I realise the lateness of the hour.

“I should be going now Rose,” I say to Rose as I slowly snake my arm away from her shoulder.

“Do you need to?”

The vulnerability in her voice catches me off guard and I sigh as the last vestige of reason tells me to ignore my heart wishes for now. It would be bad if Rivaski found about my safe haven; I don’t want him marching around here like an overprotecting dog and ruining what is supposed to be a peaceful spell.

“I wish I could stay here Rose,” I say, a gentle yet wistful smile swarming on my lips, “but I fear I do need to go back for the night or the consequences might be too much.”

I sigh again; what will my forefather think if they know that a mere servant of mine scares me to such extent.
Rose just looks at me with upturned eyes and the look of disappointment on her face pierces my heart with a thousand needles.

“But I promise I will be back here tomorrow,” I say, “first thing in the morning.”

I silently look at Rose, waiting for her reaction. If I had expected her to be happy, I was wrong; her face is the perfect mask of emotionless. And I couldn’t help but notice that even with that face, she managed to be as beautiful as before.
As the silence gnaws at my now tender heart, I shift my weight on my feet, my restlessness turning my mind into a battlefield of emotions.

“If you don’t want, I will… umm… not come,” I say hesitating, as it is one of the prospects I don’t want to occur.
Still the silence continues to flow around us, making me feel suffocated in this open meadow.

“I’ll be going now,” I say my voice small because of the disappointment. Now I don’t want to go back to the castle, what will be the use anyway?

“Umm… Escor,” suddenly Rose voice calls out and my heart misses a beat, no not one, several. My feet stop dead in their tracks, my breathing hard and ragged as if I had just come from the fencing practice.

“Umm…” is all what I can manage to say. I fear if I open my mouth, all I will be able to say is an incomprehensible string of words.

“Will you be back here tomorrow?” she says in a small voice, and I barely hear it. Not believing my ears, I say in the same small voice,

“Didn’t I just ask you that?”

Before I have the time to comprehend what I want to say, words blurt out of my lips. A red hue rises over Rose cheeks and I silently curse myself; I have been trained better than this. How Rivaski would be mad if he finds that I tried to accuse a young lady.

“Umm… I was lost in my thoughts,” Rose says, her cheeks still coloured a light tinge of red.

“So…” I say basking in the sense of relief, “I will see you tomorrow.”

I resist the urge to rush up to her and gather her in a tight hug.

Smiling in relief and wistfulness, I start to walk towards the dark edge of the forest.

“Do you want me to escort to the edge of town?” Rose asks already starting to walk toward me.
I smile in embarrassment.

“I don’t think that is a good idea,” I say as I feel warmth building up in my cheeks, “I will walk myself. You should go to sleep; the hour is very late already.”

“It will be fine,” Rose says, “And I don’t want you getting lost in the woods.”

“Please,” I say a little arrogantly, “I can take care of myself. It’s not like I’m a little lost child who is scared of dark woods. Unfortunately I have faced worse, so I can assure you I’ll be fine. But I will be worried about you if you come to escort me to the forest boundaries.”

“Why?” asks Rose, her eyes burning with a strange passion and something else, something I can’t put my finger on.

“I will be worried… err…” I say hesitating and tumbling on my words, trying to find an appropriate word which wouldn’t hurt her pride yet get my point across.

“About my safety,” Rose finishes for me and I nod my head meekly, embarrass beyond words.

“I can assure you, I can take care of myself,” Rose says defiantly, her eyes daring me to retaliate.

I stay silent and look around, trying not to meet her eyes.

As time trickles away in droplets, I can feel her heavy expectant gaze on me, demanding the answer to her unsaid question.

I gulp, as the feeling of doom looming over me.

“I know….” I say in a voice barely an octave above whisper, “but well… I can’t help but err… worry.”

“Your worry will be better spent on worrying about things that need worrying,” Rose says in a swift tone and instantly Rivaski’s face flashes in my memory. Just leave it to him to spoil any moment.

“How do you think I commute to the town for basic supplies if I couldn’t take care of myself?” Rose further adds without waiting for an answer.

“You visit the town!” I exclaim in surprise, my happiness shifting over to the seventh cloud, “We should meet when you are in the city.”

“We’ll see when the time will come,” Rose says in a controlled voice and I get the impression that she is still angry because of our past exchange.

As my mind busies itself for finding something to start a conversation, Rivaski angry face flashes in front of my eyes… again. I sigh heavily.

“Anyway… Rose,” I say, my eyes darting all around, “I should really get going now or I’ll be in serious trouble.”

“Fine,” Rose says a little softly.

“Good night,” I say to her, “Have sweet dreams.”

“I will,” Rose replies, “Good night.”

I nod my head in consent and head towards the dark forest.

I sigh as darkness surrounds me from all sides. My eyes take a moment to adjust to the sudden darkness and during that moment, I try to remember the way to the castle.

Ah… every way seems same to me, and I wonder if I should have accepted Rose help when I had the choice.

No, what am I thinking. It couldn’t have been more unbecoming of me; I’m supposed to be a Ruler of these lands.

Bracing my mind, I start to head toward a direction which I think leads to the castle. But soon I find myself in the heart of the forest, surrounded by long dark trees, the mushy smell of grass and the singing of crickets.

I push my hand in the pocket of my robe, looking for Zokari before I realise I have left it in my room for I never intended to come here.

I look up to the sky but all I am able to see is the dark canopy made by fanned branches from whose barely visible cracks, moonlight pours down.

I sigh in defeat and lean against a tree, dreading my situation.

“Lost?” comes the familiar voice of Rose.

“No, I’m not,” I say defensively as I pull my back from the tree, “I was just catching my breath.”

I turn in the direction of the voice and sure enough, Rose stands there, leaning leisurely against a tree. Even in the darkness, her body seems to be emitting a soft glow, and it makes her look almost angel-like.

“Sure I believe you,” Rose says and I can feel the controlled laughter in her voice.

“Believe me, I’m telling the truth,” I protest weakly, “And stop following me like a lunatic. Didn’t we agree that you will go to sleep?”

“We didn’t,” Rose says pointedly, “if my memory serves me right and I think it does.”

“Fine,” I say, feeling a little disgruntled.

“Do you need help?” Rose asks me, and even in the darkness, I can see her faint smile.

“Well… I do think I can use a little help,” I say as I try to overcome the feeling of embarrassment, “I seem to have taken a wrong turn somewhere.”

“More like a wrong path,” Rose corrects me happily and I stare at her, surprise evident in my eyes, “When you started to head towards the wrong path, I followed you, knowing that you will resent your stupidity for turning down my offer.”
“How can you say that this is a wrong path?” I ask her, putting on a defiant front.

“This leads to the edge of the south-most edge of this kingdom,” Rose replies, “And it would have taken you at least four to five days of continous walk to see sunlight.”

I gulp in defeat, admiring her knowledge of this region; I am so envious of her now.

“So,” she continues, “if you want to head toward the town, take the west path. You have wandered off too far in the woods, so it’ll easily take you twenty or some minutes to get back on the actual track. From there you just have to walk down the path…”

“Can you repeat it slowly?” I ask her, my mind still in a state of daze.

“I think I should just show you the way,” Rose suggests.

“NO!!!” I almost shout out instinctively.

“Why?” Rose asks tentatively.

“You just can’t,” I answer breathlessly. I can’t have her around me if Rivaski knows about my absence and had send soldiers looking for me or worse, has come himself. The scene could get ugly for Rose does not know of my status as the Ruler of this Kingdom and I don’t want Rivaski following her like a lunatic, trying to find her origin.

“Fine, I suppose,” Rose says angrily, “but I don’t abduct people, just to let you know.”

I sigh and show her an apologetic expression. Rose reply with a disgruntled expression as she starts explaining the way to the town in detail.

“Thank you for all your help,” I say to her, “And please don’t follow me this time.”

“I have no reason to follow you,” Rose reply.

“Thank you once again,” I say showing her a grateful smile, “And good night.”

Rose just nods and starts to head toward the cottage.

As her figure diminishes in the darkness I start to follow the directions she have given me.

As I see the dimly city walls, I sigh in relief. There have been more than a couple of instances when I have lost in the forest, but somehow I managed to come out of the forest without any serious trouble.

And truth be told, I have never been happier to see the city walls.

As I bask in the relief, I start to head toward the castle, following the walls. Guards seem to be patrolling the walls and I can’t take the chance of being seen.

Soon I arrived to the wall edge and I start to move from tree to tree, looking for the tree which has Teleporting runes embedded on it.

After a bit of searching, I spot it. I wish the gardeners could take special care of these trees, but I can’t have them knowing about this tree.

Sighing once again, I gently press my hand over the runes and mutter the incantations.

Soon a golden hue surrounds me and before I know I’m engulfed in it.

I open my eyes and found myself standing in front of the Wintershine.

“Where have you been My Lord?” comes the strict voice of Rivaski.

“Nowhere,” I reply elusively as I turn to look at him, “What are you doing here anyway? Shouldn’t you be sleeping in your chambers?”

“Shouldn’t you be sleeping in your chambers, My Lord?” Rivaski answers me with a question.

“I couldn’t sleep,” I say.

“That much is obvious My Lord,” Rivaski says.

“I do not have time to talk with you,” I say, looking around me, “I’m feeling very sleepy.”

“You can sleep My Lord,” Rivaski says and I sigh. The tone he is using and the use of ‘My Lord’ seems more than inappropriate to be used in the same sentence, “when you truthfully answer me about your whereabouts?”

“I, in no way need to give clarification to you Rivaski,” I say using the authority I hold.

Rivaski stares at me silently for a moment, before opening his mouth and it fills me with the feeling of dread.

“I’m not asking as a General, I’m asking as your Uncle Rivaski.”

I curse under my breath and look at him with accusingly. He knows that I can never deny anything to him if he turns into my uncle instead of being a concerned General.

“I was…” I sigh, “I couldn’t sleep and I then remembered Mum and Dad and I just couldn’t go back to my empty chambers. So I headed out for a while, to try to cool down my raging nerves. That’s all.” I finish with yet another sigh, this one coming out because of my sleepiness.

I still can’t tell him the complete truth; uncle or not, he is too protective for his own good.

“Ah well,” Rivaski says, a flood of emotion playing across his eyes.

Desperate to change topic, I say the first thing that comes to my mind.

“I would have thought that you would have followed me.”

“I did try,” Rivaski says, a bitter edge in his voice, “but you seemed to have used some counter measures. It seems as I trained you a little too much.”

I don’t remember setting counter charms, but maybe it was so common for me that I didn’t even have to think about it. After all, Rivaski made sure I always cast counter charms when I used to practice Teleportation charms.

“I should go to my chambers now,” I say, very aware of the victory smile which is playing on my lips.

As I start to walk towards my chamber, Rivaski voices stop me dead in my tracks.

“You do know that you still have to get up the usual time tomorrow My Lord,” Rivaski says in an indifferent voice.

“But why?” I ask him in alarm as I turn around to look at him in disbelief, “It’s already very late and if anything I need to sleep late tomorrow.”

“Now My Lord, you don’t,” Rivaski answers me in a levelled tone, “And it was your decision to go out tonight without telling me, so I don’t think that the routine will change. And if I may remind you that tomorrow is a very busy day.”

“Which one isn’t,” I say as the night activities starts to take their toll on me, “And that reminds you, were you standing here all the time, waiting for me?”

“Yes My Lord,” Rivaski answers.

“And how did you know that I will come back from here?” I ask him.

“I am also your teacher My Lord,” is the only answer Rivaski gives me, but it is more than enough for me.
As I turn around and start to walk towards my chamber, I let myself get lost in my thoughts as my feet automatically head towards the chamber.

Why hadn’t Rivaski stopped me if he was watching me?

Maybe he indeed has some soft corner in that toughened up heart of his.

Not possible, I think as I shake my head. Maybe I just surprised him with my sudden reaction and before he had a chance to react, I teleported away.

“Ha…” I breathe heavily as I lean in the soft mattresses.

My muscles start to ache because of the torture they have gone through tonight. As moonlight filters through the window, I see that my body has been scratched at many places. And as if this was no enough, every muscle in my body seems to be throbbing.

Feeling thirsty but don’t even having the power to crawl to the water hug, I let sleep take me into its blissful world.

* * * * * * * * * *

“Argh…” I mutter as harsh bright light assault my eyelids. Because of some unknown reasons I feel like someone lighted a fire in front of my closed eyes.

“What is the matter?” I whisper to no one in particular as I toss around, trying to find a point which hasn’t been infiltrated by this troublesome brightness.

“Nothing is, My Lord,” comes the jaunty voice of Rivaski, “It’s just that it is the time of our daily practice.”

“I don’t want to go,” I say as I bury my face in the soft mattress.

“But you have to My Lord,” Rivaski says and wrenches the bed cover away. He turns me around as if I am a paper doll and all but shouts,

“Good Morning, My Lord.”

Clenching my teeth in exasperation, I push my upper body into a sitting position, my body still not satisfied with the amount of sleep I have had.

“I will be waiting for you outside,” Rivaski says, “And if you are not out there in ten minutes, I will send the Guards to haul you out.”

Saying that, Rivaski walks out and I groan. When it comes to Rivaski nothing is an empty threat.

So with that in mind, I stand up on groggy legs and move around, using my senses rather than my eyes to move around.

“Ah… glad you are out,” says Rivaski, “I was actually planning on calling the Guards. Guess, I will have to wait for some other day.”

I groaned on Rivaski’s attempted humour; a man such as himself should only stick to their hard side, the youthful side is not becoming of them.

But I keep my mouth shut, not having the energy to get in a debate with him.

Rivaski starts to walk in a brisk pace and I follow him, trying my best to walk beside him but failing miserably at it.

“Where are we heading?” I ask Rivaski as I notice we are heading toward the main entrance rather than towards the back.

“I took the liberty of changing our course today,” Rivaski says nodding his head a little in my direction.

“What do you mean?” I ask him in an alarmed voice, my body suddenly awake.

“Today we will go to the forest on foot but come back using the Teleporter Runes,” Rivaski explains, still walking as briskly as before.

“I don’t want to change the routine,” I say in a firm voice, “If I can’t change my routine, no one can, least of them you.”

“I ask for your forgiveness My Lord,” Rivaski says as he comes to a sudden halt, “but I was thinking about your well being --”

“I don’t believe you,” I interject him.

“-- as if you could return at the correct time,” Rivaski continues, completely ignoring me, “you wouldn’t have to skip your breakfast and you might even get the chance to catch some sleep before the court begins.”
I sigh; he has got me good. He knows that I can’t deny this proposal.

“Fine,” I say grumpily, “but this arrangement is just for today. And never change my routine before asking me.”

“As you say, My Lord,” Rivaski says with a smile. I wonder if my words had an effect on him. Most probably not.

Soon we are walking down in the forest, with me being the guide. I still couldn’t understand how this could be a part of my routine, but I guess I shouldn’t fuss until I’m getting my breakfast.

As I entered the forest, I turned to look back and see Rivaski following me.

“Isn’t this the place you leave me to suffer alone?” I ask.

“Yes,” Rivaski says, “but not today. I want to see how good of a leader you are My Lord.”

I sigh at the irony of the sentence.

“Fine,” I say, “follow me, but where exactly do I need to head off to?”

* * * * * * * * * *

I sigh as my body falls down on the ground, just beside the Wintershine.

“Make haste My Lord,” says Rivaski, “the breakfast will be served in a matter of minutes.”

I curse silently as I see Rivaski walking away from me.

Today has started as one of the worse day of my life. Not only I couldn’t get my sleep, Rivaski had me running around like a beast, and to make my day worse, he followed me like a shadow today and so I couldn’t go to see Rose.

I wonder what she must be thinking right now, most probably that I forgot about our little rendezvous, when the only thing I thought while I walked that dreadful forest was finding a way to rush to her. But I couldn’t take my chances with Rivaski around.

Sighing in resentment, I push myself up on my feet and head toward the royal lake.

As I stand in front of the rock entrance, I see Cleo is standing there instead of the usual servants.

“Here,” he hands me the change of cloth.

I nod my head towards him as I enter the cave and Cleo follows me inside. I turn to him and ask,

“Is something the matter?”

“Yes it is,” Cleo says, “First, you look dead on your feet, and where were you last night?”

“How do you know about it?” I ask him, surprise evident in my voice.

“If you want to sneak out of the castle at night,” Cleo says in a voice that clearly tells that he doesn’t approve of my ways, “be a little secretive.”

“I was,” I say defensively.

“I don’t think so,” says Cleo as he sits down on a stone, “almost half the guard on duty saw you leaving the castle, not including me and Rivaski.

“Do you even have how much nerve it required on my part to stop that brute from attacking you?” Cleo sighs dramatically, flailing his hands around, “For a moment then I thought he will just split me open with his sword and behead you. And what were you doing there, sitting like a statue?”

“I was thinking,” I say to him.

“Next time, do the thinking in your room,” Cleo says pointing a finger at me accusingly, “When you vanished away, Rivaski was ready to eat me alive. And that reminds you, you have to teach me that little charm.”

“Which charm?” I ask him as I slid in the lukewarm water of the lake.

“The one you used to block Rivaski from knowing your whereabouts,” Cleo says as he stands up, “I can really use it.”

“I will,” I reply, “even though I don’t have any idea which charm you are talking about.”

“Just hurry up before Rivaski makes you work without breakfast,” Cleo says as he walks towards the cave entrance.

“I will like to see him try,” I seethe.

“Whom are you kidding?” Cleo grins.

“My Lord,” says Rivaski as the chime of arrival plays in the cave.

Cleo side steps him, make a face behind his back and rush out before Rivaski has the chance to acknowledge him.
“Speak,” I say already dreading the words which are about to come out of his mouth.

“I am just here to remind you to make haste My Lord,” Rivaski says and something about his demeanour makes my blood boil.

“I will take as much as I need Rivaski,” I say in an authoritative tone, “And if you have any problem with it, lodge a formal complaint in the court when it is in session. Now go back.”

“I didn’t mean to offend you…” Rivaski begins but I interject him.

“And yet you did,” I say to him, “And I will like to remind you that you are out-stepping your authority which might not be a good thing.”

Silence falls around me, only punctuated by my heavy breathing.

“As you say, My Lord,” Rivaski says with a little bow.

I sigh, feeling guilty about shouting at him.

“Rivaski,” I say, stopping him in his tracks as he walk towards the entrance of the cave, “I didn’t mean to shout at you; I’m just very exhausted. I’ll join you in the breakfast chambers in a moment.”

“As you say, My Lord,” Rivaski says with an understanding smile.

I walk towards the fall and stand on the podium. The cold water seems to be a good distraction and gives me a moment of mental peace, a moment I really need.

I stand in the waterfall, even after the water turns lukewarm, just enjoying the sensation of water dribbling down my body. I really don’t feel like doing anything today, but after shouting at Rivaski like that, it will just be horrible of me to trash up my plan for the day.

Bracing my mind for what I know will be a truly exhausting day; I swim towards the edge of the small pond.
After getting myself dressed in my usual Royal accessories, I walk towards the breakfast chamber.

Cleo and Rivaski are already there, both busy in their own world while waiting for me. I never did understand why this area was called Breakfast Chamber, there is almost no roof and it’s almost like an open garden, with a grand table in the centre.

Silently the three of us ate breakfast, no one wanting to break the peaceful silence.

* * * * * * * * * *

I sigh as I lean in the soft mattress of my bed.

Today has truly been an exhaustive day and I was right in thinking that it was one of the worst days of my life.
Problems after problems kept appearing and the news I received from all over the kingdom were rather dissatisfying and because of that, I have to look forward to another exhausting day tomorrow.

And I never did get the chance to meet Rose today. I feel really bad because of it; I wanted to see her so much.

But maybe tomorrow, I’ll get the chance to meet her. And I better think of a good apology because I don’t want to get her mad at me. I can literally see her now if I close my eyes, glaring at me and accusing me of forgetting about her.
I smile as her angelic face guides me to the unseen world of dream.

* * * * * * * * * *

“My Lord,” comes Rivaski voice as I feel my body being gently shaken, “get up My Lord.”

“I am,” I murmur, “just stop shaking me.”

Soon the shaking subsides and I crack open my eyes, to see Rivaski standing there.

“Is it the time for our usual routine to start?” I ask as I sit on the edge of the bed, feeling better than yesterday but still not at my best.

“No, my Lord, not today,” Rivaski replies, “I fear we might not get the chance to go to our forest walk today.”

“Good,” I say smiling in spite of myself, “I’ll catch up on my sleep then.”

“No, My Lord,” Rivaski says, “something has come up, something which requires your immediate presence.”

“What now?” I groan out, burying my head my palms.

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"Writers aren’t exactly people…. they’re a whole bunch of people trying to be one person." -- F. Scott Fitzgerald

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Re: DragoonHP - The streetjack writer

Postby DragoonHP » Fri Jul 22, 2011 6:24 am

No love for Rose? +::cry
"Writers aren’t exactly people…. they’re a whole bunch of people trying to be one person." -- F. Scott Fitzgerald

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Re: DragoonHP - The streetjack writer

Postby Alikamou » Sun Jul 24, 2011 12:43 am

ooooo....wonder what the problem is???? +:::| But man...can just imagine how angry Rose gonna be with him when he pops back in to visit her +::biggrin Can just imagine Rose pushing him into the water +::lol
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