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Asguaard Comprehensive Feedback

Re: Asguaard Comprehensive Feedback

Postby redd » Wed Oct 27, 2010 2:33 am

So....nearly a year later, I finished the game. I downloaded the game soon after it was released, but ran into some bugs that prevented gameplay, quit for a bit, and forgot about the game until now. The game revisions helped considerably, and it was much easier to finish the game after those.

Favorite Hero (explain why):
Luby was my favorite. Feel the POWER! I like strong fighters and she was also a nice surprise in the plot of the story. I think the morphing animals/characters like Cocka, Guanidia, and Sarah are fun. Persisting in leveling up or insisting on using a seemingly weak character has a pretty good pay-off in the long run.

Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why):
Probably the final scene. The battle was long (a nice change) and the plot twist unexpected.

Which Mode did you play in?
Normal mode. I may go back and try hard mode. I think I over-leveled for normal mode as most of the fights seemed too easy.

What did you think about the story?
It was sad! Half the heros died. But, overall the plot was good. I'm not usually a person who puts great importance on the story (I read books for stories! I play games for action. :)). But, I think a few things could have been explained better. An issue was made of Luby aging so quickly, but then an explanation never appeared. The relationship between Glen and Rayanne didn't really progress, he was just suddenly in love with her at the end. Minor things.

What did you think about Glen (the Hero)?
Glen, like Random, was a pretty average character. He wasn't very nice, smart, magical, or strong. Sometimes it's smart to have a character like this (the straight man) as the main character, but it doesn't make for a favorite.

What did you think about Rayanne?
Rayanne was sweet and likable, but didn't pack a powerful punch. She had weaknesses and insecurities, but she seemed to work to overcome them and this made her seem human without seeming like a whiner. It's a shame she died. I wouldn't have minded seeing her (or someone like her) appear in another game.

What did you think about Grom?
Grom was useful, but didn't have much personality. He was fine as a supporting character. I think I generally prefer stronger (more defined) personalities for these abbreviated stories. Unlike in a novel, the characters in these games only get a few lines to explain themselves.

What did you think about Luby?
Luby was my favorite. Feel the POWER! I like strong fighters and she was also a nice surprise in the plot of the story. I think the morphing animals/characters like Cocka, Guanidia, and Sarah are fun and rewarding. Persisting in leveling up or insisting on using a seemingly weak character has a pretty good pay-off in the long run.

What did you think about the music?
Not applicable. I had to turn it off due to lag. I haven't had this problem with any of the other games. I'm not sure what happened with this one.

What did you think about Thanatos and his minions?
The final battle with Thanatos was fun. He had loads of HP and varied attacks. I also wasn't expecting to have to fight with a character down.

The minions were good. They had personalities beyond "thug".

What did you think of the last scene and fight?
The last scene was completely unexpected and sad. I actually thought there would be a bit more game to come, where the rest of the party would need to find a way to free Rayanne after fighting Thanatos.

Overall Comment about the game:
It was a fun game, but it seemed geared toward a slightly younger audience than your other games (which is great -- games for everyone). I liked that there was less 'sex' and more game in this, but I did miss the complexity of having more characters, wittier lines, more spells, and a larger variety of tasks and subquests.

The addition of the special skills and levels was fine, but a little overdone. I would not mind seeing this system appear again in other games, but would like to see it in addition to a large spell list, not instead of.

On an artistic note, I found that the avatars for the characters were a bit too big. It was difficult to see the selection arrows when fighting. I'm not a fan of the purple-green color-scheme. I preferred the one in LF and LP. But, overall the visuals keep getting better.

I was frustrated by the number of crashes in the game (dozens for me). It played ok, with just a few smaller bugs after several updates, but this put me off the game for nearly a year. I, personally, expect less crashes with paid games.

I have mixed feelings about the hidden areas. They were fun to find and made leveling up much less boring for me. And yet, at the same time it was a bit boring in itself and frustrating checking every square. I found that there was at least one room that I couldn't just step on, I actually had to approach it from a certain side to 'activate' it. I think this element would have been better had markers appeared for found rooms/areas--once found they should appear as dots or flags on the map. And, better yet,had there been a subtle hint as to there whereabouts -- perhaps a very slight color gradient or making a square glow when you got close.

I didn't like choosing the weapons as much as I thought I would. I think this was in part because I had to choose them as the characters came. I wasn't able to choose a balanced team without knowing what choices I would have for the others.

This game was somehow madly addicting. I found myself able to play for a couple hours straight without noticing the time. Excellent quality in a game.

This game was much more open-ended than the LF series. I really liked that. I got to wander and explore without much worry as to a single misstep preventing me from ever achieving certain tasks.

Overall a solid game, but with room for improvement. I think this is the most successful merge of your and Amanda's games that I have played. I have to confess that while I loved both Aveyond/Ahriman and Laxius early on, the overlap of your and Amanda's styles has not worked well for me. You both have very good ideas and distinct styles, they just haven't melded well. It's like ice cream and gravy. I would never turn down either, but don't want them both in one dish.

Are you looking forward our next game, and what would you like to see in this game?
Absolutely. I think you are a very good gamemaker, Indie. It just feels like you have so many elements of what makes a great playing experience in each of your games, but for me haven't put it all together in the right combination since LP III. I can hardly wait for when you do.

I like that your games seem to be heavily influenced by MM6 (one of my faves). I also like:

- Games with a number of playable characters to choose from (eight to ten seems right, twenty too many)
- Games that are self-contained. Sequels are fine, but each game within a series should stand-alone.
- Long games (no problem there -- your games are some of the longest out there). I hate when a game is over just as I'm figuring out the system or really getting into gameplay.
- Nearly endless tricks and goodies in obvious and not so obvious places (you always have this).
- Games with humor! I think Asguaard was missing some of the humor your other games had.
- The rush feature from LF or the 'eye of the tiger' from Asguaard. I like the rush feature a little better. Sometimes physical force was entirely the wrong strategy, but I had no control over it with eye of the tiger.
- The ability to save anywhere. I get the challenge of having only save points in certain areas, but found it frustrating when I had to replay large chunks due to game crashes. It was also frustrating when it was time to quit, but had to play for 15 or 20 more minutes longer than I wanted to just to get to a save point.
- I love a world map. It keeps the game open and the relative size in perspective.
- Keep the games open-ended! Linear games are very restrictive.
- A few long dungeons. Not every dungeon needs to be a massive labyrinth, but at least one or two per game is fun.
- A large variety of opponents. Asguaard was pretty good with this.
- I really like the slayer system from LP3. It encouraged using the full compliment of characters.
- A little more foreshadowing and foreshadowing that actually leads somewhere.
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Re: Asguaard Comprehensive Feedback

Postby Aggeliki » Sun Nov 04, 2012 2:12 pm


Three years after my first playthrough, i decided to replay Asguaard!i played in story mode, on purpose, coz i needed to fully concetrate on exploration!so, after 49 hours of fun and "click on everything" madness i have to say


This vast fantasy world offers the explorer a magical vacation!I remember my excitment the first time i used my expert Botanist skill and extracted a little chlorefine potion from a plant..then a strategy formed inside my brain: i needed to acquire the full skill set for everyone and level them up to Guru level! I am not the warrior type, but i used every little skill in my exploring adventure.The battle skills to keep me alive ( there were quite a lot tough moments with beasts) and the survival skills to enhance my experience while travelling!
I admit that Grom wasn't my fav chara but i loved his skills:BOTANIST-PATH FINDING-ENEMY KNOWLEGDE -what would i do without them?Botanist saved me lots of money coz i was healing the party with all mineral and plant extracts i found in my way! (that's why i kept clicking on everything like crazy!!)Path finding was the most usefull skill in Asguaard's dungeons and it helped me a lot in backtracking!!PERCEPTION ,what a great skill! more 'smoky' treasures to be found!
Rayanne's TELEKYNESIS and RUNE FINDER were her best non-battle skills! when i mastered telekynesis i had to go all over the whole Asguaard world to retrieve some goodies i could'nt reach before...
Glen mastered FORTUNE towards the end of the adventure and that was a real pitty!
I was pleasantly surprised when the party found some teachers for KINDNESS, the free to all gift!And i even got EGRESS-my all-time classic beloved skill(it only worked in some occasions though..)
In Asguaard i enjoyed the numerous secret locations, the 'secret -within- a -secret' concept that is a standard Indinera pattern and i find the most rewarding from all findings!!I kept revisiting and clicking and searching for skill teachers, runes, relics and money for days!! And this is, to me, the best exploration experience!

thank you Indy! +::kiss
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Re: Asguaard Comprehensive Feedback

Postby nancyred » Wed Nov 21, 2012 3:37 pm

Having just finished playing for the first time, in Story Mode, I have little to add to the comments I've already read. (I didn't read all of them, admittedly.) I didn't really have a favorite character. The sunset screen during the end credits was beautiful and appropriate, I thought. It seemed a little strange that some monsters were drawn to look unfinished, like the stag, for instance.
One thing that bothered me was Rayanne's frequent use of "Oh My God." Yes, I realize that it's a common phrase in our culture (uttered unthinkingly and, in most cases, blasphemously), but I expected her to stop after Grom asked her about it.
Along that same line, why was she suddenly a goddess at the end? Did being turned into stone endow her with some divine power she didn't have before?
Also, I'd like to learn a bit more about the concept of "soul" in Asguaard. Who taught the denizens about it, and how did the Stone of Soul get its name? Did Halo have a soul (or many souls) or not?
Anyway, questions of theology or spirituality aside, I did enjoy the game. It was frustrating to be unable to return to certain places, and to realize after several hours of play that half the weapons would never be used, since no more party members would be joining. Ah, well. I''ll just have to keep that in mind for the next time I play.
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Re: Asguaard Comprehensive Feedback

Postby kalbun » Thu Jan 10, 2013 8:02 pm

Asguaard was one of the most touching RPGs I played in the last times. I cannot really explain why, there are other stories of friendship, of courage, of dedication to a task, and so on, but this was different.

My feedback is very positive. About Rayanne that becomes a goddess... well, IMO you don't need to have special powers or to do miracles to be considered a god.
After all, the story of religions is full of persons that were first of all an example to follow, capable of giving hope and of showing the right path. Then they became saints or however they are called in their cultural context.

Well... enough digressions!

I really hope to see an Asguaard 2. The main villain has gone, but there could be still much to do (or undo :) )
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Re: Asguaard Comprehensive Feedback

Postby nancyred » Thu Jan 10, 2013 11:15 pm

Ste. Rayanne? Well, maybe, but a saint still isn't a goddess. Besides, only the Catholic church has the authority to officially canonize someone, afaik. Since Asguaard doesn't have a church or any other religious establishment, even sainthood is pushing the limits of credibility. Rayanne can certainly be considered a heroine, however.
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Re: Asguaard Comprehensive Feedback

Postby KimZ » Sun Nov 24, 2013 9:28 pm

Just started playing this game,,,THIS GAMES A BLAST...haven't been so lost since the mountains in Laxius Power.... +::O_o ....LOVE HOW HUGE THIS GAME IS....BIGGER IS BETTER +::lol
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Re: Asguaard Comprehensive Feedback

Postby Indinera » Tue Nov 26, 2013 12:29 pm

Thanks for the great comment! Make sure to leave a more comprehensive one when (or if :razz: ) you reach the end. 8)
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Re: Asguaard Comprehensive Feedback

Postby darkange » Sat Aug 20, 2016 4:54 pm

Favorite Hero (explain why):
Probably everybody will think I am crazy but actually my favourite hero is GLEN .... suprize suprize.... both in personality and his fightning style. Now regarding personality .... of course he behaves like a 15 year old brat that he is sometimes but overall his honesty and his style just suits me. People telling him to be nice .... always hate when people say that to others. I say be REAL : if your core personality is being nice then be nice ... that is real. If your core personality is being nasty or blunt honesty then be like that. Whatever is REAL and TRUTH for you ... be that. No more lies and bullshits. I hate full on bullshit too.
About his fightning style : I remember when I was fightning Dragon god and he just says : ' DIEEEEEE " then hits him hard 4 times. Love that skill lol.

Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why):
When Rayanne was about to kill that eldeweyss flower .... if she was really about to do it. That was such a " OMG who is this girl " moment for me lol. I know Glenn is not in that moment but I got to admit that is my favourite moment.

Which Mode did you play in?
I am proud to admit that I played the hardest mode possible for the first time. The HARD MODE. I only used the location for secret rooms and magical rooms .... no other guide no advice about fightning monsters ... did it all on my own. When I got to THanatos Glenn was hitting him like crazy for 4000 dmg a hit with his boost skill activated .... also had the sword which hits twice .... grom was also hitting him hard but Glen is better. Luby was mostly healing and sometimes hitting him with double spell from his unicorn earrings.

What did you think about the story?
Very interesting story .... but I expected more in the Kremdjir territory and Asguaard castle ... everybody was talking about the plagues hitting everybody left and right but when I got there the dwarves seemed to be just fine lol.... the Book of legends has a better story in my opinion.

What did you think about Glen (the Hero)?
like I said .... my favourite guy. It must be wierd to like a 15 year old kid when you are a 26 years old dude ... but hey it happens. Honesty is always the answer.

What did you think about Rayanne?
Pretty cool character overall with hidden things about her personality that you discover piece by piece until the end. Also it's helpful to know that you don't use her in the final battle so that I can never use perma stat potions on her ever again.

What did you think about Grom?
Wierd guy who thinks he has no soul and if he was up to him he would have left Glen die lol. I didn't like him so much in the end.

What did you think about Luby?
I am not so excited about unicorns ... probably because I am not a girl.... and Luby didn't talk much in the game .... but I loved the part where she turned into stone for the team to preserve the stone.

What did you think about the music?
OMG .... this part was sooooo amazing. Way better music then the book of legends and other games. My favourite song is the one in the crystal caves .... the baloon song and the Center of the world song. Those songs made me want to stay in that areas forever lol.

What did you think about Thanatos and his minions?
When I got to Thanatos Glenn was hitting him like crazy for 4000 dmg a hit with his boost skill activated .... also had the sword which hits twice .... grom was also hitting him hard but Glen is better. Luby was mostly healing and sometimes hitting him with double spell from his unicorn earrings. As a baddy he is very evil and his minions were cool. I like the bone breaker. Also I was very pleasently suprized when the double hydra enemy turned out to be looking so menacing on the fightning screen compared to the little dinosaur you see on the normal world screen ... kind of cute.

What did you think of the last scene and fight?
Very unexpected turn of events and like i described the fight before .... it was easy even in the hardest mode for me.... but I know that having all the skills and all the items helped a lot. Glen had way more than 1000 HP so was Grom and I don't even had to mention Luby the mega tank . Thanatos had one weak skill where he was laughing when he used it but it hit for a mere 150 dmg ... the others were more powerful.

Overall Comment about the game:
Great game but I think Laxius series overall is better.

Are you looking forward our next game, and what would you like to see in this game?
I love the part about finding teachers for skills .... you can even add requirements like certain stats for some skills in the next game but I want to know exactly what they are... also I can't ever say this enough : VISIBLE MONSTERS .... invisible encounters are so fucking annoying. I know you may think that is more challenging but believe me : IT's NOT.... because when you kill the monsters in one hit in one area .... you kind of use the same strategy all over again whenever another random encounter appears.... it becomes extremely booring .... extremely fast.
THat's why I love that special mode in King's heroes where enemy are visible and once you kill them they are gone for good .... no aditional farming .... I love every bit about a game who implements this.... boredom totally gone when you kill monsters only once .... you may think it's harder this way : but it ISN'T ... trust me.
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Re: Asguaard Comprehensive Feedback

Postby Stargazer » Mon Jun 14, 2021 11:35 am

Favorite Hero (explain why):
Rayanne. She's a kind, strong, and a good person. She has a good +::heart . She went through a lot in the past but all of it helped her in Asguaard to defeat Thanatos. At the end, during the 7th plague, she yelled at Glen to get off her so that he wouldn't have to suffer the same fate as her. Very touching. +::cry I don't understand why she tried to give Thanatos a chance. Final endgame bosses are always determined to see the destruction of the world. You just can't stop them. +::Dunno

Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why):
Many. The whole 'Hahhahaha Glen is gonna get executed Hahahaha' sequence initiated by Dodo was MINDBOWING. +::YAY Wth Indy. Villains are not supposed to be so damn intelligent! They are supposed to believe in only Brute Force!!! +::grrr +::grrr Second, was 'Luby getting stoned' sequence. +::cry Third and final was the end. Loved the end except for Rayanne's mistake explained in the first question. 8)

Which Mode did you play in?
Hard. The bosses were not tough at all. In the starting, that's before Port Siren, the monsters were definitely difficult. But after that most of it was easy even in hard mode. Only Thanatos was difficult. Bone breaker and dodo and the two headed hydra, whatever his name was, were too easy. Dodo was intelligent though! +::biggrin

What did you think about the story?
The story is pretty good. I also liked that the game used the artworks constantly throughout the game, instead of just the end like Moonchild. :)

What did you think about Glen (the Hero)?
Didn't like him. He always was a little rude to Rayanne. I hope he had been a better person. +::grrr Also I don't like how he didn't get much of 'magic'. He does get summons. But by Savioropolis, the dwarfs should have told him to become a summoner as he can harbor spirits in him. The story would have been much better. +::fear

What did you think about Rayanne?
The best character. Read first question.

What did you think about Grom?
I didn't understand one thing. Dwarfs give up on things easily cuz they don't have a soul..... Why didn't Grom give up? Even when against Thanatos he didn't give up. I don't understand..... +::tired

What did you think about Luby?
Cute! And strong! But cmon she's a unicorn she should have gotten better skills. :(

What did you think about the music?
LOVED IT! Roya was the best. +::heart

What did you think about Thanatos and his minions?
Thanatos was strong. Hella strong.
Bone breaker was weak. Hella weak.
Dodo was smart. Hella smart.
Two headed hydra, whatever his name is was annoying. Hella annoying.

That pretty much sums it up! +::lol

What did you think of the last scene and fight?
Read first question. I mean the question's answer btw. :razz:

Overall Comment about the game:
The game was very good. I loved it. I wish Luby and Rayanne had got more AOE spells... And that Glen became a summoner instead of remaining a normal human. :(

Are you looking forward our next game, and what would you like to see in this game?
I am pretty sure this question is not supposed to be answered 12 years later...... But I would want more of such artworks, and better and more AOE spells!

Thanks for such a nice game! +::biggrin +::heart +::clap
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