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Millennium: Comprehensive Feedback

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Millennium: Comprehensive Feedback

Postby Indinera » Tue Sep 22, 2009 8:05 pm

Done with the game? If you've got 5 mins, please fill this questionary, it will help me figure out how to make MM 2 (scheduled for December ^^) an even better game!

Favorite Hero (explain why):
Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why):
What did you think about the story?
What did you think about Marine?
What did you think about Jeanne?
What did you think about Benoit?
What did you think about the music?
What did you think about the artworks?
What did you think about the monsters?
Overall Comment about the game:
Are you looking forward MM2 and if so, what would you like to see in this game?
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Re: Battle of the Millennium: Comprehensive Feedback

Postby titaness » Wed Sep 23, 2009 10:16 pm

My favorite hero is Marine at this point.
My favorite In game Moment was my visit to the Alchemy Guild (Found it after I won game)
The story has potential, but so far can't compete with LF.
Marine can be a strong heroine. She's coming along nicely, but I don't like the magic restrictions.
(Only a few times that she can use it without healing)
I love my little Jeanne and would like to see her with a more substantial role.
Benoit is a wuss-he needs to become a hero and a man!
The music is delightful and inspiring!
Your artwork and graphics can't be such talent!
The monsters get a little boring at times. I got tired of tigers quickly!
Overall, the areas are too long with no places to rest (Swamp, Sapphire caves, etc.) I do not like
the limitations on magic use-just give me a magic point based system so I can build it up as I'd
like and feel rewarded for the experience!
Of course I look forward to anything you produce-you're genius in my book. It's just hard to follow-up
something as wonderful as LF. I'd like to see more variety in recovery items you can buy, and yes,
give me gold, please. It's boring to collect and sell things to get other things! Oh, and can we have
better equipment? And what is this about only hand to hand combat in the final showdown? I cherish
my magic wielders, don't take them away, please. Thanks to you for hours of fun! +::YAY +::heart
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Re: Battle of the Millennium: Comprehensive Feedback

Postby bodeia » Fri Sep 25, 2009 9:34 am

Favorite Hero (explain why): Marine – her courage and conviction that she can change the world she lives in and is determined enough to do it
Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why): When Marine meets Jeanne, it is so comical I laughed out loud, Marine thinking she is hearing things, even thinking back to it makes me laugh. I also loved when I found Marine could jump and she loves doing it.
What did you think about the story? The story is developing nicely can’t wait to see what happens next
What did you think about Marine? - She brave, smart (well mostly)
What did you think about Jeanne? – Holding my opinion here as I rarely used her but maybe later she’ll be useful, I do like the little asides we have between Marine and Jeanne though.
What did you think about Benoit? – Typical young boy thinks he’s better than he is until he has to prove it then he backs down and leaves it to the girls – but maybe he’ll develop into a strong warrior. Saying that I like some of his skills and he’s pretty handy in fights.
What did you think about the music? – I tend not to listen to the music as usually I’m playing with the family around and watching TV at the same time
What did you think about the artworks? – The artwork was enchanting and very well thought out for the different environments.
What did you think about the monsters? – Certainly very different from what you usually get in these type of games and I liked the fact that you had to work on different strategies depending on what monsters popped up.
Overall Comment about the game: Missed the journal to keep track of all the quests apart from that I thoroughly enjoyed the game I completed normal mode and I’m about to start on the hard (personally I don’t like easy modes as I have played these games forever), I love the replay value you get. I like the fact you had to use a strategy to fight the monsters, didn’t mind that the magic was restricted for some skill it meant you used them sparingly and used other tactics to beat monsters. Keep up the good work.
Are you looking forward BOTM2 and if so, what would you like to see in this game? YES I can’t wait for BOTM2, only thing I’d like to see it the journal put back.
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Re: Battle of the Millennium: Comprehensive Feedback

Postby dee0227 » Fri Sep 25, 2009 12:35 pm

Favorite Hero (explain why): Jeanne. She's like Marine's conscious with a sense of humor. I keep thinking of those cartoons with a little angel on one shoulder and a little devil on the other and Jeanne is both.

Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why): Finally finding and beating the rogue. I wandered around in that place for over an hour looking for that guy.

What did you think about the story? Very good. For the most part flows very well so far.

What did you think about Marine? I like her for the most part. I haven't yet found a really good weapon for her so she's not the best of fighters. I'm going through the game again to see if I missed a good weapon for her.

What did you think about Jeanne? Awesome. See above.

What did you think about Benoit? Wimpy. I don't know if it's me or not but most of the male heroes in your games are either wimps or braggarts. I'd like to see a normal person once in a while who is just doing what is right without either being scared to death or bragging about every step they take.

What did you think about the music? I don't know. Music is broken on my machine and I'm too lazy to fix it right now.

What did you think about the artworks? Beautiful.

What did you think about the monsters? For the most part very nice and well balanced. I did notice that a couple of the king animals are really really hard (the ant king is murder, I haven't beat him yet and most of my group is mid to high thirties) but one or two are amazingly easy (the bear king went down in one round of fighting)

Overall Comment about the game: Very nice. I have the same complaint I have about most of your games. They are over way too quick and then we sit on the edge of our seats waiting for the sequel. But that's okay. You can always play again to find any secrets you missed. I found a couple already on the play thru that haven't been mentioned yet in the hint section at all.

Are you looking forward BOTM2 and if so, what would you like to see in this game? Yes. I'm looking forward to it and I'll leave the content up to you. The only thing that I really missed in this one is the quest book and you are working on fixing that.

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Re: Battle of the Millennium: Comprehensive Feedback

Postby Ladybug » Fri Sep 25, 2009 7:34 pm

Here goes my second attempt at answering it! First one was lost as I took so long to write it that then I was logged out! +::cry

1) Favorite Hero (explain why): At the moment is Hirado because I enjoy his Zen attitude of life (would be great if he gets meditation as a skill!) and also because after leveling him up he is fast, strong and has great spells. Also how can you not love his rewards from completing quests?!

2) Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why): Finding Karine's spell potential: to me, the best hidden secret in the game! Not only you have to figure out how to give her MPs but also you need to find the secret wonder spell! +::lol

3) What did you think about the story? The story flows nicely and I think the characters have a good potential to become cherished by many. I think the fact that this is a small chapter rather than a full big game leaves us less time to get to know them so well. Perhaps here one thing that could have helped was for you to give us a bit more personal background information (age, occupation, origin, likes and dislikes, etc) when each character is introduced in the game. But the dialogs were as always very well thought and witty, with just some excusable minor English mistakes.

4) What did you think about Marine? I loved that girl's energy and "Let's go get them!" attitude. I think it was great to be able to choose a special fighting tactic as well as control the random encounter rate with the monsters. Finally, I thought it was hilarious that she could not jump to the top of some structures without help but that on the other hand she could just easily hop through huge chasms! Wondering whether she will learn how to swim in order to reach those underwater items!?

5) What did you think about Jeanne? Nice to have her giving a helping hand and also have her interacting in some of the dialogs. Would be cool if she had different attack spells (even if they stayed random!). Also would be great if she could at least not heal those who already have full HPs, but then again it just makes the game more challenging!

6) What did you think about Benoit? Benoit actually has me intrigued... I mean on one hand all his interventions are to tell us of how dangerous something is or how he would leave he things get any tougher BUT he has an amazing speed, which makes him to be always the first one to strike from my party, and a great attack. Also, taking his words seriously, I just thought that when he is weak with low HPs he would simply walk out of the fight, but instead he goes mad attacking extra and regenerating HPs - go figure that one out! He has some great debuffer spells as well - very useful!

7) You don't ask but here are my thoughts on Karine: Apart from thinking she is a great fighter I don't feel like I get her personality as well as I do some of the other characters. That said, as I mentioned above I really enjoyed discovering her secret mind potential! Her craft skill was also quite useful!

8 ) And Harido: He renews HPs, he has great spells, he has speed and strong attack and he gives you some of the best rewards in the game. What more can I say?

9) What did you think about the music? Impeccable - loved the matching church chorus at the monastery!

10) What did you think about the artworks? Lovely - nice reward having them displayed at the end!

11) What did you think about the monsters? I actually liked the no money idea - it is indeed more realistic and also makes the game a bit more challenging! The fact that a weak monster doesn't necessarily have a weak monster king was also a good twist!

12) Overall Comment about the game: I really enjoyed having the mouse as a back up option to try to find some hidden stuff in case I was not able to do it old school style! The world map is always a plus, especially with the "go through" option that later we get making navigation much easier! I enjoyed the idea of having limited spell uses - made me plan my battles a bit better! And the idea of having cursed objects stuck on your characters was wickedly genius! Having a say on your characters development was also a nice touch, although at the moment I am still not entirely sure how those promotions affected their overall performance. As for the quest log, or lack of it, I didn't miss it so much for keeping track of open quests as much as to simply be aware of when I got one, as sometimes while interacting with some NPCs or even objects I wondered whether I had just received a quest or not. Finally, just a minor remark regarding the symbols you picked for the equipment - I thought they were too similar and felt like I lost some time figuring out which character and body part could equip my newly acquired item, specially as while on the equipment submenu I could not scroll between different characters and had always to go back to the main menu. In general though, I was very happy with the game!

13) Are you looking forward BOTM2 and if so, what would you like to see in this game? Sure I am! Maybe a bit more puzzles would be good for me but I like surprises so just do what you think is nice! In any case, I'm sure other players will have different opinions and you can't indulge all our requests, so just keep doing your best and we will keep enjoying it! +::Thumbup
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Re: Battle of the Millennium: Comprehensive Feedback

Postby diklazam » Sun Sep 27, 2009 5:18 pm

Favorite Hero (explain why): none
Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why): the blue jiny - i laughted how many amanies enjoed him.. it took me some time to understand... i laughted a lot.... it was funny...
What did you think about the story?
the best story i heard.. looking for hero's...
What did you think about Marine?
she need to be more powerfull.. after all she is the leader.... she is very weak...more powerfull spells.
What did you think about Jeanne?
you need to fix her. 1. when the ememy was defeated all the party keeps waisting there spells on nothing, waisting good mp, and jeanne finished by sparking on empty ground and than dissappeared..
the battle must be stoped as soon as the last enemy was defeated.
2. when i wanted to hit an enemy which was the first from several i did not notice this was jeanne and hit her instead of the enemy... she sould not have a her name at all when she appears ... just sparkling. i dont think she need to heal because she heal sometimes those who dont need to be healed. i strongly suggest that she will only attack... any way she is weak to strong enemies...
What did you think about Benoit?
i wish he was braver...
What did you think about the music?
i like it, but usually i dont like to be disturb by the music. so i just hear it, and than shut it.
What did you think about the artworks?
i like the world map...the other are just like old friends...
What did you think about the monsters?
some of them are silly - like the lion with a dot.. is he indian?... lol.
i liked the crocodiels.. hated the spiders like the warriers in the tempel, the flowers in the swamp are especcialy ugly and in the lave beautiful but it is my humble opinion...
Overall Comment about the game:
i loooooooove the jumping... what a gread idea...
Are you looking forward BOTM2 and if so, what would you like to see in this game?
of course.. i want the game to be more nice like this one, without boss/bosses in the end of each time... more inteligent qeusts (not just collection but switching something for someting for example, and to guess what it is...
i personally dont like to go aimlessly and look without knowing what... but it is me...
more money for the quests... especially at the beggining to make it easy first to have weapon...
more items shop or people....
wow thats it... if i can help in the game or idea - for free - and i have lots of idea (did a small game myself... point and click game..) u r wellcome... +::clap
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Re: Battle of the Millennium: Comprehensive Feedback

Postby Fearless » Tue Sep 29, 2009 12:08 pm

Favorite Hero (explain why): i like hirado and karine best
Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why): the whole game
What did you think about the story? i am curious and want to see how it develops
What did you think about Marine? she is cool but she need to train harder
What did you think about Jeanne? she gives power to marine
What did you think about Benoit? i wonder if he will date marine one day like random and sara
What did you think about the music? it's the best i've heard in a game like this
What did you think about the artworks? same
What did you think about the monsters? i like to kill them over and over
Overall Comment about the game: indi's best it's so good that now is gonna be hard to top this
Are you looking forward BOTM2 and if so, what would you like to see in this game?
yes of course!!!
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Re: Battle of the Millennium: Comprehensive Feedback

Postby nekoyasa » Tue Sep 29, 2009 6:44 pm

Favorite Hero (explain why): i think marine because once she starts going she's the most positive and has the most drive.
Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why): not sure.
What did you think about the story? is it actually possible for you to make a dull story +::biggrin ? i think you have the midas touch when it comes to rpg games. you and the fellow who does the avernum games are my favorites. i dont think i can ever be disappointed when i get any of your games.
What did you think about Marine? at first i did'nt think i was going to like her. but once she decided to do something i started liking her alot.
What did you think about Jeanne? i like her. at first i was disappoined she was'nt a full time character, but it actually works out good the way it is, so i got over it.
What did you think about Benoit? too whiny.
What did you think about the music? i never listen to the music in any games. i always listen to my own music or play in silence.
What did you think about the artworks? it's very, very nice. it's probably my favorite of any rpg i've played so far.
What did you think about the monsters? i like most of them. i really like that a lot of the animals drop meat. it comes in very handy. i esp like the croc meat because it gives both HP and SP. that was really nice.
Overall Comment about the game: um... same as i said under "What did you think about the story?"
Are you looking forward BOTM2 and if so, what would you like to see in this game? YES!!!! i'd like to see more about lord dragon. i wanted him to be a good guy +::cry .

i thought of some more comments while i was playing some more.

some different things i really loved in this game:

marines hide or fight skill is soooooo nice! when i wanted to get lots of meat, money, or experience i loved being able to pick 0 and provoke the monsters. when there was some irritating monsters were harassing me because i just wanted to quickly get through something i liked being able to pick 50 and hide.

oh great! now i cant remember what else i wanted to say +::O_o . i really have such a horrible memory. wish i was'nt such an airhead! well, if i think of them again i'll add them later.
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Re: Battle of the Millennium: Comprehensive Feedback

Postby Indinera » Wed Sep 30, 2009 7:23 am

posted by RPGeez:

Favorite Hero (explain why):
I do not really have a favorite hero because I prefer a teamwork RPG.
Even playing 3 Stars and the Laxius games I never favored one over the other but as a team was
more important because the balance of characters was more important to me than individual

Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why):
The rogue quest. Very suspenseful music and trying to find and eliminate the rogue.
I actually was listening attentively to hear the rogue somewhat scary at times.

What did you think about the story?
The story was actually quite good. It is the type of story where it evolves as time progresses.
Since you are designing more releases it needs to build gradually between releases but ensuring to
keep players wondering what is next. Essentially building suspense and excitement between releases
never answering questions fully(in other words a cliffhanger).

What did you think about Marine?
I felt sorry for Marine at the beginning having to help but as the game progresses she begins to take
on the role as a leader.

What did you think about Jeanne?
It was a surprise to have Jeanne in Marine's earring, very creative.
I am not sure what is next for her or how she evolves in the overall story

What did you think about Benoit?
Maybe a little bit apprehensive, maybe wimpy at first but as the game progresses his confidence
seems to improve.
This is the first game so probably mature as the next game is released.

What did you think about the music?
The music was great especially in the light swamp and when I reached the rogue territory it was very suspenseful. I actually was startled when I found some crocodiles hiding in the trees.
I hope I do not have scary dreams.
Some of the songs remind me of Depeche Mode, Enigma and techno beats

What did you think about the artworks?
The artwork is as good or even better than 3 Stars of Destiny and Laxius Force
The character sprites are great and I liked Karine's cleavage(I am a guy)

What did you think about the monsters?
The monsters were challenging and were well placed depending on the area and setting you were in.

Overall Comment about the game:
This was a game that has replay value because I still have not found Bokden. I will now play in hard
mode and hopefully seek him out.
I like the map area which reminds me of Aveyond. It does take some of the confusion for me out of
playing RPG 2D style games.
I spent almost two hours in Scarlet River trying to find an exit - well designed area
I spent even longer in the swamp trying to find the rogue and the territory
Overall map design very good because if I get lost and a little bit frustrated and confused and have to
use a forum then the game is a success.

Are you looking forward BOTM2 and if so, what would you like to see in this game?
Maybe have Jeanne evolve as the players evolve and grow.
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Re: Battle of the Millennium: Comprehensive Feedback

Postby Tomas » Thu Oct 01, 2009 5:53 pm

Favorite Hero (explain why):

Hirado, I like his poetry, and also, he has some useful spells, something I generally missed in BOTM.

Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why):

Jumping in the mountains (very cool and entertaining) and the crocodile hunt (awesome).

What did you think about the story?

A little bit too much peaceful for me, I hope things will be more interesting in BOTM2 (the assassin hired by Lord Dragon looks promising).

What did you think about Marine?

She seems to be pretty hot-blooded, also her dialogues with Jeanne (and monologues for the others] are often funny.

What did you think about Jeanne?

Good idea, to have someone fighting for you, who you cannot control, but it could use some tweaking. I mean, Jeanne being attackable as other enemies is often annoying and she also tends to heal someone in your party who doesn't need it. Other than that, having a friendly fairy who helps you fighting in your earring seems to be a pretty funny idea to me.

What did you think about Benoit?

He's an exact opposite of Marine.

What did you think about the music?


What did you think about the artworks?

Pretty good, especially bosses.

What did you think about the monsters?

Challenging (but maybe it's just my habbit never play anything else than hard difficulty :)...)

Overall Comment about the game:

Some things were really awesome, all the jumping and collecting points, but I missed the variety of spells and statuses from LF.
Also, because of this, the fights sometimes felt heavy RNG dependant. I mean, in LF you use melee for most fights, but when something goes wrong or the enemy is stronger than expected, you have lots of tools to save your party - party ress, party heals, decurses, powerful spells etc. But in BOTM, when you fight the Dragon for example (if I remember well the name), you try to stun him, but when he resists and cast his Howling spell, which gives Madness status, you are in big trouble and have limited posibilities how to recover.
I was also pleasantly surprised by the lenght of the game, I expected it to be shorter considering the price.

Are you looking forward BOTM2 and if so, what would you like to see in this game?

Yes, but more spells please.
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Re: Battle of the Millennium: Comprehensive Feedback

Postby Indinera » Sat Oct 03, 2009 7:13 pm


if you have finished the game, please take 5 mins to fill this questionary, it helps designing MM2 +::YAY 8)
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Re: Millennium: Comprehensive Feedback

Postby Lore » Tue Oct 06, 2009 2:47 am

Favorite Hero (explain why): Marine. She's fast, strong, hits twice, and auto regenerates HP's. Plus she has a fairy friend. +::biggrin

Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why): finding the Saint Sword. (I love cool weapons.) +::clap

What did you think about the story? A bit silly and inauthentic. How many positions of power are awarded based on hand to hand combat especially among 12 people? But, I don't really care much about the story. I am more interested in the game play and specific episodes.

What did you think about Marine? Loved her. Good fighter. Strong leader. Motivated. Likes to jump. The kind of girl who should be queen. +::lol

What did you think about Jeanne? Funny and useful. She kept Marine alive in the beginning and was always helpful during boss fights. +::Thumbup

What did you think about Benoit? Kind of goofy, but his hand spells were helpful. +::Dance

What did you think about the music? I never play games with the sound on, and so I don't know. +::Dunno

What did you think about the artworks? Beautiful! Some of the best I've seen in this type of game.

What did you think about the monsters? A bit repetitive, but I liked the meat and items dropped.

Overall Comment about the game: It was almost too easy. Your games are usually a bit more challenging. This one was pretty straight forward. I never really had to level the characters up.

Are you looking forward MM2 and if so, what would you like to see in this game? Yes. I like the idea of weapons that add abilities and improve as characters improve. I would like the game to a be a bit more challenging fight wise. I do like the fact that magic isn't essential to normal game play, but is available for boss battles.
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Re: Millennium: Comprehensive Feedback

Postby Sly Boots » Thu Oct 08, 2009 11:01 pm

Favorite Hero (explain why): Jeanne. Useful in battle and her conversations with Marine were funny.

Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why): Marine happily jumping through the trees while Benoit and Karine groaned. Was like Final Fantasy X's laughing scene without the bad acting.

What did you think about the story? Good. I like the political aspects.

What did you think about Marine? Cool heroine. She could easily convince me to fight in her little army.

What did you think about Jeanne? I can see her conversations with Marine becoming funnier.

What did you think about Benoit? Seems very cowardly now, but I think he can become a good voice of reason.

What did you think about the music? So many different kinds like chill-out stuff, Asian stuff, even metal.

What did you think about the artworks? Great character art. Nice change from all the bug-eyed anime stuff I see in Japanese RPGs.

What did you think about the monsters? Nicely drawn. I liked the bears.

Overall Comment about the game: It's a beautiful game.

Are you looking forward MM2 and if so, what would you like to see in this game? More about the political machine, like what Lord Dragon and Lord Borgon are up to.
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Re: Millennium: Comprehensive Feedback

Postby maylly » Sun Oct 11, 2009 8:49 pm

Favorite Hero (explain why):
Marine and Jeanne are my favorite Marine she is always so enthusaistic and cheerful and Jeanne is the perfect match for her i can almost see her saying " go girl !!you rock!! If it is you can do it!!"" +::clap

Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why):
When we met Jeanne that was so funny. I was not expecting to fall just there. I donno what you guys have been thinking but that was pretty crazy!

What did you think about the story?
The overall story look like an historical manga story in shojo still. Wondering if there will be any romance? I would enjoy seeing lord dragon fell in love head to toes with Marine. +::heart That is a crazy one +::lol

What did you think about Marine?
She is refreshing like a new spring season to come. We can't wait seeing that wild and yet beautiful flower grow and open up to the world in broad day light. like the sakura tree season = cherry tree( i know i know i do love to read manga very much ;)

What did you think about Jeanne?
Jeanne is my life saver in this game since we are not always able to go back and forth to buy item. Specially when you are lost and turning around around around and around for hours. If she was not with marine i wonder if her character would have been different.

What did you think about Benoit?
Fake coward. I do believe he is pretty courageous and he can cast some good spell. He so modest and always afraid of everything. I trully would like to see his character evolve it will be annoying if stay the same old him of the country side +::music

What did you think about the music?
The music is great. I would some time leave my game on pause and let it run for a few while!!

What did you think about the artworks?
The art work is awsome. That what the manga lover that i am is thinking. The scenary at the end specially!! To reflect a new hope a rainbow it was nice. Though i didn't pay a lot attention to it in the first place. My first comment was : and that's it!! +::cry
After that battle in the ancient temple i was expecting some more +::Dunno what!

What did you think about the monsters?
They are really tuff tuff!! I do enjoy playing RPG my favorite series is the aveyond series + ariman prophecy. I discovered 3 stars of destiny on aramanth games website while i was waiting for aveyond 3 chapter 1.
To get back to the point i played on normal mode and really had some harsh time, the players on the forum helped a lot.

Overall Comment about the game:
Please guys think about something to avoid having us running or should i say walking all over this place it did really get on my nerves. +::wizard

Are you looking forward MM2 and if so, what would you like to see in this game?
I am. just hope it will not take ages. I think through my comments you understand pretty well what i would like to see
Good luck +::Thumbup Thank the hard work +::clap
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Re: Millennium: Comprehensive Feedback

Postby raganaite » Tue Oct 13, 2009 6:17 pm

Favorite Hero (explain why):
at this momment Marine 9but can't wait to meet lord Dragon +:oops: )
Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why):
jumping on the trees when you go to Saphire cave through secret room +::biggrin
What did you think about the story?
I love it, but of course can't wait to see what happens next
What did you think about Marine?
so enthusiastic, real hero
What did you think about Jeanne?
She makes story more funny, really helps in battles
What did you think about Benoit?
coward, but I hope this will change and he will become another hero
What did you think about the music?
At first it sounded a bit strange, something new in such games, but later I loved it really, it really suits games and makes game more interesting +::music don't change that
What did you think about the artworks?
WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Characters are so beutifully drawn, at all I loved all art
What did you think about the monsters?
Nice art ;)
Overall Comment about the game:
ADDICTIVE :razz: i had to finish it and make perfect savefile +::biggrin
Are you looking forward MM2 and if so, what would you like to see in this game?
Of course I'm going to play MM2. Keep going in making so cool games. A lot of quests, i love them
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