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Re: Millennium: Comprehensive Feedback

PostPosted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 9:38 pm
by nightowl
Favorite Hero (explain why): I liked Marine because she has guts, is very much her father's daughter and a future force to be reckoned with.
Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why): finally getting past the clown in the toy store! I wish it had replenishing goodies after each quest (hint, hint)
What did you think about the story? excellent
What did you think about Marine? good - I would prefer if she could have a decent weapon; for some reason everyone wants to fight by hand. I'm a sword and shield kind of person, so I naturally prefer that. I can't tell you how many times in Green Grass I tried to pick up the axe or shovel and use them as weapons.
What did you think about Jeanne? delightful. I used her mainly to heal the characters while they fought in the major battles. Just wish she was bigger!
What did you think about Benoit? starting out wimpy but is becoming a good fighter. I use most of his MP to heal the characters so I don't have to use potions, which can only be used in fights (as opposed to muskrat meat, etc. which can't).
What did you think about the music? Lovely music.
What did you think about the artworks? Truly beautiful. I love it.
What did you think about the monsters? Big! They fight really well though they all have a tendency to bring buddies in to help them fight. Have they drop really good stuff, and not just occasionally.
Overall Comment about the game: I loved it. I liked the idea of jumping without having to calculate where you're going to land! +::clap
Are you looking forward MM2 and if so, what would you like to see in this game? I can't wait! I wish it would be out sooner. Would like to see more places to rest, like the windmill or the empty guard house in Green Grass. All hidden rooms should have goodies in them, not Nuns singing! I prefer sparkles where the hidden rooms/areas are so you can look harder in that area. What would truly help is if any of the major characters had some bad state going on, like venom, that their state should override what their training is. It would be great is it was in red, too. I'd like it if defeated "enemies" dropped both food (if an animal) or goodies (if humanoid or monster king) and something you could sell to make more money to outfit your troop better. I'd also love it if the contrast between colors (like in the swamp) was more easily visible; I can't tell you how many times I kept going over the same place for hours trying to find the way out (dark on dark doesn't work for me and I have an LCD monitor so it auto-adjusts itself). I wish items found on the ground were visible so you could head right over to them rather than have to rely on the cursor (which makes me curse quite a bit) - some are but others are invisible until you're almost on top of them.

Re: Millennium: Comprehensive Feedback

PostPosted: Sat Oct 17, 2009 3:09 am
by bobbydaz
Favorite Hero (explain why): Marine for her spirit, sense of adventure and fun. She is a great protagonist and her character development was logical.

Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why): There were several. Marine jumping around everywhere and running into Jeanne, the Swamp with Crocodile Hunting and from the Sapphire Cave onwards. I liked the little touches of humour throughout the game also.

What did you think about the story? Fantastic. A little slow to begin with but flowed well and was plausible. Nice to have a change from "Saving the World" etc.

What did you think about Jeanne? Worldly and witty and very useful in the beginning.

What did you think about Benoit? The reluctant, serious hero was actually a good fighter. I found him an amusing counterpart to the other characters.

What did you think about the music? Brilliant, realistic, soothing in parts and dramatic in others.

What did you think about the artworks? Excellent, you really outdid yourself here. This was beautifully done and cant be faulted.

What did you think about the monsters? I liked the variety and how they were drawn. Some were really tough which required strategy and brain matter.

Overall Comment about the game: Excellent. I really appreciate the variety of modes which made it easier to progress although there are no shortcuts to playing the game (nor should there be). It did take a little while to get into but because of your other games I knew I would be rewarded for perservering (and probably because i spent a fair amount of time accumulating drops for funds initially).

The graphics, artwork, animations and story were superb and I felt as though I was immersed and part of a beautiful alternate reality. All the elements really gelled for a compelling experience and this in my opinion surpassed my enjoyment of the Aveyond games. I enjoyed the fact that I was rewarded for playing well and unbelievable that I played for 50 hours, there is so much depth to this game.

Are you looking forward MM2 and if so, what would you like to see in this game? That goes without saying. Keep doing what you are doing and ensure that you have all the different modes. The only suggestion is if there could be some sort of egress spell to exit out of areas once you are finished. Also I would add 100 steps on top of the 50 because when you are looking for quest items you do not necessarily want such a high encounter rate. A speed rune or some type of magical travelling device to get to certain areas would be helpful (ie to Rocky Path, Green Grass) to take some of the grind out of unnecessary travelling/fighting so that you can complete the quests.

Re: Millennium: Comprehensive Feedback

PostPosted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 4:08 pm
by Sue4HOOC
I hope that the next mm has a Journal, more places to rest and power up. More Items Shops with Magic reasonable prices, (since we don't get Gold for battles.) I prefer full overview Maps of each region, as well as the sectional maps you now have. I don't enjoy being lost for hours on end as I have been in the Bog.
( Having said that, you do make beautiful Maps.) +::Thumbup
I just get hoplessly lost and end up quitting the game. It's very frustrating. +::Annoyed

Better weapons for the lead character, like Marine. I don't mind leveling up, but would like progressivley better weapons, as the monsters get stronger. There's a problem with the Fairy, the characters end up hitting her as well as the monsters. She doesn't always work correctly either. +::Dunno

Love the Save anywhere, the Jumping, (very fun) +::Dance and the Hide or Fight option. Graphics are great, the music is too. But while I like the sounds of the area I'm in, I like to turn off the music too and still hear the area sounds. It's just a nice option to have. (I just turn off my speakers as it is now.) The story is fine, and I hope to be able to finish the game. IF I ever get out of the Bog.

Benoit is a pain, not a man anyone can respect...don't like a whiner and coward for a warrior. (Lars in Aveyond was a jerk, but not a coward...which made him bearable.)

Jeanie is funny and fun. And a good fighter...needs more magic, and ability to do more.

Karine is great so far. Really like her. And she has good fighting abilities. Which for me is more fun.

Re: Millennium: Comprehensive Feedback

PostPosted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 8:05 pm
by Huskyy
Favorite Hero (explain why):I was thinking about this question for a very long time,and I decided I can't choose just one.All of them has character depth,they're all promising heroes with determination and a good heart.
Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why):Finding Karine and Hirado.I loved the way Marine convienced them to help her cause.
What did you think about the story?
Epic.That's all I can say. :)
What did you think about Marine?
Totally loved her!The strength and determination she has is unmatched.
What did you think about Jeanne?
She's really amusing!Loved her comments!
What did you think about Benoit?
Well,he seems to be a little cowardly for the first time,but inside,he is a true hero,just he himself has to discover this,too.
What did you think about the music?
Beautiful!Perfectly fits the atmosphere of the game.
What did you think about the artworks?
I'm one that's very critical about graphics and artwork,but I was amazed!Really,truly beautiful! :)
What did you think about the monsters?
They were well-balanced,needed no extra levelling-up,and this is the most important point for me.Maybe they were too easy sometimes,but I didn't play on very hard mode,so maybe I'm not 100 percent right about this. :)
Overall Comment about the game:A fantastc,beautiful new world,fantastic atmosphere and great music.An epic storyline with deep,well-developed characters.What else is here to say? :)
Are you looking forward MM2 and if so, what would you like to see in this game?
Of course! :) I'm really anxious to meet the next bunch of heroes,and to see how these ones fare.A little bit of romance would be good,too.(Ok,ok,I know I'm hopeless. +::lol )

Re: Millennium: Comprehensive Feedback

PostPosted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 8:42 am
by mamachi
For the first time in my long life I have played in hard mode and played to the end and it was the best game I have played in years. THANK YOU INDINERA
I always use a lot of times in the games enjoing the graphic in every scene and I am also the one who is the last person to finish the game so I dont write much in this forum (only when I need help lol so thanks to all the people here in the forum you are so kind)
I will try to answer the questions:
Hero: Well I always stick to the first person so that is Marine.
Favorit in-game moments: Oh my how should I be apple to choose I love it all but well maybe it was the Scarlet River because that was a challenge to find your way arround. But the best music was the swamp.
The Story: You don't have to ask I love your storys. Maybe I like this better because there is no woman slaves here +::biggrin. I think there is a good balance between the character and maybe this story have a happy end.
Marine: She is my hero a real figther. I only wish she would be stronger and that she could do something nobody ever have done so far.
Benoit: What a whimp but I think he will be better and he will end up as a champion in his what-do-you-call-it handweapon.
Music: To be honest I always turn off the music after a while in each scenario because I can't take the interruptions every time there is a fight. But in this game I think the best was the swamp music.
Artwork: I LOVE IT. Again this is my favorit part of the game because you made it so beautiful.
Monsters: I like the art. I was having some troubles about reading the messages in fights it disapear to fast and it was very hard not to get my little fairy helper killed all the times specially late in the game. I think this need a little more programming +::whistle . But she is very funny to have. I love the bosses and the bear is +::clap .

Overall: YOU ARE SIMPLY THE BEST +::kiss
And what I want in Millenium 2 well first of all number
I think you are better to come up with storys than me but I would like more power to my heroine a really superwoman but also keeping her heart pure. And that you DONT let her loose the final fight with all her team.

I am not sure how many people was involved making this game but they all have to know that they are doing a great job and we love their work.
Finish and on to the next game: ASGUARD +::Dance

Re: Millennium: Comprehensive Feedback

PostPosted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 10:44 pm
by D-Squall
Favorite Hero (explain why): Marine, because I like her determiation, and her sudden idea of changing the future of Myst

Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why): The final scene, in the start of the game, she was scared because she tought that no one was going to help her, but in the end she realised that she has two companions already. And her idea to change Myst can work.

What did you think about the story?Too simple, but I liked the simplicity of this history +::lol

What did you think about Marine?The girl more corageous that I ever saw in games +::biggrin

What did you think about Jeanne?Funny Fairy, I like of somethings she makes fun of Benoit, and Benoit can't hear her, is even more funny.

What did you think about Benoit? Man, I think he is more coward than Guanidia, but he fights really well.

What did you think about the music? Awesome music, with really good instruments, the musics of this game was better than any other musics of your others games.

What did you think about the artworks?I think it was the better artworks Indy ever made.

What did you think about the monsters? Cool monster, even if they're just animals +::lol But I liked the artwork

Overall Comment about the game:This game is my second favorite of Indy games after Laxius Force II, this game is so awesome that won't let the player stop playing, I advise for those who don't played, play this game.

Are you looking forward MM2 and if so, what would you like to see in this game?
Of course im looking for Millennium 2, I wanna see tons of new artworks.

Re: Millennium: Comprehensive Feedback

PostPosted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 9:26 am
by loof123
I didn't give a feedback!!! +::O_o +::O_o +::O_o

Favorite Hero (explain why):
Karine, totally. She is the first one to joins Marine's quest, and the first one to take her serious. And because she's strong! And she can craft a lot!

Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why):
There aren't many great moments in MM1... I liked that squirrel thing. :)

What did you think about the story?: The story is fun, and compelling. And there is a huge goal... Hope Marine can succeed... +::biggrin

What did you think about Marine?: She's tough, brave, WAAAY over her head. In short, she's awesome!

What did you think about Jeanne?: +::biggrin +::biggrin +::biggrin +::biggrin +::biggrin +::biggrin +::biggrin +::biggrin She's AWESOME too! She might be tiny, but her comments are +::biggrin +::biggrin +::biggrin And in fights, with her "SPARKLES" she's good too :razz:

What did you think about Benoit?: Benoit... he's cool. He's actually kinda the hero. Even though he's not going to be a warrior, he helped Marine all the way to finding Hirado and Karine. The boy's got guts!

What did you think about the music?: The music IS one of the best ones you've ever had... :)

What did you think about the artworks?: They were amazing. Especially Karine +::biggrin

What did you think about the monsters?: They were very monster looking, well-drawn. Amazing!

Overall Comment about the game: It was a great game. The start of the MM series, what can I say? +::biggrin

Are you looking forward MM2 and if so, what would you like to see in this game?: I'm ignoring this :razz:

Re: Millennium: Comprehensive Feedback

PostPosted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 1:16 pm
by Skywarden
Favorite Hero (explain why): Marine because she wants to change the world to do a better place and she doesnt stop until she achievement it.
Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why):When I finished all quests, animal kings, rooms...and ending. Festina music.
What did you think about the story?Nice story started with squirrels +::biggrin
What did you think about Marine? She is awesome.
What did you think about Jeanne? Funny, beautiful and her spells save me a lot of times.
What did you think about Benoit? I like him, he is so prudent and he has great skills. Marine is Yang and Benoit Yin.
What did you think about the music? I love it, Festina is awesome. Rogue Territory music it was very suspenseful.
What did you think about the artworks? Brilliant +::Thumbup
What did you think about the monsters? I like design as spiders or crocs.
Overall Comment about the game: One's of best rpg have I played. Plenty of quests sidequests fights secrets...awesome music, story.
Are you looking forward MM2 and if so, what would you like to see in this game? Just I purchased and I want to see more towns and powerful weapons.