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PostPosted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 7:54 pm
by titaness
If I may be serious for a moment, I am serious about needing a way to quickly get from one area to another. I was just visiting the help forum, and noticed several people groaned about having to travel
all the way out of Sapphire Cave, and through the Rocky Path to get to some supplies. Now granted,
the pass through option sort of serves this purpose, but you can't do that from the Sapphire cave side.
Egress is great, but if you've managed to get that far in the game shouldn't we be rewarded with a
Wings spell, or Cocka-Cocka spell, or something like that from your creative mind, Indy? It always bothered me a bit in 3S that you couldn't easilly get back to other areas once you reached Rillia, and
similar problem in LF. I feel a crusade coming on, and bet I'll win this one!!! +::lol +::lol ;) I may even
have to enlist the help of the evasive Bokden here. By the way, his popularity is growing, have you noticed. That crusade may win as well!! +::lol +::lol

Re: Cocka-Cocka

PostPosted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 8:01 pm
by Indinera
Hmmm to be honest Sapphire Cave leads nowhere, it's just the ending dungeon (linked with the Ancient Temple of course).
I added the "Go Through" option to the 3 places that just serves purposes of going from place A to place B. Where else could this option have been included?

Similarly - Asguaard will let you travel from one major city to another. Because all of them are really far from each other. +::O_o

Re: Cocka-Cocka

PostPosted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 8:21 pm
by titaness
When you leave the valley where Sapphire cave is, you have to go back through the Rocky path to get
out on either side. Unless you added that and I didn't notice!! +::lol

Re: Cocka-Cocka

PostPosted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 8:28 pm
by Indinera
Indeed, this one I did not change. but i have an explanation for this, to me when you were leaving, you were not coming back lol

Re: Cocka-Cocka

PostPosted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 8:35 pm
by titaness
What if you missed the pillar like I did on my second go round? And, it's wasn't the end of the game
unless you make the same mistake I did by following Hirado's suggestion and end up exiting the game.
It's also a good place to go collect gold if you're so inclined! I got most of my quests after I got Hirado.
But then, you did place a warning about saving before going there, didn't you? I haven't been back there
to see. In any case, if folks choose to go back and finish some quests, they'll still have to go back to
end the game? +::Dunno :)

Re: Cocka-Cocka

PostPosted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 2:31 pm
by loof123
Like in Eternal Eden if you pass through one dungeon you can pass thrrough there in a shortcut...