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The King's Heroes - Memories

The King's Heroes - Memories

Postby Indinera » Wed Nov 18, 2015 2:59 pm

This is the place to post your feedback about The King's Heroes. You can download the game here:

If you've got 5 mins, please fill this funny questionary!

Just copy/paste the questions and answer below them! :)
Since the questionary is big, to avoid any stupid loss due to internet connections stopping (I've been there lol), maybe copy it in a word document and save it before sending - just a recommendation. +::music

(feel free to overlook questions about characters you didn't pick of course)

* Your opinion about the Knight (please specify which sub-class you picked)?
* Your opinion about the Commander?
* Your opinion about the Witch (please specify which sub-class you picked)?
* Your opinion about the Priestess (please specify which sub-class you picked)?
* Your opinion about the Monk (please specify which sub-class you picked)?
* Your opinion about the Minister?
* Your opinion about the Rogue?
* Your opinion about the Archer (please specify which sub-class you picked)?
* Which character has the most beautiful artwork?
* Which character was the most powerful? and the weakest?
* Which character is the most innovative with their skills?
* (for people attracted to women) Based on looks only, would you rather date the Witch, the Priestess, the Rogue or the Archer?
* (for people attracted to men) Based on looks only, would you rather date the Knight, the Commander, the Monk or the Minister?
* Your opinion about the game's title screen and music?
* What was your favorite moment and why?
* What's the game's best/strongest sides?
* Did the ending surprise you?
* How does this game compare to your favorite games from Aldorlea (usual names are Millennium, Laxius Force, Asguaard, The Book of Legends etc.)
• Play my latest games! ⬇️⬇️⬇️
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Re: The King's Heroes - Memories

Postby littlebro » Wed Nov 18, 2015 8:41 pm

Ha! They don't call me speedy for nothing. I see that I'm the first to get here.

No opinion about the Knight, the Commander, the Priestess or the Minister, as I didn’t pick them.

Witch – Magneto
I equipped her with the Book of War as soon as I got it and never changed it as it was such a useful piece of gear. I used her buffs and ‘Heavy Shock’ skill the most, but I found as the game progressed, that more and more enemies were immune to the elements she had, which made her skills somewhat less useful.
Monk – War
My strongest hitter, particularly after I gave him Karaki Assist-Mace (hits twice) Solid, reliable, and even though he could only equip a Leather Shirt, with the other gear I gave him he had good solid defence. Once he could regenerate MP each turn I used his Monastery skill for nearly all my healing, so saving money on healing items. Ah yes, money. I’ll come to that later.
Good, solid character. At first I was a bit hesitant to use her skills because of her low MP, but with the amount of permanent MP increase items I found, and then with giving her the Oculus Globe, she was absolutely fine. That counter attack made a welcome addition.
Archer – of the Dew
After she started learning multiple hits before anyone had a turn she became something of a ‘must have’, and once she had 4 hits, plus Pan’s Feather which gave her 3 hits on her turn, with ‘Shrink’ she softened up the enemies very nicely for the others to finish off. I used her ‘Airslaughter’ skill on several occasions, but it didn’t seem to do anything. Maybe it is less clear exactly which enemies count as ‘flying’.
Artwork – the Commander and the Minister were both excellent. The artwork for the female characters was not to my taste.
Most powerful – War Monk. Weakest – Archer of the Dew.
Not sure that I can pick the most innovative. Looking at the list of everyone’s skills, I suspect it might be someone I didn’t pick to be in my team.
Title screen was, I thought, very good, and I liked having the King there, but it did mean that several Heroes could not be shown. I quite liked the title music, but my favourite tracks were elsewhere.
My favourite moment was defeating the final ‘final’ boss on my first attempt. It got a bit hairy at times (carefully avoids saying why because of spoilers, but anyone who finishes will know what I mean when I say that the composition of the party was a key factor in this) so the sense of accomplishment was quite strong. As I didn’t consult the Guide at all for strategies I’m rather pleased with myself. Also got through the Colyseum on the first attempt as well, so that was also pleasing.
Best side – the variety of enemies and the variety of skills that they had so that strategies could be diverse.
Ending – yes it was something of a surprise, but I was half expecting something odd (not the actual, but ‘something’) because I couldn’t see how this was going to achieve their objective of rescuing the princess.
How does this compare? I missed the dialogue that usually happens in dungeons, the exchanges between the party members. I can see that with the character selection it would have been a nightmare to try and work out something, so I am not surprised that there wasn’t any. I suppose this is the downside to giving the player such free range in choosing who is present. I see that the mapping was done by someone else, and I thought that some of the maps were not up to your own standard. The cave ones were a little bit samey, though others, like the final dungeon, were fine. Battles were on a par.
Money – although I was careful with what I spent, and sold everything I could as soon as I could, I often found myself short of money. I didn’t have the Manager, so couldn’t benefit from his money increasing skill. I thought the prices of some of the gear was a bit high. Because I did Ivendra Tower I got some extremely good gear there. If I hadn’t, I’m not sure if I would have been able to manage, particularly for the last series of boss battles.
Overall, a game which compares well with other Aldorlea games, but until I replay with other party members I’m not in a position to give a firm and final judgement.
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Re: The King's Heroes - Memories

Postby Cassiopeia » Sun Nov 29, 2015 1:12 pm

I had:
Tunder Monk - Good fighter, but lacks resistance.
Paladin - Hits hard, very resistant, but very slow. Only Speed Ring can fix that more or less. Good and useful fighter though.
Rogue - Very fast, good fighter, but also takes a lot of damage from some monsters.
Pricess of Savior - Good for healing, but other than that pretty useless.

* Which character has the most beautiful artwork?
They are all good, but I'm so tired of half naked, hugh-breasted women. Also, no woman has balloon-shaped breasts like this artist tends to draw them.

* Which character was the most powerful? and the weakest?
The weakest: In my party clearly Gail.
The most powerful ... dunno. The other three were all quite good.

* Which character is the most innovative with their skills?
None. From Aldorlea games I'm used to much more innovative skills. No spell ever had that WOW effect.

* Your opinion about the game's title screen and music?
It's a nice game title screen, and it's nice game music. Not more to say about it. I ususally don't pay much attention to this.

* What was your favorite moment and why?
I didn't have a favorite moment. There just wasn't any highlight in this game.

* What's the game's best/strongest sides?
No secret rooms.

* Did the ending surprise you?
Not at all. It was exactly what I expected. The leader always behaved somewhat strange and as soon as he turned down to hear about their future in that one town, it was pretty clear to me what was going to happen.

* How does this game compare to your favorite games from Aldorlea (usual names are Millennium, Laxius Force, Asguaard, The Book of Legends etc.)
I'm sorry to say this, but for me it was the most disappointing game I've played in a while and on the list of Aldorlea games it's at the very end.
Story-wise it was like Moonchild 2.0. An abducted princess and a companion that turned out to be a traitor.
Throughout the game the story didn't develop any further. The whole game was nothing but heading from one dungeon to the next. And endless series of fights, fights, fights, only interrupted by some conversations in some small towns, that weren't going anywhere though as there were no side quests. So other than getting a little gift from an NPC here and there, I don't quite know why I even bothered exploring those towns.
Fighting could get really annoying as there were so many monsters that were faster than even my fastest character. Getting on to a new part of the game always meant a huge leap in difficulty. Each time I was just hoping to reach a town soon, so as to buy better equipment, only to find out that prices were way too high to afford more than just one piece, and earning money was a real challenge.
The final fight took me two days to get through and made me so mad, I didn't even know I could get THAT mad.
Then I finally made it through - and what for? To see a short sequence where the princess comes through some wall? How did she get out of there all of a sudden?
I was totally surprised that this was the end of the game. I thought there was more to come - like finally finding the princess and taking her back home for good.
It's sort of frustrating that a game that's supposed to provide "30 - 40+ hours" of playtime is over after 20. And this time there's no reason like side quests or thorough exploration.
Again, I'm sorry. I'm sure a huge load of work went into this game. But for me personally it wasn't worth the time and money I put into it.
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Re: The King's Heroes - Memories

Postby Madmar » Mon Nov 30, 2015 6:47 pm

* Your opinion about the Knight (please specify which sub-class you picked)?
I chose the knight, and frankly Frank was rather a boor. Good hitter and decent spells, but he was no Random.

* Your opinion about the Witch (please specify which sub-class you picked)?
Magneto witch. For a time, she was the only one who had any skills to impact all enemies and for me was the most useful character until her spells were no longer so powerful

* Your opinion about the Rogue?
She could be a real powerhouse at times but had little resistance.

* Your opinion about the Archer (please specify which sub-class you picked)?
Archer of the Dew was pretty weak in the beginning but got the multiple hit skill and airslaughter skill she kicked some butt.

* Which character has the most beautiful artwork?
Wasn't my favorite artwork. Disliked the women in particular. Their artwork seems to be geared primarily to adolescent boys with hormonal overload. I am definitely not in that classification.

* Which character was the most powerful? and the weakest?
Mona was the strongest after Frank. The others held their own

* Which character is the most innovative with their skills?
Nobody I had was particularly innovative. The best was the archer.

* Your opinion about the game's title screen and music?
Title screen was OK. Liked the music.

* What was your favorite moment and why?
No special moment for me.

* What's the game's best/strongest sides?
Nothing comes to mind

* Did the ending surprise you?
Not really. TBOL and Moonchild had similar "surprises" but I they were by far more clever overall.

* How does this game compare to your favorite games from Aldorlea (usual names are Millennium, Laxius Force, Asguaard, The Book of Legends etc.)
This game ranks dead last on my Aldorlea games. The characters were not engaging and I honestly didn't much care what happened to any of them unlike your other games where I was carried away by the story. Here, there really was no story or character to carry me away. It was all rather flat and dull. Of all your collaborations, I saw very little of YOU in the story. This did not feel like an Indy creation. Sorry
Last edited by Madmar on Tue Dec 01, 2015 2:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The King's Heroes - Memories

Postby Tomas » Mon Nov 30, 2015 10:50 pm

Your opinion about the Knight (please specify which sub-class you picked)?
Dark Kinght - very powerful and extremely "durable". Yes, he's slow, but with the right (= pre-emptive) equipment this posed no problem.
And his spell can be a big deal sometimes. Especially Omen.

Your opinion about the Commander?
Haven't played.

Your opinion about the Witch (please specify which sub-class you picked)?
Pyro Witch - Fairly fast, good buffs and usually she can take quite a lot of beating. What I missed, though, was an ultimate offensive spells. I the end I mostly used her for buffs and Infernal Assualt, which was a bit dissapointing.

Your opinion about the Priestess (please specify which sub-class you picked)?
Priestess of Savior - very powerfull buffs and healing. Also, with Diamandine (the best shield) she was very resistant and rarely dying in fights. What a pity the Fix spell wasn't working correctly.

Your opinion about the Monk (please specify which sub-class you picked)?
Haven't played.

Your opinion about the Minister?
Haven't played.

Your opinion about the Rogue?
True "damage dealer". Great damage and versatile spells. And unmatched speed on top of that. A bit "squishy" sometimes - often she was "one-shoted" in fights.

Your opinion about the Archer (please specify which sub-class you picked)?
Haven't played.

Which character has the most beautiful artwork?
The Commander.

Which character was the most powerful? and the weakest?
The Knight was the most powerful. Damage-wise close to the Rogue, but extremely resistant.
He basically never died.
The weakes was probably The Witch. Her spells weren't powerful enough to compensate for her weak endurance in fights.

Which character is the most innovative with their skills?
I liked the Pyro Witch's Cloud of Eternity (cancelling Silence) and Infernal Assault. These spells were cool.

(for people attracted to women) Based on looks only, would you rather date the Witch, the Priestess, the Rogue or the Archer?
The Rogue was my favourite.

Your opinion about the game's title screen and music?
Title screen great (I like the King's artwork), music "standard". But I really loved Dvorsky Tower.

What was your favorite moment and why?
Probably the beginning. I actually found the king to be the funniest character.
And also the moments the party was refusing the possible side-quests. "Could you..." "No!". Haha. Totally unexpected for a RPG.
Also the Isendra Tower, my favourite dungeon.

What's the game's best/strongest sides?
Dungeons, battles, enemies artworks. And the difficulty on maniac, the battles could switch from "allright" to "oh crap" very quickly.

Did the ending surprise you?
It was unexpected, but not surprising, since I played Moonchild.

How does this game compare to your favorite games from Aldorlea (usual names are Millennium, Laxius Force, Asguaard, The Book of Legends etc.)
I like dungeons, but without sidequests and more touching story, TKH can't really keep up with the best.
When comparing with "similar" games, I liked both GR and Moonchild more. GR was shorter and more innovative, playing with different parties was easier. And Moonchild had better characters and more immersive dungeons.
What I did like was the way the rings worked (adding bonuses when in inventory) and artifacts than couldn't be unequipped. That was a cool twist.

Overall, I felt TKH lacked a bit more variety and motivation. Some switches in dungeons, let's say. More optional dungeons. Or world bosses. And more interesting weapons. Even the most expensive relics didn't feel particularly powerful.
Also, most of the time I found worse equipment than I had already bought. (Isendra Tower was the only exception.) Counting killed enemies was a good idea, but the reward for most of the "perfect scores" was negligible. And probably the most disappointing thing for me - the reward for beating the Collyseum was quite useless. +::cry
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Re: The King's Heroes - Memories

Postby Valdy » Tue Dec 01, 2015 5:32 am

I didn't finish the game, just got killed all the time when it was just the three of us. It's the second time I made it all the way to the end, but after a few tries I really can't be bothered to go another few hours to see if I can finish the game. However, I hope it's OK to do the "memories" even though I didn't make it.

My "dream team" was:

Novak - War Monk (used him as the leader, because I didn't want to lose the others later on). Reason I picked him is because of his spells.
Frank - Crusader (used him because he can hit multiple times)
Trillian - Magneto-Witch (used her because she has Egress and Paralyze).
Callyope - Archer of the Dew (used her because she can hit up to 4x from level 45 onwards.

* (for people attracted to women) Based on looks only, would you rather date the Witch, the Priestess, the Rogue or the Archer?
Well, I am not, but who thought of this question? Not a woman, that's for sure. *rolls eyes* Don't care for Trillian's and Callyope's big breasts hanging out of their tops, nor do I care to see that Trillian obviously has had a bikini wax (or was that a Brazilian wax?). LOL Really, cover them up, for goodness' sake.

* (for people attracted to men) Based on looks only, would you rather date the Knight, the Commander, the Monk or the Minister?
Oh please... These are really childish questions. And you should have asked me when I was 16. Am too old for this kind of question now.

* Did the ending surprise you?
Yes, it did. Didn't realise that the leader was going over to the dark side. LOL

* How does this game compare to your favorite games from Aldorlea (usual names are Millennium, Laxius Force, Asguaard, The Book of Legends etc.)
Never bought Book of Legends, because I try to avoid games with invisible enemies only.
There is definitely more to Millennium, and way more to Asguaard. This game (TKH) plays more like "Girlfriend Rescue", where you do nothing else but move from place to place and beat the crap out of everyone who is in your way. This game plays just the same. Don't really care for games that don't give me a little relief from the never-ending fights, but despite that I did like this game.
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Re: The King's Heroes - Memories

Postby aloha » Fri Dec 04, 2015 11:47 pm

Before I begin: i did not read the notes and did not "test" the characters before i chose my final party. I simply went by what they said and their description when you first get to choose them < just to keep things interesting...

* Your opinion about the Knight (please specify which sub-class you picked)? not selected

* Your opinion about the Commander?
Commander seemed somewhat limited with little health and attack but good spells for strategy and use of other characters. To really take advantage you need good party with high attack/good weapons though, and commander not necessarily conducive to levels higher than normal (since i havent played them yet)

* Your opinion about the Witch (please specify which sub-class you picked)? Magneto witch. She has nice spells, good attack and fairly versatile weapons to equip.

* Your opinion about the Priestess (please specify which sub-class you picked)?pentacle. let me just say that this lucky choice was ultimately part of the strategy to defeat pippin. I absolutely needed her healing spells and damage spells at the lower levels.

* Your opinion about the Monk (please specify which sub-class you picked)? fire monk. killer attack and weapon choice for strategy (both cost and availability) early on, nice heal spell and great combo spells from both commander and pentacle witch. now i used his lack of shield to equip relics when needed for specific needs IE money or level up or obtaining dropped items from specific monsters.

* Your opinion about the Minister? not selected
* Your opinion about the Rogue? not selected
* Your opinion about the Archer (please specify which sub-class you picked)? not selected

* Which character has the most beautiful artwork?
* Which character was the most powerful? Of the 4 I chose, strength/attach = monk. spells depends on who fighting but the witch/priestess+monk in limited monsters. and the weakest? strength/attack = commander spells commander, only because if a party member dies in an attack, the spell is rendered useless and loses that turn - even by changing around his gear (high speed or high attack etc) didnt negate benefits vs detriments.

* Which character is the most innovative with their skills? witch has nice mixes of various spells and abilities to equip gear/weapons.

* (for people attracted to women) Based on looks only, would you rather date the Witch, the Priestess, the Rogue or the Archer? of who i chose, witch.

* (for people attracted to men) Based on looks only, would you rather date the Knight, the Commander, the Monk or the Minister? of who i chose, monk.

* Your opinion about the game's title screen and music? "OK" i like all the characters evenly weighted (their presence) in the title screen and a bit of mystery to the artwork. I turn off inherent music and sound :D

* What was your favorite moment and why? finally defeating pippin.LOL. this was the hardest strategic fight :D

* What's the game's best/strongest sides? ability to play again with other characters and mix/match + more various levels hard, expert, etc.

* Did the ending surprise you? yes. not because of what happened but how hard the fight was LOL. true boss.

* How does this game compare to your favorite games from Aldorlea (usual names are Millennium, Laxius Force, Asguaard, The Book of Legends etc.)
Now i am an intuitive player. I dont click every wall or tree or edge of a cliff every direction to see if something is there. I intuitively play and guess where secret rooms are or solutions to quests or goodies might be based on characters personality, traits, habits, dialog and how the rooms are created and his themes and humor. So LF, asguaard, tbol i love these games because of that level of development of the characters, their dialog and ability of the player to discover the unseen within the unseen. This game was less intuitive w/o the side quests and one could conceivably click everywhere in a dungeon w/o surprise or making choices and just "win" or complete the dungeon. To be fair i havent played in all modes and all characters, but i prefer a creative, thought provoking, quest that requires a lot of imagination and is full of surprise aka tbol LF millenium.
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Re: The King's Heroes - Memories

Postby blitzen » Sun Dec 06, 2015 12:35 am

* Your opinion about the Knight (please specify which sub-class you picked)?
Crusader. He got most of the best gear. I liked that he could equip anything.

* Your opinion about the Witch (please specify which sub-class you picked)?
Pyro. Her buffs were useful, but it took a long time to build up her HP to a decent level.

* Your opinion about the Monk (please specify which sub-class you picked)?
Thunder. His skills were probably the most useful overall, with the healing and status buffs.

* Your opinion about the Rogue?
A reliable, strong character, effective against most types of enemies. She acquired fewer skills than the other characters, which was disappointing.

* Which character has the most beautiful artwork?
I see I'm not the only one who is sick and tired of almost naked women with gigantic and ludicrously unrealistic breasts. It's like you've never seen an actual woman in the flesh. Anyway, none of the artwork was to my taste. Too stereotypically "manga"-esque.

* Which character was the most powerful? and the weakest?
Of the ones I picked, I think the Rogue was the most physically powerful, and the Monk had the best skills. The Witch was the weakest.

* Which character is the most innovative with their skills?
None, really.

* (for people attracted to women) Based on looks only, would you rather date the Witch, the Priestess, the Rogue or the Archer?
I'm not 12.

* (for people attracted to men) Based on looks only, would you rather date the Knight, the Commander, the Monk or the Minister?
Again, not 12.

* Your opinion about the game's title screen and music?
Both were fine if nothing special.

* What was your favorite moment and why?
When I remembered to make my characters Gigantic going into the final battle so they wouldn't need to use healing items as much.

* What's the game's best/strongest sides?
Choosing your party at the beginning was fun and different.

* Did the ending surprise you?
Not in the slightest. Seen this kind of "twist" ending far too many times.

* How does this game compare to your favorite games from Aldorlea (usual names are Millennium, Laxius Force, Asguaard, The Book of Legends etc.)
I agree with the others who have put this game at the bottom of the list. There was nothing special about this game that marks it as an Aldorlea/Indinera creation. The gameplay was very straightforward, no diversions, no sidequests, no real insight into any of the characters. WAY too much grinding if you wanted to accumulate enough money to buy really good weapons or armors. I don't mind a bit of grinding if I'm invested in the storyline or characters, but a rote "rescue the princess and save the world" story plus flat lifeless characters just didn't hold my interest. Sorry, Indy, but I found this...lazy. I wasn't expecting a Laxius Force or MIllennium style epic, but...this was a fun diversion, nothing more.
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Re: The King's Heroes - Memories

Postby Cassiopeia » Mon Dec 07, 2015 1:36 pm

I know this topic is not for discussion. I just meant to say one thing: "Lazy" is quite unfair.
I certainly criticized the game a lot, and yes, I've been missing the usual creativity and richness. But by all means, I really don't think Indy is someone to be called lazy.

So as not to go completely off topic:
On my second playthrough (yes, I'm replaying anyway ....) I had the Archer of the Clouds, Magneto Witch, War Monk and Commander.
Callyope is a great asset and her pre-emptive shots do make the whole gameplay a lot easier (feels more like Normal Mode now). I got her the Devine Bow as soon as possible and with that she can seduce quite a lot of monsters. Her Air spells haven't been all that useful so far though. Maybe I just used them on the wrong monsters ....
Trillian has some nice spells. However, I'm a bit disappointed that her Thunder spells are exactly the same as the Thunder Monk's.
The War Monk is great. He has good spells and is very strong too.
I also like the Commander. He's strong and resistant (like in my first playthrough the Paladin, but he's not as slow). His skills require some reading and thingking, lol, but they can be really useful.

With this party I'm definitely better off than with the last one, but it's too bad the dialogs are all the same. I expected something like TBOL - new characters, new dialogs. Here the only thing that determines what they say is their position in the party. Thus none of them actually has a real personality. +::Dunno
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Re: The King's Heroes - Memories

Postby Jirafa » Sun Dec 27, 2015 5:26 pm

My team: Monk, Archer, Priestess and Knight, all 50-51 lvl, Dif.mode - Attack. gameplay- 22 hours.

Your opinion about the Knight
Crusader - strong, very resistant, with multihits;I didn`t think he was any slow (ab.400). I always love to have in my team such not magical character with good physical attacks, very reliable fighter.

Your opinion about the Priestess
Priestess of Savior - mainly healer plus her very usefull boosts Divine Intervention and damaging Heaven Burn

Your opinion about the Monk
Ice Monk - cure almost every status ailments, didn`t need any potions for that at all; he has very useful spells for boosts and very helpful Freeze Frame; plus he is strong,fairly fast and with Karaki-Assist Mace relic has two hits.

Your opinion about the Archer
Archer of the Dew - has 4 hits before fight and 3 hits with Pan`s Feather (from Arena), very useful her Pond Complex and Counter-Spell for everyone.

Which character has the most beautiful artwork?
It`s difficult to say, all characters have very bright and mannered pictures, maybe a bit too much. Their faces are almost the same,without any individuality. I prefer artwork like in Millenium, Laxius Force and in 3 Stars(my favorite).

Which character was the most powerful? and the weakest?
I liked my team as the whole. I think they complemented each other very, very well and everyone was usefull in his/her own manner in the right time. It`s my first play round and my first team chosen intuitively and I`m very proud of them.

Which character is the most innovative with their skills?
I liked Crusader`s passive Guard(revive and recovery after each fight);
Archer`s Arrow4(pre-emptive) and Counter-Spell for everyone.

(for people attracted to men) Based on looks only, would you rather date the Knight, the Commander, the Monk or the Minister?
None of them. I`ve said already, they all look standardly , they all lack individuality. Not interesting at all. And I`m sorry to say, throughout the game all characters stay still, lifeless, they have nothing to say at all.

Your opinion about the game's title screen and music?
Loved the music, but not interesting title screen, just random group of possible characters, too bright and motley.

What was your favorite moment and why?

Almost nothing to remember, because the game is very straightforward and without any surprises (except the ending).

What's the game's best/strongest sides?
Many difficulty modes, I chose Attack and I liked it very much!The second time I will choose maniac, of couse.
Another good side-new and interesting monsters. It was fun to fight in this game and not boring at all!

Did the ending surprise you?
Not much I must to say. I begun to suspect our leader in Secular Tumulus after our conversations with members of the cult. I don`t know why, maybe there was some hints or maybe it was my intuition.

How does this game compare to your favorite games from Aldorlea (usual names are Millennium, Laxius Force, Asguaard, The Book of Legends etc.)
I don`t compare this game with my favorites, because they are incomparable, alas. I did compare it with Tale of a Common Man, Opaline and some of that kind that I bought and didn`t like strongly. They have no connection at all with Aldorlea games that I love so much and replay so many times and they are still very fun and I enjoy them very much(3 Stars, TBOL, Millennium, Asguaard,LF)! Intriguing stories, different and interesting characters, many quests, tons of surprises, special atmosphere and unique experience!! Where is all it now??
But King`s Heroes is much better than Tale of Common man and some similar games. It was fun and not boring. A little like Moonchild and it`s good.
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Re: The King's Heroes - Memories

Postby puzzled » Wed Jan 06, 2016 11:17 pm

Your opinion about the Knight (please specify which sub-class you picked)?

Crusader is amazing, class A material. Boss bash = 5 hits on a boss, and melee move = 4 attacks at random (good for non-boss) combined with the ability to wield any weapon in the game make him your best offensive character by a mile. Not to mention he can equip shield/armor of the highest class so he isn't going down any time soon. One of his moves is bugged (the one that says it gives him Strong, doesn't)

* Your opinion about the Commander?

He's decent. He can use a shield some spears/javelins so he isn't hopeless on his own, and he even has some AoE attacks. A lot of his moves are bugged (forced march, walls of jericho don't do what they say they do); probably his most reliable move is Dictator. Obviously you need a good fighter to make use of him, but he's not actually the first choice of support for a warrior; the monk is due to shards of the earth.

* Your opinion about the Witch (please specify which sub-class you picked)?

Working on her! She has low speed and hp, but can make up these with a shield and Book of War. Spells aren't very impressive compared to high class weapons, but....the pyro version has airhead so I'm willing to try it.

* Your opinion about the Priestess (please specify which sub-class you picked)?

Haven't tried her yet; not excited about her in theory because the best healing comes from items anyway and you can find a range of defensive buffs on other characters as it is. I think she may have some ability to cast Holy/Dark spells which are very rare to get from other sources, but at the end of the game it doesn't matter much since the enemies get resistant to everything and your best offense comes from multi weapon hits anyways, not spells.

* Your opinion about the Monk (please specify which sub-class you picked)?

If you have a Crusader, then you should have a War Monk to back him up. Shards of the Earth guarantees Fragile on all enemies, which doubles the Crusader's damage output. He has a wide array of tactical support spells on top of that (can force Weak, Slow on enemies, has a death move, can cure all sorts of weirdo status ailments early on that you may have a hard time curing otherwise). He is also pretty fast and can use hard hitting weapons, but his weakness is he can't use a shield and he can only use like, leather armor at the best. At least he has decent HP to kind of make up for it.

* Your opinion about the Minister?

Another class A material; the amount of money he generates is absolutely ridiculous. It would take at the very very least ten times as much fights (more like 20 depending on the grinding you do) to get the kind of money he gets your team. If you can buy a few high tier choice weapons early on like Nord Axe, you will blow by most of the game until you get the end Legend weapons. He can use a shield so you don't have to worry about him dying first. His support spells are welcome but they are just a bonus on top of the insane money. Money also lets you buy lots of mana/hp phials so you can just plow through dungeons without worrying about sustainability.

* Your opinion about the Rogue?

Very average. Her skills are very bad actually; they all are single target and they do LESS damage than simply attacking with her main weapon. There is some small utility if you need a death move (skull crack) but her spells will not amaze you in any way. She's I think the quickest character in the game and is a decent fighter if you get her a decent weapon, but in no way as powerful as the crusader in offense or defense.

* Your opinion about the Archer (please specify which sub-class you picked)?

Crowd favorite for easy/story modes due to her pre-emptive arrows killing everything. Not very good at all on higher difficulties since you will notice she doesn't do good damage, even with the legendary bow equipped. The Air archer is the best due to Airhead; the water archer spells aren't very exciting, just an average mix of some heal/aoe which doesn't do much at all later on.

* Which character has the most beautiful artwork?

Crusader I like, Monk is ok too.

* Which character was the most powerful? and the weakest?

Crusader is the workhorse, and War Monk/Minister are equally important to making sure he's maximally effective. After that, you should find an Airhead character. Weakest is anything other than what I just described.

* Which character is the most innovative with their skills?

Minister. I love the out of combat boosts like experience boost, money boost, and he has some decent mass debuffs as well (congress of idiots, nick of time).

* (for people attracted to women) Based on looks only, would you rather date the Witch, the Priestess, the Rogue or the Archer?


* (for people attracted to men) Based on looks only, would you rather date the Knight, the Commander, the Monk or the Minister?
* Your opinion about the game's title screen and music?


* What was your favorite moment and why?

Beating the last boss on Maniac difficulty, takes skill and understanding of the game.

* What's the game's best/strongest sides?

Lots of focus on action and fighting strategy, very little backtracking, all chests you see can be attained, grinding doesn't take forever if you understand how to do it properly (i.e. pick Minister, or get the Golden Key later on), not TOO many impossible secrets to discover.

* Did the ending surprise you?

Nope, this is the same flavor as Blades of Heaven. To me Blades of Heaven was more surprising because the main character actually did take time to do sidequests to help people.

* How does this game compare to your favorite games from Aldorlea (usual names are Millennium, Laxius Force, Asguaard, The Book of Legends etc.)

It compares favorably. Laxius Force perhaps has the "greatest" memories because of insane dungeons and number of sidequests, but this game is charming on its own because it feels like you can achieve/explore things on your own without having to refer to a guide, and party composition is extremely important whereas in other games you already pretty much had a set of main characters that were given to you as the best and then you had a bunch of stupid characters you didn't want to spend time to level up; this game I feel is focused pretty well on the core gameplay of rpg. I liked that you never really had to backtrack or pay attention to timing whereas in previous games you had these crazy things like "hey let's place 8 statues in places we've been to already" or "let's leave numerous teaser zones that you can't go to until you are max level" or "you missed on some really great bazooka if you didn't happen to walk back 30 maps at this exact point in the plot." There was the Isendra tower but I don't really count that as backtracking since it was very obvious you weren't supposed to go there for a long time and it's totally optional as well.

Some suggestions

1) needs more armor diversity; while there were lots of weapons, there were very very few choices for armor and they were very obvious. Boots for instance the best were Crusader Type II and it was obvious (Ninja has worse stats and you don't really need pre-emptive on attack), armor was blessed/molten depending on what you can equip. Shield was warlord or diamantine depending on what you could equip. There were decent weapon/ring choices but even then restricted due to one character being forced to wear a certain ring.

2) lots of bugged skills like the commander and other stuff not doing what they say (crusader has some move that's supposed to give him strong but doesn't). Rogue skillset is really bad, worse than simply attacking even the level 43 one.

3) I'm working on my 3rd playthrough and I wish there were a list of what the spells actually do without havinng to level up every class/subclass. The guide lists what spells they get, but not what they do. I'm getting a little tired of re-leveling and wish I could just see what they all do somewhere.

4) There could be some kind of reward for beating the game like restarting with better experience gain or something to encourage you to start over again, and some kind of difficulty based reward like sexy/naked pictures for Maniac mode ^^
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Re: The King's Heroes - Memories

Postby darkange » Fri Jul 01, 2016 4:15 pm

Your opinion about the Knight (please specify which sub-class you picked)?
I didn't played with him yet.

* Your opinion about the Commander?
Very interesting character but just like another user said I don't think all his skills work. My last skill was one that costs 100 mana and it said that all the players BEHIND him will atack .... I had commander as 4 team member so everybody was behind him and nobody atacked. So i guess he always has to be the first in order for the skill to work or how exactly ?

* Your opinion about the Witch (please specify which sub-class you picked)?
Didn't played with her so far.

* Your opinion about the Priestess (please specify which sub-class you picked)?
I choose the pentacle priestess ... like the dark spells and her healing spells . Very good chracter ... ironically she was the leader and at the end I was left with 3 characters and no healer ... thats why it was kind of hard somehow.

* Your opinion about the Monk (please specify which sub-class you picked)?
I choose the thunder monk ... love his paralysing spells and the Magnetize which gives 150 MDF .... but my favourite one is that spell with power 700+ .... very good.

* Your opinion about the Minister?
So much to tell about him and yes he is a very interesting and creative chracter with his money/experience and his (can't fail skills) - I love those. Also the names of the spells : Idiots all of them :)))) - love the see this kind of character in every game.

* Your opinion about the Rogue?
Didn't played with her so far.

* Your opinion about the Archer (please specify which sub-class you picked)?
in next playthrough I will her.

* Which character has the most beautiful artwork?
The knight and the commander looks very cool. Also the witch is very sexy.

* Which character was the most powerful? and the weakest?
Depends for what you use it. In my party the monk had the most damage and I often used comander to make him atack and later one I also used the priestess skill to make him atack . In a single turn I could make the monk atack like 5 times. He was doing so much dmg. There is no weakest. Minister had the less damage but he had those cool status inflicted spells so I can't say he is the "Weakest" .

* Which character is the most innovative with their skills?
The minister of course :P ... and then the commander.

* (for people attracted to women) Based on looks only, would you rather date the Witch, the Priestess, the Rogue or the Archer?
I don't know about dating because chracters have no real personality in this game. Depends on the order you picked them I assume they say the same things in dialogues so there is no real personality like in other games. So what's left to tell is which character I would fuck based on looks : The witch is number one obviously.... big brests and sexy looks. I was laughing so hard when the King said in the beggining : I like her in the castle because she has BIIIIG TALENT ..... yeah talent let's go with that :)))))) . Then I can also fuck the priestess and the rogue. The archer looks really ugly.

* Your opinion about the game's title screen and music?
Decent ... but you had better music in The book of legends ... Elendia ceus and others.
* What was your favorite moment and why?
The end moment ... I totally did not expect that happening at all. And a lot of dialogues combined .... in the beggining when she asked about the secondary quest and one dude said : because we are too lazy for it ? :))))) ... I was laughing so hard at that.

* What's the game's best/strongest sides?
The variety of skills and classes and the Unique mode : the ATTACK MODE. I would love to see a mode like that in every game because I hate grinding overall and when I see rpgs when monsters stay dead permanently I am IN no matter what
* Did the ending surprise you?
Even tought I played TBOL .... I still didn't see that comming until I killed the last angel and I took the pearl. Up until then I just imagined the leader is rude and only that lol. I kept thinking what does this robots have to do with the princess .... it must be something but I cant see it lol.

* How does this game compare to your favorite games from Aldorlea (usual names are Millennium, Laxius Force, Asguaard, The Book of Legends etc.)
The book of legends is my favourite so far but I am a new guy on this forum and I still havent played the Laxius Force and the Millenium series ... so I guess I have a lot to play when I will have free time again.
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Re: The King's Heroes - Memories

Postby flavie » Tue Aug 30, 2016 8:36 pm

Your opinion about the Knight ?
Frank (Paladin)’s figure looks like Garwin but larger with a hard gaze, he’s the handsome malicious guy, he’s indifferent to the princess loving him but he’ll be caring when he thanks King Philip. Him loyal to the king, I find Frank suspicious even him saying he’s close to the princess. Proofs he’s guilty: he cut short the fortune teller when he said”.. but something is wrong”, at the Secular Tumulus he asked in a hurry where is Dvorsky Tower. A cult member said “there’ll be even less of us if you keep threatening us, it shows Frank wants to get the orb of chaos.

* Your opinion about the Witch? Magneto. Nothing much to say, she thinks of the princess. It was her who was upset that Frank didn’t care of Darlene at the end of the game?

* Your opinion about the Priestess ? Pentacle
Gail reminds me of Soleil, they are both priestess. Her gloom look reflects her thinking nature. She is the wicked tongue, I like she rambled the team, she often reminds Callyope she’s dumb. She thinks over things as she said King Helmut IV has something interesting to say, she pointed out Frank’s indifference about the Princess’ kidnapping.
* Your opinion about the Monk ?
I didn’t use him, just from the sentences at the start before choosing, he’s such a drag. +::O_o

* Your opinion about the Archer ? of the dew for fire desert areas.
Callyope is an archer like Sarah from Laxius force with a round child face version, she’s also primitive like her about food. She’s proud. She’s loyal to the king.

* Which character has the most beautiful artwork?
The Rogue for her body shapes (I prefer larger hips like Trillian), her very long fair hair. But I also love Trillian dark outfit, her focused gaze and asserted posture.

* Which character was the most powerful? and the weakest?
Powerful is Frank with high resistance and strength, weakest is Callyope during the game but she’s the most powerful of my team with the way I equipped her.

* Which character is the most innovative with their skills?
Gail possession, dark avenger , "puts terrified cursed". Callyope’s multiple hits, air slaughter good vs Xerxes.
My team Franck, Trillian, Gail and Callyope.
I chose Frank crusader for good hit to make up when magic is useless. Efficient gear: azure gem refills him well + gear found at Kashir Palace. Trillian magneto witch paralyses, tremor saved me as I’ve not the monk for fire at Tyten Bacci, heavy shock. Gail Pentacle cures bad status “fix” is still bugged, “dark matter” vs slimes, evil possession makes the enemy hurt himself harder than he can, omen makes him defenceless. Callyope archer of dew to lanch arrows straight, vs burn, splash useful in Botanica, water protection vs spores, useful in the desert.

* (for people attracted to men) Based on looks only, would you rather date the Knight, the Commander, the Monk or the Minister?
Based on looks I would be attracted by the Knight as the monk few sentences I got were childish, the Minister looks too strict and the Minister is so fat.

* Your opinion about the game's title screen and music?
The title refers to the King’s viewpoint of seeing his team as heroes for completing their quest. The screen: Frank and Callyope have fun though all my team is serious in the game. The king’s wink and smile show trust and amity in his heroes. The music: let’s have fun on our adventure, go slow.

Gameplay: After the 9 rings I did Isendra Tower, for the high exp and some more gear. I did the tumulus with the team at level 40s. I used Omen, pond complex and conduction to apply bad status, also dark avenger so Franck hits faster. The sparkles of Isendra: the top floor left corner was okay but the others to get to the left small part of the 1st floor were hard to see! Dvorsky tower tough monsters, I found book of destiny is efficient and re activator revive, refill + res/fast, puts off seduced. The War sword seems better than legendary weapons as it counter hits, I’ve went back to buy it. Brain Bot beaten in 15 min with: Trillian re-activator cos puts off seduced unconscious, even use before the fight, candy and warlord ring,Gail book of destiny, Franck das destructor boss bashing, Callyope underworld bow warlord ring. To put the girls res fast and enchanted helps.
At the end I was unable to defeat Gemini so I first let myself being defeated but I found out the 3 girls are too weak for Dvorsky tower. So I’m levelling up before Angelus having Frank. I did it in more than 31h30.

Story: There are clues of something wrong “world delusion, power is temptation”. In each city there’s loss of control and disorder. Unexpected to have peaceful undead with a Saint Tree, the dev had fun finding these names like Zepelakarotte. The minotaurs aren’t strong enough to repel rebels! I paid attention to the rulers saying and behaviours being wise or not, being warned or not by Aragon. King Aragorn didn’t warn Sildevie’s king as he’s for peace. It looks the rulers are corrupted to be for war. I liked King Philip IV brought on rules to obey like “towers were never meant to be violated”, I think he understates the situation is wrong. He encourages the heroes and doesn’t ask for money. He’s not moved by Darlene’s kidnapping, so he focuses on matters.
The soldier at Sildevie should go to Kasbar. The king from Samal-al-Sharad isn’t cooperative.
Lady Shell hoped we would kill the not anymore benevolent god though she’s rather malevolent to not warn us to avoid we would denounce her. During the game I kept thinking King Aragon stole the orb of peace and sent us to get the orb of chaos.

* What was your favorite moment and why?
King Philip IV speech and Frank’s revelation

* What's the game's best/strongest sides? to not stop to what’s on the surface but to link elements from the short dialogues to know what’s happening and the rulers’ relationships.

* Did the ending surprise you? +::O_o
I was surprised Frank to be the only culprit. The grand-father shouldn’t have trust Darlene with the pearl of balance as she’s weak and in love to have told Frank! Frank equipping the gem he found all of a sudden is weird. Seeing the protection from bad status, it’s a clue it keeps body balance .

* How does this game compare to your favorite games from Aldorlea (usual names are Millennium, Laxius Force, Asguaard, The Book of Legends etc.)
A real lack of character development, it was just completing dungeons, few dialogue. My bad moment was the monsters of the tumulus and finding out at Dvorsky Tower, that my 3 girls were too weak without Franck so I had to level up before Angelus. It would be good to have a trip of cities/ landscapes where you find clues from people or objects, to enjoy some exploration without monsters on the way once or twice in a game.
If you love searching the truth, fight for human race,good and bad sex, sadism to stop, the prequel is WTF
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Re: The King's Heroes - Memories

Postby clear » Mon Jun 05, 2017 3:08 pm

Your opinion about the Knight (please specify which sub-class you picked)?
- I chose Crusader because the title crusader reminds me of random, as we all know the main protagonist of laxius saga. Just like what Indy said, he can equip anything that's why i chose him and not only that he is also a beefy just 2nd to commander( yeah my tankiest character is an old man lol) because he can equip shield unlike the other characters (rogue and monk)which doesn’t. He is also my strongest attacker.
* Your opinion about the Commander?
- Has an amazing skills, i spam raid and the skill that cost 50+ mana i forgot the name = automatic wins in fights just because i have 3 carry/hitters.
* Your opinion about the Monk (please specify which sub-class you picked)?
- Well, Ice Monk, the best character in my opinion, first one to set in fights, resistant + strong forgot the name of the skills since im using a diff. laptop to type this = GoodGame. Can also casts icequake that annihilate the pesky enemies in an instant. Combination of Physical/Special attacker. Makes the fighting easier, ez buffs and protection. SeemsGood. After casting buffs, can hit hard , harder than rogue and crusader yeah it's because of that relic weapon.
* Your opinion about the Rogue?
- Weaker version of Crusader. Luckily she can equip that legend 2x hit weapon i forgot the name. Aside from that, her skills are trash not worth to use smh. Can't equip shield and very juicy in teamfights. Mostly getting hit first by the enemies i dunno why maybe because she's the only girl in my party. NotLikeThis
* Which character has the most beautiful artwork?
- The character that has the most beautiful artwork for me is all of them. Nothing beats Anime Power.
* Which character was the most powerful? and the weakest?
- As i said earlier, Monk = Ice Monk was the most powerful Ice Spell for the win, Fire Monk is for loser, weakest= Rogue I wished I didn’t picked her.
* Which character is the most innovative with their skills?
- Prolly Command because he can command anyone in my party even though he's not my leader in the LUL.
* (for people attracted to women) Based on looks only, would you rather date the Witch, the Priestess, the Rogue or the Archer?
- I'd rather date them all because of Anime Power Art. I’m 12 btw +::YAY
* Your opinion about the game's title screen and music?
- Game title screen is somewhat less spacious but colorful. Great for showing the 4 characters , but what about the rest? i thought it is bias or maybe Indy wants to pick the characters that was shown in the title screen. Music, the most diverse music in jrpg game in a sense that it fitted perfectly in each areas. I like the music in Jericho and all the mainland music. The occult and palace music is terrifying. The battle music is awesome nothing much else to say.
* What was your favorite moment and why?
- Let me share you a jrpg that the center of the story is saving a daughter of someone else how greedy can you that be. Casual jrpg/rpg story where someone got abducted and you need to rescue it. My favorite moment in the game is the dialogues specifically Frank, who always rejects the helps of others because im also that way, I don’t need to bother time helping others who aren’t important in my life just joking lol. My favorite game moment, it is a hard thing to say because the game is pretty straightforward but for me I think it is the dungeon that I was exploring to get the ring. Because I entered unprepared and blindly not expecting the enemies would that be that tough in my current levels and equipments so eventually my characters always died.
* What's the game's best/strongest sides?
- Probably the equipments,towns and npcs, i immediately noticed the difference if you have the best weapon in the moment. Towns and npcs. There's this town where i can see the shadow of the clouds, a snow mountain where the residents there have a long ass name which doesnt make any sense but somewhat funny if you know the origin, i remember the town where the pink minotaur is the coolest, the town of glawy-something where i thought i would fight the manticore there. the town where a kid is the ruler, like seriously, and etc.
* Did the ending surprise you?
- The ending did surprise me a little because this is not the first time i've played jrpg/rpg's game where your characters suddenly betrayed or not really in the game but also in anime when suddenly a plot twist happen and that also makes the game interesting. The part where the child of the king has somewhat surprised me like what the hell is she doing there? playing hide and seek? and who kept her in that placed? She is not thinking how worried he's father were.
* How does this game compare to your favorite games from Aldorlea (usual names are Millennium, Laxius Force, Asguaard, The Book of Legends etc.)
- Of all the games i've played in this site, this would be my bottomest just because its pretty straightforward but i see some new addition like the monsters are guarding everywhere in the map and the item drops of the monsters which i really didnt use because i have a hp/mp phials. I think this is the first game of Indy for not having a sidequest as far as i can remember. I played this game to kill time until the school will start so that's about it.
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