Laxius Soul Vortex Maiden Maiden Odessa When the Light Dies

Laxius Force 1 - Walkthrough

Laxius Force 1 - Walkthrough

Postby ShadowBlade » Sat Oct 10, 2009 10:46 pm

Pyramid walkthrough

1. Watch the conversation. Introducing Djarma and Kratin. They are here to try and find the order that has been plaguing the land and to break the curse that is on Kratin. Look in your inventory and open up Djarma’s bag. Hello Timbany the monkey. He will join your party. Also use the XP Egg. Enter the pyramid. Ignore the corridor to the right it leads to monsters that are too strong for you yet. Head up and you will see three looters that will confront you. They do not want you to get any gold and will fight you. They are weak so wipe them out. They will randomly drop a buala, holy water and a healing potion

2. Head north and you will meet your first monster the lamias. You should be able to fight them with ease as Djarma states. These monsters don’t respawn when you leave the room and you should try to kill them all to level up. Open the chest to the top right of the room and get the magicka potion.

3. Head down the left corridor. Follow that corridor to the end and kill the lamias. Head back to the fork and go down. Follow the path all the way around and kill all the lamias. Here you will meet Nereid. Be warned she can inflict poison and cold on you. Open the chest to the lower left and get the Life potion.

4. Go back to the main room and take the right corridor. Kill the lamias and open the chest to the upper right and get an ademia powder. It’s up to you who you put it on but the order from lowest to highest resistance is Timbany, Djarma then Kratin. Duck around the wall and you will see a green plant in the floor. Pick it to get a Sajcdil apple. Open the chest next to the plant to get another revive potion. Open the chest to the lower right of the room to get 797 gold. Ignore the Corridor to the right as it will lead to a demon that is too strong to beat yet. Head south.

5. Ignore the path to the left it doesn’t lead to anywhere. Keep following the path around. Kill the lamia and the Nereid. Head down to the bottom right and look south and get the healing potion. Head back to the main room and go up the stairs.

6. Head up and you’ll see a blue flame. It will give your team lightning speed for a fight. Head to the bottom right and open the chest and get an aldai ring. This ring decreases strength and resistance but boosts the other stats. Note the stairs with the enchanted flames in front of them. We will get back to them later. In the main room, go down to the small room with a chest and some water. Open the chest to get a crystal crown. Go back into the main room.

7. Head down the left corridor. Kill the monsters that you encounter. Go down and open the chest to get 985 gold. Go left and open the chest to get a life apple. Go down the stairs.

8. In this room you will see a fairy that will tell you to go away because you are a fairy killer. She says this even if you haven’t killed any yet. Open the two top chests to get a talys root and a crystal pear. Open the lower chest to get the Daj’mel saber. Check the chest a few more times and you will find a second Daj'mel saber! Go back upstairs.

9. Head north and open the chest to get holy water. Head right and take the lower right corridor first. Kill all the monsters. Then go back and take the upper right corridor. You will see a cage and if you press it there will be a conversation to debate whether they will go in or not. If you do you will be confronted by a dragon that is very much out of your league. You will be given the opportunity to run. If you fight this dragon you will be slaughtered and a game over screen will show. Normally Yveen will intervene and send you back to a spawn point and take 10% of your gold for her efforts.

10. Keep following the corridor along. Open the chest in the upper right of the room to get a healing potion. Ignore all the torches they don’t do anything. Go down and enter the next room. Kill all the monsters. Open the top two chests to get 2x hydra tear. Open the Chest in the middle of the room to get the sun Dazzlers spell for Djarma. When Djarma uses this spell Kratin will combo with Djarma and attack the enemy a second time. Open the 6 chests to get 571, 115, 167, 227, 238, and 102 gold. Go to the bottom right room and open the chest to get another XP egg. Go back into the previous room and go down the stairs to the left side. Follow the corridor and you will end up in this room with a man in it. Talk to him and he will open up the next floor for you by removing the flames. Open the box in front of him and he will tell you that they are his. Get Timbany to steal them and you will get holy water, aquapanga flower and a sajcdil apple and extra XP for Timbany for doing the act.

11. Go back to the stairs that have been unblocked and you will see that they are guarded by three guardians. They are fairly easy to beat if you have been leveling up but they can deal some impressive damage if you are not careful. Go up the stairs and kill the monsters in front of you. Go up until the room spreads out. Do not panic about the big thing in front of you it is just a statue and you don’t have to kill it. Go to the left and you will see a potion on one of the red motifs on the wall get Timbany to climb up and get it. This will give you a hydra tear and extra XP for Timbany for the act. Head right and you will see two characters. A conversation will follow and it is decided to attack them. They randomly drop food rations. Another conversation follows and they decide that these were not the order that they were looking for. Kratin despairs that he is not going to break his curse. Djarma decides they can look in the treasure room, where the golden statue is guarding but they have to break the seal. Before you do that go to the right and rummage the cupboard to get a magicka energizer. Open the gold chest to get a counter scimitar. This is good for Djarmas left hand.

12. Go down the stairs into a pitch black cave. Go to the rock you can barely make out in front of you and you can just see something hanging on it push it to get a lamp to turn on. Kill the lamentons with Djarmas sun dazzler spell. Get the bottles below the table to get some power peppers. Also get the bottles next to the rocks to the top to get some hero cream. The bottle to the bottom and the right of the cave are mountain balms. You cannot keep following the path as Djarma doesn’t want rocks falling on his head. Head back upstairs.

13. Go back to the start of the pyramid and go down the corridor I said to ignore for now. You will find yourself in a cave. Kill the lamias. In front of you there are 3 holes. Check them. The middle one has a king tigo in it that is easily killed. It gives you 2x tigo reagent and tigo powder. Now save before you go on. You will meet a whole bunch of Lamentons that can be quite difficult. Just use Djarmas sun dazzler spell and it should wipe the lot of them out!! You will see some more holes in the ground. Click the one next to the bush and you will find another king tigo. It will give a Cycca leaf and a power diadema. That’s it for this cave. HINT this is the only place where monsters respawn after leaving the room. You can level up further in this room.

14. Now head outside to pick up some nicknacks. The top right statue you first see has a magicka potion. Go down the stairs and you will see a pig of luck. Grab it! Go down again. On the left the third tree down has pirates dust. Also on the left in the water above the big cactus is a gaia dust. On the right the rock has an Sajcdil apple.

15. Look in your skills list and There is a Talk option for Djarma. Use it to give Kratin 8 ST and Timbany 7 RS. If Timbany is in big gorilla state Djarma will give him 23 SP

16. Now you are ready to fight the demon that I said to avoid earlier. Very Important make sure you have full mp and hp and save before this match as it may take a few go’s. You may want to get the speed bonus from the blue flame upstairs. Kratin was the only one that could fight him for me. The other two were wiped out in the first hit. The equipment I had on him was Daj’mel saber, crusader shield, Power diadema, and aldai ring. Just attack him don’t use any spells. You will get a steel breaker for defeating him. Go down the stairs. The jar has 2x sajcdil apples and a red pimento. The chest has 7x gaia dust, xp egg, and 2x power salt.

17. Now that you have cleaned out the pyramid go back up to the statue, break the seal and you will be confronted by the guardian. Defend for all of them and Djarma will speak a foreign language to say that he is a descendant of the rulers of the land and the guardian will let them in. watch the cut scene and that’s the pyramid level done!.

Appendix 1- Equipments guide

Arachne sword- Good Vs Human/ insect | inflict paralysis (original equipment, right hand)
Daj’Mel Saber Pw Fire| Good vs Demon| Inflict Burn (found, Right hand)
Silver Dai-Katana- Pw Holy| Good vs mammal/ ghost/ wolf (original equipment, right hand)
Steel Breaker- Pw Laser | Inflict fragmentation (found, right hand, cannot be used by these characters)
Counter Scimitar- Evade +5| Counter hits. (found, Left hand)
Crusader shield- Protect water/air (original equipment, Left hand)
Power diadema (original equipment, Head)
Crystal crown (found, head)
Benevolence mail- Protect Dark| Inflict brain boost. (original equipment, body)
Champion bracers (original equipment, other)
Aldai ring-Protect Fire/ water/ air| Protect Shatter/ burn (found, other)

Appendix 2- Permanent stat boosters guide
Ademia powder= + 5 RS
Crystal pear= +5 HP
Gaia dust= +2 RS
Hydra tear= +1 MP
Life apple= +1HP
Pirates dust= +9 HP (requires hero to be exhausted)
Power pepper= +1 ST
Power salt= +2ST
Red Pimento= +2SP
Sajcdil apple= +6 HP
Talys root= +6 MP
Tigo reagent= +3 HP

Appendix 3-Maps


1. Magicka potion
2. Life potion
3. Ademia powder
4. Sajcdil apple
5. Revive potion
6. 797 gold
7. Healing potion
8. Aldai ring
9. Crystal crown
10. 985 gold
11. Life apple
12. Crystal pear
13. Talys root
14. Daj'Mel Saber x2
15. Holy water
16. Healing potion
17. Hydra tear
18. Hydra tear
19. Sun dazzler spell
20. 571 gold
21. 115 gold
22. 167 gold
23. 227 gold
24. 102 gold
25. 238 gold
26. XP egg
27. Holy water, Aquapunga flower, Sajcdil apple
28. Hydra tear
29. Magicka energyzer
30. Counter Scimitar
31. Power pepper
32. Hero cream
33. Mountain balm
34. Mountain balm
35. 2x tigo reagent and tigo powder
36. Cycca leaf and Power diadema
37. Magicka potion
38. Pig of luck
39. Pirates dust
40. Gaia dust
41. Sajcdil apple
42. 2x Sajcdil apples and red pimento
43. 7x gaia dust, XP egg, 2x power salt
Posts: 187
Joined: Thu Apr 16, 2009 1:49 pm

Laxius Force 1 - Walkthrough

Postby Indinera » Sat Oct 10, 2009 10:47 pm

Walk through chapter 1

Quest 1- Finding Sarah (Q1)

1. Random has just woken up and Sarah is presumably outside in the garden. Leave the house and you will see that she is not there. Go to the top right corner and get some silver powder. Work your way past the trees to the left and go to the top part next to the house and inspect the stone wall to get a life apple. Then go left through the gap to move onto the next screen, the river side. Get the two more silver powders up the top. Then go back.

2. Head down to the next part of the map. You will see two hostile looking lizardmen. They will attack. You will win this battle easily. In the top right corner of the map is a cycca leaf. Go down and you will see some large trees. Stand under the lower middle pylon walk down and open a chest to find a indinera potion. Go to the last pylon on the right to knock down a birds nest. Go down and you will see two lizardmen blocking the path fight them and move on.

3. Save at this point. You will see two sylvans gossiping about Sarah who is sleeping under the tree to the right of the screen. Interrupt them and kill them. Talk to Sarah. She says she wants to see what is happening in the outside world as she is tired of this life. You receive a Mithril shield from her. Equip it. Congratulations you have just finished your first quest!

4. Walk to the tree in the middle and pick the apple with Sarah. It’s a food ration! Go back to the previous screen. Walk up and pick the apple out of the tree in front of you. Go up again and pick that apple as well. Go home and open Sarah’s chest. Equip Sarah’s gears the indinera bow and mist pendant. You will also get a life apple and a secret gift that Sarah won’t open. Rest in the bed. Go back to the niche where you found the life apple. You will find 2 more life apples in there.

5. Go back to where Sarah was and head left. Kill any lizardmen you see. Follow the path to a building and go in. Kill the lizardmen inside. Open the chest to get a rusty gun. The sylvan is not hostile so you can just talk to it or if you are feeling evil you can kill it and get the random gaia dust. Open the left draw to get a lizard village map. Open the second chest to get 5x food rations. Go back outside.

6. Go back and up the north part and you will see a green wasp. Equip the rusty gun attack it. It will die in one go! When its dead you will get a salcerium ore and 337 gold. Head back left and keep following the path.

7. On the next screen is nothing of interest except for a bit more of the story to check out. Leave this area. Go down and you will see another cycca leaf. Go back to the counter and follow the dirt path down. You will see a scarecrow a short way down. Above the first dark green tree you see on the left of it is a cycca leaf on the wall. Keep following the path and will lead to a glade with lots of lizardmen. The spirit of the pond will sell you temporary power, mind and resistance attributes. These are good for boss fights. To the north of the screen go past the trees and turn to the right and inspect to get a life apple.

8. Go back out and keep following the path until you see a fence go around it and keep going until you see a chest. Open it to get a healing reagent. Go under the arch to find another chest with 74 gold in it. To the right are two people and another one running around completely lost. Any Blades of heaven fans may recognise it is Bokden!

9. Go back to the beginning of the map and start to work your way down the first part of the path. Get the Cycca leaf along the way above the fence. Go right down to the bottom right and you will see another Cycca leaf. Check the set of three trees to the right and look at the very top of the left one. Here is another Cycca leaf. Get the chest to get 23 gold. Go left and you will see another Cycca leaf. Go all the way left and you will see another chest. Get it to get a food ration. You will be able to see a chest up on the cliff. Ignore it you can’t get it. If you go up a bit you will see a hole. There is a monster in there that is far beyond your skill level for the time being. Talk to the girl you see there and you can see its Rhen (for all those Aveyond 1 fans out there)!


10. Now its time to visit lizard village. Go into your inventory and use the lizard village map. It will cost 4 food rations. The entrance is blocked by a lizardman. Act friendly and they will let you in for a small fee. Next to the sylvan in front of you in the u shaped building look at the wall where the top right stone square is to get a healing potion . Dont talk to her just yet. Go right to the garden then up to the tree stump to get a food ration. Go up to a washing tub and get a Wonder Marsh Map. Go to the building closest to that wash basin and go to the stick that’s poking out of the ground, next to the building, to get a Silver ring. There are some chopped down trees lying together. The horizontal tree has a Giant hornet in it. Go up past the building with the captured girl in it and go up to the rock beside it to get 2 food rations.

11. Go speak to the lizardman King. Ask about the latest news and admit that Sarah is weak. He will give you a choice of 4 items Bone ring, Feather mattress, Nylon rope, Iron gun. The bone ring supposedly gives you luck. The feather mattress allows you to sleep where you like providing you can tell them where you want to use it on. The rope can come in handy for tying things. The Iron gun is broken and is the lizardman king’s toy for his child. Choose the feather Mattress and use it with the BIRD NEST and you will get Cocka cocka which is another character!

12. Now you have a choice. There is a girl that is captured that they are going to eat. The front sylvan will tell you that is what their rules are. You can kill her or abide by them. If you kill her the whole village comes after you. In the bottom right there is a chest containing 11x food rations. In the top left where the lizardman king was there’s a chest containing a power diadema and 35 gold. Talk to the girl and decide to take her to the next village or leave her there.

13. Now that you have all those food rations you can also visit the wonder marsh map which will cost you 9 food rations. Go down and go to the right and walk back up to the spider web. You can walk into the spider web and pick up an ademia powder. Go left all the way down to the open chest to get a mountain balm. Cocka Cocka can also eat the big orange flowers on that map for exp. There are 8 of them in total. That’s it for the lizardman map!


Quest 2- Busted Crazy frog. (Q16)

14. Now it’s time to get the crazy frog. Head back home and rest if needed. Cocka Cocka can eat the salads in the garden out the front for random XP. The higher your level the more XP you get. It is advisable to wait until Cocka is leveled up further or wait until just before you leave the chapter. Now go down one map and head left. Go down the path of the dreaded. It’s dark, stormy and scary. You can hear a beast roaring in the back ground. Work your way forward and fight the Emerald Drakon who are particularly sensitive to Spriggan Calling. There is a little cave half way through. Go in and inspect the bush to get a power salt. Go back out and go onto the foot of the bridge. Wait until the lightning flashes and try and time it so that you run across at the same time it flashes. You will notice it’s a frog making that entire racket!! Go and pick it up and you have the crazy frog. Be sure not to kill it. You have just completed your second quest! That is it for that map for now. There is a cave above the frog but it has chest monster that will kill you at this stage.


15. Now head back to previous screen and go right. Kill the two lizardmen guarding the road. And move onto the next map. You will see some unforgiven bones. Go and kill them. Next map is the beginning of the ruins of metrolia. Go south first and open the chest to get 25 gold. Go right until you see a chest. Open it to get the Indinera mail for Sarah. Ignore the upper and right roads for now as they contain monsters that are too strong for now. Go south and defeat the two unforgiven bones blocking the path.

16. Go down into the metrolia hills. Go down the right path and open the chest to get an energy herb. There is nothing further south of this path for now. It is an area we can access later on. Go back left and head down to the bridge where a bunch of monsters are waiting. Defeat them and go across the bridge. Turn left and get a chest with an inferno sword in it. Head south to the next map.

17. Go south and just before the spider web turn right to get the cycca leaf. Turn right again after the spider web to confront the three emerald drakon. Open the chest to get the life apple. Go back and go up the ladder and across the bridges. Go right and then up to kill the Emerald drakons. Go down the map to the split ways. Pick up the magicka potion. Go down the left path.



18. Welcome to the nomad market of valauus. In the north wall check above the first yellow patch and you will find a power pepper. Go into the goat pen and in the first barrel is a food ration.

Quest 3- Catch golden butterfly (Q2)

19. Time to catch a butterfly. Enter into the town hall, the building on the upper left. There is a white carrot in the jar above the piano. Up in the top left corner is a barrel with a food ration. Talk to the guy up the top at the middle of the table next to the woman in blue and he will sell you Khomre map to be used later. For something to do talk to the guy standing in front of the fire a few times and watch what happens :lol:! Just be warned it will hurt you if you do do this.

20. Talk to the guy in the top right to get the quest. He will ask you to get a golden butterfly. Head outside and look for one. When you see one walk up to it and press space bar to catch it. Walk back inside and give it to the man. Yay we have completed our third quest. You will get 20 gold for your effort. Go back outside

21. Explore around the town. Below the inn are two baskets. In one of them is a food ration. In the other is a healing potion. The little girl is holding a pig contest, the pigs go mad after a certain time and the little girl begins to chase them. The rock which she was standing beside has a gold ring in it. It’s not worth much you can choose to steal it or not. In the small pen above the armory is a chest to the left with 29 gold in it. Next to the shrub to the left of the weaponry is a white carrot. In the weaponry to the right in the wardrobe is 5 gold. The guy in here is also offering a deal on a torrent blade for 12K. I highly recommend saving up and buying it. In the armory, in the jar to the right is a white carrot. In the armory if you buy a love ring and equip it to Sarah both will get +10hp and +20 MP . In the Inn the open jar has an energy herb. Buy some Buala while there for the next quest. Walk through to the south half of the town. In the top section, where the sheep are, go past the boy to get the white carrot. Down the steps is a guy selling some wood. You can buy some a bit later before you move on. It will help you make a profit later. To do this go up to the new area then immediate go left and leave. She will complain but you can always go back to complete the quest by entering the town and checking her skills list. Make sure to buy a weapon for her if you choose to do this. The best place to train at first with her is the Lizardmen.


Quest 4- Help Vanina (Q3)

22. A good level to tackle this one is level 12-13. Go talk to Vanina the bunny girl in the top right part of the town. She will tell you how she went to this place above the clouds with her boyfriend to do the horizontal jiggle with him but while she was up there she dropped her money and wants us to help her to get it back. Go up there with her. It will take four rations to go which she has already. If you go and train Vanina before you go up there when she kills 10 monsters she will get +2000 XP and +4 HP.To do this go up to the new area then immediate go left and leave. She will complain but you can always go back to complete the quest by entering the town and checking her skills list. Make sure to buy a weapon for her if you choose to do this. The best place to train at first with her is the Lizardmen.

23. Walk across the bridge, slightly hidden by a tree is a chest. Open it to get 14 gold. Enter the cave. Go forward until you hit a split. To the south is a tyrine hydra. This Hydra can be a tough cookie. Just persevere and you will get through it. This hydra randomly drops a hydra tear. The chest contains a power pepper. To the south of the cave is a tree that has a potion in the branches. You need to be at least level 13 before you can get it. Jump on the tree and it will either fall off the cliff or land on the ledge beside you. It is a random occurance as to which way it will go. If it does go the right way pick it up to get a magicka potion. Go back up through the cave and go right.

24. Leave the cave and a rock will fall down. Start walking across the bridge and you will see a big brute standing in the middle of the bridge. Walk right up to it and when it starts roaring RUN!! Run to the end of the bridge and down a bit and the thing will kill itself. Walk back across the bridge.

25. Head south first and then head down the first bridge. Open the chest to get a life potion. Go back up then around to fight an Ice Draken. This one will take some hits and Sarah’s spells don’t seem to affect it much but keep hacking and you will get there. Head back to the split and take the upper path. Now you will meet the giant hornets. These things in packs are horrible. They will poison you endlessly. Just know that you have your Baula and battle through.

26. Go straight ahead and you reach Eja falls. Go up on the first part of the bridge and inspect the waterfall to get a saint potion. Go up to the gold and pick it up and a dragon will appear. Fight it. There are two strategies. Use the crazy frog to scare it or if your level is high enough Use Sarah’s attack up on Random and heal when needed. When you are finished Vaninas share of the gold went over the falls so offer to give her half of your share. Go back to the previous screen.

27. Head south ignore the river for now Go right. Keep following that road even though there are a crazy amount of giant hornets. Once you get to the end open the chest to get an elven crown. Go back left and jump down the falls. You will end up in grape glade. Go right and open the chest to get a lullaby ring. Go back to the town and congrats quest finished.

28. Hint: If you have trouble because your level is not quite high enough to defeat the dragon and you have already started the quest just jump down the falls and when you are back in town level up then go into the skills list and Vanina can bring you back. In the south exit of the town, talk to the guy guarding the way south. He will let you through after a long cut scene involving the commendanter. Random also acquires x-blade skill.


Quest 5- Clean the Kuru guild (Q5)

29. Time to go to Khomre. Use the map in your inventory it will cost 9 food rations. Jump over the broken bridge. Above the hole in the purple bush is a luna berry. Move up the maps and up the ladder. On the next screen look at the rock and get 11 gold. Move up and a man is standing in the way. Talk to him. He seems surprised to see you but he will let you in anyway. Go down and talk to the guy in blue and join the pink pedestal guild. To do that you have to clean up the guild. Go downstairs and push the bits of pieces on the floor and they will move into the right spot. Go back upstairs and talk to chambellan.

Quest 6- Clean the Kuru warehouse (Q6)

30. Talk to chambellan and get the next quest. The kurus have some holes in the floor and we need to patch them up to stop tigos from getting in. Go to the right most cave in the ground. Move around the rocks until they patch up the holes in the ground. The bottom middle crate has 13 gold. Go back and talk to Chambellan again and you have finished the quest

Quest 7- Get stupid kid down from his crest (Q7)

31. Talk to chambellan and he will tell you he has a problem with a kid up on the ledge. Your mission is to get him to come down. Say Sarah is a witty Elf. The kid will jump on down and ask to be taken to Indinera. Random will go and smack him one. Take him to the guild master. Congratulations you are now a grand kur. Sarah has also learned tigo pearl refining. You can also stay at the inn for free now.

Quest 8- Find carmelias comb (Q14)

32. Go to the cave in the ground to the top left corner. Inside there is a woman running around frantically looking for her comb. Talk to her then go up to the leafy bit in the top right hand corner. Here is her comb! Give it back to her and you’ve finished your shortest quest by far. There is 2 gold in the lamp. Exit and go look in the top of the three ponds to get an azure pearl. Talk to the girl walking around the near here. She will say they enjoy bathing in the lakes that are there. Sarah will ask random if they can go swimming. Say yes and you will get +1 ST for Random and +1 Mind for Sarah.


Quest 9- Kill the Tigos inside the caves (Q4)

33. Go and buy a heavy sword off the guy with the blue hair in the stalls. Take the quest off him as well. He will ask you to get rid of the tigos from the caves. Go left then up to where the guy is blocking the entrance to the caves. Talk to him and he will move aside. Go to the right one first. Introducing the tigos. They can inflict pox and the cold unless you have the kurus blessing. Random’s spell gates of thunder, and Sarah’s spell Nymphea party works well on these. Empty out the first room. Check the hole in the ground for more tigos. Tip: sometimes there are more than one round of monsters in the holes so check until they are empty. Light the torch in the upper left of the room and the right side. Click the creek twice to jump over. Go to the purple bush to get a luna berry.

34. Now exit that cave and go into the left cave. Kill all the tigos you see wondering around. Go left. The weakened wall next to the hole in the wall has a beast blood in it. Kill the tigos in the hole in the walls. Go back then up. Clear out the holes in the walls and the tigos in the larger area. The holes in the floor are empty. Light the torch to the left. Go into the big cave to fight the King tigo. He can be deceptively difficult because we had such an easy time with them in the pyramid. Just attack up with Sarah again and you will be laughing. When he is defeated light the lamp to the left. Take note of the markings in the rock where someone has been digging and inspect with random. Go back outside and talk to Jackal (blue haired dude). Quest complete!

Quest 10- Open path to the underground lake (Q8)

35. Go to the upper right part of the map to where someone is standing in front of some stairs. Talk to him to visit the chief kuru. It will take 2 rations to go. Chat to Kuru and he will tell you that he can sense elements and he has senses water behind the wall where people have tried to dig. Random has to think of a way to dig through that stone for him. Go back to the place where you have to dig. Cast x-blade spell several times for it to break open. Your magicka will run low during this process so just go back outside to the inn and rest a couple of times to replenish it. This will take a few goes. Quest complete.

Quest 11- Find and Unearth the reeker bulb (Q15)

36. Once it is open pick up the Prismatic cristal off the floor beside you. Walk through the door. In here are lots of scorpions that inflict venom on you. This is where all those cycca leafs come in handy! Open the chest to get the stone oracle book. Look up and you will see a weird blue thing. If you touch it, it will poison you. Kurus blessing will protect you. Pick it up and you have got the Reeker bulb. Quest complete.

Quest 12- Find the lake in the underground caverns (Q18)

37. Go up north and random and Sarah does the naughty in the lake giving them random +4 ST, Sarah +8RS, and both +11xp. Quest complete. Leave the cave and sell the reeker bulb if you want because it will poison you when you leave the town or there is a quest later on in chapter 3 if you want to keep it and complete it. It is frustrating but you will get approx 6000 exp points if you keep it.


38. Go back to the Kuru to claim your reward. Wear the lucky ring (details on how to get on number 66) For Random you can develop random ST or a lacking ability which is random MN for random. For sarah he gives her random HP. You can try to duel him now but he is a bit too strong for the time being. We will come back to this one.

39. If you want to keep the Reeker bulb head to the path of the dreaded. Continue left and into the last cave. Light the torch. The chest in the middle is booby trapped. Stand in front of the top left chest to jump over the chasm. You will find Sonia a girl that was attacked by the chest. She dies when you attempt to take her home. Bury her with her stuff. When you go to jump back across the chasm quickly push up and you will fall down it. Click on the lava rock after examining the pool and Sarah has an idea to put it near the pool. Push it across a couple of times and wait for about 30 seconds. It will turn into a river pit. Go into the water and go into the tunnel. In the water to the top there is an azure pearl. Go up into the next cave. Go up the stairs until you see a lamp look below at the crystal jump off the cliff and get a razor crystal. Go up until you see a blue crystal. Pick it up to get a mind crystal. Pick up the orb to get the azure pearl. Before you exit, look at the crystal on your right, Sarah can jump to the place where is lies, its a Razor Crystal, and a stardust. Go up and you will find yourself back on the path of the dreaded. After you walk out Yveen will be on the bridge below metrolia ruins and she will give you some MP and a purify ring (Purify ring is only if you have reeker bulb). The ring make your poisonous infliction go away on the character whos wearing it and gives you pure blood. Put it on Random and Make Sarah wear the elven crown.


Quest 13- Discover Namunama’s secret. (Q11)

40. Time to Visit Namunama. Leave the nomad village and go across the big village. It will cost 20 food rations to go. Do this quest early as the food rations will go up to 30 if you leave it too late. Go to the guy blocking the way and talk to him. He will let you in. There is a healing potion, sparkling powder and hydra tear (you have to look in it more than once) in the washbasin in the top left. Go up beside the king and go behind the building to get a revive potion. Then head to the north of the town and you will see the village King and Queen. Talk to Clark the guy on the right. He will tell you to visit the inn.

41. Go to the building on the right. The building on the left is locked for now. Talk to the bunny girl to get her to move and enter. Talk to the cat girl and insult her to get her to leave the village, thus saving her life. Talk to the girl blocking the way downstairs and she will tell you that you need authorization.

42. Go back outside and talk to the blue haired guy (Warren) and he will let you in. Go back into the building and go downstairs. You will see blood everywhere. You decide to tell the king. Now at this point you cannot leave the village. Depending on the choice you make you will face two possible outcomes. In one of them, you will now have the opportunity to fight the three heads of the village. You will be silenced for several rounds. So use any heal potions you have as they can do quite a bit of damage. Whack away. When defeated there will be a big mess on the ground in front of you. Quest complete. Behind where the king was standing is 501 gold. If Random is wearing the luck ring, the king's stash will be 1001 gold and a talys root Go into the warehouse and there's a town hall key in the wooden tub in front of you. Go into the place where the locked door was and you will find the real warehouse. in the first chest is a golden apple, and 2x silver rings. The second chest has bronze armor, 215 gold and an ante-wave. The third chest has an azure mail and leopard coat.

43. In the other outcome, you end up dead. You wake up and you are in an odd spot. You will see two dead figures on the ground that look like Random and Sarah. A present is to the left with no use. Go down and you will see some money on the ground but you are too tired to pick it up. You will see a sleeping girl that won’t wake up and a black thing that’s walking around doing his work. You will also see a big monster thing. Walk up to it and it will go down the stairs. You will get a Llunaha dust. Talk to the thing on the left and it will say that she is waiting for you. Go talk to the monster again. Its Yveen! She will tell you that you made a huge mistake and that you were murdered. She will say that she intervened much to the displeasure of the others and she thus lost all her privileges because of this and there maybe an enquiry. But there are some that will turn a blind eye to those who helped a lot in the past and thus she’s sending you back. When you return to the market you have lost two levels. Go back to the crossroads where you went across the bridge to get to the village and there is a guy selling stuff. Leave him alone for the time being and return when you have saved up alot of gold. Make sure you buy 99 pappalis powder and 99 burning ground spells. The pappalis powder can be used in chapter 3 to make Exp eggs. The burning ground spells are rare and very powerful! Head back to market.


Quest 14- Find Mermaid mushroom (Q10)

44. Go back to Khomre and south of the town there is a ladder leading down into the water. You will find a hidden creek. Check the log in the middle of the screen. Go into the fissure on the right side (The left side is too small) but you have to leave your protective gears outside. Go left and up. You will come across some water tigos. Go left then up the first niche to pick up a luck starfish. Go up the second path and get the explosive mushroom. Go back to the right to the split and take the right path. Go up first to kill the tigos. Go back down then right. Get the explosive mushroom on the right side of the room. Where that explosive mushroom was stand on the right side of the hole facing the cliff and Sarah will jump up and get the prismatic crystal.

45. Leave the cave and the hidden creek. Then swim back again. Look up to see a mermaid. Talk to her and she will take you to the mermaid community. The pond in the middle will heal you. You can also catch the moonfish for 5 MP (non permanent) but they are quick! Go up the stairs first. The mermaid asks you to help her get some to help fix her stones and restore balance. You have to go into the cave blocked by the blue stone to find them. Be sure to put on the mermaid boots.

46. Go back downstairs and enter the cave that is now unblocked. These squid are tough and remember you don’t have any gears to protect yourself. Try and work your way though and be sure to use the mermaids spells as they are really powerful against these monsters. The best combo for the red squid is Randoms gates of thunder, Sarahs emerald laser and Marilyis’ poisonous javelin spells. Go north first and around to the right. Kill the monsters and get the red muen’de. There is nothing further north. Go back and heal.

47. Next go left and take the lower path first. Kill the gold tigo and the squid to get another red Muen’de. Go north and take the right split. Go up the stairs to get a coral blade in the red chest and a muen’de to the upper left. Equip the coral blade which has awesome physical attack against fish and go back down. Go up the middle path. There is nothing down the left path. Go up and kill the squid blocking the way.

48. Go up the stairs and follow the path. Pick up the Muen'de along the way. Go down the next stairs. Go to the left and kill the squid and pick up another red Muen’de. Go left and kill all the squid guarding the way. Go back and heal and make sure you are ready for the next fight. Go back to the place where the last two squid were guarding and enter.

49. Get the two red Muen’de that you can see. This is a tough fight especially if they knock Marilyis out in the first round. Just keep healing with Sarah and physical attacking with random and you will get there. Pick up the mushroom. Work your way back to the main room and give the mushroom to Panina (the head mermaid). Quest complete!

50. Go to the right room. Go to the shop. Browse for what you would like. Then head to the cave and enter. There are many squid. Kill them all. To the north left of the room is a red Meun’de. To the upper right are three muen’de and one red muen’de. To the far right is another red muen’de. Go up the stairs to get two muen’de (one is unreachable). Open the chest to get a tempest Javelin. Go back to the squid cave. The cave to the north hides a sea monster the Carchacashkamer (wheew don’t make me type it again). Fight it. The best combo I found was use randoms gates of thunder till the tigos are dead then physical attack it with the coral sword. Sarah heals when needed and then Emerald laser when she can. Marilyis uses mermaid death dance first then haanakuna. After that you will get a Carchacashkamer crystal eye. Another technique that you can use is to use Marilyis's poisonous javelin to poison the main monster and heal and defend until it is dead, then take out the rest. That’s it for the mermaid world so wave goodbye, equip all the stuff you want to take back (all else will be lost) and head back to the hidden creek. Now go up and back about 5 more times and Marilyis will find a crystal rain and a hydra tear and give it to you.


Quest 15- Find Pirate treasure (Q13).

51. Enter the cave. Go left until you find the path blocked by water. Click it and you will hear something roaring and a squid will come up to attack you. Kill it and jump across. Go left and open the chest. And get pirates dust. Get the explosive mushroom above the chest. Go back and go up north and sneak in the hole in the wall. You have found the pirates treasure. If you start kissing you will get Random +30 XP and +1 SP, Sarah +45 XP and +1RS. You will be fatigued and you will also be attacked by many noisy lizards. You will face four rounds of them. You will lose the gold if you choose this option. Alternately you can just grab the gold and run. You will end up with 19 gold bars. Quest complete!

52. Leave the caves and you will find that you can’t carry all your bars back at once. You carry two across and leave the rest behind for the mermaids to guard. Come back and you will find the chest lighter. Apparently “a squid came up and stole some”. Take the rest back at once. You will end up with 13 left. These bars sell for a nice sum of 600+ gold. The highest amount the gold bars sell for in this chapter is 1058 gold at Enya's item shop in Khomre. Head back to the market.


Quest 16- Get Back Rebecca

53. Help Rebecca is missing and her father Ronald is claiming the people at the Fort of Shade-Rock have kidnapped her. Go to the map just below the metrolian ruins and head right then down. Cross the bridge and you will reach the fort. There is a guy guarding the entrance. If you continue he will attack. I think the only way to get in unfortunately is to kill him. Please let me know otherwise if you have found a way to do otherwise.

54. Enter the fort after the deed. There is a jar at the bottom right next to a girl that has her stuff in it but she is onto you and won’t let you take it unless your level is high enough and you can distract her to get a power salt. Nothing more for this room so leave through the bottom passage. A barrel in the top left corner has 37 gold in it. The top barrel in the top right has a mithril drop. The hole beside the door has a forgotten purse with 117 gold in it. Now in the bottom right of the map there are some really weird chickens that you can push around by clicking on them. I don’t know if they are for any use. I haven’t found any so far.

55. Go into the bottom building. You will find you are interrupting a wedding ceremony between Rebecca and an sylvan. Rebecca is fed up with the life at the village. You have a choice to bring her back or let her marry the sylvan. Bringing her back finishes the quest for some XP and her father gives you what appears to be some crappy flowers with no use however they are healing herbs if you dont have cocka cocka. If you do have cocka cocka he will give you 2x beki biki flowers that cocka cocka will eat for some ST and XP. If you let the ceremony go on you will get a much better reward of being able to visit warylla gardens map, a honeymoon place. It is up to you if you like to have completed quests or not.


56. Head back to the market and use the map in your inventory. It will cost you 8 food rations. Cocka Cocka can eat the orange flower for some MN. Enjoy the place. When you leave you will get Random +3 HP and Sarah +5 ST.

Quest 17- Beat the Kuru in a duel (Q9)
Quest 18- Obtain a statue of Sarah in Khomre (Q12)

57. Go and duel Kuru. By this stage you should be able to beat him very easily. Quest complete. However if you duel him with sarah, when you win a statue of sarah will be constructed. Go talk to the woman at the first table and you get 4 food rations, 1 energy balm and 1 mountain balm. Make sure you buy 99 toad blood from the other woman as it can be used in chapter 3 to make revive potions. If you fight the Kuru and you kill him you will get his armor, which is the best armor in chapter one, and much hate from the townspeople.

Quest 19- Destroy Pazaara (Q17)

58. Time to clear out some orcs. Lets leave the market via the south exit. Head right then up and open the chest to get a magicka potion. Go out and head south. You will see the Orc fortress of pazaara. Go clear them all out. Look in the barrel to find an energy herb. Go inside the building on the left. The upper barrel has 7 gold. If you try to go upstairs you will find the entrance too small and that only kobolds can get in. Exit. To the left of you is a chest. Open it to get 11x food rations.

59. Head south to the next screen and wipe out this lot as well. The top left barrel has a buala in it. The barrel in the middle of the map has +50HP +25 MP x3 only use it if you are running low in this map. The chest on the right has three food rations. The gate leading into the fortress is firmly locked. Go down and kill some more monsters. Open the chest to the top right to get 35 gold. The stump to the right has a cycca leaf.

60. There is a blue arrow pointing down to the entrance on the left side. Go in. go down and you will see a straw dummy of some sort always pass it on the right side. The left side will zap you every time. Kill the guys. The pile of rocks in the top left has 4 gold. The chest will have 4x food ration, 3x Buala and 75 gold. Go back out and continue fighting your way down. Dont touch the water falling from the drain to the right because it will give you a flesh eating condition. Continue to head down and destroy all the remaining monsters. Head down three sets of stairs then you have completed your quest.


Quest 20- Unravel Pazaara’s mystery (Q20)

61. Now head back up to the well and go down it. Sarah will trick you into thinking you’ve walked into a trap by throwing rocks at you. The chest to the right is locked for now. Head left. You will see a ghost blocking your path in the next scene. Talk to him and he will tell you about the chest. Find the key to get the chest. Walk to the left and in the small hole in the wall get the prison key. Head up north and you will find a waterway with a red toad in the middle. Walk up to the straw dummy and get the small key Light the torch to see a bit better. The frog and chest are teasers. Go back to the jail and open the cell. Open the chest to get 116 gold. Quest complete! Go back to the stairs and use the small key to open the locked chest and you have 2 demon blasters.


Bits and pieces

62. Now to tie up a few loose ends. Explore Metrolia ruins. First go up the north passage. There are 3 types of monsters; the standard Unforgiving bones, the Mist wraith and the holocaust wraith. The Mist wraith are beatable if you are high enough level. The holocaust wraith has an extremely powerful physical attack and will kill you in one go. Try to avoid these. The only problem is they look the same until you run into them. But if you squint your eyes carefully you will be able to see the blue swirls on the Mist wraith. Go up straight and enter the first ruined house. The third jar has 61 gold. Try and leave the wraith in the top left corner alone he will definitely kill you. The Mist wraith in the top right is killable. There is nothing else in the bottom house so move on.

63. Enter the first house on the left. The jar in the top corner has a Magicka potion. The first wraith you see wondering around is a Mist wraith. Head right. The two top houses have nothing in them. Enter the bottom house. The wraith is a mist wraith. The chest down the bottom right of the house has an indinera potion. Nothing more in this house.

64. Exit and head further north. The broken pot next to the well will poison you so don’t touch it. Head up the left north path to get a knight helmet. Go back around and head up. There are three mist wraith floating around outside that you can kill and one inside a house is a holocaust wraith. Go right again. The second house has a chest. Open it to find a red pimento. Up north is a house on its own. The broken jar has 155 gold. There is a chest to the north that is unreachable, it’s a teaser chest. That’s it for this part of the ruins. Go back home and heal to prepare for the next section.


65. When you get home you see a large dragon in your house. He introduces himself as Vulcath. He is your secret admirer. AHA you’ve just caught him in the act of leaving you a present. Open the chest to get (Oh goodie goodie!!!) Blast sword, Harpiie bow, Earthquake cane, Dragon ring, Charlotte earrings and Vulcan mantle. You will give him your house for his generosity. Go back to the path of the dreaded. If you have completed the destroy Pazara quest, enter into the first cave and there is a guy standing there. He will give you 6666 gold and 6 Omega Buddon(9 omega buddon if you are wearing the luck ring found in the next section).

66. Now head back to the Metrolian ruins to go for the right path. Now this one is full of hard monsters and the vampires are super fast runners. Best thing to do is dodge them all if you can. Save before going in. Now make a runner. Open chests on the way. It may take a few goes. When you get something if you die you will end up back home. Don’t restart like I usually do. Just come back and do the next run. The first chest is a booby don’t open it because it will attack you. However if you do kill it it has 2250 gold in it. The second one is a champion helmet. The chest to the right has a luck ring. Make sure you get it because it is a really good item and needed later! Save after you get it.

67. Head back to the Metrolian ruins to do another couple of runs. Go right and run past the chest that had the lucky ring onto the next screen. Timing is everything on the next screen. Hide behind the well then when they are all below you run your butt off and pick a chest. Or run along the lower half of the screen along the wall. You need a lot of patience because those vampire chest monster combos are the biggest pain in the bums ever. You will most likely die when you open the chest. Just keep doing this till you have got the 3 chests. First chest is Hero cream. Second chest is 2x hero cream, Life potion, and 4667 gold. Last chest has an obsidian shield, a nice shield for random. The rest are all booby trapped however if you do kill them the first one gives you a recovery spray and the last one gives you a mithril drop. The green chest to the back you have to kill an eternal warrior. Use thunder implosion and use Omega Budons you got in the path of dreaded if your level is too low. In the green chest are a seed pendant, Morning dew, and an Occixion. Some really decent equips and I highly recommend getting them. If you run onto the next screen and Random will say that it could get really dangerous if you continued so he turns back. The Eternal warrior wandering around in the middle randomly drops a healing herb.

Alternately, if you have the patience to level your characters, you could choose to level up and kill everything you see. I managed to clear out all the monsters except for the holocaust wraith at level 32-27 using Random's Thunder implosion and Metallist curse, Sarah's Pituite calling and Hyper attack, And Cocka Cocka's regular attack. It may take several goes to kill the two vampire and chest combo but it is able to be done.


68. Go back to the hole in the ground in the lizardman territory. In it is the the Gaia Hydra.
It is a very tough monster. You need to be very high level for the spells needed to attack it (around level 30). Go the pond spirit and boost up all your stats. Cast the Metallist Curse on it and then attack with the Silver Sword with Random and Pituite Calling and Hyper attack with Sarah. The Demon Blasters are also very effective but it is beatable without them, keep them for the big bosses. The reward is 320XP one Aquapaga Flower and 502 Gold.

69. Well this is it. Head back to the market. Stock up on any items you may want. Also buy a couple of logs from the fellow in the south market. And take one last look at it and head down past the Pazara fortress and on your way for the next cut scene.
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Re: Laxius Force 1 - Walkthrough

Postby Indinera » Sat Oct 10, 2009 10:48 pm

Walkthrough for chapter 2

1. Random and Sarah are on their way to Tyrine. They are at a camp site and discussing what's to come when they are ambushed. Breeze your way through an easy fight. Someone behind a tree congratulates you. Introducing Brussian the werewolf. He introduces himself and senses that you are about to be attacked again. Kill this lot. Brussian believes that you should head to Tyrine straight away and he offers to lead the way. Random isn’t so sure to trust him but Brussian explains that he is not an ordinary werewolf and he was once an elf of Indinera. Random decides that he can join your party. So you set off for Tyrine.

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2. You will see that Tyrine is a lot darker than what it once was and has changed much, Brussian suggests you go see Lord Harrington first. Sarah has brought a quest book. Go down and talk to the guard blocking your way. He will say that there is a tax to let you enter, but Random tells him who he is and he lets him in. Walk in. Now don’t disturb the dog in front of you otherwise he will get cranky and will come after you when ever you enter this map and try and bite you.

Side Quest 1. Send a letter to Luciana (Q22)

3. Head south onto the next screen. Under a tent, next to a lamp post is a lady in blue. Talk to her and ask to send a letter. It will cost you three gold. Quest complete.

Side Quest 2. Deliver Thayla’s letter to town Hall (Q37)

4. Go right one screen and you will see a little old lady in the bottom right corner. She will ask if you could put a letter in the town hall mail box for her for 400 gold. Accept. Go back to the town entrance and head right one screen. Go past the fountain and up slightly is a red mail box. Put the letter in. Return to Thayla to get the 400 gold as she promised.

5. To the screen to the right explore around. Head to the right side of the house in the south right corner. Go right to the bottom then turn left. There is a secret path where you can get a Sandaaral shield. Go into the middle house in the middle row. In the right bottom corner in the bookshelf to the right is a shining parchment. In the book on the table is a shining parchment. In the blue jar is a shining parchment. In the dresser with the mirror is a shining parchment. Head back to the last screen. In the single building with the red roof, to the left is a secret passage with a feather d’An. Head up to the entrance screen. The shrub to the south of the building in the middle has a Tij herb. In the inn, in the top left corner click the rolled up things to get a razor spine map. Head outside and use the map. You will random encounter zoix bats. inspect the crystal to be confronted by the dragon razor. He will hurt you before the fight even starts. He is weak to physical attack. You will get 936 gold (in crystal dust). Now head back down and leave the map.


Side Quest 3. Challenge Rebecca to a duel and win (Q26)

6. Head to the screen on the right. You will see a tent to the south. Talk to the woman on the left. She will introduce you to the guild of the wonderer. She says that to join you have to duel her. To do this press A and open up your allies list. Pick who you want to fight. If you pick random put the other three to the side. If you pick one of the other three put the two characters you don’t want to the side. Talk to her again to challenge her. Beat her and you will gain level 2 membership and +50 guild wanderer points. Quest complete. Talk to Rebecca again and ask her to teach. She will teach Sarah the White glowing spell for 25 gold. This spell allows her to heal poison/pox/venom/and cold all at the same time.

Alternately you could wait for Louis to join your party later and challenge Rebecca with him. Lose the fight with Louis and he will get mad and go off and change his battling Erika sword to a Ebony blade which increases attack points somewhat.

Side Quest 4. – Donate 1000 gold to town hall (Q33)

7. Head north into the building. To the left is a woman behind the desk. Go up to her and ask for a quest. She will say that the town needs funds to get more people in to help defend the town. Give her the 1000 gold. Quest complete. Alternately wait until Louis is in your party and he will donate 2000 gold out of his own pocket. Head back to the place where Thayla is and you will see a new NPC walking around the bottom. Talk to him. He is a fellow from sparte and he was part of an army of 300 (nice reference +::thumright: ). He will teach Random Spartian Move spell. This is a good move that allows you to hit one then defend. It can also inflict bleeding. Head into the items shop above you. The fireplace has a healing reagent in it. Buy a glass container, you will need it later. In the Armor/gear shop talk to the shop keeper a few times and he will offer to sell you Colossus bracelet for 4000 gold. Also in the top left corner of the shop the box has 8 gold.

8. Time to pick up some side quests that can be completed later. Head to the next screen on the right. In the top left hand corner is a mysterious guy. He will ask you to assassinate someone. If you say are you crazy or ok it will trigger the quest. For 1000 gold he wants you to kill Mr Kemdan, who is in the north east district. This quest will be referred to as side quest 16. You cannot take this quest with Louis in your party. The guy will disappear but will return when Louis is out of your party. Check on the dog that’s lying in the way of a house. He is very ill. This will be refered to as quest 15. Jump over the dog and enter the house. Check the top of the bed for 34 gold. Now head into the top right hand door. Inside is a man who is missing his red toad. Your quest is to go and find him. This quest will be referred to as side quest 6. Go back to the previous screen and talk to the guy standing next to the mail box a little north. He will tell you that the house is haunted and asks if you can exorcise it. The reward is 500 gold. This quest will be referred to as side quest 17. In the upper left of the screen is a guy standing near the garden. He will tell you that he cant stop thinking about a gorgeous girl he spent some time with. He wants you to go find her for him. This will be referred to as side quest 13. On the next screen to the left talk to the post lady again and ask for a quest. She will say that her pidgeon with a blue beak is missing and asks if you can please find it. This will be referred to as side quest 8. In the bottom left hand corner of the screen is a bald headed guy walking around. Ask him for a quest and he will say theres a big squid on the coast that’s guarded by a guy called jackmin. Find it and kill it for a reward of 200 gold. This will be referred to as side quest 5. On this screen is a guy walking around in robes. He is a Order member. You can get random to kill him or not. It has no known consequence in the game.

9. For a bit of fun you can challenge Louis to a power contest. You can find him in the screen with the town hall, standing to the left of the fountain. Note this is not a side quest. Just a way to earn 250 gold and his respect. My strength was 862 when I beat him. Strength should be 800-850 to beat him. Use equipments to boost strength and also Random's Legend slayer spell increases strength. You can only challenge him once so save before you have a go in case you lose. Also you wont be able to challenge him again after you finish the main quest to clear out the sewers.

Main Quest 1. Clear the sewers of the order (Q25)


10. Now for the main quest. Go and talk to Lord Harrington. There is a longish conversation that follows. He will tell you of whats happened to Tyrine and how there is an order under the sewers in tyrine. He has sent many soldiers down there to clear it out including his own son. He wants you to clear it out and find his son. He also mentions how there is a ghost guarding their main entrance and that is why no one else will do it or help you. Exit and go to the left screen. Talk to Armand in the upper middle of the screen and he will give you the key to enter the area with the sewers. Talk to him again and you can bargain with him for an extra reward. You can get either his sword, his armour or 100 gold. His armour is a basic Tyrine armor. His sword is a basic Tyrine sword. Go back to the right screen and talk to Jerva in the south part of the screen and he will let you in.

11. In the barrel up the first stairs is 5 gold. Talk to the guy and he will say the house behind him is turned into a pool of dark water. Its Randoms old house!! Go back down the stairs and then head right and go up to where the old cemetery was. In the barrel is a necrotear. Below that is a set of stairs leading to the port which is now wrecked beyond recognition. Head back left a little bit and you will see some stairs heading down. Save and enter.


12. Welcome to the first true dungeon. The way is blocked by a gate. Head to the bit where there is a little square and open. Here you will have the opportunity to fight zombies. They are weak and easy to fight. You will see a statue which is what may be the deity the order is attached to. On the table is a cup with a substance in it. Don’t drink it because it will kill anyone in the party. Save it for later. Head south and fight the Cerberus. Save at this point because you are about to face the ghost they were referring to in the conversation. Walk to the end of the tunnel and you will be confronted by the ghost. This ghost is immune to physical attacks. Thunder implosion and emerald laser work really well.

Side Quest 5- Find Yveens Hologram 1 (Q21)


13. On the next screen is a fork. Head south and on the right wall is a hidden tunnel which may or may not be indicated by a blue arrow (depends on Brussians level). Enter it and inspect the end for a necrotear. Go back up and go left. On the next screen are more zombies. Kill them all. Follow the path up. The turn to the right has nothing for now. The chest you can see is inaccessible for now. At the top of the path is a sleeping spider guarding a chest. Random doesn’t want to disturb it. To the right is a squid on a fountain. Kill it and watch the blood run through the drain. Go up north onto the next screen. Pull the switch. You will notice Yveen in the top left corner. Go to the left and in the middle is a secret path. Go left then up to talk to her. She will tell you about a new program in favour of exploration. She will be hiding in places throughout the game. The harder she is to find the better the reward. She will give your party +3 MP as a reward. The chest in the top right is inaccessible for now.

Main Quest 1. Clear the sewers of the order continued (Q25)


14. Head back to the fork mentioned before. Head down and fight the murderer of siir and the Cerberus guarding the way and enter the door. Fight the enemies you encounter and talk to the girl to the south. The stupid thing wanted to explore around here and she ended up locked down here. Save her. If you want to see what she has to offer its only 35 gold. But if you are selfless you will do it for free (there is a better reward from her later anyway). Head right then up. The mutilated body to the left has a ceremony of the blood. Now there is a monster in front of you. Heal up before this fight and save. Talk to it and it will say it used to be a man. And that the order did it to him. Then the demon instinct takes over and he tells Random to fight him and save himself. Spartian move, and Oni work well on this demon. It will randomly drop a necroleech. Flick the switch to on.

15. Go back south and kill all the Cerberus. In the room to the right is a chest which has another ceremony of the blood in it. The bed to the right has 33 gold. Go down and the bed to the upper right on has a healing potion. The bed in the middle has a Tij herb. Just before the jail, 2 steps left is a hidden passage that may be indicated by a blue arrow. Go down to get a necroleech. Heal up and save. Now there is a trick to this one. If you walk head on to meet the enemy an explosion will occur and you will meet the game over screen and Yveen wont be able to revive you. The trick is to walk in on the side and talk to him side on. Random will realize it is Earnest, one of the crusaders at the school like himself. He has started up his own cult and was planning on ruling the world. He will ask you to join. You can either join or not. If you say you will join he will ask you to chop Sarahs' head off. So either way you will end up in a fight. Spartian move him with Random. With sarah use noxodox to knock off all his friends then use oni on him. With Brussian use his predator bite. He will turn into Garr, a demon, after a few knocks. Use Thunder implosion and oni on him. After you defeat him you will get the Earnest key and the Omen sword. Brussian will tell you how he and a party of elves invaded an order temple near Indinera and he was captured and exposed to one of their potions which had turned him into the werewolf. Watch the convo for more information. Rest in the bed. Save the game and go down through the door to confront Arachnea. Fight him to get an emerald powder and randomly get an arachnea scythe.

16. Exit from the room. Don’t forget to do it from the side as the enchantment is still in place. Go to the jail on the right and rescue the people and Stanislas. Exit this area and kill the two monsters angry at you for killing Garr. Then you will be confronted with mad Delinda. She is rather tough. Spartian move and hyper attack her. She will soon turn into the wraith. Silver sword and Oni her this time. You will randomly get a darkness ring once she is defeated. If you kill her before she turns into the wraith you will get a bromium powder. If you are having trouble with her you can try to run past her and exit the sewers and return later to kill her. Leave the Sewers and talk to Lord Harrington. Quest complete and reward of 1500 gold.

17. Louis will interrupt the conversation and say the brotherhood of Sariis will attack tonight. Louis will join your party to raid the temple. Talk to the girl on the right (the one that you saved) and she will give you sparkling powder. Exit and Louis will give you the run down and the battle strategy. If you still have the Reeker bulb Louis will be poisoned and will flash red the whole time you have him in your party. Either put up with it to complete the quest later in chapter 3 or sell it. Go to the left screen. Talk to Stanislas next to Armand and he will give you the sword skill, Tyrine breaker. Head back towards the old school area and to the right is a group of people who have set up base. Louis is not to impressed and decides we need to eradicate them before they cause too much trouble. Kill them to get a reward of 302 gold, crusader shield, 5x crusader helmet and 5x silver ring. Now time to complete some side quests.

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Side quest 6. Kill the dangerous squid (Q27).

18. Go back and go to the screen where you sent the letter and exit the town via the gate in the bottom left side which is now open to you. Welcome to Tyrine Firth or the coast. Head right then up the second stairs and open the chest to get a moon dew. To the left is a woman running around. She is muttering stuff and then jumps in the ocean if you talk to her. To the left of her is a boat with a knight helmet. Head left two screens. You will be confronted by water imps. Tyrine breaker and emerald laser work well on these. Go up the two sets of stairs and talk to Jackmin. He will let you in once he sees Louis is in your party (He wont let you fight the squid with out Louis in your party). Kill it to get the squid bone and quest complete.

Side Quest 7. Find Namii’s red toad (Q24)

19. You will see a red thing on the log where the squid was. Pick it up to get the red toad. Quest complete. headback to Tyrine and talk to the bald headed guy to get your 200 gold reward. Go talk to Namii and give him back his toad. Namii will have found his inspiration. He will also move out of your way. In the coat is 16 gold. Go to the weaponry and you can get your squid bone refined into a sword for Random, a bow for Sarah or a Saber for Wendala.

Side quest 8. Challenge Simon and Carlford to a fight and win (Q28)

20. Head back out to Tyrine Firth. Go to where the stairs leading to the squid were and this time head south. Enter into the light house and go up the rope ladders to the top. Capture the flame in the GLASS CONTAINER to get the lighthouse heart (To be used in another game). Exit and go up one set of stairs and go left. Open the chest to get a magicka potion and watch the chest bounce off the guys head.

21. Go talk to the two guys and accept their challenge to a fight. Simon and Carl can deal out some good damages and have some impressive spells but they have low hp so kill them quickly and you will randomly get a red pimento and a magicka energyzer for your efforts. Quest complete. They will also give you a box of waste as a reward.

Side Quest 9. Find the post girls pidgeon (Q23)

22. Move onto the next screen and you will have to face LOTs of imps. Use Sarahs emerald laser on the water imps, randoms gates of thunder to wipe out the earth imps and have Louis physical attack the thunder imps. Move onto the next screen and wipe out the next lot of imps. Jump across the hole then go stand above the part of the cliff with a bulge and Sarah will see an injured bird. It’s the post ladys' bird. Sarah will jump down and retrieve it. She will be attacked by a squid. Kill it. Quest complete. When Sarah jumps back the team will be messed up a bit and Brussian will be missing. This can be easily fixed by pressing A and going into the allies list and re adding him. Head back to town and give the post girl her bird back.

Main Quest 2. Destroy the brotherhood of the sariis (Q30)

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23. Now time for the main quest. Head out of the main entrance to the town. Here you will find your first random encounter environment. Here you will encounter squid, ghosts and tigos. Head up then left past the boat. The grassy area leads to metrolia where you came from but you cant go back. Keep following the path left over two bridges then up. In this area you will random encounter ghosts, cerberus and zombies. Go down the left path first. Keep following it around to the chest to get 505 gold. Head back around then up and Louis will open the door for you.

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24. Enter and kill all things you see. In the left room is a chest with 45 gold. In the bottom bed is a life apple. On the right side squeeze in between the two lots of crates and get 16 gold. Go up and kill the guy standing in your way. Enter and once again kill anything that moves. The blue chest in the left room has a shield X-bow. The other chest is locked for now. In the right room. The middle upper bed has 23 gold. The chest has a fairy pendant. Head through the passage on the right of that chest. Head south through two doors. Go all the way around and at the dead end turn left and there is a secret passage one step right from the chasm and down (this may be indicated with a blue arrow if Brussians level is high enough). Inspect to get 17 food ration, 3 royal meat, 6 beast blood and a tiger bone shield (for Brussian). The left crate has a healing potion. Head back and go down the stairs. The armour has silver powder. The crate with yellow stuff to the north has a revive potion.


25. Go south. Go around the left side and fight all the brothers of sariis. On the platform don’t stand on the part that looks like its missing a panel. It’s a booby trap. Talk to the girl and you will see its Wendala. She will join your party. To the south of that room check in the middle of the two armors to the left to find a purse with 868 gold in it. Leave that room and she will show you a secret door in the room to the right and up. Go up and in the room on the left the crate on the left has 8 gold. Go around and up the stairs. The door north leads to a chasm. Go south and the crate has a church key.


26. Go all the way back around to the room with the locked door. The key you found will open it. Go up. 5 steps to the right then south is a secret passage. Inspect to get 3 burning ground and 2 magicka energyzer The blue chest has a healing potion. To the left and up is a table with a key. Grab it to get a wooden key. This opens the chest that couldn’t be opened before. In this chest is an occixion ring. Head right this time and there is a door that is blocking the way. Louis will get impatient and knocks the door out of the way for you. The blue chest has a magicka potion. Kill the 3 brothers of sariis in the way and you will get a prison key.

27. Go back and open the prison where the two guys are. Make sure Sarah has enough MP to heal. One of them is an important bishop. The other tried to protect him and had his leg cut off for the effort. Sarah will save him. Quest complete. (Alternately if Sarah doesnt have enough MP it will ask if you would like to use the reeker bulb. Not recommended if you want to have a complete quest log). Talk to the guy you saved. If you accept his money you will get 751 gold. Ask for half and get 387 gold. Ask for his blade and all you get is a paladin sword. Refuse to take anything and you will get a much better reward shortly. Offer to escort them to the exit and do so. After you have seen them off Yveen will appear. Because you offered your help freely, she will give you an Yveen egg, Holy water, 2 healing potion, 2 llanewan powder (Yveen Suger), and an yveen triangular shield.


28. Head back and head down the stairs. Walk across and watch the cut scene. Kill all the evil guys. From the bottom walk up one step and go left for a secret passage. Inspect to get holy water and 233 gold. Follow the right wall along and you will be able to walk along the upper wall to find a secret room. In the blue chest is aquapunga flower and crystal rain. Go down and right again and inspect the wall to get a bromium powder. Go back and up. You will fall down a hole. Open the chest to get a legendra helmet (relic). Go down. In the chests are a book: the art of healing, magicka energyzer, and hero cream. Don’t sit in the chair because it will kill you. The crystal will recover your HP/MP. Go up and in the statue is 202 gold. Go onto the next screen. Avoid the big ogre he will kill you and it will lead to a game over screen. Talk to the dragon and it will lead to the fight. I used Tyrine breaker and oni on both of them. When dead they will mention that its too late and the machine has a mind of its own. You will also get manitor gloves. Quest complete. Brussian will say he thought he saw something move behind the glass windows. It will give you a chance to heal up before the fight. This is a tough fight. I used metalist on it then tyrine breaker and pituite calling. It will randomly drop a bromium powder.

Side Quest 10. Find the Legendary sword (Q29)


29. When done leave through the top left window. The hole in the ground has a king tigo that gives a tigo reagent when dead. At the cross roads, a little to the north, look to the right and Sarah, Brussian and Cocka cocka will jump down to explore. Heal often because in this cave you cannot save. Head north and kill the scorpions. In the cave is some bats. After they are dead enter the secret room to get the legendary sword. Quest complete. Go back out and on the left side looking down is a power pepper. Head down then head right then up. Kill all the scorpions. In the right hole is another king tigo. After its dead you get a cycca leaf and 2 energy herbs. In the left hole is another king tigo with an enchanted potion. When done head back. Now unequip all of Louis's equipment. As he will take off when you exit.

Side Quest 11. Discover the secret of the room of sacrifice (Q32)


30. Now you are back in Tyrine. Go talk to Adam the guy wandering in the bottom left of the screen. He will follow you around and talk to you when you get near him. He will tell you to meet him in the room of sacrifice and give you a map to go. Go there and weave your way through. The light on the right side gives you a life potion. Talk to the guy and he will say that just by looking at you he can tell you are not authorized to enter. Go talk to Adam and he will tell you that you need to wear the same clothes as him. Talk to him again and wendala tells you that she has the idea of beating him up and taking his clothes. Do it and get the cult jacket. Return to the secret room. And the guy will ask for your name. Type ADAM and he will let you in. Go and inspect the guy on the table. Don’t fight them whatever you do. You will find out it is role play. Get Wendala to volunteer to prove it is fake. Quest complete.

Side Quest 12. Avenge Leonas death and Kill Thomas (Q41)

31. Go into the top right room. Get the arias golden necklace in front of you. Open the chest to get the book: rise and fall of sarkham. Go to the tall crate to get the ripped teddy bear. Go into the top left room. The tall crate has some venom darts. Talk to the guy and you will see it is Thomas. Talk to him and avenge leonas death. Then spare him it will give you +3 MN. Or if you kill him Quest complete.

Side Quest 13. Find Ghumr’s lover (Q38)

32. Now go to the guy who had the wild night with the girl and wants her back. Turns out it was Wendala. But Wendala cant remember him or doesn’t care and neither does Random. He says that its still a quest to him and Wendala is sticking with them. Quest complete.

33. Head out to the coast and head right to the boat. The guy will take you to the abandoned port for 6 gold. Check the boat for a ripped teddy bear. The chest has 204 gold. It can be accessed by going behind the fireplace and the pile of rock. The man at the bottom buys the wood logs that you could buy in chapter 1. Go down the stairs and walk along the shallow water south until you see a cave. Save before you enter. You will face the squid god. Best thing to do is metallist curse then physical attack with Random. Oni works okish but most other attacks are useless. You will get about 2k gold and an ice cake.

Side Quest 14. Find Brussians Potion (Q35)

34. Go and talk to Lord Harrington again. He will tell you that you are now an assassination target. Exit and talk to the guy wandering around the fountain. He will sell you his newspaper. Browse through it and they decide that their next destination is Adretana. They will decide that the best bet is the road along the ocean. But before you go Brussian will ask you a favour. He has heard that there is a wolf in the forest that has a potion that can turn him back into a human. He asks if you can go there and see.

35. Head back to the entrance of Tyrine. Time to explore. Go right then up the path. There is a guy called Rolland that wants to end it all. Go up the right side to get dead spirits jar.

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36. Now go back and head right and enter shandara woods. Talk to Tal Azaj the guy that looks like a sylvan. He will tell you he wants to explore but the risk of being attacked by wolves makes things more complicated. Kill the emerald drakkon about 15 times and he will give you a talys root. Head north and kill all the wolves. In the bottom left corner behind a tree is a chest with a magicka herb in it. You have to walk over the creek to reach it. Talk to the guy standing there called Arazom. He will ask if you remember him. He will then say something about the swamp, the dragon guild sending us and us leaving him for dead. He will then attack you. Use metallist curse, then tyrine breaker him. With Sarah use oni or hyper attack. He will randomly drop a demon Diadema. When hes dead go back.

37. Head right this time. Kill the wolves in this map and head right then up again. Head down the right path first. Go over the bridge and behind the log is a red plant. Brussian will point out that this plant is gifted with curing properties and picks it for the sick dog. Go all the way right and open the chest to get the zombie heart. Go back to the bridge leading down and go down it. Kill all the ripper anacondas. Open the chest to get the rapawii dagger. Open the second chest to get the necrotear. Read the grave its in a foreign language that even Wendala cant read.

38. Go back two screens, then go up. Battle the salamanders. Heal up then save. You will meet Kryis Zarum-Barkal. Brussian will ask if he can help him however he will just laugh and ask why would he want to help you. He then proceeds to tell you he is building up a wolf army to attack Tyrine. He has a lot of friends to help him. He will have a bear slayer (dragon), a zombie, two Cerberus, a thunder imp, and a dreadful squid. This is a doozy of a fight. Use Pituite calling to knock most of them out. Use metallist curse on Kryis and then tyrine breaker on him. With the thunder imp use sarahs oni. When defeated you will get a kryis jaws and quest complete. He will let out a haunting howl. Go inside the crypt. Open the red chest to get…nothing. Turns out what Brussian heard was wrong. The tomb stone has nothing in it. on the way out you will hear another haunting howl. Time to leave. Now there are lots of angry wolves that have wrath and dazzle conditions. Go back to Tyrine.

Side Quest 15. Save the dog (Q41B)

39. Go back to the sick dog and give him the plant. Quest complete.

40. Go back out to the Coast. Head left this time. There will be lots of imps floating around. On the second screen you will be ambushed by some squid and bats. On the next screen there are many many imps. Battle your way through them. Move your way to the end of the coast. Here you will see a girl lying there. Save then talk to her. Introducing Marion. She is a teacher who comes from a long way away. She has come to Tyrine to teach magic. She is exhausted from her journey. Give her an energy herb to eat. A tidal wave will come and wipe everyone out. Marion falls in the sea and Brussian jumps in to save her. Marion and Brussian will be ambushed by many monsters. The first round are 3 tigos. The second round is a single red squid. The third round are a red and blue squid. The fourth round are two tigos. The fifth round are 3 tigos. The sixth round are 2 tigos. That’s the last round. There is a dialogue between Marion and Brussian. Random and Sarah find them after a time and they join party. There is another ambush. The first round are a red and blue squid. The second round are two red and one blue squid. The third round is one blue squid. The fourth round is a ripper anaconda. That’s the last round. Random says that the sea is two strong and that they have to go back to Tyrine. They find Wendala. Now head back to Tyrine.

Side Quest 16. Pour poison into Kemdans drink (Q36)

41. Time to get into Kemdans place. Wendalas' MN needs to be 250-300. Boost her MN with equipments and use Marions meditation spell. Go to the place a bit above the weaponry to the right side. Open the door with Wendala in the team. Go up the first stairs. The top set of crates on the right side has 12 gold. Go back down and go up the second set of stairs. If you talk to Mr Kemdan he will tell you to leave. Slip the poison in his steaming coffee. Wendala will do it. Quest complete. Leave and talk to the assassin. He will give you 1000 gold and disappear. In the barrel behind him is 36 gold.

42. Now go and visit Marion in her new place. This is where the dog was lying in front of earlier. Talk to Marion and you will ask her to teleport you to Adretana. Unfortunately she hasn’t been there but she has been to Mt Zulle and she will teleport you there from soul wind crest. She will now join the party. Go and talk to the lady in the middle house and she will transfer what powers she has left to Marion. You will get some 134 HP, 42 MP, and 71 MN. Go back down the sewers to the two unreachable chests I mentioned earlier and use marions telekynesis on them. The first one has an XP egg and a mind crystal. The second one just stand on the edge and do the spell again to get 1337 gold. The chest behind the spider is unreachable. On your way out get Wendala to drink the potion to get 15 HP.

Side quest 17: Can sarah stop the meteor (Q39).

43. Talk to Lord Harrington and ask for a quest. He is worried about a meteor supposedly pouncing on us. Check this with Tjugard in the north east district.

44. Go to the place where the haunted house was and go into the red roofed house and talk to the guy there. He will ask to use sarah to help divert the meteor. Let him use her and go away for a while. Come back after doing a lot of walking, about 5000-10000 steps (An easy way to do this is do the haunted house quest mentioned below) and the quest will be complete. When you get Sarah back she will have a few states on such as paralysis. Just go and fight a monster and at the end of the battle she will be back to normal.

Side Quest 18. Haunted house/ Magical Trial of psyche (Q40)


45. Go into the haunted house and there are two ghosts. The first one talks nonsense. The second one is Pelleas and can only talk to you with Marions undead speaking. He is cursed because Random and his team killed him. You have to enter his mind and kill the curse. He will tell you that you can only take Random, Wendala and Marion. Cocka Cocka will join you for the trip. Go to leave then don’t. You will end up in a room with a chest. In it is a Rotor Ghog. Leave by inspecting the lamp. Above you is a ghost you can pay to change the random encounter rate. Below is the five o rooms. The second room is for those who have good weapons. Equip the Rotor Ghog and you will be able to enter. There is a parchment with +3 ST for random. Go to leave and dont a few more times and you will be transported to another room with a chest. Open it to get an aquapunga flower.

46. The fifth room you can open by saying the owners name which is PELLEAS. Inside is a parchment with 11 red pimento.

47. Go back to the start of the doors and head down. After the turn, 20 steps in is a secret passage to the third room. In the parchment is a war zone spell for wendala.

48. Go back down and keep following the passage go up the next one. The woman says drink one but choose wisely. The first one says the beer is the product of celebration and gives the party 500XP. The second one is The wine is a product of riches and gives 1000 gold. The third one is the liquor is that of the modest, you will be able to drink again and gives all party members +1 HP.

49. Go back across then up. You will see a green monster floating around. You can just click on the island many times and you will eventually get up. Open the chest to get an Omega Buddon. You can go down to get off. Or you can let the monster kill you to get up there. Now you can kill the chlorure wyrm. The best way I found was to use fire powder which can be brought from Rebecca. You will get energy scales off him.

50. Head north and you will see a lamp riddle. In the package above it are 6 revive potions. Click the first lamp. Counting from the first one hit the 11th. Next hit the 12th. Then hit the 13th. Bingo you will be on the island. Cocka Cocka will eat the flower for 17 RS.

51. Go back to the start and head up. To the right is a chest. Open it to get an emerald powder. Go up and into the first room. Inspect the lamp to get onto the island and inspect the crystal to get moon dew and fairy tear. Go back up and onto the next room. There is a guy there that is dead. Go back up and then across all the way. Follow the path all the way around. Read the inscription at the dead end to get 5000XP for Marion.

52. Head down and go down the path to the left. There are some eyes there that I am unsure of the purpose of. Go back to the main room now head down the middle right path. In the small room is a torch you can light to reveal a chest with what appears to be nothing. Check again and you will find a power salt.

53. Go down the upper right path. In the upper right of the room is a lamp and an island with an angel in the middle. Hit the lamp to be transported to the angel. Talk to her and she will ask you to answer her questions correctly and she will open the fourth door to the five o rooms. The first one, who does this mind belong to. Answer is PELLEAS. The second one, Whats the name of the fishermans chief. The answer is KAROL. In the package in the fouth room is a holy water.

54. Back to the room with the angel. Directly below the angel is a package with a trade. Trade Randoms 5SP for 3HP, for Wendala 8ST for 6 MN, for Marion 14MP for 11HP. Go down a bit and fully across left to another package that gives all party members 500XP. If you walk down the middle of the room there is another package with a ball of destiny. For Random trade 5MN for 5ST, For Wendala trade 5MP for 5HP, For Marion trade 9RS for 9 MP, For Cocka cocka revert MN with RS. Around the corner is another package in the bottom right. This one has an Yveen water.

55. Down the bottom right is a chest over a chasm. Use Marions telekynesis to get it. Open it for a Manthra tear.

56. Now go back to where there is the locked door to the north in the main room. Cast meditation on Marion to be able to open the door. Talk to the skeleton dude Kazalin. He is guarding the lords room. He will open the door if you give him a ripped teddy bear and a dead spirits jar. This opens the next door. This will also open up the first five o door for you as well. In the package is 2 hp for marion.

57. Go back to the guardian Dohmar. Try to convince him. I had Marions MN at 600. I boosted her using meditation first then I equipped her with equipments that boosts her MN. He will leave peacefully. Quest complete. Talk to gina the woman there and she will thank you and give you 130 gold. In the right side of the book shelf is a shining parchment.

Alternately you can choose to fight him. He is a really tough fight as he will summon monsters to help him and can knock you out with some impressive hits. You will get a nice amount of exp and he will randomly drop a necrotear.

Side Quest 19: Are the mines responsible for the rain (Q31)


58. Talk to Lord Harrington about the weather and he thinks it may be caused by a mage in the mines. He will give you a map and ask you to go and investigate.

59. Go to the northern exit of the town and use the map. Go up and confront the skeleton. Kill them all with ease. Someone gets upset and throws lightning about the place. Enter in the mines. Kill the skeletons with such ease you can see why Random is laughing. In the barrel to the right is a mountain balm.

60. Head down the upper left path and follow it until you see a chest. Open it to get 125 gold. Go up the stairs and right to find a chest with 101 gold in it.

61. Go back to the main entrance and kill the two monsters guarding the smaller tunnel. Enter and kill the skeletons. The crate in the upper middle of the room has a healing potion. Go back and kill the monsters in front of the larger tunnel. Thunder implosion works well on the light blue skeleton. In the two barrels next to the blue skeleton is a mountain balm each. Enter the cave and kill the skeletons. Open the blue chest next to the evil guys to get the book: eternal wanderer. The area before the chest in the upper left is booby trapped. Go down the rope ladders to open the chest to get a necroleech.

62. Mama beckford is the main boss. She is upset that they murdered her son (remember the beckfords was the haunted house). Time to kill her before she becomes too dangerous. Kill her with Tyrine breaker, and Marions brain paralysis. She will randomly drop a necrohood. Quest complete. It will also knock out the enchantment before the chests. Open the top one to get 2 food ration and 2 magicka energyzer. Open the second chest to get a buala, necrotear and a talys root. Leave the area. You will notice its STILL raining. Will it ever end? Go talk to Lord Harrington for your reward. You will get 5000 gold.

Side Quest 20: Is the volcano responsible for the rain? (Q34)


63. Go talk to Rebecca and use the hint option. She will tell you that she may have a solution to stop the rain. She will tell you there is a lot of magical air activity around the summit of Mount Galohr. She will give you a map to get there.

64. Use the map and you will enter a place that is glowing red and you will also see a thing standing in front of you. It is Nesfru the immortal. He says if you dont leave now he will have to kill you. Use Metallist curse, and physical attack it (cocka cocka does awesome damages to this thing at a decent level).

65. Enter the cave (You need Sarah in this one), and talk to the thing in front of you. Camos will summon creatures of the fire sea. Now you have to fight the larva squid. They have a powerful attack called tentacle hits that will wipe out half your party. Use Sarahs pituite calling to put some of them in an ice jail state. Once you beat them Camos will say she did not expect this and bolt. leaving you to fight two wind servants and a fire servant. Wipe them out quick as they have a pretty powerful attack but they are weak to physical attack.

66. Now enter the next section. The chest to the left side has a glowing rock in it. Use it on Random, Sarah, Wendala or Marion to learn Stone Barrier spell (Inflict armour H-boost). Go up the stairs and into the cave and someone says they control the weather. The fellow on the peak is Vehucna. He shows you some weather tricks. Random and his team tease him and angers him. Now prepare to fight. Use Metallist curse on him and knock off the two servants beside him. He has a pretty powerful attack that he will use pretty soon if not the first go. He can also regenerate health. He doesnt have much health so he will go down really quickly. Physical attack him with Random and he will fall really quick. Quest complete.

67. Head back to the Shandara woods to the grave that Wendala couldnt read. Marion can read it. She believes there is a powerful ranger buried here and they can revive him if she reads the inscription. Marion gains XP for doing so. It will take you to the save screen to prepare yourself. Archibald keys appears. Kill him and you will gain some gold and key of the hero. All members will also gain +5 HP.

68. Now its time to leave town. Stock up on what ever you need. And leave via the north exit. Head straight up to the soul wind crest. Work your way up to the top, killing all the mutated minotaurs. Along the way is a tombstone that the team cant read. Use Marions undead speaking spell on it to get 2186 gold and a Zarafarus Scimitar. When you hit the second split go up first to the chest and get 455 gold. Go into the building and inside there is a chest to the left with a ripped teddy bear. You can read the diary if you want. Now go up the stairs. Marion will say she wishes to remain in your party as there is no future in Tyrine. And Tadaa welcome to chapter 3!!

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Re: Laxius Force 1 - Walkthrough

Postby Indinera » Sat Oct 10, 2009 10:49 pm

Walkthrough for chapter 3 PART 1

Created by: Mellowkat

Maps by: Patojonas
Revisions by: Kehaul

1. Welcome to Mt Zulle. You will see the place is covered in snow. Random and Sarah will comment on how unusual it is to see so much snow. Go into the town by heading left past the guy standing there. Walk past the next screen and Random and Sarah will decide to go see their families. Walk straight ahead again. Try and avoid the millipuf unless you have equipment that can kill it or if Cocka cocka is strong enough. On the next screen is a large party of people waiting to greet you. Naewenn will give you an elven astral outfit which is a specialized suit for Sarah that evolves as she does. They will say that there have been killings in the village and that it involves Sarah and Random. They will tell you to talk to Gurtof. She will move and Gurtof is the blue haired guy standing in the way. Talk to him. He will tell you that Sarah’s family is dead. It appears that they are murdering everyone that interacted with Sarah in some way. Sarah wants to see what is left of her home. Random goes to check on his parents. In the home Sarah sees the devastation, vows to have her vengeance and learns death spell. Go up and talk to Melvynn standing in the way. Sarah will ask him who, how, and when but he cant seem to answer her questions directly. Explore the home. Sheratan is blocking the way upstairs and won’t let you in. The door beside him is locked. In the room with a steaming hole, inspect the hole to get a necrotear. The middle hole in the upper room has a bromium powder. Look in the mirror in the bottom right room to fight an angelic mistress. Leave and Random will return with the news that his parents are gone and there is another family living there now. No one seems to know where they went.

Side quest 1- Cure the pig of fortune (Q 49)

2. Head directly south from Sarah’s house and talk to the blonde haired girl. She is worried because her pig of fortune is ill. She will ask if you can try to cure it. Say yes and she will move aside. Go up to the pig and inspect. Casting heal, revive or cure cold wont work. If you still have the reeker bulb with you use it (Yay we can finally get rid of the rotten thing)! Quest complete. Your party will get 6000XP as a reward. You will also get gods heaven. Fortune pigs are blue! Head left one screen and enter the first building which is the inn. Talk to the cat girl on the right to stay the night.

Side quest 2- Find Jacob’s dagger (Q 42)

3. Now head back to the right until you leave town.


Enter the lone wooden cabin. Talk to the guy on the right to buy a millipuf X-bow or two. In the room below him, the drawer on the right has a magicka potion. The wardrobe in the top left has 17 gold. Talk to the kobold on the left and he will say that he has lost his sword outside in the snow. Head outside from the upper right corner walk 4 steps left to find a mithril sword. Quest complete. Go back inside and give the sword to him. Talk to him again for the opportunity to fight him. He is not hard to beat. Once you beat him he will disappear to go do his job. Go back outside and you can see him running around like a mad man. On the left side of the screen check the second barrel to get a mountain balm.

4. Head south to the graveyard.


On the first screen a blue wolf will randomly appear. Just exit and enter the screen until you see him. Talk to him. Choose the options: “Yes I hate humans too”, then “My quest is important”, then “Not an important member”. The wolf will give you the necklace of Bahanur.

Side quest 3- Donate 100 gold to help light more fires. (Q 59)

5. Return back to town.


Go left and enter the first building. The box on the left has 43 gold in it. Go outside. The next door is locked. Enter the next house on the upper left. Talk to Julia and she will ask if you will make a 100 gold donation to light more fires. Give her the gold. Quest complete.

Side quest 4- Donate 2000 gold to Solwan (Q 44B)

6. Head outside and down into the next house. Go into the first right room and talk to Solwan in the top right corner. He is a merchant that wants to travel around the world. However he is broke and can’t afford to travel. He needs 2000 gold to get started. Give him the gold. Quest complete.

7. The wardrobe in the bottom has 11 gold. In the left room the box on the left side has an indinera bow. Talk to Charysse in the left room. She will say that her husband went out hunting millipuves and hasn’t returned yet. She will ask you if you could please find him. This will be referred to as quest 17.

8. Exit and head left onto the next screen. Go through the door that has been painted purple. Ask Pimpy, the girl behind the counter, for a quest. One of her customers is looking for the sword of ages but she does not sell this as this is a bow shop. She asks you that if you find it please give it to her and she will give you 5000 gold for it. This will be referred to as side quest 29. Don’t buy any bows yet because you can find a way to make the prices lower later.

9. Exit the bow shop and go down and talk to the girl with the red hair. Marlene is an expert fighter and asks you if you want to duel. Go into your party list by pressing A and choose who you wish to duel her. She will give you an aquapunga flower as a reward for winning.

10. Go up into the next upper house, past Sarah’s old house. In the upper wardrobe is a food ration. Go upstairs. In the left box to the south of the room is a food ration. In the right box is 21 gold.

11. Head down into the next house. Inside is a man who holds rabbit games. The catch the bunnies’ game is quite difficult. There are some that accumulate in the sides of the game and then there is some that must have been charmed with a lightning speed spell because they are almost impossible to catch. I personally haven’t had the patience to try and catch them all so if you have let me know what the prize is please.
(The rewards for this may be slightly randomized, but the following is relatively accurate.)

Catch max in limited time mode

In this mode you have 50 seconds to catch as many as you can, and the rewards are dependent on the number you catch regardless of how long it took to do so. Catching all 23 the first time will award 200g and an ice cake; further successes only reward 200g. Catching 22 will award 30g and a holy water; further successes only reward 30g . Catching less than 22 bunnies will only reward a maximum of 9g, which isn't even enough to cover the entrance fee.

Catch ‘em all mode

In this mode you have 60 second to catch them all. The rewards are based on how long it takes you to catch every bunny. The gold amount will vary, rewarding up to 500g for a stellar run. Additionally, it is possible to win an XP egg the first time you complete it in under 50 seconds, and an ice cake for the first time you complete it in under 40 seconds. There does not appear to be a special prize for completing it in less than 30 seconds, but such a run is quite hard to accomplish.

Bunny Races

The bunny races you have to guess which ones will win the race. Just like in real animal races these bunnies are hard to predict who will win and which way they will go. If you win at least 3 out of 5 you will get 5000 gold to make up for all the gold you lost of betting on these silly things and 3x ice cakes. (Equip the luck ring on Random and bet primarily on bunny #2. For an investment of 40g, you'll be winning the 5000g reward often enough to make some good money here.)

Side quest 5- Bring package to Rhamus. (Q 59)

12. Exit and head up north. Talk to the guy to be able to buy crystal water barrels. Enter the house. It used to be Random’s parents house. Go downstairs. The woman on the left can teach Marion the milli-vanilla spell which is good against millipuves for 250 gold. The woman on the right asks if you can please deliver a package for 250 gold. Say yes and she will say that you can find her friend Rhamus at the council of Mt Zulle. Go into the middle lower room and talk to the little girl. She wants to go out and play but she has to do her lessons. She will ask you to help her. Say yes and choose who you want to help her. You will get a random stat booster depending on who you choose. (Either Random, or a member who joins later in the chapter, are the best choice reward-wise.)

13. Head back outside, down, then right. Go up to the next screen. You will see a weird guy running off to the next screen. Ignore him for now. Head directly left and open the chest to get 336 gold. Go up into the council building to the left. If you talk to the guy standing directly next to you don’t give him any money. He is a scammer. Go and talk to the blond haired person in the south room and give them the package. Quest complete. Don’t forget to go back to get your reward. The wardrobe in the blue room has 2 gold. The purple haired woman sells armors. Upstairs in the wardrobe in the right corner is 7 gold. The box in the middle left has 75 gold.

Side quest 6- Light the dead fires of Mt Zulle (Q 50)

14. Talk to the guy standing in front of the chest. Ask for a quest. For 1000 gold he wants you to light all the dead fires in Mt Zulle. Now head back to the first part of town. You will see your first dead fire. Sarah will light it. On the next screen to the left there is one just in front of you. Go down into the yard where there are two kids next to the snowman. There is one next to the black haired guy. In the next yard to the left there is one just above the house. On the next screen to the left there is one below the red haired girl. On the next screen to the left there is a girl surrounded by a fence. The tree to the left of her is slightly hiding another dead fire. Head back to the council building screen and to the right is two fires next to each other. Head up north and there’s another one near the bridge. Quest complete. Go back to council building to claim your reward. Talk to him about the snow to get a pass to see the Elders.

15. Head outside The house on the right is an item shop. Head up north and talk to the girl standing in front of the bridge to get her to move out of the way. Talk to the guy in blue and he will say he is sorry for Sarah’s loss. Everyone agrees that they must move onto Adretana sooner rather than later. He will tell you that the way to Adretana is blocked except for one carrier that will take you part of the way there for 2000 gold.

Side Quest 7- Kill all the Millipuves in Mt Zulle (Q 58)

16. Talk to the woman and ask for a quest. She will say that the millipuves are becoming a problem within the town and asks that you clear them out for 1500 gold. The first one is directly south if you haven’t killed it already. The second one is left one screen then in the front yard of the guy with the bunny races. The third one is flying around on the next screen. To attack it, go up to it and click it. Quest complete. Return to the lady to claim your reward.

17. Enter the inn and talk to the woman in white in the lower left corner and buy a gown of purity. Go downstairs. Don’t talk to the guy lying in the bed next to you as he will give you a pox condition by coughing on you. If you talk to the guy in the upper left side of the inn he will tell you to stay away. Djugan is scared that because he helped Sarah kill the millipuves in LP 2 that he is next on their list. Go back upstairs and you will hear a horrendous noise. Go back down to investigate. You will see that Djugan was murdered as well. Go outside and you will see the two people beside the fire. Talk to one and he is playing hide and seek with his brother. Look slightly to the right and you will see footprints in the snow. Follow them and you will find the brother. A little further up is a chest slightly hidden behind the roof. Open it to get the ice breaker (axe).

Side quest 8- Kill the renegade elves. (Q 57)

18. Head back to the where that guy ran away from you. Now follow him.


On the next screen go across right and up. On the next screen follow him to the right. Follow the path up. Save and prepare for a fight. There is a girl lying down in the middle of a clearing. Go up and inspect her. It’s a trap! The elves believe that the elf of the sun is a bad omen and that Sarah is a disgrace to elves so she must die. Kill them. You will get the harbinger bow after defeating them. Two blue giants will come and attack you. The girl will explode after you defeat them. Quest complete.

Side quest 9- Bring a letter to Clevion (Q45)

19. Head back to where you saw the camp site while chasing that guy. Talk to the guy in the way and he will introduce you to the elves of war guild. Their main aim is to keep the evil out of Mt Zulle and any race is able to join. Join up and talk to him again for a quest. Talk to Xavier the green haired guy. He will give you a quest to bring a letter to Clevion in the hotel of isle. Head back to town.

20. Go back to the screen where you first arrived. Head directly up when you enter that screen and follow the path up to reach the hotel of aisle.


Head left and get Cocka cocka to eat the blue flower for XP. (Equal to his SP stat) Talk to the guy on the left and he says he is so cold doesn’t have any money to rent a room. You can ignore him, make fun of him or give him some money. Be nice and give him 200 gold if you like. The next guy sells items. Enter the hotel of aisle. There is a kid that will pester you for a candy bar continuously. If he does it enough Wendala will belt him one. His mother in the right room in the top left corner will ask if you have seen him he has a rare condition where he needs chocolate to live… oops. Go up and talk to the maid behind the counter. Buy one of everything, especially the Elven bait. The blue woman sells regenerative items and a few equipments. Talk to the woman blocking the way to the left. Pay the 400 gold to get in. Brussian will ask to talk to Marion alone. He will tell her that he has developed feelings for her and she says she feels the same. Go up the two sets of stairs. Talk to the lady in the bottom left corner and she says that she feels tired and maybe she should go to bed. Tell her yes that’s a good idea. She will disappear and leave 98 gold on the desk. The two guys talking on the right talk to the left guy and he will give you a signal phaser. Go up either of the stairs. Talk to Clevion who is standing at the upper table. Give him the letter and he will give you a package in return. Quest complete.

Side quest 10- Eat more than Norman. (Q 53)

21. Go back to the inn and talk to the blue guy to the left of Clevion and he will say that he hasn’t met anyone who can beat Norman. Talk to the bald headed guy to the left and ask him for a quest. He will challenge someone to an eating contest. Save before you begin otherwise you won’t be able to challenge him again if you loose. Do it with Wendala. Use Marion’s obsidian muscles spell to increase her RS. He will tell you he will give you an artifact if you win. (Requires 380RS) Wendala will win but he says he lied about the artifact so he gives you 100 gold instead. The clown in the right sells hot grog. Now head back to the elves of war guild. Along the way you will be ambushed. They want the package! Kill them and get the package back quickly.

Side quest 11- Kill all the giants (Q 46)

22. Go back to the elves of war guild and talk to Xavier again to complete the quest. He will now offer to teach you the Millipuf Crush to anyone with at least 400 RS. Then ask him for a quest. He asks you to remove a small fraction of giants that are getting dangerously close to Mt Zulle. He gives you a map to find them. Use the map and go and kill all the giants.


Now these giants are very sneaky. Some of them will be hiding under the snow. The chest to the left side of the fortress is a booby trap that puts Random to sleep and then two giants attack. You need to open this to finish this quest. Check out the hole in the wall on the right for more giants. Once you have gotten to the bridge where you can go no further head back down and there are 9 giants. Kill them all for quest complete. On the way out is a wolf in the snowman. Head back to the elves of war guild and talk to Xavier again. You will get level 2 benefits for your efforts and he will also give Sarah nectar of indinera which gives her +5 RS.

Side quest 12- Kill the rogues (Q 47)

23. Talk to Xavier again and ask for another quest. A group of Rogues have been found at the western exit of Mt Zulle. He wants you to go and eradicate them. (Ask him about 'quest' again to increase the reward you will receive later.) Go out towards the inn and left until you see a camp with a few people running around. There are three ways to do this. You can kill them outright, you could offer them gold or you could cast brilliant mind on Marion and try talking to them. (Talking with Marion will give her an additional 1000xp.) Quest complete. Go back and talk to Xavier. He will give you 100 gold (or 500g if asked Xavier about 'quest' a second time.) as a reward. Talk to Alderic and he will teach you a skill that allows you to spot which plants can make items out of their petals (Locations in the appendix). Talk to him with the talk option and he will give you the banshee cape.

24. Head out to the western exit where the last millipuf was and head up the path.


Kill all the millipuves around. Save before clicking on the yellow one. If it runs away, load your game and try again until combat occurs. Use undead curse on it. You will get 3500 gold. It will also randomly drop a gold bar.

25. Use Marions undead speaking on the grave. Enter the crypt. Try to avoid the holes if you can. Go up and confront the monster on the pedestal. You will face 3 ghosts then when defeated you will face Gazo Gazoher. It will give you steel breaker after you defeat it. Step on the hole to the left, up here on the platform, to find a gaia dust. There is nothing further in this area.

26. Head back to the area where you first started out and head south.


Go up and open the chest to the left. In it is 13 gold and 2x food rations. Enter into the hall of reflections. These trees are quite difficult to beat. They randomly drop a Yveen Tear. Metallist curse and Sarah's Oni works particularly well. Head right, down then across. The first chest has a cryzalis bracer. The second chest has a glacier bow. Go back left a bit and up. Open the chest to get 288 gold. Head up and fight the tree that is blocking the way. The first chest has an enchanted potion. The second chest has a Cryzalis bracer.

27. Head out of that bit and head up. In the top right corner is a blank screen. Kill the manthra soul behind it. (Use 'Vs. Ghosts' skills. They randomly drop a mantha tear.) Kill the two trees beside it. Go up and in the chest is 154 gold. Go to the blank screen above the chest and kill the manthra soul. A chest will appear. Open it to get an Yveen water and 6224 gold. The next chest to the right has sleep vapor. The next two have haze powders. The next one has a light glass. Go down and fight the two trees again. Go all the way to the end to the blank screen. Fight the manthra soul again. It will open up a door to the next hallway. Go down it. The top chest has an xp egg. The middle chest has a sajcdil apple. The bottom chest has an god’s heaven.

28. Head back to the room with 5 chests in it and fight the tree blocking the way to the top left. The top right chest has a fairy tear. The bottom right chest has an ice cake. In the bottom left chest is a crystal pear. In the top left chest is a mind crystal. Head back down to the room where you met the first manthra soul. Head left this time. Along the hall kill the manthra soul behind the blank screen. Go up the next corridor and kill the manthra soul behind the blank screen. Check the bottom left corner of this area for a chest with 62g. Go all the way up to get a balnuunla shield from the chest. Go to the pink flame and inhale to get 150 mp. Go up to the next blank screen and fight the manthra soul again. Go back down and you will see a ghost in the previous blank screen. Inspect it to get transported into a room. Open the chest to get a daghamaen rod. Sit in the chair on the outside of the circle and it will transport you outside.

29. Go back in and check the lower screen below the first ghost to be transported to a different room. The first 2 chests on the left each have a war powder. The next has an air powder. The next has a dark powder. The next has a water powder. The last has a wizardry card. All the books have blank pages. Sit on the chair to get teleported out.

30. Head back in and head to the area below the room with all the bookshelves in the top right. The blank wall is now open. Go up and fight the manthra soul in the blank wall. The ghost will teleport you to another room. The right chest has a SankT Baachen Mantle. The left chest has a Linderitz Scimitar. Sit on the chair to exit. That is all in the Hall of reflection.

Side quest 13- Find the thieves guild. (Q 68)

31. Head south and there is a guy standing there. You may want to save before talking to him. Make sure you choose to 'follow that person', or you will lose your chance to do so. Follow him to the thieves guild, and make sure you do not leave here until you have the map, or you will not be able to return here.


Search the grassy area to the right to find a holy water. Go in and left then up. Talk the green guy on the left. Bruberk is the chief of the guild. He will say that finding the guild is merit enough to gain level 1 quest complete.

Side quest 14- Beat the guild’s creature. (Q 69)

32. He will give you a card to go and fight the guilds creature. Go back and right and go and talk to the guy guarding the doorway. It is a streptaflora tree creature. Use metalist curse and oni. Once defeated quest complete. Talk to the Bruberk and he will reward you with 4 mercantile points. He will also give you a Kashilin Hole Map to reach the guild again. Go talk to the green haired guy with Wendala in your party, and he will give her 5000XP and 11ST. (This, alike many other guild rewards, will no longer be available once you complete another quest for the guild. So be careful because it is very easy to miss these limited time rewards.)

Side quest 15- Steal the Council of Mt Zulles chest. (Q 70)

33. Bruberk will ask you to go to the council of Mt Zulle and steal their chest. Head to the council. Go to the chest the old guy is standing in front of. Sarah needs 600SP to succeed. (Equip her with 'Elven Astral Outfit', 'Banshee cape', use her 'warm touch' skill to cure cold if she is inflicted with it, and inflict lightning speed on her using brussian's skill.) Open the chest to get a roll. Check out the roll. It has I am a good thief written on it :lol: . Use the Kashilin Hole Map to go back to the thieves guild. You have to be at the area where you first started to get the map to work. Go and talk to Bruberk again. Your persuasion points will go up to 20. Talk to Tibor, the green haired guy, and ask about gossip power. He will give random the gossip spell. Ask him about perception and he will give you a book that increases your perception points to 6. (Get the gossip spell and perception points before completing the next quest or you will lose your chance to do so.)

Side quest 16- restore treasure chest (Q 71)

34. Bruberk will tell you to put the paper back. Go out and repeat the process. (Requires 600SP again) Quest complete. Then return to the thieves guild and report to Bruberk for the next quest. He will tell you of a creature along to road to Adretana that is attacking travelers. He wants you to go and kill it. Then talk to Tibor, the green haired guy. He gives you a book that teaches you how to be more flattering it will give you 15 persuasion points which raises it up to 35 points. Go down into the bottom left room and Zahor will give you a scroll that gives you persuasion + 10, Mercantile + 6, and perception + 3. Which gives a total of persuasion: 45, Mercantile: 10, and perception: 9. (These are limited time rewards, so make sure you get them both.)

Side quest 17. Find Haagens the millipuf hunter (Q 44)

35. Time to leave the town. Head all the way left. Go through the western road and onto the next screen.


Head south. Open the chest to get 337 gold. To the left is an ancient coffee pot. Head back up north and to the left in the chest is a healing potion. Head towards the north exit. Random will have a monologue. Go through the exit.


Below the nest there is a tree to the left. Slightly hidden by the branches is another ancient coffee pot. There is a hole blocked by a tree. Sarah comments that she thinks we can sneak in. Go in and enter the big hole. Talk to the guy hiding in the lower right corner. He is Haagens the missing hunter. He will give you a millipuf hyper X-bow to get him out of there. Quest complete.

36. Go to head left and all the millipuves will swarm you. Go up and you may think you are trapped. Go one down from the wall and look left to jump across. Marion can use telekynesis on the chest to get a crystal rain. Head left and you will see many many millipuves. Kill them all. You will have to face 8 all at once at one stage. Note the yellow flowers they seem to be guarding. This is for another quest later. Open the chest to get a wave bow. Go back up and head up the right path first. Inspect the green girl to get 168 gold and an wanaaeyis ring. Head back down and up the left path this time. This will lead to the way out. Head back to town to return the hunter.

Side quest 18. Destroy the dangerous cult of the dark sun. (Q78)

37. Head back to where the millipuf nest is. Take the top-right exit to continue. Head north on the right side. This leads to the temple of the dark sun.


Equip Sarah with the gown of purity you got earlier. They will allow Sarah to go in alone. In the first room in the first lower right corner looking down is a holy water. Go into the right room. In a chest above the bookshelf is a legendra necklace (relic). Later on when you have Sandy and some air bombs return to this room and open the door in the bottom right. Open the chest to get an industry pendant. In the first set of drawers on the left are 3x shining parchment and on the right are 4x shining parchment. At the top of the black room inspect to get an yveen egg. In the left room in the fire place is a holy water. In the middle room go down the stairs. Save and heal up before talking to the woman. She will make you her slave. Follow her. If you complain too much she will kill you. She will convince Sarah to remove her armor and her gears. She will then attack Sarah with four trees. Just defend and heal for a few rounds. Don’t attack whatsoever. Random and Wendala will come and interrupt the fight. You will get storm boots and an indinera salt. You will now have to fight them and kill them this time. Quest complete. Once defeated go up and get the Dominion rod. On the left side between the water troughs there is an omega budon. Go out and open the chest to get 4006 gold and an yveen water. Go up the stairs and open the second chest to get 5507 gold. Exit the temple. Go back to town and heal if you must. Don’t forget to re-equip Sarah's gears.

38. Now head up the left path. You will see Yveen standing there. She will tell you that you are not alone and to persevere and all will be well.


Towards the top-right of this area, there is a chest hidden by branches with a war powder in it. Head back left and talk to the guy standing outside the house. He will charge you 1000 gold to transport you to the next section. Talk to blue giant standing there. Introducing Askhbar the tall. Ask him to join your party. Tell him he will get a lot of adventures if he joins. If you go up, the sword cannot be pulled out. Cocka cocka (if he is in your team) will eat the flower for XP. The chest in the upper left corner has 3x mountain balms. (The wolf enemy here randomly drops a power meat. 100 power meats will increase Brussians ST by a maximum of 300 points.) Head onto the next screen. Kill the enemies. The wolf is a peaceful one but will take offense to you calling it pal and run off. Go up north and you will see a man and his cow looking at something. Go up and see what they are looking at. Talk to the cow from its side. (Random doesn’t want to talk to its arse) and it will go to a cut scene where a giant bull will go and flatten the man and his cow. A party member gets killed as well. Kill it with the rest of your party.

39. Go up north. You will be ambushed by a few cows in this section. They will jump on you and it HURTS! Your team members may even be killed. Put your stronger team members to the back so you can kill them easier. It will wipe out the front team members first. To the right is a chest. You can jump over the log to get it. In it is an indinera mail. Up the middle path is lady deredeline. She has been frozen and she needs someone with magical energy to help her return to her normal state. This cannot be completed in this game (Maybe a job for Luciana :wink: ). So now you have that quest in your quest book head south again.

40. Go to go under the bridge and the giant will get the bull to attack. You will be faced against a few giants and kokkiko. Best thing to do is metallist curse the bull as it is very resistant to all attacks, then wipe it out. Make sure you talk to the robot to be able to proceed in the game. You will find that you cannot go past it, yet. You have to find the institute of modern sciences first. Head back right towards the cart. Put Askhbar in your party and use his Mt Zulle travelling skill near the horses to travel east. (Also remember this for later, since you will eventually need to use his skill again to travel back west.)

Side quest 19- Convince Sandy to join your team. (Q56)

41. Return to the town and continue right until you reach the area you started the chapter in. Take the path leading off to the right.


Talk to the robot. He seems pretty useless. Now go walk up beside the yellow flower and look across the chasm. You can see a flashing light. Now Sarah will ask you what you want to do. The answer is to jump. You will see Yveen to the right but I cant figure out how to get to her. Anyone else know please tell me! (Possibly in LF3?) Enter the cave. Note that there are little stars on the floor. They are booby traps and can hurt you. In the top niche is 900 gold. In the second niche after you step on the star is a holy water. The statue appears to be totally frozen but it will randomly attack as you walk by it. Just enter and exit a few times to get it to work. Once defeated it will give you 3x ice cakes (5x if luck ring is equipped) and 2x azura ore. It will also randomly drop a crystal crown. Go out and across the bridge. Talk to the door and you will be let in. (If you are not let in, you need to travel back west and talk to the robot from step #40)

42. The guy on the right wearing white sells air bombs. Be sure to buy at least 10. The double computer terminals at the top-right will restore your health. Go up and Sandy is the girl with the red hair; talk to her and she will say she does not want to join the team. But she says the only way to Adretana is to use an ice crawler which is past the robot and she is the only one who can drive it. Go upstairs. The guy with the green hair is selling thermo suits. Be sure to buy a couple. The guy on the right with the brown hair is selling item spells. Buy a few of each. The guy up the top needs a 5000 gold donation. Give him the money and he will give you a sword when it’s ready (In the next game perhaps). Talk to Sandy’s boyfriend in the bottom right corner. He will say he supports her decision. Go back downstairs and talk to Sandy again. She has changed her mind and has even dyed her hair to mark the occasion. Quest complete. Sandy joins the team. You can now use the trainer, the double computer in the top center of this area. Complete the level 3 training 20 times to get 2500xp for the party, and if Sandy is in the active party, she gets +5hp.

Side quest 20- Repair Wislayn’s computer (Q55)

43. Go down and talk to the right guard. Say you still feel a bit weak and he will give you a tungsten brain booster. Talk to Berkley (guy that greeted you) and he will give you a laser scimitar. Go upstairs once and talk to the blond haired guy in the bottom right corner. Sandy will fix the computer for him. Quest complete. He will give you 120 gold for your service. Talk to him again and you will be able to get everyone’s IQ’s.

Side Quest 21- Fix a damaged robot (Kinda) (Q54)

44. Talk to Ghisam the guy who sells all the guns and item spells etc. He says that he needs someone to help fix a robot that’s in the warehouse behind him. There is a bug that attacks you. Kill it. Quest complete. He will now offer you a few more items in his shop such as the laser rifle that will help you in the next quest. Buy at least 1 laser rifle and a few lasers for chapter 4. Check the sideways computer next to him and Sandy will get +22HP, +8ST, and +5RS. You will also put blood samples in the computer for Random and Sarah. (Hopefully this will amount to something in the next game.)

Side quest 22- Beat three video games (Q79)

45. Head upstairs. Now you have to beat 3 videogames. Inspect the computer to your right. It is Aquapunga invaders. These things are vulnerable to laser and thunder. You need to beat the high score of 50550. You have to continuously fight these things and you can't use any items. I found the best party was Random, Sarah, Sandy and Wendala. Now the trick is just physical attack and only use spells to heal. Try and focus on one enemy at a time to knock them out quick. They do have a habit of using mind control which can cause paralysis too. If needed, come back when you are leveled up a bit. When you break the record your party will get xp and 12 MN. If you get over 100000 points you will go over the legendary threshold and get 4x indigo oils as a reward. (*Note that there is a bug that doesn't allow the indigo oils to go to the inventory until Indy can fix)

46. There are some more consoles at the back the first one is Robot wars V 2.5. It doesn’t seem to work. The second game is laxius power 1 battle mode. Ignore the game master in the corner. You have to vs Leanda who is quite easy to beat. After you defeat her Sarah will appear and you have to fight her as well. Her sun boomer attack is quite potent. The third battle is against Coryool. Burning ground seems to work well against him. Now you are onto the next level. You will have to fight against Luciana. She will keep using her lava wall spell on you. Make sure you use Element shield spell and it will make the fight much easier. The next battle is against Yveen. Guns work really well against her. When you win you will get an indigo oil. The third console is laxius power battle mode 2. You have to verse Sarah and she is naked. It says that you cannot play LP2 battle mode due to lack of resources so she suicides.

47. The third game is laxius power 3 battle mode you get to verse Coryool and Zoo. They laugh for some time then you can fight them. Using guns seems the only way I have been able to beat them. When you kill Coryool, Yveen will appear. Burning ground seems to work well against her. Once you defeat her then that’s game over. You get an indigo oil for winning. Quest complete.

Side quest 23- Fix the radiators (Q 48)

48. Head back to town. Go to the elves of war guild. Along the way is a building. Enter it and you will see two people inside who have cleaned it up. In the bottom right inspect the coffee pot on the floor to get a magicka energyzer. In the war of elves guild talk to Xavier and ask for a quest. Humphrey, who lives in the east quarter has had his radiators broken. Your quest is to go and fix them for him. Go down into the east district and enter the first house on the left. All the radiators are broken. Get Sandy to look at them. Quest complete. In the bottom right inspect the two middle bookshelves to get 2x shining parchments. Go back and talk to Xavier. (Note you can only seem to fix one).

Side quest 24- Repair a damaged robot

49. Head back to the east transport area. (On the way, you may want to return to the Dark Sun Temple now that you have some air bombs.) When you arrive at the east transport area, look to the right. There is a robot that Sandy can fix. Quest complete. Now for some reason this quest does not show up on the sidequest screen but you still get the XP points for Sandy for completing it. Talk to the robot and it can increase Sandy’s stamina (RS), pace (SP) or will power (MN).

Side quest 25- Cancel the robots orders. (Q 60)

50. Use Askhbar’s travelling skill to travel west. Go to where the robot was blocking the way and talk to it. Quest complete.

Side quest 26- repair a damaged robot (Q66)

51. Move left onto the next screen.


Go down and talk to Toruto, the merchant. If you equip the luck ring, he will offer to sell you a manalianne bow for 6000g when you exit his shop. Continue heading down and go along the left side to fix the robot. Quest complete. The robot can heal the team fully just once.

52. Head into the orcish guard level 0. Go down and kill anything that moves. First head left and flip the switch on. 3 steps to the right of the switch, head up. Zigzag your way up to the chest. Open it up to get a life potion and an orcish gauntlet. Head right and open the chest to get an ogmor axe. Go down and Brussian will point out that the jar has an orcish bomb inside it that will kill everyone if you inspect it. Flip the switch on. Go down a bit and you will see that there is a room to the left on its own. Around the middle of the room head left into a secret passage. In the chest is a food ration. From that chest head down and then left then up then left again. Open the jar to get 3x power salt.

53. Go all the way back around to where the first switch was and go down. The jar has a bomb in it. Flip the next switch on. Go back down the right side, and loop all the way around to hit the final switch. Then hit the switch just above it to open the central area. and head back down then right and before you go into the middle room in the niche to the left of the door way stand next to the jar and go up, and left. Open the chest to get an orcish war shield. Go back and go into the middle room. The top right chest has hero cream, sparkling powder and mithril drop. The next one has silver powder and 3x dahr herb. The next one has hero cream, orcish ancient axe, 2x tij herb, and 4x dahr herb. The next one has 2x beast blood, 3x indinera salt and a balnuuna drop. The next one has 4x energy herbs and champion helmet. Sarah can jump up and get an Earthquake shield. (Requires 500SP)

54. Go down the stairs to enter the orcish guard level 1. The chest beside you has 316 gold. The red chest in the top right corner is a warlord devourer. In the north room the chest has a healing reagent. The left room the table has 6 gold. The niche before you enter the right room, on the left side facing down has 10x war powder and 4x healing reagents. The right room has a switch you can stand on that teleports you to a room with three adventurer devourers (chests). They are susceptible to thunder numb. Open the chest to get an aquapunga flower. Return to the right room and check below the sign for 1602g. In the south area. Head to the left side. In the second niche head left for a secret path. Inspect the end to get 2005 gold. Head back and open the door to the south room. The chest has a butcher axe. Confront the orc bishop. He is just a standard orc but he brings quite a few friends along with him. This is an easy fight. You will get an orcish war-mail once this fight is over. Now for the secret room. Go and walk into the top left upper corner that has been darkened and around. You will get teleported to the secret room. In the top chest has an aquapunga flower. In the middle chest is 6172 gold. The bottom chest is a drazzkaerkazarian. This is a huge chest. It can pack quite a punch but it is susceptible to being inflicted with spells. That’s it for the orcish guard.

Side quest 27- Kill the mysterious creature. (Q72)

55. Head out then up north onto the next screen. Save and inspect the hole in the wall. A creature is attracted by the elven bait that you have. It will summon a snow man if you don’t kill it quick. Metalist curse it to increase the amount of damage it takes. It is vulnerable to plague as well, which Brussian's 'Cerberus Jaws' inflict. Once it dies it will turn into a heap of milipuves. You may randomly receive a crystal heart and/or a Nahanaha Needle sword. Quest complete.
Spoiler: show
Normally when you knock the Ma'gga Nahanaha down to less than 3000HP, it will transform into milipuves. It is possible to defeat it directly though, by dealing less than ~7000hp and then deal the remaining ~3000hp in a single turn. Defeating it this way may also be the only way to receive the extremely rare Nahanaha Needle. The crystal heart is likely a random drop from the snow man.

Return to the thieves guild. (Use the Kashilin Hole Map in the area you started the chapter in) Talk to the green haired guy and he will give you a book that increases Mercantile points to 25 points. Talk to bruberk to complete the quest and get another quest.

Side quest 28- Kill the evil person. (Q 72)

56. He will tell you that someone is leaving dead animals along with artifacts related to the thieves guild to frame them. He wants you to find this person and kill them. This person appears either in front of the hotel of aisle to the left side or in the graveyard. You may have to exit and enter the screen a few times to see him. Kill him. If you spare him he will run away. Quest complete. (You active party members may also receive +4SP, possibly for completing it in a given amount of time?) Return to the thieves guild and talk to the green haired guy. He will give you two options. Either to improve stealing or improve a thief. The improve stealing gives you 18 stealing points to a total of 18. There is no thief in the party to improve stealing with yet. Talk to Zahor again (south). You can shop or find gold with him. The shop has some really decent stuff. (Make sure to buy the Gable's Cigar, Pheasant Hat, and Burglar's Bar, as they required to complete certain quests. You may as well buy the Universalis Key and Primo Hat as well. Finally, if you did not get the Luck Ring in chapter 1, buy one of them as well.)

Talk to Zahor again and purchase the find gold spell for Random and Wendala, costing 200 gold each. Go talk to the vampire bartender and ask him about the burgular option. He will give you some notes that will give you 10 burgulary points. (Or 16 burglary points if the luck ring is equipped.) Go to the east district and burglar the house on the left, right side (Middle door). Equip either Wendala or Random with the burgular bar. You will get XP equal to RS if Random does it, or equal to MN if Wendala does it. You will also get 3x indinera potion, 3x indinera salt, balnuunla drop, Xen mist, and a balnuunla gem.

57. Talk to Bruberk again. He will tell you that there is an old chest here in the guild and that even he cannot open it. Your new quest is to open it. This quest cannot be completed in this game.

58. Head back to where you found the elven spirit and go up. (Head to the East Counter and use Askhbar's travel skill. Continue all the way left, and then head up). Continue past the statue.


Head up to the cave entrance and inspect. It’s the warehouse. Sandy will open the gate for you. There are giants in the warehouse. It appears that the storm have made them use the warehouse as shelter. Kill them all. The giants have stolen the key so you are going to have to raid the camp find it.

59. Go out and head left and kill the 3 giants guarding the way. Head into the giant village. Head all the way south down the second path. Kill all the giants. The chest on the left has a giant ruby key. In the upper right corner there are three chests. The top one has 3x royal meat (11x if luck ring is equipped). The middle one has 7x mountain balm and 2x beast blood. The bottom one has 2x dragon blood and 2x mithril drop. Go up and in the cave is 47x food rations. Go left kill all the giants. Go up and open the gate with the giant ruby key. Talk to the grey guy mumaklum. He is not happy that you have come into his village and killed all of his people. Kill him and his party. You will get the dinosaur femur which is the key to the warehouse. In the doorway is a book. It gives you 548 gold after you read it.

Side quest 29- Find the ice crawler. (Q 61)

60. If you need to go back to town and stock up on healing and regenerative items, do so now. Then head into the warehouse and use the femur bone to open the door. It looks like the giants broke everything when they entered the warehouse. Sandy suggests you split parties to be able to get the ice crawler going in time. You can rest in the bed. Now you can go downstairs. Now you have to choose your split parties. Make sure you have a healer in each party.

61. For Randoms party I personally had Random, Wendala, Brussian and Askhbar.


Go all the way right and go up the first corridor. In the chest is 451 gold. Go down the stairs. Head all the way down to a room. Above the carts on the side there is a secret passage to the right. In it is a gaia dust, 2x prismatic crystals, and 2x shining salt. Go up and across the bridge. Go up the first bit and open the chest to get a healing reagent. Go back on to the bridge. Go down the next bit then go left. Follow the lower path. You will be ambushed by 2 dragon razor. Flip the switch to on. Head back upstairs.

62. Now go up the middle path. Go up and flip the switch on. Go back and head up the first path. You will have to face two red giants which can be relatively tough. Go up and before you flip on the switch go down directly below it inspect the wall to get 3x bazooka, 2x magicka lock and 5x guns. (With the luck ring equipped you get 4x bazooka, 1x hi-jacking 2x magicka lock and 5x guns instead.) Now flip the switch. You will be confronted by a monster. Kill it. It is weak to physical attack.

63. Now its time to play Sandy’s party. Choose your team members. Go up the first corridor and you will be attacked by a laser thing. In the middle room there are 2 chests. The left one has a sleep vapor. The right one has a laser sharp rod. Go up the third path. In the chest is a magicka energizer. Head south. In the doorway beside the blue chest there is a water bomb, bazooka, 3x guns, wave vibrator, 12x healing potion, and 7x magicka potion. In the blue chest is a sparkling powder. Head right and pull the switch. The upper room has a dangerous bot. I found burning ground works particularly well. If this monster is too hard you can return to it after all this is done. It randomly drops a healing herb. When defeated you can get elemental bomb, 2x bazooka, 7x laser, 3x hi-jacking, 2x air bomb and a barynium gel. Head back left and proceed down.

64. At the branch, head right. In the first room the first cabinet has a plasma gun. The middle cabinet has 2x magicka guns. In the second room the computer on the second most right has a laser. Go up the next path and in the room with lots of barrels. The middle upper barrel has a Hi-Jacking. The barrel below it has an elemental bomb. Go down and all the way around. In the second room the right cabinet has 2x paral bomb. The middle one has a HP beta-pill. Continue left and start to head back up. Where there is a section of black floor tiles, inspect the bit of wall next to the top left black square. In it are indigo oil, 2x bazookas, and 5x guns.

65. Head back up to the entrance. Go up the right path again. Go up and open the chest in the lower room to get spark dice. Go up and around killing enemies as you go. On the left side is a chest with a magicka energizer. The computer above it has a life generator that you can use. Now go up to the hole where three giants were guarding. Go in and you will be attacked by numerous giants. Heal up and save. Now you must fight Ice garo. You need to attack his body and arms as separate enemies. Attack the arms first. Once the arms are dead he will loose his very protected state and be much easier to kill. He randomly drops a frozen facet. Once defeated, quest complete.

Side quest 30- Repair a damaged robot. (Q 65)

66. Sandy will drive us through the snow storm. You will be attacked by some giants so you need to choose your teams again. Once defeated you can choose your main team again. The ice crawler can act as a shop and an inn. You can also choose to go back.


Now head south. Open the chest to get an indinera salt and healing herb. Go directly right of the chest onto the next screen. There is a robot that sandy can fix. Quest complete. This robot can give money or cure fatigue. If you ask for money he gives you 400 gold. (Or 700 gold if the luck ring is equipped.)

67. Go south under the ledge. To the right is an ancient coffee pot. Head further south. In the chest is a food ration, a healing potion and a magicka potion. Go back up a bit and head left. Here is another ancient coffee pot. Go up a bit further and under the crest to find a chest. In it is a healing potion. Examine the left part of the nearby log to find a battle-master main gauche, and 2022 gold. Then head all the way back up. Go left a bit then go down. Open the chest to get 287 gold. Now go up. Now you have entered the graveyard. Immediately go right and open the chest to get an yveen water. Enter the graveyard and go left then up. Inspect the second grave up to get 54 gold. In the very top right there is a fairy that asks you how many graves there are in this place. The answer is 81. You will get a snow charm (shield). Now head back to the screen with the ice crawler.

68. Go down a bit then left. Go up and slightly hidden behind the trees is a woman who has been frozen. Talk to Roseanna and try and save her. Give her some mountain balms and food rations until she revives (about 3 of each). She wants to go to Mt Zulle and asks if you can take her back. Say yes.
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Re: Laxius Force 1 - Walkthrough

Postby Indinera » Sat Oct 10, 2009 10:49 pm

Walkthrough for chapter 3 PART 2

Side Quest 31- Find the sword of ages (Q43)

69. Head back down and left. Go down until you see a sword on its own. This one you can pull out. Make sure you have Sarah in the party. Quest complete. Head further south. Go to the left and open the chest to get 225 gold. Down from there are 3x ancient coffee pots. Go left and under the peak to get another ancient coffee pot. Go back to where the sword of ages was and head left. There is a tent with people totally frozen inside. Go up and open the chest slightly hidden by a tree to get a magicka herb and 708 gold.

Side Quest 32- Find the witch coven. (Q67)

70. Now jump in the ice crawler and go back to Mt Zulle. When you hit the western road just before the town Roseanne will leave you. She drops her purse. Open the purse to get 1508 gold and the Mt Zulle witch coven map. Quest complete. Go and give Mimpy the sword of ages for 5000 gold.

Side quest 33- Destroy the boulders (Q 52)

71. Now go back to the war of elves guild and ask for a quest. A boulder has fallen on the road to the eastern roads. They want you to get rid of it. Head to the entrance where you began this chapter. Sarah will used emerald laser to get rid of it. Quest complete. Head back to the war of elves guild. For completing their last quest they will give you a drop of indinera dew for Sarah and Brussian. This gives Sarah +6 HP and brussian +3 HP. You now have access to their special shop. It has some nice bows and also has the seed pendant and a few other good accessories. You may wish to buy a total of 4x seed pendants here, as the XP bonus they give per fight is quite helpful in leveling up.

Side quest 34- Slay the behemoth (Q63)

72. Talk to Galmond at the eastern counter. Apparently there is a huge snow monster hanging around. It could be quite dangerous if it came into town. We should help find it. Go right one screen and use Random's gossip spell for more clues. Apparently there's a new path through the trees covered with snow. It will give you the option to go there. It will cost lots of food rations.


Go left and enter the cave. You will be attacked by a hoard of bats. Look at the crystal on your right to get a prismatic crystal. Go up and be attacked by more bats. Now these ones can hurt so try and kill them as quickly as you can. Whirling blades work well on them. The bats can randomly drop a Zillion Edible Wing. There is a battle in the cave that can be repeated by re-entering, allowing you to harvest this stat boost item if you so wish. On the narrow path leading up, you can click on a three-pronged mushroom formation just off the edge to get an explosive mushroom. Then go up to the cave. Now be ready to face a boss like fight. And note that it's an offspring… Hate to see what the parent is like. Quest complete. You will randomly get a bromium powder for killing it. Go out a little bit then enter the cave again. You will get teleported to the inside of the cave. Open the chest to get an orb of chaos. Exit both sets of caves. Now head up the north path. Walk up and you will see heaps of dead people. Check the body to the top for a mind crystal. The body to the right of her has a god's heaven.

Side quest 34- Find the crystal of Terryx (Q77)

73. Now go to the western road and use the witch coven map. It will cost you 99 food rations :shock:!! The green plants are food rations. Go up and talk to Roseanne in front of you. (Be aware that if you talk to her about Brussian's curse and pick the "leave?" option, she will never talk to you again!) Ask her if she can do something for you. She will say that she will do something as long as you do something for her first. She wants you to find the crystal of terryx. Head back to the western lands with the ice crawler again. Now go and examine the ice crawler. Use the ice crawler to go exploring.


Examine the hole to your right. You will fall into the factory of delusion. The chests to the right are fakes. Talk to the guy in front of the sword. He is the one who has been putting all those fake swords everywhere!!. Get angry with him and he will offer to sell you a gaamandar hammer. Talk to the Kobold and he says that he was supposed to start a spot in the guild of wanderer but cant be bothered because no one really cares anyway. Tell him that you are interested in the guild. If you have high persuasion points (69pts) he will give you 80 guild of wanderer points. Equip the gables cigar and have Marion in your team.

74. Now head out and head left into the cave. Go all the way down and get the prismatic crystal to your right. Head up and right. Go down to the lowest bit and get the smaller icicles to get 3x ice powder. Continue right and check the two tri-pronged mushrooms in the corner for 2x explosive mushroom. Go completely right then up to get 3x ice powder. Continue up the narrow path for another 3x ice powders. Back out of this small room and head left, past the path leading up. The spike ice piece you come across is an Ice cake. Then head a bit left and up into the dead end to find another 3x ice powders. Now you can head back up the path you skipped. Put cocka cocka in your team and eat the blue flowers to your right to get XP equal to his SP. Inspect the cave to get 2x royal meat and 2 gold. Go all the way left to the pink crystal. Boost up sarahs MN using Marion's meditation spell and equipments. The wizardry card accessory helps a lot. (She needs 700MN). Grab the crystal of terryx. Quest complete. Head back outside. I don’t think the green flame does anything. When you go to go back to the ice crawler a heap of giants, wolves and 6 legged bulls will come to attack you. Use the ice crawler to head back. Now go back to the witch coven. Ask Roseanne if she can do something for you. Give her the crystal. She will offer you her services. You can upgrade Brussian. You have a choice of three fruits you can try. The seed of evenmore increases MN. The forbidden leaf of Indinera increases ST. The dead blood conker increases MP. The collar of eyes increases RS. She can also teach you an evil spell however you need a druids book to make it work. This is a quest for another chapter.

Side quest 35- Collect four pure bloods (Q80)

75. The witch has a way to give you a skill to turn into a creature of power and destruction. You have to kill a dog, a cat, a frog and a squirrel. You need an amulet of truth to see which animals are pure enough for this. She makes you buy it off her. The frog is in indinera glade. The dog is in the room where you got the millipuf hunter quest. The cat is in the weapon shop (levitation cat) or it is in the western counter in the house. The squirrel is in the wanku hole with all the crazy bulls. To get there go back to the ice crawler and head left up one screen and left again.


Ignore the guy for now. Kill all the giants you see. In the box in the upper left is 22 food rations. Go down and the larger box on the right has 7 food rations. Go right a bit and down. You will reach the wanku hole. Kill all the 6 legged bulls for some good exp. In the middle is an aquapunga flower. The lower chest has 4038 gold. The upper chest has a book: Spiritism Revisited. The squirrel is in the lower right corner. Go back to Roseanne. Give her the animal blood and you can buy zombie tears. You can only change back if you go to her.

76. Talk to Roseanne a few times and she will eventually offer to sell you a hatred whip to buy. You can also make artifacts.
For items giving permanent boosts
XP Egg (XP boost)+ 25 gold, 1 Pappalis powder and 1 Magicka potion.
Sacjdil apple (+6HP)= 150 gold, 1 prismatic crystal and 1 aquapunga flower.
Zombie heart (+15 ST hero needs to be exhausted)= 65 gold, 1 Necroleech and 1 Lluhana dust. Gaia dust (+2RS)= 45 gold,1 explosive mushroom and 1 indinera vapor.
For healing items neutral.
Life potion= 5 gold, 1 energy herb and 1 toad blood.
Magicka energyzer= 3 gold, 1 magicka potion and 1 Llanewan powder.
Moon dew= 200 gold, 1 magicka energyzer and 1 dissipation fog.
For healing items dark.
Necrotear= 35 gold, 1 revive potion, and 1 dark powder
Necroleech= 100gold, 1 necrotear and 1 omega budon
Dead rising= 155 gold, 1 cursed leaf and 1 holy water.
For attacking items
Black box (inflict exhaustion)= 1 gold, 1 food ration and 1 venom darts.
Insanity powder (inflict madness)= 1 gold and 1 food ration.
Stone flute (inflict stone)= 1 gold and 1 food ration
Demon blaster= 100 gold, 1 necrotear, and 1 insanity powder.

Side quest 36- Bite Alicia/ Escort Alicia to Adretana (Q76)

77. Ask Roseanne if she can cure Brussian. (Again, make sure you do not pick the "Leave?" option, or she will refuse to speak to you ever again.) She said she will try as long as you bite Alicia Revenham for her. You can find Alicia in the Mt Zulle centre part of the town, in the house to the left. Go up the stairs and talk to her. You can either hit her and get Brussian to bite her and quest complete. Or take her back to the witches coven. Roseanne will kill her (no quest completion). With these two options Roseanne will try to turn Brussian back into his original form but fails. Another option is to tell her about the coven. You can ask for money to leave her alone or just leave her alone anyway. If you leave her alone she will give you a miracle key. Talk to her again and offer to take her to Adretana. The quest will change to escort Alicia to Adretana. Once you reach Adretana you will get 5000XP. (Or 13,000XP if you have the luck ring on when you reach Adretana.)

Side quest 37- Kill the inquisitors (Q 75)

78. Roseanne is worried because the inquisitors are after her. She wants us to find them and kill them for her. The secret passage is somewhere in the council building. It is in the left lower corner with the single cloaked guy there. In that room it is in the upper right corner looking up. Brussian may be able to spot it if his level is high enough. Go in and some elves will ask who you are. Talking to them does nothing they just attack and put you in a surprise state for a round.


Go right first. The second upper bed from the right has 26 gold. The pole has 3 gold. Below the first lower bed on the left is a secret passage. Go down a bit and right to get 3x indinera potion, 3x balnuunla drop and 2x balnuunla gems. Go into the room with a bunch of barrels. In the first upper pot on the left is a power hazel. In the second pot down is a jim’da petal. Directly below the left barrel in the middle, in the wall are 4x life apples. In the most left barrel is an indinera potion. Go down and confront the 2 elves. Go down further and you will be ambushed by more elves. If you want you can unlock the bull cage. Make sure you have a powerful team if you do. It is weak to thunder numb. It has a very powerful attack so try and get it the first go. It randomly drops a Gaes Fur when it is defeated. Open the chest to get a golden apple. Go down and Random says that the inquisitors must be here and that we must kill them all. The characters will all move across to the right. Go up into the first room. The lower barrel on the left has 8x food rations. The upper left barrel is 3x indinera potions. The middle barrel to the right has 5x food rations. The barrel in the upper right has 4x healing herbs. The jar has 2x enchanted potions. The stairs do not go up. All the people are bunched up on the right side of the room. Make sure you kill all 5 of them, and check around the sides if you cannot find one. The bottom chest has a marillion armor. The top chest has a madu (shield). Go up into the next room and you will be ambushed by some elves then some crystal oaks. Go and confront the guy up there. Random will kill him. Quest complete. Some crystal oaks will appear after he is dead. Go up to where he was standing to find a balnuunla gem and 2022 gold. Go back to Roseanne and she will give Random +5 attack, wendala +6 attack and brussian +3 attack.

Side quest 38- Cure the sick Millipuf (Q64)

79. Go to the elves of war guild and you will see that their millipuf is sick. They will ask you to help cure it. Talk to Xavier about a quest to officially receive this quest, otherwise you may not be able to complete it. Go back to the millipuf nest and go to where they were all hanging around the yellow flower. Stand directly below the flower and use Marions telekynesis. Pick it up. Quest complete. Go back to the war of elves guild and give Xavier the flower. I got 11200 gold for completing this quest with 40 persuasion points. It varies on how many persuasion points you have. This is the last quest for the elves of war guild.

Side quest 39- Get out of the chasm (Q62)

80. Now go back to the Ice crawler and take the top left path leading up. Go north and challenge the guy blocking your way. It’s the first messenger of death. He is quite weak so defeat him easily.
Head north and start to go across the bridge. You will see a bull jump off the cliff. A second one will come and attack you and while doing so wipe you all off the bridge. Here is the second split party encounter. Try and equip some weapons that are good against insects.


Look in the hole to your left to get a llunaha dust. Open the chest to get hero cream and llanewan powder. Look to the right of the chest and you can see whats left of the bull that jumped off the cliff. Go down south. Be careful as the cave basilisk can give you a stone state and it takes forever to wear off. Head right and get the blue mushroom to get an explosive mushroom. Go up and open the chest to get a lava ring. Head back up then all the way right. Go the ladder. You will be amushed by scorpions. Keep going up and you will be ambushed by more insects. Head out towards the light. Quest complete.

81. Now you will cut back to Brussians team. Head right first and down all the steps. Get the three red mushrooms to get magma mushrooms. Go back up and halfway up check the cave to get 2x ivory bones. Go back up and around. Go down the first set of stairs. Stand directly across from the chest to the left and use telekynesis. In the chest is a mind crystal. Go down and right past all the basilisks. You will end up along the same path where random and his party landed. Stand directly below the chest and use telekynesis to get an enchanted potion. Check out the cave and Brussian will find a necroleech. Go all the way right then up again. You will be ambushed by the insects again. Use telekynesis on the lower chest to get dragon gloves. Use telekynesis on the upper chest to get a mountain balm and a stardust. Quest complete. You will be reunited with randoms party.

82. Enter the cave. Inspect the bush straight ahead for a bit of fun. Talk to the giant. You can shop from him, smugglers shop and fight him. He will only fight you one on one so once again choose your character to fight him and talk to him. Make sure you have good equipments on. When you beat him you get Krom war-helmet. I fought him with random. Equipments: Legendary sword, Battle-Master Main Gauche, Legendra helmet, Marillion armor and SankT Baachen Mantle. I used the Fury spell and that seemed to work well. Go outside and head to the left. Open the chest to get a sanaderin. You may also want to fight the Anaconda until it drops an Anaconda Skin, thought there are plenty of them later on. Now go up and you will see Louis of all people (everyone lets out an audible groan)! This is the point of no return when you talk to him. Before you talk to him go back to the glade to where the mysterious guy led you into an ambush. (This is the area to the right of the Elves of War guild, following the bottom right path away from the guild.) There is a rabbit there. It will hop away and leave behind an esclachaboom.

83. Now would be a good time to check appendix 1 a little further down, and get any plants you want, since this is the point of no return. Also use Brussian's talk skill while Marion is in the party. You could give her more HP, more ST and RS or more SP. Assuming you haven’t used the skill previously.

84. If you get Sandy up to Lv. 28, she learns the talk skill. This skill will give random +6 SP, Marion +4 HP, And gives cocka cocka super wings. She will also give you the hint to put Brussian at the end of the party so he is not exposed to so much damages but he can still attack to his full potential. She relearns the talk skill at Lv. 53, but you may wish to wait until some time in chapter 4 to do this.

85. Check your quest log to make sure you don't have any quests still unresolved. As some quests may require you to talk to someone to complete them, even if you’ve received the exp reward already. You will have some left over quests that cannot be done in LF1. These include Q82 find a way to warm lady Derelderine up, Q81 Bring Roseanna a druid book, Q74 Unlock old chest in thief guild, and Q51 Find out who murdered Sarah's family. Q76 Escort Alicia to Adretana will be completed shortly so do not worry about that one.

86. On the second floor of the hotel of aisle, the blonde haired lady in the bottom left corner will buy your ancient coffee pots for 200 gold each. You may also want to visit the Elves of War guild one last time to teach your newer members the millipuf skill if you have not already. (Requires 400RS). You can also visit the Modern Sciences institute and complete the 3 video games if you were unable to do so earlier in the chapter. You can complete the level 3 virtual training 20 times while you are there as all for a small boost. If you want to make any more items at the Witch Coven, do that as well. Equip the luck ring and bet primarily on bunny #2 at the bunny races to make some money if you wish.

87. When you are all done and ready to proceed, return to the final area where Louis was standing and talk to him. He will force his way into the party and you will not be able to remove him from it for some time. He will also prevent you from returning to where the ice crawler is, sealing off that portion of the game from you.


Do not explore this area for now. You can accidently make it harder or even impossible to complete quests in chapter 4 if you trigger certain events now. We will return later in chapter 4 and cover this area thoroughly. For now, head up one screen from where Louis first joined. Proceed left first. Here you can find Noona, who you can challenge to a race to Adretana. There's no way to actually beat her there, but starting this quest will record it in your quest log. If you don't talk to her she will disappear entirely, so it is perhaps preferred to challenge her, even knowing you will lose.

88. Now head back to the intersection and go right this time. You can see that Solwan started his shop. Buy his 2x growth Mushrooms and whatever else you would like. Equip the luck ring on Random and talk to Solwan over and over again. You will eventually be offered a Manthra tear. Then talk to him some more to eventually be offered 10x growth mushroom . (Only 3x if the luck ring is not equipped) Talk to him several more times to be offered a banshee cape. Keep talking to him again, and again; to finally be offered 2x Chanterel Leaves. (Or 1x if the luck ring is not equipped) You can always get these later in the game if you cannot afford them all now.

89. From Solwin, head east. Go up and you will find Adretana transports. Talk to the pirate girl and she will say the guy that does the transportations has gone missing. Here you will meet Rafina the cat woman that you saved in chapter 1.

Side quest 42- Find Argyas (Q88)

90. Now use the gossip spell for more information on how to find the guy. Apparently he was last seen near the Square tower before he vanished. Go back to the intersection with all the signs. Go up one screen and then left. Go up the first north path and kill all the anacondas. Quest complete.

Side quest 43- Reach Adretana (Q89)

89.Talk to Argyas and he will take you back to the counter. Talk to him again and he will transport you to Adretana.


There is an adretana mushroom just off the ledge to the right of this area. Go out the north exit and follow the winding path. Near the end, you can find another adretana mushroom just off to the left side. If you chose to escort Alicia to Adretana, equip the luck ring. Continue up and as you near the town, quest complete. Random will be awarded 13,000XP . (Only 5000Xp if the luck ring is not equipped). Then go all the way north and enter the door. Quest complete. Walk through to see a crowd of people. Watch the cut scene.

90.Well that’s it for this chapter. Head on over to the chapter 4 walkthrough.

Appendix 1- Plant locations

Eastern road
1. On the right of the screen just before the Modern institute of science route.- Silver powder
2. The upper one on the ledge. – Energy herb.

Hotel of aisle
3. On the right lower side- Hero cream.

Mt Zulle East counter
4. On the right side along the path- Crystal leaf.
5. On the left side behind the fence- Healing reagent.

Grave yard path
6. On the right side- Healing reagent.
7. On the left side just before the south exit- Magicka potion.

Mt Zulle Graveyard
8. Directly south to the left- Power salt.

Mt Zulle centre
9. Beside the grave where the pig of fortune is- Power salt.

Mt Zulle North west quarter
10. On the right side- Revive potion

Mt Zulle west district
11. On the left side below the fence- Crystal leaf
12. On the left side, beside the upper path- Ice cake.

Elders territory
13. Below the grave- Healing reagent.

Mt Zulle snowy quarter.
14. Beside the right barrel. Upper plant- Healing reagent.
15. Above the fence- Enchanted potion.
16. Above the well in the upper left corner- Crystal leaf.

Snowy path
17. To the far right- Magicka energyzer.

Giants counter (Use 'Rebel Giants Map')
18. To the lower left of the first stairs- Healing reagent
19. Up the first stair then left and down a bit- Holy water
20. Up from that one- Ice cake
21. In the upper left corner- Healing reagent
22. Down from the upper exit, in the corner of two buildings- Tij Herb

Institute of modern sciences
23. Below the bridge of the real institute- Talys root.

Western lands 1
24. South, above 3 yellow flowers- healing reagent.

Western lands 2
25. In the top left corner- silver powder

Mt Zulle transports east
26. Just above the south entrance- Crystal leaf

Snowy crest
27. Up the left path- Holy water.

Snowy lands (orcish guard)
28. Just at the north exit- Food ration.

Fort Go’hor
29. To the left of the broken robot- Magicka potion.

Giants territory
30. down the near the south western exit- Talys root.

Giant village
31. Southern area in the bottom left corner- Yveen tear.
32. Southern area in the bottom right corner- Talys root

Graveyard of the 1000 tombs
33. In the top right corner below the river- Crystal leaf.
34. At the very top left corner- Healing potion


Created by: Mellowkat

Maps by: Patojonas
Revisions by: Kehaul
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Re: Laxius Force 1 - Walkthrough

Postby Indinera » Sat Oct 10, 2009 10:50 pm

Walkthrough for chapter 4 PART 1

Created by: Mellowkat

Maps by: Mellowkat | Patojonas
Revisions by: Kehaul

Make sure you have Wendala in your team for a lot of quests. She needs at least 30!

Maps of Adretana

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Walkthrough for chapter 4 PART 1

1. You will be led up to the castle where you will meet King Julian and Alexandra and Anastacya his sisters. He will also introduce you to half of his staff. He will also tell you of the fort of Arvendel and how it is suspected to be linked with the order due to the proliferation of monsters there. He asks you to clear it out for him. The reward is 20000 of which you get 2000 gold in advance. Before you go he wants to hold a party in your honor.

2. The scene will change to the party. Go up into the next room and you will see Louis preening himself worse than any female. Wendala is in the same room waiting for Louis on his order. He seems to enjoy having a slave around. Go up into the next room and you will see the party in full swing! Talk to everyone. Talk to everyone. You will see Sarah in her light outfit. To get out talk to Marion and Brussian. Talk to Sarah again. Random makes her leave the party.

3. The next morning you are back in the palace. At this point Noona will come up to you and claim her reward. There is no way of ever completing this quest and she disappears if you don’t talk to her before going to the town. Talk to Walz. He will say that because you fought the true demon, you have traces of the true demon inside you which attracts other demons to you. He says that the demon cycle is about to end and the true demons will be able to enter this world during that time. He says that you need the Laxius power from your unconsciousness to be able to defeat these True demons.

4. Talk to Alexandra and she will give you 499 gold. Talk to Anewbar to the right of Julian. Ask for a quest and he will ask you to kill all the rats in the castle. Exit the throne room and then go down the first corridor. In the last room is a rat. In that same room is a shining parchment in the right side of the lower bookshelf. In the jar is a healing reagent. In the bed is a golden pearl. Out in the hallway in the first pot plant is 14 gold. In the first room on the left side of the middle bookshelf, of the three bottom ones is a shining parchment. Under the second chair from the top is an XP egg. On left side of the top bookshelf from the bottom is a shining parchment. Directly below that in the bookshelf is a shining parchment. In the top left corner is a holy water. Check the lower golden lamp for a nice message.

5. Head back out to the main room of the palace. Ignore the path going up. There’s nothing up there yet. Go into the upper left passage. The guy below you is selling armors, shields and helmets. Go through the banquet room and up into the party room. The second plant from the left at the top has 156 gold. The third plant from the right has an enchanted potion. The last plant has 122 gold. In the upper right room there is 2x shining parchments in the first bookshelf one each to the right and left. Talk to the guy standing there twice for a quest. He wants to give his girlfriend a ring with the initials DG written on it. Go into the upper left room and kill the rat. The teddy bear has a jeweled ring in it. Head back into the main room.

6. This time go through the south left passage. Go into the green room to kill a rat. Now head into the kitchen. In the second from the right sink is a garden key. This key will unlock the thieves’ chest in the next game when we head back to Mt Zulle. Go down a bit and kill the rat. In the next room, in the sacks to the left of the girl are 2x shark meat. Kill the 2 rats on this screen. In the barrel in the bottom right screen is a cycca leaf. In the jar with an open lid is a hero cream. Above the jars in the top left barrel is a food ration. Finally, the right part of the pot of water has a red pimento. Head back to the main room.

7. Head south to the palace entrance. Check the niche to the right of the boy with blond hair for a Yveen tear. In the bottom room check the left desk to get a shining parchment. In the upper room is a guy selling spell books. Don’t buy any until you have at least 18350 gold! He will randomly offer you another spell book that costs 15000 gold. Head to the south exit and talk to the two guys blocking your way. Meet Herbert and Joshua, a paladin and a cleric. They will join your party. Before exiting south, go right into the guard refectory. Go up into the first room to kill the rat. In the bottom right room, the second armor down and the armor in the bottom right corner has a lamaani worm each. The end shelf to the left has 47 Gold. Kill the rat in the top left corner and then head downstairs.

Side quest 1. Beat Kadeldorn tournament (Q92)

8. Check the nearby armor once you descend to find a pappalis powder. Put Herbert in your party, and talk to the guard standing in the passageway that bends to the right. He will give you 5ST and fatigue status. In the top right room is the dragon arena fights. It cost 100 gold. (Be warned if you fight at this stage half of your party will be drunk and cannot use spells. It takes a few turns for drunk to wear off). The first fight is 2 cave basilisks. The next fight is 3 harpy queens. The next fight is 3 veranadons. The next fight is against Gogorn, Kadeldorn and 2 veranadons. Quest complete. They will give you a drink of red wine each which will give you some HP. Get everyone in the party to fight at least once against them.

Side quest 2. Beat Alise Tournament (Q93)

9. Go left and kill the two rats in the small section. Talk to the guy behind the desk He will tell you about the rewards for beating Alise’s tournament. Go up and talk to Alise. Choose your party member. You need to fight her with everyone to get the good reward. First fighter is Jude (Randomly drops healing reagent). Second is Manaleys(Randomly drops magicka energizer). Third is Kido (Randomly drops healing herb). Last one is Alise (Randomly drops tij Herb). After one win it will be quest complete. Now to aim for the rewards. At five wins you get a choice of sword: blitzen blade. Shield: delta shield. Helmet: 2x beon helmet. Ring: luck ring. At 11 wins you will get a choice of Sword: dragon sword and 3x power peppers. Shield: crystal madu and 3x power peppers. Helmet: 2x cajonite helmet and 3x power peppers. Ring: weapon card and 3x power peppers. You will also get 3000 gold each and a drop of Adretanian wine for those who have won the tournament. Random: +1 ST/ +10000 XP. Sarah +1MP/ +10000XP. Wendala: +1MN/ +10000 XP. Louis: +1ST/ +10000XP. Cocka: +1HP/ +10000XP. Brussian: +1ST/ +10000XP. Herbert: +1HP/ +10000 XP. Askhbar: +1HP/ +10000XP. Sandy: +1SP/ +10000XP. Joshua: +1MP/ +10000XP. Marion: +1RS/ +10000XP.

Side Quest 3. Clean palace from rats (Q124)

10. Go back up to the throne room and talk to Anewbar. Go to quest option. He will tell you that all the rats are gone. Quest complete.

11. Leave the throne room to reach the main palace, then take the stairs in the top-left to reach the room of meditation. Talk to the blonde haired girl walking around to the south. She gives Joshua a clerical gilded robe.

12. Exit the palace. Talk to the middle guard on the right a few times for a bit of fun. The girl in red to the south is talking about a beauty contest. A discussion follows about signing up. Head down onto the next screen. The guy on the right buys crystal water barrels. On the right side, go down the first path. In the first door is the party HQ. A bit further along is where you can sign up for the beauty contest. Sign up all your female party members. Head across to the top left and the middle house can be burgled for 96 gold, 19x explosive mushroom, a Yveen tear, Book: The storm of the century, and a sun oil. This is one of the hardest houses to burgle, and even with the burglar’s bar, you may not be able to accomplish this unassisted. Boosting Random's RS, or Wendala's MN will increase their ability to burgle, but even that may not be enough at this point in the game.

13. Enter into the items shop and at the top of the stairs is a sajcdil apple. You may have to wait a while for the npc to move out of the way for you to get there. The house below the item shop you can burgle for 202 gold. Burgle the next one along for 129 gold and 2x healing potion. Burgle the bottom right house on the left side. It has 532 gold, 7x magicka potion, 4x magicka energyzer, and a life apple. The red haired guy at the end of the path is a fan and will give a holy water. The house on the end has people inside and cannot be burgled. Near the inn, the rightmost potted plant has a healing reagent in the right half of it.

Side quest 4- Escort Hartman (Q111)

14. Enter into the inn. Go upstairs. In the top left corner in the basket is a healing potion. In the bed below the basket are 8x food rations, 2x magicka potions and 153 gold. The guy standing there says he wants to leave but cannot because of the hydras between the town and the transports. Offer to escort him and name your price. Now head south out of the town and to Adretanas transports. He will give you the gold and quest complete. Head back into the town.

Side quest 5- How to seduce Gigliana (Q133)

15. To the right of the inn talk to the green haired guy who says he is in love with the red haired chick to the right of him and wants to give her something. However nothing in your inventory will please her. Enter into Olafs herbs. (The building besides the weapon shop) If you talk to her and exit a few times she will offer you a red pimento to buy. Make sure you buy the growth mushroom there. Now head into the first screen south and check out the house on the left to find Herbert's hideout. Check the barrel in the far bottom-left to find a buala. Exit and then head left a screen. Go into the second house with the blue arrow and buy the bouquet of Lennwa roses. Go back and offer to give him an item. He will take the roses to give to her. Quest complete.

Side quest 6- Family love (Q 90)

16. Go back to the area where you brought the roses. Just above the second red guy is a little gate you can go through. Enter and go into the house. You will see a cut scene between sandy and her children. Quest complete. Talk to her children and random will give her some time to spend with her children. Sandy will also gain +1 lvl and 2600XP. Talk to the blonde haired girl to the left of Sandy’s place for a bit of fun. Check out the house above her indicated by the blue arrow. You can burgle it to find 205 gold, 11x power diadema, sandaaral shield, pirate’s dust, razor blade x2, wind dagger x3, and a human slayer. This house is semi-difficult to burgle.

Side quest 7- Make ring with initials DG (Q102)

17. Head to the top left and enter the door with a pink dress out the front. The guy in blue behind the counter buys anaconda skins. The girl in red can make a ring with the initials D-G on it. Quest complete. Go back to the palace and go and give it to Daniel.

18. Go back to Mirsen Adretana district. Next to the dress shop burgle the house to the left for 1117 gold, crystal madu, and 2x healing reagent. In the lower left corner the last door on the upper left can be burgled. Inside is 6008 gold, Yveen egg, 3x enchanted powder. Head into the house below it. This is the mage guild of Adretana. Talk to the blue robed guy standing in front of you. You have to pay 1500 gold to get in. He will then move out of your way. Talk to the guy to the right of you for the missing girl quest and the kill creature quest. Talk to the lady in pink. She will ask you to collect all the orbs. They are Orb of depth, orb of damage, orb of value, orb of metal, orb of chaos, and orb of catharsis. You already have collected 1 orb which is the orb of chaos. Talk to the fairy up the top and she will offer some valuable services. Ask for a class boost. She will sell Sarah one of your choice of the following: 3HP, 5MP, or 7RS. She will sell Joshua one of your choice of the following: 12HP, or 23RS. She will sell Marion one of your choice of the following:21MP, 16RS and 1 lvl, or 13MN. She will also teach you new spells or learn fast your spells if your level in the guild is high enough. At the moment you can teach Joshua and Marion one spell each. Joshua can learn magicka bomb and Marion can learn healing balm. The guy with the blue hair in the middle sells rare items. The witch down the bottom does a seminary of intelligence but I suggest you wait until you are a higher level in the guild as it is cheaper. Note that the price she asks for is per person! Talk to the guy in the middle of the lower room. He wants to create an artificial demon and wants you collect 3 major demon body parts. He will give you a demon orb to help recognize these demons.

Side quest 8- Girl gone missing (Q108)

19. Head back to your HQ, which is the building with the book above the doorway and you can see Askhbar standing above it. In the lower left area of the room you will see a square. Inspect it to access the sewers. Go straight down to kill the jellies that look like mushrooms. Go right and in the chest is 28 gold. Go up the upper left path then head up the first path. Now when you hit the top go right. Go down the first path then head right at the first opening. You will see a ghost floating around and Lisbeth. Kill the ghost and then talk to Lisbeth with Marions undead speaking. DON’T talk to her normally and then try to catch her otherwise she will disappear and you wont be able to complete the quest. You need to be able to give the ghost a moon dew. Quest complete. As you head back to the left, check the grated archway door for 335 gold. That’s it for the sewers. Go back up and go along the upper right path and up the stairs to exit. Head back to the mage guild to claim your reward. You will get 500 gold.

Side quest 9- Kill the ghost (Q 109)

20. Head back to the Gates of Adretana area and keep heading right until you reach the Adretana Port. Go all the way to the bottom and enter the door there. Go into the upper left corner. Here you will see a pale yellow wraith. This is the ghost you have to kill. Once you kill it Quest complete. Go back to claim your reward.

Side quest 10- kill the sea creature (Q 127)

21. Head back to the port and into the post office where you just fought the yellow wraith. Look in the top left box where the ghost was for a secret island map. Look in the upper pots to get 2x ocean orbs. In the upper right room is a pirate selling 50 ft ropes. In the nearby barrel, next to the dog, are 4x moon fish. In a roll in the upper middle of the same room is 6 gold. Go into the lower rooms. In the middle of the lower part of the room is a chest with 2x wave vibrators. Above that in a tall crate is 133 gold. And above that again in the top box is a mermaid potion. In the end room the upper left barrel has a food ration. Talk to the guy standing behind the counter and ask for a job. He asks you to remove a sea creature that has broken into a boat. Go out and talk to the guy guarding the upper dock and enter. You will see a squid. This is the monster you have to fight. Confront it to be faced with a dreadful squid and a titanium anaconda. Go back to Logan and inform him of your deed. He will give you 1500 gold as a reward. The guy directly to the right will take you to Kolo-Kolo beach for 50 gold. There is also another way to get there explained a little later on. The guy above the fish sells fish. The guy above him also sells fish. Talk to the guy on the left with the farmer hat. He wants to run a pet shop but doesn’t have the funds to do it. He needs 1500 gold to get started. Give him the gold. Return later to see him and he sells Items for your “pets”. Enter into the port tavern above him. In the right room in the upper left box is a healing potion. To the left of the pot below that is a shark meat. The door at the very top can be burgled giving you 41x moon fish.

Side Quest 11- Unlock the chest (Q114)

22. Exit the port and go down the first set of stairs below you. In the basket to the right is 235 gold. Head left and talk to the man nearby the chest. Now you can either open the chest for 505 gold, or if Sandy in your active party you can give it to the poor man and get 3MN for Sandy instead. Head back out. Now head into the door directly above and slightly to the left of the stairs you just came up. This is the fighters’ guild. Talk to Tanya the girl standing in the way to get her to move. She will give you a fighters guild member card. Go up the right side first and talk to the guy in blue standing next to the pylon and he will give you an exo ring. Talk to the guy that looks like Louis with Herbert in your party. He will offer Herbert a taste of his recipe. It will give him +6HP and fatigue/drunk status. Talk to the guy standing next to the dragon to hear the legend of the forbidden dragon. Talk to the green haired guy halfway down. He says that if you open the box you will be doomed forever. If you do decide to open it, it will give you the blood thirst condition. Go back to the entrance and head left this time. Talk to Floyd the red haired guy behind the counter. Ask for a quest. Take the unlock the chest one. Apparently Wurz locked his chest then lost the key so he needs you to open it for him. You will find Wurz at the inn. Head out and go left one screen. Enter into the item shop and talk to the shop owner in front of you. Buy the combinationer. While here also buy a pair of over titan gloves. Leave and go up one screen and enter the inn directly to the right of you. Go through the shut door on the right side and then head up. The guy with the chest is in the lower right of the room. Choose the option try something else, then use item. Type in COMBINATIONER. It will hit the right number. Quest complete. Return to the fighters guild and ask about the same quest. He will give you the reward of 1200 gold.

Side quest 12- Kill the creature (Q115)

23. Talk to Floyd again for the Kill monster in town quest. An owner on Main Avenue has reported growling in his house. Time to go and kill it. The house that you could not burgle because it had people in it is the house we are aiming for. Go up and inspect the crack. In it is a cave orc. Kill it and Quest complete. Go back to the fighters guild and ask about the quest again to get the 1500 gold reward. Now talk to him again about a reward. He will let you go see Baretta in her shop now. Just ask the transport guys to take you there. Now ask about the dismantle the slave business and find thief guild quests. They cannot be completed in this game yet.

Side quest 13- Kill 10000 monsters (Q113)

24. In the fighters guild talk to the blonde haired woman behind the counter. She has the quest kill 10000 monsters. Also, if you talk to Jennifer, the blue haired girl off to the left, she will offer to train you. The Help Fighters option will allow you train Random, Wendala, Herbert, Louis, and Ashkbar. This gives them each 5000XP, and will increase their stats based on the selections you make. The 'General Boosts' option can only be done once, and will increase the ST of your four active party members, excluding Cocka-Cocka. The increase is proportional to the character's ST and RS stats. Properly equipped, heavily leveled, and boosted with auras; you could get +100ST or more from this. Since this is the case, you may prefer to wait until Louis can be freely removed from the party; or even until LF2 to finally take this training option.

25. Exit the fighter’s guild and go up the stairs. Halfway up is a blue arrow indicating a house. Burgle it to get a waterfall shield, wave vibrator, life apple and 503 gold. Up the second set of stairs is the Adretana arena which is closed for now. Go left then down. The place halfway down is involved in a quest later on. The place down the bottom can be burgled for 5x shark meat and a crystal rain. Go back up and into the door just before the exit. In the top right drawer is a wooden fish. Exit this area and head back left again. Continue all the way to the left until you reach the end of the Mirsen District. Go up and into the upper right door. The bed in the lower right corner has 12x magicka potions and 9x shining parchment. The bookcase directly below the man has 3x shining parchments. Enter into the next house down on the left and talk to the bunny girl. She has some post cards of random and his team in previous games. You only get to see them once. In the top left house is Civelia she has lost a family heirloom, her necklace somewhere in Main Avenue. She wants you to find it. This quest cannot be completed in this game. Use the talk option. She says that if you save them from the Arvendel threat she will give you a great reward.

Side quest 14- Bring painting to Mr Kaamdis (Q100)

26. Exit and in the middle of the screen go down the stairs. Here is the 7 rainbows (guild of art). Talk to Matthias the green haired guy and pay 500 gold for a membership card. He will ask you to do a service of delivering a painting to Mr Kaamdis in the east district. Talk to Matthias again without completing the quest. Joshua will lie and says a demon gets in the way. Matthias will give him the vicarious toga. Now go up past the woman who signed you into the beauty contest. To the upper left is a house that you can burglar. You will get 308 gold, 3x XP eggs, a shining parchment, and the book: rise and fall of Sarkham. Head down towards the lower right. The first house on the right can be burgled to get 139 gold and a revive potion. The second one can be burgled for 505 gold, enchanted potion, 4x shining salt, furrowed pine apple, and a spider diadema. Go all the way down. Mr. Kaamdis’s house is on the left. Enter and give him the painting. Quest complete.

Side quest 15- Find Air Jays work (Q118)

27. Exit and go down. Look at the big glass window on the left. Random can see something in it. If you break it you will get a holy water. Random will also get hurt and have the bleeding infliction on him. This status will sometimes go away after combat, or when he dies. Follow the blue arrow below it and enter the house. Open the chest to get 45 gold and 11x food rations. Be sure to talk to the writer first and ask him for a quest. He has lost his work. This guy is not very observant because it is on the floor right beside him. Look at the bit of paper on the floor and the writer thanks you for finding it for him. Quest complete. (Assuming you talked to him first before handing him the papers) Leave and go back across. The lower house can be burgled for a magicka potion and 6x food rations. The second house across can be burgled for 2307 gold and an aquapunga flower. Go back to the art guild to claim your reward of 200 gold.

Side quest 16- Find secret mirror (Q101)

28. For the next quest Matthias has heard of the secret mirror in the palace. Go to the palace and go to where the couple you had to make a ring for was and this is where the secret mirror is. Enter into it. One of the blue torches on the right side has a star dust; the seventh from the bottom. Talk to the characters in front of you to see what they really think. Leave random till last. You will have to fight a ghost. After you will get a mirror powder. Quest complete. Head back to the art guild and claim your reward. Raise your persuasion points. He will give all party members 3000 XP and give one mist glaze. He will also give 5000 gold. With high persuasion points he will give another 3x mist glaze and 1000 gold.

Side quest 17- Restore paintings (Q104)

29. Use the quest option when talking to Matthias again. Pick the action time quest. He wants you to burglar a local kingpin and get back stuff for him. Aruun is located in the district of petro. Go all the way across right and once in the district go down the first path and look into the first house on the left. Ring the door bell and only Herbert, Joshua and Marion can enter. Go in and confront the guy in your way. These guys are only brothers of Sariis. Move left into the next room to confront mutated minotaurs. Once defeated go and confront the war minotaur. Once defeated it will drop Aruuns key. Go down and unlock the room with the key. The set of clothes has a paladin shield. In the bed near the paladin shield is 515 gold. Talk to Aruun and he will summon 3 Brothers of Sariis. Defeat them and Aruun will admit defeat and give you the treasure room key and leave. Walk into the black area behind him and inspect to get 3309 gold and 5x vodka sunshines. Talk to the girl and she says at last I’m free and disappears. Go back around and go down. Use the key to open the locked door. Kill the guards again. The little chest on the table has 417 gold. The set of clothes to the left has a crusader helmet. Open the chest to get the paintings. Quest complete. Go back to the art guild for a reward of 8000 gold. Equip gables cigar and talk to the guy to the lower left of Matthias and ask for a reward for completing 3 quests. He will give you some gold according to your persuasion points.

Side Quest 18- Convince Martha (Q105)

30. Ask Matthias for the quest seduction time. He says lady Martha is a new influential person in town. He wants you to convince her to become a member. Go up towards the palace. On the screen just before you enter the palace look on the left and you will see a new npc wearing blue with blonde hair. Equip your Gables cigar and talk to her. Quest complete. Talk to Mathias for your 3600 gold.

31. Go and talk to Galmond to the far left. He has a quest for you bring the orb of value to Xavier at the Kings potions. The potion shop is in the east district. Upon entering you will be attacked by 5x Shadow Blades, which can randomly drop evil masks. Note that this orb is the one that the mage guild is after, so you may prefer to hold onto this one for a while rather than accept the paltry amount of gold for delivering it.

Side Quest 19- Deliver sketch (Q107)

32. Head down to the bottom of the guild and talk to Ronan the blue haired guy wandering around. He wants you to deliver a package for 400 gold. Head to the palace and go downstairs to the Alise tournament area. On the left side is the guard you need to give the painting to. Quest complete. Go back for your reward. He will offer to do a sketch of Sarah for 2000 gold. Its crap so I wouldn’t waste your money unless you have money to burn.

33. Use the talk option with Matthias. He wants you to find the biggest sword ever. This is known as the Ketakeri blade. This blade cannot be found in this game.

34. Head to the east district. Talk to Lysette in the upper left section. She is worried that the fighter guild is butchering animals and she wants you to get them to stop this practice. You need to talk to Dengren and use your influence. This quest cannot be completed in the game.

35. Go to the right side of the screen to the point where the guard blocks the way then go up. Talk to the harpy. This is the head of the guild of the wanderer. To be able to progress in the guild you will have to fight her first. Choose who you wish to fight her. Upon beating her you are awarded 50 guild of wanderer points. Quest complete. However there is no quest in your quest book associated with it.

Side quest 20- Persuade Lord Palcon (Q119)

36. Ask for quests for the guild. Ask for the quest talk to noble. Lord Palcon in the palace is not paying funds for the guild and the guild really needs them. Your job is to convince him to bring more money in. Go to the palace and talk to the guy standing in the main part between the four book shelves. Equip the pheasant’s hat and have Joshua in your team. Quest complete. Talk to Leni the Harpy about the quest you completed. Your guild of wanderer points will go up by 50. Ask her about the lost Bundle quest. This one cannot be complete this game.

Side quest 21- Walk 10 Kilometers (Q121)

37. Ask for quests to improve. Ask about walking the line. Walk 10 kilometers and she will teach a way for your party to walk faster. Easiest way is to do a few quests in between. Then come back for your reward. Quest complete. Everyone in your team will be rewarded +5SP.

38. Ask Leni about the latest gossips and then if you can do anything for her. She wants to introduce you to some people to help promote the guild. You will get 30 GWP’s.

Side Quest 22- Persuade Bailey (Q125)

39. Ask for the persuade a thief quest. You will be rewarded with very powerful shoes if you manage to persuade him to give back information about the guild. He will be at the pub in Mirsen. Go to Mirsen and into the Inn there. The dresser near the bartender has a shining parchment, and 222 gold (Or 3x shining parchment, 922 gold with the luck ring equipped.) Then equip the Gables cigar and go talk to the grey haired guy sitting at the table. Chose the I can be very persuasive option. Quest complete. Go back to the guild and Leni will give you Maaga-Ruthra slippers.

40. Ask about the Map library. Depending on your level you will have access to different maps. By now you should have access to Kolo-Kolo beach. There is nothing special there for the time being but you can have a walk around. You will also have access to the fire guild map.

Side Quest 23- Torch challenge (Q123)

41. Go in and talk the Arulea the yellow fire elemental. Ask for a quest. She wants you to get one of the yellow flowers like the one you are standing next to. You can also access some special training by placing your hands in the flame in the top left corner of the guild for a full minute. Sarah will get +2RS/MN/+7MP. Louis will get +5MN. Boost Askhbar's MN to 320 and he will get +6RS/+5MN from the torch as well. Quest complete.

Side Quest 24- Find Flower (Q 122)

42. Now time to leave. Go and exit the town. In the area of the road where there is a single hydra. If you kill it several times a heap of them will come and be angry about killing their son. Then a gold hydra will come along and bring some friends with him. The yellow hydra or Gorgonum is a tough cookie and will deal out 6 shots. This encounter very rarely yield a hydra tear. When defeated you will get a Gorgonum skin. Head down onto the next screen. Head south to the area just above the transports. Go back up the left path. Here is Masfbathory. He is a major demon that the demon orb reacts to. It randomly drops a red pimento. Sever the demons leg. Go to the transports and go to the southern lands.



Go left then up. Look into the cave. Inside is a shark slaughterer. It randomly drops a crystal pear. When you defeat it you will get 2x growth mushrooms. Head left onto the next screen. Go up towards the chest. Sarah will say that she thinks she saw the blue creature look at her. It comes towards the team distracting them while a gigas hydra will sneak up and attack. When dead check the chest. It’s empty!! A nice little set up indeed. Go left again and get the two red mushrooms to get 2x growth mushroom. Head back to the transport area and this time head south. Visit Solwans shop and make sure you get the 2x growth mushrooms. Head directly south of him and get the growth mushroom there. Head back up and left. On the next screen head up. Go up and get the adretana mushroom. Inspect the cave above it. In it is a major demon called an Incarmal. It randomly drops a crystal rain. Sever the demons leg.

44. Move onto the left screen. Go all the way left and into the cave. In this cave is the yellow flower that the fire guild is looking for. Quest complete. Exit and go back one screen and head north. Go up the right path. Then head up the first part and jump over the crack. Grab the two yellow mushrooms for 2x adretana mushrooms. Go up the next screen and pick up the 7x adretana mushrooms. Then put Sarah in your party and face the two mushrooms on a little island by themselves. She'll jump down and you'll get 2x adretana mushrooms. Go up one screen and you will see the house of vision. You cannot enter in here for this game. Head back the area with the all the signposts and head right. Go back to Adretana. Go to the fire guild and talk to Arulea about the quest to finish it. If you ask for items and gear she will now offer to sell some to you. Talk to the pink fire elemental. She will offer you spells. Random and Sarah can learn Opalescence. The fire elemental in the back to the right can do fire training. That’s it for the fire guild for now.

Side quest 25- Kill Ghost (Q83)

45. Go back to the 1001 lakes area to the area just past Solwan’s shop and head left this time. Head left twice and you will reach the square tower of weapons. Talk to Artzvus who is standing in the way. He will ask you to give one good reason as to why he should let you in. Tell him that you are Random and he will let you in. Otherwise he makes you pay 500 gold to let you in. Go upstairs. Head upstairs again and speak to Garath; ask about any news and then ask about the ghost. He says that you can try to kill it if you like. Go downstairs twice and to the left is an opening. Go in and confront the ghost. It is Zazanba, another major demon. He has also brought along a holocaust wraith. It is weak to thunder implosion. Quest complete. You will also have to opportunity to sever the demons head. Head back upstairs to claim your reward of 500 gold.

46. Go downstairs once and talk to the red haired guy by the second set of stairs. Say that you are new and then talk to him a second time. Rest there for 20 gold. You will be transported to a strange area that appears to be Random’s dream. Walk forward and talk to Sandy. You will see a strange premonition. Walk past her and pick up the black object off the ground. It is a dark powder. Go up and talk to Sarah. Knock on the tower a couple of times and the occupant will get angry and attack. It is a tree creature. Walk forward again and get the dark powder. Attack the wandering warrior in the way. Talk to Louis and inspect both the dead Randoms. The second Random has 11x silver powder and a power pepper. Get the dark powder near Louis. That’s it for the dream. If you wander around quite awhile, there are actually random encounters here. When you're ready, leave this area.

Side quest 26- Promote guild (Q85)

47. Go back downstairs to the front entrance and this time go up. There are guys selling weapons and equipments. Equip the luck ring and ask Davo about "Spears and Axes". Upon exiting this specific shop menu there is a small chance he may offer you a solblast rod for 21,000 gold. This appears to be a one time offer, so make sure to avoid this event if you cannot afford it yet. Go right into the next room and talk to Vester. He is the chief of the guild of Nojan. To join you must give him a life potion. If you do not have one Solwan sells them. He will give you the seal: Guild of the tower. Talk to him again and he will give you the first mission. He wants you to go to Adretana and ask King Julian to promote the guild in Adretana. When you leave the square tower of weapons there is a guy standing in the way. He has been searching for Louis. He tries to lure Louis into a trap however Brussian is onto him. Five of them will attack you. Go back to Adretana and Talk to King Julian to promote the guild of tower. He will do it without asking for anything in return. Quest complete. Go back to the guild of the tower.

Side Quest 27- Pull out sword (Q97)

48. Talk to Vester and he will tell you that downstairs you can jump onto another section. The pink haired woman sells spells for Random: Elf Slaughter for 1000 gold. Dragon Slaughter for 2000 gold. Demon Slaughter for 2500 gold. Lastly, Dragon Tomb for 3000 gold. (Requires 1000ST, 700RS, 580SP, and 500MN to learn) The guy next to you has another trial. You are to pull out the sword next to Vester. Equip the Over Titan gloves. The characters that can pull the sword are Random (Requires 900 ST, Over Titan gloves) who receives 34 MN, Louis (Requires 900ST) who receives 27MN, Herbert (Requires 900 ST, Over Titan gloves) who receives 43MN, and Wendala (Requires 900 ST, Over Titan gloves) who receives 12 MN. Quest complete.

Side quest 28- Talk to fire mage (Q98)

49. Go back to Karim again and he will tell you of a fire mage in an ice cave who will teach you the ice hands technique which will help you pull up swords much easier. This fire mage is in the same cave where you got the flower from. Return there and talk to him. You need to increase Random's MN to 600. Cast Marion's Meditation spell on Random and change around his equipment if necessary. Quest complete. He teaches Random the ice hands technique and gives him 20ST/20MN. Head back to Karim. He has nothing more to teach you.

50. Jump down to the next area. Talk to Marandohra. Use the teach spell option and she can teach Sarah and Wendala the vapor wars spell. However you need to have high dodging skills. In other words equip all equipments with high evade points. You need at least 50+ evade points. I had equipped vapor ring for both. (You may need to equip Sarah with the elven crown and key of the hero to meet the requirement) Use the talk option and she will say that you can have access to a cave full of dangerous bulls. You can go there for 99 food rations. Now this is the cave of Ancient Gaes. Inspect the boat to be teleported to the main part of the area. In here are Ancient Taurus and Ancient Gaes. The Ancient Taurus randomly drops a Taurus Nail, while the Ancient Gaes randomly drop Gaes Fur. Go left a bit and you should spot a crystal out of reach in a cave. Walk to the bottom corner facing it and click with Sarah in the party. If she has more than 500SP, she will succeed and get a mind crystal, and 2SP for her efforts. (Beware that there may be a bug with this event that causes Sarah's speed to increase far more than it should have. So you may prefer to avoid it) Now continue up and take the left path. Work your way to the top and you will be confronted by a Magaolon and metal legs. You may want to metallist curse the metal legs. Look to the right and pick the mushroom to get a growth mushroom. Go left and down to find a 3 ways. You will also be confronted by a temptress and metal legs.

51. Go up the left path. Here you will be in a yellow room with an Ancient Gaes. Heal up and save as this monster has the ability to wipe out your whole team with one spell. The Ancient Gaes is susceptible to Wendalas or Sarahs death spell, and can also be thunder numbed as a backup strategy. Once defeated open the chest to get a power pepper. Go up and jump up onto the ledge. Go up and before you turn down the left path inspect behind the large rock in the middle of the path. There is a growth mushroom on the right side. Now head left and you will be confronted by a heap of snake ladies. Go left and you will see 2x growth mushrooms. Pick them up. If you take the upper path and go all the way up you will see the ice cave with the mage in it. This area was blocked because of the dangers. So now you know where it leads to :) . Head all the way down and right. Use the upper part of the ledge to jump down and kill the Ancient Gaes. Use the same strategy as the one above. Open the chest to get an exo ring.

52. Head back to the three ways and then go down. Take the left path and kill the Ancient Gaes. Open the chest to get a red pimento. In this same room, check along the very bottom where it is sparkling to find a star dust. Now go back up and take the right path. Kill the lower Ancient Gaes and open the chest to get a talys root. Kill the right Ancient Gaes and open the chest to get a hero cream. Head back up to the three ways. There is nothing down the right path except for a few more enemies to slaughter. Now head back down to the entrance cave. Go across the bridge and look to the left to get a growth mushroom. Go between the two pink pedestals and jump down. Save up and heal. Try and thunder numb the Supreme Gaes and work on killing the Ancient Gaes with instant death spells first. Use Wendalas undead curse, Sarah's death spell, and Louis use an item that causes exhaustion if you have any. Then concentrate on the Supreme Gaes. My personal strategy was to thunder numb, metallist curse and then keep thunder numbing with Random. With Louis he just kept on swinging his old sword there and occasionally used items. With Sarah the sun boomer attack works well. With Wendala I healed and used the Carnage spell. (It also helps to equip Random with the Legendra Helm so he always acts first. In the off chance you got the Nahanaha Needle in chapter 3, Lichea also works wonders on him.) Look on the forum for other strategies that may work for you. You may need a few goes to kill it. The Supreme Gaes randomly drops a gaes ancient horn. In the right blue chest is a holy water and an Yveen egg. In the left blue chest is a golden apple and an Yveen egg. In the left red chest is a crystal madu. In the middle red chest is a gaes horned armor (ultimate). In the lower right chest is an omega buddon. In the upper right chest is an aquapunga flower. That’s it for the Ancient gaes cave. Time to leave.

Side Quest 29- Slay a dragon (Q87)

53. Go up to the first platform and talk to Darrant the guy to the left below you. He offers a variety of training. Sword Greats will give Random and Louis 4ST/6RS, if they have 300AT. (This can be accomplished with the key of the hero, or an item such as silver powder which inflicts weapon boost) Fighter Boost will give Random 11RS and Louis 10RS. Pace Greats will give Random and Louis 4SP, if they have about ~425SP. Talk to Gerald the blue haired guy and offer your service. Ask for a knightly quest first. He wants you to go and slay a dragon. Go outside and talk to Artzvus again and he will take you there. Go up than right to the sword. Pull it out to get the carnage sword. Go up and at the split pick the 3 purple flowers in front of you to get 3x luna berrys. Inspect the dead guy to get 135 gold. Go into the cave and fight the red dragon. It will drop a dragon horn. Quest complete. You will also get a growth mushroom, a mithril shield and 505 gold. Go back and talk to Gerald. Inform him that the dragon is dead. He will give you 500 gold as a reward. His shop also gets a new item.

Side Quest 30- Give Pendant to Gildas (Q86)

54. Now ask Gerald for a stupid quest. He wants you to bring a pendant to Gildas in Moormore village. Head back to the transports and travel to the east lands. Go right. Here you are in a random encounter zone. Go right until you see a cross road. Go down and get the growth mushroom. Now go all the way up. Talk to the higher guard and he will say that they have organized transport to Cantal. Go there. Enter into the first house to the left. On the left side talk to the girl to buy a Cantal flower if you like. Behind her the lower barrel has a mountain balm. To the right the lower pot has an energy herb. In the inn the drawers in the top left has a revive potion. The lower bed next to a plant has a mountain balm. Exit and go up to the next set of houses. The first two have nothing interesting. The third one, check the lowest right barrel for a food ration. The last house has nothing interesting. Go up and visit the town hall. The cupboard in the top right has 39 gold. Exit to the right and talk to the guy standing in the way of the cave. Go back and talk to the mayor. Then go back again and talk to Sidor. He will let you in. Go in and turn on the lamp to the upper left of the cave. Now there is a jar that you can unseal and fight a monster. If you do kill it the whole village will be wiped out and there will be nothing left. I highly recommend waiting for LF2 in case you can steal from all the chests.

55. Leave and go back to the cross roads. Head right onto the next screen. Go down and get the growth mushroom. Now go all the way up. Here is some Martyr of necromogons. They may look like sweet little old ladies but they can pack quite a punch when they die as their explosion hurts you. Sarahs sun boomer attack weakens them nicely to kill them easily, and they are also quite susceptible to plague. They will occasionally drop a Yveen tear. The big giant thing in the middle just laughs at you. Open the chest to the right to get an ante spirit. Go up and past the crystal oaks. At the top the right chest is empty. The left chest is a trap. It will lead you to a game over screen with no warning at all if your HP is not high enough. Louis's HP was over 800 when I opened it to get a crystal rain. Go up the left path and open the chest to get a delta shield. Go back down and on the south wall in the middle is a hidden passage. Inspect to get a power hazel. The right path has a hidden passage go all the way right to where the wall curves and at the bottom of the curve step left once then go down. Save at this point because you will have to face an ancient gaes and a supreme gaes. Once defeated open the chest to get the ore kadaboom. There is nothing more for the right passage and you cannot get to behind the bars in this game. Go down a bit and head left. Kill the crystal oaks and Ancient Taurus. Talk to the guy he is an ice mage. He came here to not to be bothered by anyone except for us obviously. There is nothing more for this area. Go back outside.

56. Go across the bridge to the right. And then head up. Go up the first bridge and to the left is another growth mushroom. Keep following the bridges to the right. There is a bunch of crystals that you cannot interact with as yet. This is for geomancy which will be completed later on. Head back across the three bridges and head right. You have reached the village of Moormore. There is a wandering ghost around here that very rarely will give you either a holy water or esclachaboom when you bump into it. Enter into the first building on the left. Talk to the guy in front of you and give him the pendant. Quest complete.

Side quest 31- Complete Moormore Census (Q95)

57. Time to explore around. Go outside and go down. To the left is building with Yveen standing on top. Talk to her to get all members 4MP and 1500XP. Head into the building and in the cupboard to the right is a food ration. Go up to the top and speak to Abel on the left. He needs you to count everyone in the town for a census. Talk to the 3 other people in this room. Exit and go south to talk to the lady there. Go right and talk to the guy next to the snowman. Go into the building on the right and talk to the one guy there. In the top room, in the right draw is 17 gold. Exit and head up. Go into the right door. Talk to the two guys in here. They sell basic equipments and items. Exit and head into the left room. Talk to the 4 people in here. Up the stairs next to the older fellow on the left check the desk. In it is a dark powder. Exit and go up to talk to the guy standing there. Go into the chapel to the left and talk to the two guys in there. In the top left corner of the chapel, open the chest to get the book: Moormorian prayers. In the lower area the top right cupboard has 22 gold. Go back and talk to Abel. Quest complete. You should have ended up with 16 people. Go back to the inn and talk to the guy to the right. Ask him for a quest. He will tell you that there is a soiled pond outside and asks you to clean it for him. This quest cannot be completed in this game

Side Quest 32- Write a letter to the Mayor (Q96)

58. Go into the building where you got the quest for the Moormore census. Talk to Caruhl In the bottom left corner. He says he wants to write a letter to the Mayor but he is not very good at it. Have Marion in your team and wear the Gables cigar to increase your persuasion points. You will get 240 gold for this task. Quest complete. That’s it for Moormore now.
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Re: Laxius Force 1 - Walkthrough

Postby Indinera » Sat Oct 10, 2009 10:50 pm

Walkthrough for chapter 4 PART 2

Side Quest 33- Gather 3 body parts to complete a demon (110)

59. Go to the Mage guild and bring the body parts to Sandra. Quest complete. You will get 900 gold and +120 MG (mage guild points). This raises your rank in the guild, increasing the stock at both Cyan and Georgia's shop. She will also give you a map to the fire guild the next time you talk to her.

Side Quest 34- Kill the spirit of the snow (Q130)

60. Now you have a choice of three quests. Choose the kill monster quest. It is located at the Adretana's Road. The spirit of the snow is a tough creature and you just need to go outside and wait for it to attack. Have a strong party. Make sure you metallist curse it and Random's Gods blade works well. Go back to the mage guild and you will get +80MG points.

Side Quest 35- Bring goods to Baretta (Q129)

61. Now ask for the bring goods mission. She will ask if you know Barettas shop. Say yes and she will give you some tools to deliver to her. Go back to the transports and Choose transport then next. Go to Barettas shop. Go into the middle room and talk to Baretta. Random will give her the package. Quest complete. She has crafted something of her own, 3x gem of nebula. Buy them if you wish. Look around. The equipments sold in the top right room are quite expensive but they are very nice.

Side Quest 36- Contest of the highest tree (Q128)

62. Go back to the mage guild and talk to Sandra. Ask about the highest tree contest. She says to find as many growth mushrooms as you can. If you've followed the walkthrough, you should have enough. Increase Sarah's mind and speed. Talk to her again to go to the contest. Explore around. Have a chat to the judges on the ropes. Use the mushrooms on the trees, but do not water it as it is already pouring rain and more water just hurts the tree. Then use mana to make it taller. She says that she needs great mind and speed for this act. When done go and chat to the lady to the right of her and say you are done with the tree. It will then go to a cut scene showing Sarah’s tree going up into the clouds and way past the witch’s tree. (You can experiment if you want to try and have some growth mushrooms left over. It's possible to complete this with as few as 12 mushrooms, but you'll most likely need to use more depending on her SP/MN stats) Quest complete. You will get a reward of 5x life apples and 1200 gold. You will also gain level 3 of the mage guild. You will be transported back to the mage guild. Both shops have updated their inventory again. Most notably Cyan will now offer 8x hydra tear, 3x mind crystal, 4x golden apple, 5x fairy tear, and 6x XP egg.

Side Quest 37- Help project of the shop (Q147)

63. No go up and talk to the blue haired guy behind the counter, across from the bunny girl. Ask him for a quest. He needs funds for a friend who wants to make a ring shop. You will find him in petro public gardens. Go into petro and go down the first path. Talk to the snakeperson called Zebarus. He needs 12000 gold and a few unusual rings. He will attempt to take the love ring, lava ring vapor ring, seed pendant, morning dew, and an occixion. You only need to give him four of those rings to complete the quest. When you give him the money have your pheasant hat and Gable's cigar on and have Joshua and Marion in your team. Random will talk down the price. Then ask to set up the shop. Quest complete.

Side Quest 38- Learn Geomancy (Q148)

64. Go back to the mage guild and talk to the fairy. Ask her about geomancy. She will state that those who can learn geomancy will get bonuses according to the weather and its intensity. It is useful to learn it in the winter to raise your MD. Big storms affect HP and rain affects ST. Your weapons can also be altered in foggy weather. You need large MN and RS to learn this. She will give you the rose pendant and you are to go and stand in the circle of stones with it on. This is the circle of crystals that I mentioned earlier on. Before you go learn the rest of your spells for Joshua (Clerical Meditation and Ante-Psalm), and the second spell for Marion (Resurging). Then go to learn fast your spells. She can teach Joshua the Aura bomb spell for killing 50 monsters for a price of 200 gold. Head to the area just before Moormore village and go across the 3 bridges. You will see the circle. When you approach it your party will flash and quest complete. Go back to the mage guild. Talk to the fairy. Have Sarah in your team as she can learn Geomancy. She needs 900MN, 450RS and Level 40 to learn it. Put Brussian in your team to learn geomancy. He needs 720MN, 440RS and Level 35 to learn it. (You may need to pay for the Int Seminary to meet the MN requirement) Put Marion in your team and she needs 700MN, 300RS and level 40. Talk to the old woman in pink for a magicka boost. She will boost Sarah, Wendala, Marion, Brussian, Joshua, and Herbert with MP.

Side Quest 39- Retrieve stolen shield (Q91)

65. Go have a look in Joshua’s skill list and choose the My Quest option. A few weeks ago he helped out a church and they rewarded him with a good shield. One of the church priests betrayed them and stole a number of items along with his shield. He knows where they are hiding and wishes to do them justice. Go to the transports and hit the next option twice to get to the Isle of Rogues. The Island is full of giants. Look to the left and get the 2x growth mushrooms. Open the top chest to get 3x moon fish. Open the bottom chest to get 5x food rations. Kill the three sky minotaurs standing in the way and enter the cave. Its dark and you cannot see what you are fighting. The first round is Glacier barbarians. The second round is also Glacier barbarians. The third round is missile bats. The fourth round is an ante spirit. The fifth round is an ante spirit. You will now have to fight minotaurs and monstruoroas. Talk to the girl and Joshua will knock her flat and states that he’s so strong. Go up and kill the skeleton. Kill the two giants and you will see the priest. Random will kill him. Quest complete. You will also get the aegeon shield. Before you leave, check between the wooden crates for a hidden chest containing 4x shark meat.

Side Quest 40- Restore undead guild Idol (Q 161)

66. Go back to Adretana and enter into the east district. Go to the area where Kamdiis house was and go right and into the house. Have wendala in your team and she will open the door for you. Open the chest to give Wendala 7RS. If you have 30 quests for Wendala there should be a letter on the floor. Pick it up to see that its an invitation to the undead guild. A portal should open up near the piano. Talk to Thiton the ghost in front of you to get him to move. Go straight up and talk to Vaartzis. Choose the bring back Idol quest. Go into the left room and talk to Jaffrael. Choose the teach option it will give Wendala -5ST/+8MN if you stay quiet. If you interrupt him, you will get randomized stat changes instead. Choose the boost option and she can give some members particular boosts. Wendala can have 15HP, 29MP, or 38RS. Now go to Moormore and go into the chapel where you gave Gildas his pendant. Go upstairs and get the blue Idol. Go back to the Undead guild and give back the idol. Wendala will get 5HP.

67. Ask Vaartzizs about the rescue the Acolyte quest. Skohar used to work for them but one day he disappeared. He asks you to go and find him. This quest cannot be completed in this game. (If you have been unable to burgle all the houses by this point in the game, now would be a good time to try again. Dario, in the right part of the undead guild can give you a blessing that increases mind. Put Wendala in your party and take the blessing. Then head to the mage guild and take the Int. Seminar to boost Wendala's MN even further. Equip her to maximize her MN, preferable using the Wizardry Card accessory if you have it. Finally, use Marion's Meditation on her and equip the burglar's bar on Random. Try to burgle the houses with Wendala and you might have better luck than you did before.)

68. Ask Vaartzizs about the Convince Magdalena quest. They need Magdalena the goddess of lust to support the guild. He gives you the Magdalena shrine map. Go and buy a beauty potion from the blue haired guy in the mage guild. While there buy the druids book for the witch in chapter 3. This quest cannot be completed at this point in time. That’s it for the side quests for now. Finally, now would be a good time to complete the Alise Tournament with Louis, Sandy, and Marion. Also, if you want to use Sandy's talk skill a second time, you would need to level her up to Lv. 53. The party will split up shortly, making it impossible to do these later. When you're ready, it's time to move on to Arvendel.

69. Now time to start the Arvendel quest. Head south out of the Adretana town until you hit the screen with 3 people on the right side. One is a kid playing with a shark. The other two are guards. Talk to Giorgio on the most right and he will let you in. Now left and talk to Vince at the top of the stairs. Inside the building you can buy minor regenerative items and sleep for free. There is also a guy on the first floor to the right that you can train with.

70. Head North and go up the crest. Fight the mutated Minotaurs along the way. Halfway up there is a building to the right that has been barricaded up. Start to go over the bridge and Random will comment on how deep the chasm. Go across and fight more Mutated minotaurs and Missile bats. Look to the left and you will see a sword in a rock. Pull it out to get a silver dai-Katana. Now go across the bridge to enter the Arvendel dome area. Kill all the mutated minotaurs. To the right is a blue dragon. Confront it to meet a mythic dragon. Use metallist curse on it, then fury. Sarahs sun boomer attack does awesome damages to it.

71. Now enter into the dome itself. Kill the montruoroas in front of you. Kill all the war minotaurs. On the left side is a door. Inspect it to be confronted with LOTS of war minotaurs. The room is empty. Head all the way up. In the chest is a ceremony of the blood. Confront the cataclysm apostle and adventurer devourer. These are pretty easy to defeat. In the left room check the middle of the table to get a pentacle jaws. You can rest in the bed on the room on the right. Go up and light the torches to put some light on the matter. Go up between the two computers and inspect. Sandy believes she knows what it is. To be able to get further into the system she needs to go back to institute of modern sciences in Mt Zulle to get the information she needs. Brussian, Marion, Herbert and Askhbar nominates to go with Sandy. Head south you will be attacked by two minotaurs. Leave and you will be attacked by a cataclysm messenger and cataclysm apostle. Go down onto the next screen and you will be attacked by many bats and minotaurs. At the end of the bridge you will be ambushed by several rounds of bats. Leave via the Arvendel counter.

72. Optionally, you can visit town at this point and find an event easily missed. If you go to the Port Tavern in Adretana Port, talk to the red haired warrior and he will give you 607 gold to help you in your fight against the Order. When you're ready, head back to the town exit and continue down and then left. On this screen there are heaps of monsters waiting for you. Fight your way south through them. Tatxux will be a little to the south in the midst of them all. Continue on to the transports and travel to the south lands. Head south one and left to the area past Solwan’s shop. Go down one and you will be ambushed by members of the milice. They are quite easy to beat at this stage. Go down into the cave and out the south exit. Some minotaurs will attack you. Start walking across the bridge and you will walk into some sleeping cloud. Marion and Sandy fall asleep. Askhbar and Brussian stay awake. You will have to fight two crystal oaks and a harpy. Once defeated a bomb will go off and all party members will loose -9999HP. They kidnap Sandy. Brussian, although hurt, walks all the way back to Arvendel to warn Random. The scene cuts to the bad guys who are plotting the death of Sandy and Random by using Sandy as bait. The scene will then cut to King Julian and the team. A letter has been sent asking for Random, Sarah and Luciana to give themselves up and they will release Sandy. Random wants to give himself up, but there is a slight hitch of Luci not being there. Sarah has a plan...

73. Head to the transports and go to Baretta's shop, as it has now updated its inventory to include 2x explosion acorn. She will also usually offer a baretta's evil box if you have the luck ring equipped when you purchase the acorns. This stock will disappear if you do not get it right now! Head back to Arvendel dome. Work your way back up and face Tatxux again. This fellow just doesn’t give up does he? He says that he just has to use telepathy to alert the others. He offers Random to drink the dark order blood to spare Sandys life. Brussian says he is bluffing about the telepathy. Kill him again. You will then cut straight through to the entrance of Arvendel. Enter and work your way up. They are angry that you dared to enter. Watch the cut scene. I won’t explain it here. It’s much better just to watch. It’s a heart wrenching scene where Sandy is killed.

74. The scene will cut back to the gates of Adretana. A gun man runs across the roof and blows half the team away, killing Louis. It cuts to a black screen. Random ponders if he is dead or alive. He has lost all hope. Then there is a conversation between Marion and Brussian. Marion passes away. The next day. Random states that he will no longer be a fighter. Yveen appears. She says that she understands his pain but encourages him not to give up. Random gets angry and says that Yveen has no idea, that it’s all his fault and he doesn’t want to be part of it all anymore. Yveen offers Random to visit a place for heros called the trial of heros however he doesn’t want to hear about it at all. Yveen has had enough and said she will be waiting for Random outside of the town when he has cooled off a bit.

Side quest 42- Escort Dieter (Q112)

75. Go into the Inn and head to the back room. The guy standing next to the rolls in the top right hand corner wants to leave town now. Offer to escort him to the Adretana transports and name your price. Go and take him to the transports and quest complete.

Side Quest 43- Convince Magdalena (Q163)

76. Go to the undead guild again via Wendalas old place and use the Magdalena shrine map. Put Random, Sarah, Wendala, and Herbert. Use the beauty potion found in the mage guild on Wendala. Put some gold in the pot at the top and Magdalena will appear. (I had to put in 10000 to get it to work). Talk to her and quest complete. Before you leave, check behind the rightmost waterfall for a crystal rain. Talk to Vaartzis again about the Magdalena quest and he will give you 1500 gold and Wendala gets 5HP. Now go and visit Baretta as she has new stock in again. She sells 9x XP egg. After you buy one, she may then offer to sell you baretta's card of power.

Side Quest 44- Complete the trial of heros (Q131)

77. Now go out to Adretana road which is just past the Gates of Adretana. Talk to Yveen to the south and a little to the left. Make sure you stock up on plenty of healing items. Max them out if you can. She wants the whole team to go through a trial. Choose a team that has a mix of skills. First go up and head right. Kill the angels and sky minotaurs. Open the blue chest to get a mind crystal. Wait a while and Papu a little angel offers you a choice of a blessing, ring or money. The blessing is all party members 5MP/2000XP. The ring is the blessed ring. The money is 10000 gold. (Or if the luck ring is equipped you get instead: 5MP/4500XP, basla-mamoht, or 19000 gold) Now go back and go up.

78. This is the heavenly town of Gladenmore. Talk to the residents of this town. The one in the top right sells stuff. The one next to the chest in the middle sells equipments. Exit and enter a few times and she offers you a boreal saint hat. Exit and now head left. Work your way around then up. Check the blue chest on the left to get an enchanted potion. Now go up.

79. Go up the stairs and kill the Heavenly dragon in front of you. Open the chest to get an Invernahen javelin. Go left then down. If you have Sarah in your team increase her RS to 700+, and jump across the chasm to the chest. Open it to get an Yveen kiss. Now go up and open the chest to get a thunder powder. Go down the lower right path. Go around and open the chest. You will be attacked by several little angels. Inside the chest is a Valhaala shield.

80. Now take the upper right path. Go up the first north path and open the chest to get a mind crystal. Go down and right and inspect the middle of the pergola to get an acalcythe helmet. Go up the path to the right of the pergola and open the chest to get an Yveen tear. The tree roots next to the chest have regenerative powers, giving the party +500HP/+85MP. Go back down and check the tree roots to the right on the right side for a talys root. Go back to the pergola and now go up. Kill the dragon, sky minotaur party and your first party has completed the trial. Do the same for the next party except just take the direct root as you do not need to pick everything up again. When you get to the top, walk through the arch and talk to Random. Quest complete.

Side quest 45- Answer questions (Q 132)

81. Now look to the left and inspect to get a gaia dust. Re install your main team and fight Mokdu and his party. Now walk up and talk to Vahahl and answer a couple of questions. Doesn’t matter which answers you pick, they are all correct. Quest complete. Now take note of Randoms level before you go.

82. Head up. Yveen will meet you up the top. She will tell you about a prophecy that is being rumored amongst the gods. Random declares that the Grand Commendanter made a huge mistake in killing Sandy and that he will not stop until he is dead. Random is ready to go back and face the world now. However before you go Yveen wants Sarah to enter into a shrine for a separate trial. Yveen will transport you there.

83. Talk to the angel on the right. She sells items. Make sure you buy four cerulean rings as they will help greatly for a boss that is to come. The left most red flower bush has a holy water. Talk to the angel in the entrance way and she will heal Sarahs HP and MP. And then let you through. Go up and you will bump into an angel who will tell you not to cause trouble and will now follow you around. Talk to the angel in front of you and she will ask what is the best way to prevent poison. The answer is ANTIDOTE. You will then have to fight her. If you answer incorrectly you will be poisoned. Go up and fight the next 3 angels. You will now be asked for the name of a god with reviving properties. The answer is PHOENIX. If you get this wrong you die. The next angel will ask what your level of experience is. If you get this wrong you will get shrinked which gives you the silence and shrinkage states and loose half of your HP. The next one looks like a dragon but really is just some angels trying to prove that looks can be deceiving and to get you to look deeper. The next angel asks for Randoms level. If you get this wrong you loose half of your health. Go and talk to the last Angel. She says that Yveen is in trouble. There is an evil in the form of a virus that is slowly spreading in heaven. It has already contaminated the angel in front of you. She gives you access to the brain of Gladenmore. She will then transport you to Gladenmore.

84. Random and the rest of the party will be there too. Sarah explains what happens and Yveen shows up. She believes that someone at the council is against her and is behind this. She joins your party and decides that you must go and see the brain to find out what is happening. Go down and open the gate to be able to access Gladenmore. The crystal heals you. Talk to Henrik in the center of town with Yveen in your party. He will give you a pearl of gladenmore. Also talk to Jyira, the item shop angel with Yveen in your party and she will offer you a sajcdil apple for 10% of your current gold. Now go up and look at the minotaur. Yveen says that it is a friendly statue to protect the area and wont attack. But of course it attacks. Kill it. Work your way up and inspect the glowing orb. The Virus/foetus talks to you and tells you to come into the orb as it is the only way to kill it. He only wants you in there to eat you. Enter in.

Side quest 46- Kill the virus (Q 134)

Maps (Note: that the maps do not currently include one of the chests in step #87)

85. You are now in the central station of Gladenmore. Look to the left and open the chest to get 6x Bazooka, 3x wave vibrator, and 10x plasma gun. Check the computer above you and fight the monsters. Now go down the stairs on the right of the locked doors. Go all the way right. The computer on the left has a monster in it. Go down the path to the very right. In the chest is an X-RR3 headphone. Go up and head left. The chest on the right has a barynium gel and the chest on the left has a semi conductor. Go back up and head left and then go down the first path. You will be ambushed by 2 sets of monsters on the way. Open the chest to get a magicka lock. Go down and right and open the chest to get a hi-jacking. Go left a bit and inspect the walls to the south in line with the corners of the blue and green room. The right side has an air bomb and 10x MP alpha pills. The left side has 2x barynium gels, 3x hi-jacking, a wave vibrator, a semi conductor, X-RR3 headphone, 21x guns, and 7x bazookas. Go all the way left then up. Hit the switch on the floor.

86. Head back to the top and go left. At the four computer set the one on the left has a monster in it. Go down and open the chest to get 6x guns. Go down further again to reach the four chests. The first one has 2x bazookas. The second one has 11x guns, The third one has 4x lasers, and the last one has a wave vibrator. Now head back up to the area just before the stairs. Go into the left corner and into the black area. Work your way down to the bottom most corner and into the hidden room. Now go right. The computer on the right has a monster and 3x saint potions. Go up and around to the switch. Now this switch is hiding a minor boss. The Predator Bot v1.12. It has the ability to revive his sidekicks and inflict several states on your team. The bot is weak to laser. Use Sarahs sun boomer attack as it knocks 4000 HP off it in one go. The switch will now be flicked to on. Now head back to the stairs and head up them.

87. Now head down the stairs to the very left hiding in the corner. Open the chest to get a demon blaster. Go right then down the first path. On the left path open the chest to get a bio-X javelin. As you proceed back to the right, check along the bottom to find a nearly invisible path that leads down. Open the chest at the very end to get 8x bazooka and 5x barynium gel. Then head back up and continue to the right. Finally, continue to head down. Open the chest to the right to get 4x laser. The chest below that has a mecha jaws. From above that chest walk directly left and over the chasm to open the chest. Inside is 3x air bomb and 2x omega budon. Go all the way back up and then go right again.

88. At the statue towards the end head down the dark path that may be hard to notice. The second computer from the right has a matrix error in it. They sometimes drop a barynium gel. These things have heaps and heaps of HP. I highly recommend just using the hi-jacking spell in your items list as it knocks it out in 3 gos. The third computer on the right has a monster in it. When dead the computer has 3x life pills. The end computer has a monster and an air bomb in it. Go down a bit and head down the right path that’s halfway down. Open the chest to fight a round of 2 sick eyes, then a round of a sasphaloid and a syssasphaloid. You will then get a blood-line katana (Relic) from the chest. Go back left then head all the way down. The right and left computers have monsters in them. Continue going down. The right side of the left statue has a toxic water in it. Go left and open the two chests to get 2x MP alpha pills. Go down the path to the south and you will be ambushed by some monsters. The computer has a monster in it. Inspect the switch and you will be attacked. It will then flick the switch to on. Head back up to the top and left.

89. Now when you hit the area where we entered go left. You will be attacked by another matrix error. Go left and open the chest to get an indigo oil. The second computer on the right has a monster. The computer next to the statue on the immediate left has a matrix error. It also gives you a Gladenmore condensator. Open the chest to the further right to get a HP beta pill. The computers on the lower right both have monsters in them, and only the left one has a bazooka in it. Head down the left path. The computer has some monsters in it. Continue going down. You will be ambushed by a matrix error and some twisted spirits and then another matrix error. Now flick the switch. Yveen will be paralyzed in this fight. And you will have to fight another matrix error. Now head back upstairs.

90. Now go right. The second computer has a monster in it. Go right then down the end path. Head all the way down then left. The computer has a matrix error in it. Flip the switch on. Go right and the right statue on the right side has a toxic water in it. Walk all the way back up and take the upper right path. Inspect the computers that are sparking electricity. Fight the monsters on the right to get a bromium ore. Flip the switch to on and walk back down again. Go past the statue a bit then down. The computer on the right of the switch has a monster and the computer has a indigo oil in it. The computer on the left of the switch also has a monster. Flip the switch. Head down and right to open the chest to get a star-breaker blade (Relic). Now go all the way back up again. Now head left then up to where the first caged area was. All three computers have monsters in them and the middle one has a barynium gel in it. Flip the switch to on.

91. Now head back to the entrance. Go down the first path (Between the two sets of stairs). Both the computers have monsters in it, the right one is a matrix error. Use an air bomb on the door to the left to get 12x laser, 10x bazooka, 11x Hi-jacking, 11x wave vibrator, 10x semi conductors, and an H-bomb. (If you have the luck ring equipped you will get a few extra lasers, bazookas, and wave vibrators) Flick the switch to on and be attacked by a matrix error. Now walk straight up. You will see the brain. Choose your party and heal up then save. Now talk to the brain. You have to fight the brains minions first before you have to deal with him. First lot are evil blood drops. Then he will summon plasma blood. These things heal themselves and revive. I find that Herbert’s Aura bomb works really well. Also Yveen’s Armageddon, Sarahs Sun boomer, Wendala’s carnage and Random’s Fury spells works well. You will now have to face 3 evil pseudopodes. Same technique again. It will now cut to the item screen to allow you to heal up again. Also equip the cerulean rings if you have not already done so. Now use Random’s fury spell on it, use sarahs sun boomer attack, Wendala’s carnage and Herbert’s aura bomb. Yveen will be glued for a while. When unglued use her Armageddon attack. It does regenerate 3000 HP as well. (You can inflict it with venom to counter this regen effect though) Once it’s dead quest complete. Yveen thanks you for saving her and takes Sarah back to complete her trial. Talk to the angel in front of you. She will tell Sarah that she has an angelic touch inside of her which allows her to heal her friends. The angel gives you an angel gown and Sarah gains 55MP. Sarah has become a half angel.

92. Now that’s it for this game. Potter around for a bit and go and visit Baretta for the latest stock, notably 2x fighting machine, and 2x darkness touch. Check out your HQ to find a gift, put Wendala in your party and open the present to get a pair of fast shoes. You may also want to buy the laxius force manor if you can afford it. It's up for purchase in the Main Avenue, top-left house by the sign. It costs a lot, but is useful to own later in LF2 if you plan to import your game. Also, if you take Wendala and Random as your only party members, and go to Gian's Relics, you can offer to sell her to Gian. He says he will get back to you later, but seeing this event may be required to eventually complete Q126 ' Locate and dismantle the slave organization' in LF2 or beyond.

93. Galford, the weapon shop just below the HQ will update his stock once you buy enough merchandise from him, but the cost involved is somewhat prohibitive. If you buy 10,000 gold worth of stock in a single shopping experience, then leave the shop, then return, the Kobold off to the side should mention that Galford purchased new stock. At some point after this, Galford himself should start mentioned he has new stock incoming. You will then need to loiter around town awhile, and his stock should eventually update at some point. This is guesswork though; you may need to actually purchase more, or even talk to him numerous times to get his stock to actually update. Once it does update, equip the luck ring and you'll notice he adds the obsidean shield and madu to his shop list. He will also offer to sell you monk bracers when you exit his shop.

Side quest 13- Kill 10000 monsters (Q 113) Revisited

94. This quest is perhaps most easily accomplish with Random. It is also time intensive and offers little reward for doing so. Completing it with Random gets him 11HP, and Cocka supposedly gets 4HP. The reward for other characters is unknown at this point. If you are up for the task though, equip Random with either the Legendary Sword or one with 400+ AT from the weapon shop at Baretta's. Then travel to the Eastern Lands using the transport service at the 1001 Lakes area. Boost up Random's AT/ST with equipment such as the Key of the Hero (shield), Fury Helmet, Champion Armor, and Over-Titan Gloves. Then use his Elf Slaughter skill on all the random encounters you come across. This skill is both powerful and efficient MP-wise, and is available at the weapons tower from Balladine if you do not have it already. If you're strong enough you may opt to switch your shield to the Yveen Triangular Shield or the Mist Glaze shield, to either raise his max MP or lower MP cost, since you will be doing this for quite awhile. Bring plenty of MP restoring items as well. Removing other party members to speed up each combat might help. 2+ hours later and quest complete!

95. When your ready head up to the throne room and talk to Luciana standing there. Watch though the credits and view your hall of fame. You can then save your game to import it into LF2. (Note that the actual import process into LF2 was automated so you can just ignore all the instructions it gives you about file paths, file names, etc.) Just be sure to save your game to a separate save slot, since your import save file can no longer be opened anymore in LF1.

Created by: Mellowkat

Maps by: Patojonas
Revisions by: Kehaul
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