Laxius Soul Forever Heroes Maiden Maiden Odessa When the Light Dies

Chapter 10 walkthrough - complete

Chapter 10 walkthrough - complete

Postby littlebro » Sun Dec 12, 2010 9:34 am

This walkthrough is the combined work of seeliewight and littlebro. Paragraphs 1-22 are the work of seeliewight, with the exception of the notes in brackets in paragraphs 3 and 22. The Introduction and paragraphs 23-71 are mine. If you have any suggestions for improvements, please post and I will edit them in.

For Chapter 9 it made no difference whether you were importing or not. From now on it does. If you are new to the game without an import, it is strongly recommended that you consult the walkthroughs dealing with Adretana in LFI and LFII, because there may be quests available which are not discussed here because they have already been completed. Another result of using an import file is that probably our levels are higher than yours. This will mean that unless you devote yourself to some serious levelling up you may find some fights extremely difficult. As the number of characters increases, the lava pool becomes a useful option for this. There are descriptions of the routes you should take, but it is recommended that you consult the maps in the Official Strategy Guide, as these will make things a lot clearer.

Please note: at some stage it becomes possible to buy Exp eggs from Cyan in the Mage Guild. It is probably triggered by a combination of events and levels. I have not yet worked out what that combination might be, so I suggst you keep checking back to see if your combination is the one that works.

1. A long cut-scene later, we see what Wendala and her soldiers (the pets) are up to.

2. Let's do some side quests first. Note that there is a bonus (later on) for every character who has done at least 15 quests, so be sure to choose your party just before finishing a quest. Head to the Mage Guild, in the Mirsen District (left side of the screen above the gates of Adretana). Talk to Jabbur (the first guy on the right) to get 3 new quests:

Q237 Find Sylvain's Notes
Q238 Find Isabelle's 8 Sons
Q239 Catch Rare Bird

3. You can complete Q198 Cure Dying Plant by putting Broff in your party and inspecting the plant. Broff gets +1 Quest complete. (However, it is strongly recommended that you do not do this now. Wait until you have Luci in your party. If you have completed all Mage Guild quests so far, doing it now puts you up to level 5 and then you can’t do the Exp egg quest which leads to an egg being applied to everyone, not just active party. There is a tiny window of opportunity at the end of this chapter before the party moves off elsewhere.)

4. Head over to the right side, to the Gardens of Adretana. Put Cocka-Cocka in your party, and give him the Lightning Speed condition (Sparkling Powder can do it). When prompted, enter "COCKA-COCKA" including the dash, and get a quest complete for Cocka.

5. Head to the Fighter's Guild, just above. Talk to Jennifer, she of the light blue hair. Select "New Teaching", then "Class-based" to get +25MN to Wendala. Now head to the HQ. Before you click on anything, head to the sewers (the button like thing in the lower left corner).

6. Head left, then up at the first chance you get. Continue up until you hit the top. Then head left again until the dead end (you see a ladder) then head down a little and left a little. You see the letter floating around. Click on it to get a quest complete for your party. Return back, up a little, then right, then down (now you should see some crates) and then left and up the ladder. Exit the HQ and head to the inn. Go upstairs and talk to the blue haired guy on the left side - it is Sylvain. Give him the notes, and he takes off. Head out and to the Mage Guild. Report the two quests complete to Jabbur to receive 2300 gold.

7. Back in the HQ, save first and then click on the letter. It is from Zoramar. Click on it and agree to go to Zoramar's. You keep only 10% of your gold and no items. Hope you equipped everyone properly. If not, that's why I asked you to save

8. You find yourself in the Capeon's Lands. Some nice dialogue and a costume change later, you get back control. Fight all the skeletons here. Note that Wendala's Concentration skill (may not be in a new game), can recover MP, so use it liberally, since you have no items. Also, Cocka in general is an awesome fighter and may be useful as the tank. (I had Fierce and Broff for levelling up purposes, to complete the party). Check the bookcase near the open chest for some nice dialogue. The broken pot above the 3 wells has a Luna Berry. The bottom well has 105 gold.

9. To the left is the Woods around. This has no items, but some wraiths (including one Holocaust Wraith) and skeletons. The first Mist Wraith respawns and can randomly drop a Necrotear, so you might want to get a few.

10. Head back right and go down the stairs at the upper left corner. Wendala and Broff will be awake, the rest will fall asleep. Talk to Tillis to brighten up the area. Answer yes to the slave question and he will let you go it. You must solve a riddle to enter Zoramar's domain.

11. The room above has some chests on the left side that are trapped – they spawn skeletons. You might take damage here since only two of your party members are awake. The three shrines contain the three parts of the puzzle. They each spawn a Shape of Mist. Wendala's Shocker takes them out in one round. They respawn every time you inspect the shrine, but remember that you have only limited MP. Update: Guanidia or Herasia can one-shot kill them, so this might be a good levelling up place.

12. "The Trophy - leads to - the Shrine" - check the statue to the right of the stairs and voila, you're in. Note the skeletons here sometimes take more than one attempt to kill. Head right, the chest has a Magicka Potion. Head left and up and around to the "church" room. The bottom middle of the white area has a hard to see chest, open it to get a Madu and a Dead Rising.

13. Head up, take the left most path. You will have to fight a Shape of Mist and two skeletons. Finish them off and enter the room at the end. The chest has a Yveen Water. The bottom right corner has a power salt.

14. Now head down and up the next right door. You will fight a Shape of Mist in the middle. Go to the skeletons and kill them. Then you will face Zoramar's Guardian. Wendala's Mental Chasm spell does a lot of damage to him.

15. Go up and talk to Zoramar. He takes Wendie away and puts her ... in a chest. The rest of your party now is in the throne room, ready to go after her. Be sure to hit A and put in the fourth member. The party is attacked by skeletons, they will become awake after the first fight.

16. Loot the chests in the throne room. The one on the left has Zoramar Diadema, the right one has Fairy Empire. The room just below has Zoramar Krisser in the left chest and 5667 G in the right chest.

17. Now head a little left and down until you see Zoramar in a room to your right. Head right, and around to enter the room and confront Zoramar. He's easy to kill, I just did rush and Cocka hit him for 11k damage (critical hit). Wendala rejoins your party. Check the bookcase to the left to get a Shining parchment.

18. Head out of the room and take the up path. The room on the left only leads to more skeletons, so continue up into the room at the top. The chest at the left has Aquapanga Flower. Inspect the hole. Herasia, Guanidia, Broff and Rosa will go through. Head up and up. Right hand bottom corner has a secret passage. Go down for necroleech, bromium powder, 2304g.

19. Follow the bottom path all the way to the left. You will have to fight an Evil Soul. Enter the hole (you will fight a Shape of Mist), and you will enter another map - The Hole (level 1). Head down - the middle barrel has a Gaia Dust in it.

20. Climb down the ladder to enter the Butchery Room. There's nothing here but some corpses. When you head back, you will see a Gargodon waiting for you. Rosa's Hydrofugor and Guanidia's Kamikaze finish it off in one round. Now head up a little and to the right. The shelf has a Magicka Herb. Head down and open the chest for Healing Reagent x3, Magicka Potion x4 and Magicka Energyzer. Check the middle barrel for a Bromium Powder. Now head back up, left and up again.

21. Take the right path, fight the Evil Soul (Rosa's Golomator helps). The chest at the end has the Ortynox Tail (Relic), a good weapon for Guanidia. Head left and exit to come back to the cave. There are lots of skeletons now, put them out of their misery. Head to the right and down to rejoin the party. Be sure to add the other members to your party.

22. Head back to the throne room. Inspect the throne to get a Yveen Egg. Inspect again to get a Kadaboom. Inspect a third time to get a wine that gives Wendala +25 HP. This leaves her drunk. That's it for this quest. Exit, exit and exit again to be back in the HQ. There are two more masters now. But before we do anything, let's stock up on some items. (But see also paragraph 23 below for an alternative strategy.) Spend freely all your money as soon we will lose it all (boo-hoo, my 100k gold)! Make sure to buy Magicka Potions and Energyzers (found in the Mage Guild). I'd also advise a rest at the Inn, it's the cheapest way to replenish your MP and HP.

23. Having bought your restoring/healing items you might want to get a couple of bits of equipment. If you can do without it, there is a better way to spend your money. I bought 99 items of everything from the item shop below the inn because they are needed for a later quest (Secret Guild) and so this money now is not wasted as you would have to spend it later anyway. If you imported with a lot of gold (I did) you might still have some over after this. Get plenty of Yveen Tears and aquapanga flowers from the old woman in Baretta’s shop.

24. Check the letter for Uba’s quest. Go down to Solwan in the Lakes (buy some saint potions and enchanted potions if you like). Speak with Uba’s agents.
Wendala ends up in prison. Top bed has 202 gold. Rosa opens the door. Vampires in this area may drop magicka potions and magicka energisers. Go down. Chest has sharkmeat. Go back up, right, open gate to go down; go right. Door into area with orcs is locked. The party discover that these vampires are not from Uba but have abducted Wendala for a ransom. Kill them. One has a key pass. The chest has the spell ‘Life sucker’ which absorbs HP. Sacks above it have food ration. Top right bed has 24 gold. Key pass will now open orc area. Box in first room to the left has luna berry and 11gold

25. Go north of where the vampires were. Room bottom left has a chest with 505 gold. Box in room above has a healing potion. Room to the right: box in top row has healing potion, single box just below has 74 gold, first pile of sacks has food ration, second pile of sacks has food ration, chest has silver powder. Room to the east with the 5 cracao, the bottom sack has a cycca leaf, top sack has 2 separate food rations.

26. Cross the red carpet and exit south. Quest complete. You will be taken for real to Uba. Speak to Kayar the minotaur on the right at the top of the bridge to get the quest to find diamond nuggets. (Q227). Ignore the crates for the time being. The skeleton at the bottom of the steps is Kratin who wants to join Random’s party as a thank you for the death of Lord Azygos. After a bit of dialogue, he does that. Go up and enter Uba’s place.

27. Uba won’t do anything until you’ve carried out a quest for him – to take a box of venomous snakes to Castella and put them in the small pools inside there. He then takes all your money off you. After the conversation, return to the bottom of the stairs where you met Kratin. The left hand crate has 1001 gold according to the info box, but only 941 showed up in my inventory, but at least you’ve got some now. The guy behind the table to the left of Uba sells items, up the stairs behind him is armour and equipment. Not much use to you at the moment. The chest to the top right of Uba is locked. The beds to the right are the ‘Inn’. Speak to Argon at the foot of the first bridge to proceed.

28. You begin the journey to Castella. You will face random encounters with sea dragons. When I was crossing the first bridge I found a spot just to the right of the tree where I could walk up away from the bridge and around the tree branches a bit, but could find nothing. As you approach the second bridge 2 orcs ambush you. You will not be able to save after moving on to the next screen, so you may wish to do so immediately after crossing the second bridge. Proceed right to the gates of Castella and fight 3 orcs to enter. You have to avoid the orcs in the town itself because they will damage you, but you can’t fight back. Put your high HP characters in for safety’s sake.

29. You have to put snakes into each of the 4 lakes. If you’re having trouble, put snakes in the first lake, exit, heal if necessary, save and then go back in again to the next one. Add snakes to first lake. Go up left towards a building. Add snakes to lake. Check pile of rocks to the left for diamond nugget. Return to first lake.

30. Go right and up and add snakes to the third lake. Chest south of the building has 865 gold. Go down and right across the bridge. Go up the bridge top right, through the building and fight Granthor who drops a mithril drop. The chest beside him has the spell book ‘A Day at the Beach’ which gives the spell Lazy heal. Go back down, ignore last lake for the moment. A chest south of the building has 338 gold and 2 magicka herbs. When you add the snakes to the fourth lake you will get quest complete and be taken automatically back to the gates. Return to Uba’s. Give the diamond nugget to Kayar. Quest complete. Wendala will receive 2SP.

31. Report your success to Uba. He gives another quest to rescue his friends from a nearby prison. Exit south of Argon and Wendala will say that you need to burst into both wings of the prison at the same time. She divides the party into two: Kratin (leader), Guanidia, Herasia and Rosa will take the left wing with 3 prisoners; the rest will take the right wing with 8 prisoners. You must get them all.

Gandje Prison : Left Wing
32. You start in the left wing with Kratin’s party. The orcs drop healing herbs and healing reagents in generous quantities. Kill the orcs at the entrance and take first left. In the first alcove there is a secret path going down to Tituf. Talk to him first. Then ask for a permanent blessing. All party members receive 10,000XP. The temporary blessing inflicts heroism. f you ask him again for a permament blessing he gives you a power salt. The 3 chests give a healing reagent each. Go down below the first chest. There is a secret path which wanders all over the place but follow it round to the chest. At first it looks like there’s only a food ration, then there’s the Thanatos sword which is great for Kratin. Go up to the left of the first chest. The chest to the left has a revive potion. Go up by the third chest. The chest has 208 gold. Go down the stairs. Table has Tij herb.

33. Return upstairs go right and up the path opposite the entrance. At the fork, follow the path left, first down, right and up. The chest has an enchanted potion. Return down, left, up. Left has a few orcs, but the rooms contain nothing. Return to the fork and go right. The fourth room down has a life potion. Follow the path up and rescue Walter. Check the grating behind him for 2304gold, 9 thunder powder, magicka energizer. Follow the path round to the next room up the stairs. Chest at the top has a demon blaster, chest to the left has thunder powder.

34. Follow the path to the left. The grating only smells of corpses. The chest contains a kirin herb. Rescue Ruggerio. Follow path to the left. First chest has revive potion, second chest has healing reagent. In the room below the empty chest, each chest has a healing reagent. In the room next to it, the box to left has dahr herb, boxes at bottom right have dahr herb. Go nearly to the end of the path and go up and right. Take the first path down to the room. Top left box has a power hazel, top right box has thunder powder, box immediately below it has a thunder powder. Return to the entrance area. The quickest way is to go back along the top corridor and then when you start to go down, take the left hand path. There is a small ambush about halfway down.

35. Go right. Nothing except an orc down the stairs. Take next path down. Work round and up. Chest on left has thunder powder. Return to main path and at next fork work left. Chest has thunder powder. Go back down and return to the fork. This time go up and take next left. Top left chest in first room has healing reagent. Return to main path and go up stairs. Enter room; box to right has 27 gold. Go down stairs, rescue Carla, quest complete. Return to the entrance area and before exiting unequip everyone. Wendala can use the Thanatos sword and you can, if you wish, redistribute other equipment.

Gandje Prison : Right Wing
36. You will now be asked who will not be fighting. Select one and you will then switch to Wendala in the right wing which has 8 prisoners. Arrange any equipment changes. You have limitless healing from the water trough near the entrance. You may need it, because some of the tiles are booby-trapped. Go down and just to the right a chest has human slayer. The water trough is just to the left. Go left and up into the room. The chest has Silver Drake Jaws, the bed has 103 gold. Return to the path and feel your way along the lower wall. Opposite the first statue you ‘find’ Francesco Lazio, the first prisoner who was trying to escape and hiding. Go slightly left and up into the next room. Just in front of the prisoner you can see a slightly depressed square tile. Take note of it – that is what a booby-trapped tile looks like. Rescue Patrick return to path, go left and up into the next room. In the block of boxes, two have shark meat, central block to the left has a healing potion and single box to the left has 3 healing potions. Return to the path and work left. Chest at the top left of the room has 145 gold, the one top right has 147 gold.

37. Return to where you found Francesco and go up. Note the trapped tiles (I won’t mention them again). Go right. Second room down, rescue Renato. Go back to path, up and right. Chest has 5 shark meat. Continue up into large room. Left hand upper room chests have 13 gold, 4 gold, 7 gold, 3 gold, 18 gold, 4 gold, and 2 gold. Continue left. Lower block of boxes has healing reagent. Take right hand path down. Third room down has a particularly nasty orc, Bib Babon. Rescue Clarence. Chest has Destroyer Sword. Continue up. Chest has 28 gold.

38. Return to where you found the healing reagent and now take the left hand path down. Go left and up into the room. Chest has Silver Drake Jaws. Continue left and up. Rescue Stefano (against his will). Go left, then down, then the narrow path right. Go up the long alcove for a power pepper at the end. Return to path, go down, then left, then first down. Go left into the large open room. At the small grating beside the tables go up a secret path to the chest which has an Onyx Pendant. Return to path, go left and down and rescue Irina. Return to the path and continue right. The next room has a Madu. The box of weapons has a revive potion. In the next room down rescue Fabrizio. Continue right, then up, then right. First room down has a Tundra Beast. Not too difficult. I used Wendala’s undead curse then shocker. It drops a Tundra Jaws.

39. Continue right and down. Before rescuing the next prisoner, go down the stairs to the basement. The first set of boxes to the right has a healing potion. The bottom bed to the right has 37 gold. The cupboard to the left has 125 gold. Go between the rows of boxes in the left end room. The first one has 3 food rations, the last one has 5 food rations. The chest in the barred room is a teaser. Go back upstairs and rescue Tanja. Quest complete; your receive an earth powder. Make your way back to the entrance area and exit.

40. Re-equip all party members. Report success to Uba. He wants Wendala to become his bodyguard, but she must first pass the Blood Assassin test. He gives her the Magdalena leather suit. You are transported to the beginning of the test.

Blood Assassin Trial
41. A few steps up from the beginning, jump right at the blue arrow to the chest with 2 crystal rain. Speak to Zenjigar. He will only let Wendala be accompanied by mammals – no flying animals. Tells her not to use magic against Blade acrobats.

42. You will meet Golum Bats in random encounters. They drop luna berries. Walk up and jump right at the blue arrow. Fight a Gold Pazsaza and continue right. Part way along this path, just before the pale green vegetation, jump down to a tower and then jump again slightly left to reach a chest with an Yveen tear. Jump back up and return to main path. Go up and in the door to find 2 groups of Blade Acrobats. Only use physical attacks. The chest has a crystal madu. If you click the statue you will face a Wraith (forgot to note which type). Not difficult and it drops a Baffora Mantle which is a nice piece of equipment for Wendala.

43. Return to the path, go right, up and right again. A few steps along, jump at the blue arrow. I couldn’t find anything. Continue right and up. Take the left path. You can jump to another tower (no blue arrow this time) and again I couldn’t find anything. Go to the end and jump (no blue arrow) to another section. The chest has a life apple, 2 magicka energizers and a Madu. Return to the main path and go up. At the junction go right and up. You’ll see why you’re doing this now a bit later. At the blue arrow, jump onto the yellow path. Go right to the end and jump on to the grey path. Jump on to the tower, and down again until you reach the chest with lava boots. Return to the yellow path. Follow the path round and you come to a locked gate. Return to the pink path and to the junction, then go left. Jump down onto the block with the Gold Pazsaza. I couldn’t find anything.

44. Continue along the path to the top. Jump at the cave and you enter the Blood Lust Cave. Go right, cross the bridge and go up. Go left, cross the bridge and continue left until you reach the pool which has a Moon Dew. Return to the bridge, cross and go back to the junction. Now go right and up. Second pink lamp has a Moon Dew. Continue round, cross the bridge and go down the stairs. Click and you will be asked if you want to take something from the lava. If you say yes you get a Fairy Tear and Wendala has burnt condition. (I had Herasia cure it with Surging Heal).

45. Speak to Carla. She will offer to open the door to let you continue, but you must cut your arms and give her some blood in exchange. Agree and your HP is reduced to a half of what it was and you have bleeding condition. Exit the cave and go right. Follow the path round and at the blue arrow jump onto the yellow path. Now you see why you did the grey path earlier, as you are losing HP at a steady rate now. Keep healing. Follow the path round to the previously locked gate. It is now open.

46. Go down and at the bottom jump on to the grey path. Go down and jump again. Go down, left, down and left to the end for the Vertigo Bow. Return to the yellow path and go right. Speak to Cughman. Only Wendala can proceed. Agree and it’s quest complete. Wendala gets 2SP.

47. Speak to Baros. He tells her that there is one final element of the test – she must kill her friends. She refuses and therefore he orders her to kneel down and be beheaded. She fights him instead (and about time she refused an order!). Use shocker and he goes down in one. He drops a Baffora Mantle. Quest complete. Wendala gets 2SP. She then recovers her full HP capacity, but still has bleeding condition. Kratin takes the lead. Re-select your party. Speak to Cughman; you are given the choice of killing him or not. Exit and return to Uba’s palace.

48. Sleep at the inn before speaking to Uba. Wendala tells Urba that she passed the trial. He orders Wendala to hand over all her equipment which she does (sigh) and become his bodyguard. Uba, however, has no information, it’s been a con trick all along. Orcs arrive to take revenge for Castella, and Wendala must defend Uba. You get a chance to change the active party if you wish. Until you get a break in the fighting, Wendala is unequipped and you will have to use spells or keep her defending. If you put Cocka-Cocka in, then you can use his Fire Storm to wipe out all enemies in one go. After several rounds you get the menu so you can equip her again. A few more rounds, then it’s over.

49. Uba congratulates Wendala, but then she tells him that she lied, she didn’t pass the trial because she wouldn’t kill one of her friends. He insists that she complete, but she strikes him instead. Following an attack by blood orcs Uba dies. Quest complete; Wendala gets 2SP. She says that she has finally chosen to do something she wanted to do and say ‘No’ to a Master. She gets 45ST and 50,000XP. Long conversation later (with Kratin becoming her new Master along the way), go behind where Uba had been.

50. Speak to Sabrina and she will agree to go to the Manor. To the right there’s 600 gold and 800 gold; the red box to the left has 122 gold; the brown box has 113 gold; 1000 gold at the back; and the chest has 3 healing potions and 2 healing reagents. Go down the stairs and click on the bars of the room to the left. Its Skohar. Kratin opens the bars, quest complete and Wendala gets 2SP. When you go to get him you are attacked by a Shape of Mist and 2 Eternal Warriors put there by Uba to guard Skohar.

51. Pull the left hand chains outside Skohar’s cell to open the gate into the treasury. Two blood orcs later, you get 15,056 gold. The chest contains Serpentesz. Return to the outer area. Go down and defeat two orcs to gain access to Uba’s private room. Drawer to the right has 3485 gold. There is a trapped part of the floor under the red carpet which Fierce did not spot. Go back upstairs. The stairs at the back lead to the roof. The item seller is now selling necrotears. Leave the palace, go all the way down and exit. Back in Adretana, go to the Headquarters.

52. Go upstairs and in top right hand corner there is a package. Click it and get an air bomb. The note says it’s from a secret admirer at the Institute. If you click on the curtain at the back you can see a picture and basic information on all the characters active in this chapter, and find out the number of saves you’ve made. If you haven’t already done so, you might want to explore the sewers under the HQ for a bit of levelling up for Kratin and a few useful monster drops. A couple of elder millipuffs have somehow found their way in there!

53. In the HQ click the crystal to be taken to the Crystal Bridge and Liliana – a past Mistress of Wendala. I recommend having Rosa in your party, equipped with the Piki-Piki Rod if you have it. You will meet pink slimes (everything is pink – stereotype or what?). They drop magicka energizers. They always hunt in pairs, including the random encounter ones so have Rosa concentrate on one and the rest of the party on the other. If Herasia is in your party with Zeon claws, he might help by inflicting plague (though it never happened for me). Kratin with the Thanatos sword often inflicts them with sleep. You will also meet Thunder demons. Wendala with the vertigo bow and the double hit from the Magdalena leather suit dealt with them on her own.

54. Go down and right. The first path down leads to an area you can explore for gaining exp but I didn’t find anything else. Return to the main path and follow it round to the right. It bends down, left, down, right, down. You then come to a fork. To the right is a basically circular path, useful for exp; I found nothing else. Return to the fork and go left. Slightly over halfway along the next straight section, go up at the blue arrow for a chest with the helmet Crystal Layers. Continue along the path. I found nothing from the first path going down. Follow path round to the end. Emerge and it’s quest complete. You get a white carrot and Wendala gets 2SP.

55. You are now in Liliana’s domain, which is on the SW border of Mt. Zulle. Go right and cross the bridge. You will face 3 separate Drazzkaerkazarian. Wendala’s shocker and Rosa’s hydrofugor knocked them out without the others having to do anything. The other chests don’t seem interested in you. Go to Liliana’s house and enter. Left hand tree in a pot has 406 gold. The chest at the top simply growls at you. In the next room, the bottom right hand bookcase has a shining parchment.

56. Speak to Aria, Liliana’s daughter who says Liliana is dead. Follow the conversation. You will have to fight her. She drops a crystal pear. Now the Drazz in the other room will come and attack you. Go outside, there are now people where there were chests. Sandaron, Aria’s ex-boyfriend explains what happened and offers to take you to where Lialiana’s ghost is wandering. You are transported there.

57. You will meet several wraiths and ghosts. Go up the bridge and bear northwest, then left across the little bridge. Liliana is the ghost with red eyes at the top. Quest complete. You get a white carrot, Wendala gets 2SP. Liliana can’t help and transports you back to Adretana.

58. Wendala wonders about another master, a slime. His name is ‘Charly’. Give this and you are transported straight away to his domain. The campfire has a power pepper, the sacks to the right of the back of the tent have 5 vodka sunshine and a sun oil. All you can do is speak to Charly who knows nothing. He is tough to fight and part way through calls on an elder millipuff. He also has a full recovery. However, Rosa’s piki-piki rod helps. Once defeated, examine the tent, nothing there. Return to Adretana and the headquarters.

59. Wendala receives a mysterious message asking her to meet someone alone that night. Accept and you will be transported to the western bridge. Who should turn up but Louis. Kratin has followed and wants to know what’s going on. Monsters attack; note these are X- monsters, so are tougher than they usually are. After 3 rounds, Coryool joins you. You have the main menu before the next wave of attacks. Wendala’s carnage will more or less finish them off unaided if you need to. After several attacks you face Taurus Korka. He re-generates. After him, more X-lamias and then The Thing: an X- which went wrong. It has a huge amount of HP. Wendala’s shocker helped, Louis’ The Best, but it’s a long hard slog. Finally more X-sea dragons which drop X-Dragon Jaws.

60. When the fights are over, and some mutual recriminations and accusations, Louis and Coryool leave, and Wendala and Kratin return to Adretana. Heal, select your party and go to the palace. Click on the sleeping girl and she wakes up – not cursed but lazy. When you get to the palace, go right, up the first set of stairs, then if you used the Garden Key when getting Luci into the Council in LFII, it will have gone from your inventory and you’ll have to do a slight detour now. You need this key – so go left through the door and along to the kitchen again, click on the second oven twice, and get it back. Return to the red carpeted area and continue going right and up until you reach the throne room.

61. Speak to Magenta who will recount the arrival of Xander. Xander now joins the conversation and after a lengthy discussion, Luci, Xander, Brussian and Seiman decide to go to the Metrolian counter. Walz asks if you are ready to be transported. Say no.

62. Go to the Mage Guild. Boost Luci’s MN with equipment and her half-goddess skill. Use the intelligence seminary if that’s still not enough. Speak to the blue-haired guy who sells items and ask about the quest. For 500g, and if Luci’s intelligence is high enough, exp eggs from now on will be applied to everyone, not just the active party. Go to Baretta’s shop and get 2 bubble whistles and Baretta’s box of power.

63. Go to the Fire Guild to do the torch training. Equip Xander with the Ante-Flame Gloves and get +4MN/MP; Seiman gets +2MP/+3MN; Adon gets +5MP/+4ST. If you want to do some levelling up of Xander, Adon and Seiman, go to Razzia and ask for Fire Training/ hard and use Luci’s Lava Wall. When you are finished and you are satisfied with your supply of items and equipment, go to Walz and ask to be transported to the Metrolian counter.

64. You end up in the Metrolian wastelands and will have to walk to the counter. You will face zeons, who drop zeon claws, gold varandons, who drop cycca leaf, and metrolian wasps. Use the same techniques on the zeons that you developed in Xen, Luci’s Lord of the Dance or Lava Wall on the varandons and physical attacks on the wasps. Go down and then right. The green flame doesn’t do anything that I could see. Go down and then right and up onto the little plateau; the chest has a healing reagent. Continue down and a little way down, on the left, the chest has a healing reagent. On the right, by a pool, the chest has a life apple. Carry on down. You will face more zeons and an Ancient Gaes. Luci’s St Cristohart and Seiman’s defence up helped enormously. If it is too difficult leave it until you return with Random and Sarah. It drops a Gaes fur. The new chest has 5 Ball of Spiritism. The original chest has a mithril drop.

65. Note the location of the cave high up the cliff to the right of the large pool. Go right past the grid-like pools. Go down; the chest has a dragon blood. Go up onto the next screen and loop right and down. Go under the ledge where there is a blue arrow. You will have to fight a whole troupe of zeon. At the bottom there is a mind crystal.

66. Go back up to where you looped round and continue on to the original path. Go right and down straight away into an area with a pool shaped like an H. The chest is empty. Ah well. Return to the main path, go right and on the skyline is a chest with a revive potion. Continue right and then go down. On the left is a little plateau with a few monsters. Go down a screen. If you are short of money, here is a good place to farm zeon claws because you have 2 zeon which regenerate just either side of the screen change. Sell the claws to Solwan for 439g (much better price than in Xen). Continue down another screen; the chest has a dragon blood. Continue down. On your left are some guards. Ask about the quest and they will tell you about a dangerous dragon they would like you to get rid of. The chest is locked. Go right; quest complete.

67. You are now at the Metrolian counter. Speak to Nelson. He introduces Angelina who joins your party. Speak to Walz to return to Adretana. Go to the HQ, join up with Random. After a long conversation, select your party and go towards the palace. Before leaving check the box near the entrance; it’s a life apple from Pierrick. Random will receive a message from Demetrio asking him to meet. (This is only if you have initiated the ‘Destroy Slave Organisation’ quest). Random can’t take Wendala to him yet as she has not rejoined the party. Continue up to the palace. Go left and into the room with the cursed chest. Go and speak to the man who sells spell books; he has the book ‘The Art of Healing’ which gives the spell Giga-heal.

68. Go to Walz and ask him to take you to the Metrolian counter. Exit on the left of the camp, by the blue arrow. Work your way back to the cave you noted earlier (paragraph 65). Have Sarah in your party. Click the base of the cliff and Sarah will offer to jump up to it. You are then inside the cave. Use an air bomb to clear the stairs. Follow the path round, over the bridge and speak to the dragon. It’s Nash. He joins your party along with Neon – a wizard drake who perches on his shoulder. Quest complete.

69. Return to the Metrolian counter. On your way, report to Tori (without Nash in the active party) and collect 2,500g. Put Cindy in the party and check the locked chest for 23 food rations; 15 healing potions; 5 healing reagents. Ask Walz to take you back to Adretana.

70. If you completed all the quests for the Fire Guild from LFII you should now have a total of 3 quests and can get a speed boost for Tarabulla. This is based on her strength, so I would suggest that you don’t do this until she is at a high level so that her basic stat is good. Then equip her to maximise this and inflict heroism; go to speak to Karol in the Dark Manor part of the Fighter Guild. Ask for Battle Lessons and, for 500g per person, he will give you the strength seminary (I always think that should be seminar, but that’s a different issue) which doubles your strength temporarily. Now go to the Fire Guild, speak to Arulea, the yellow flame, and ask for ‘Train Fire Elemental’. Select for SP. The amount you get is random, within fairly narrow limits, so you might want to save and reload to check out what you’re getting. With 4279ST I got 467SP. I’ve got a feeling I might have been better waiting until I had got the Mage Guild boost. Ah well, perhaps next time.

71. Check out equipment and items. The Madness Mace is available from Baretta’s shop at this stage. If you are going down to Solwan to sell zeon claws, put Cindy in your party and she will steal from the blue locked chest at the Southern Lands transport area. You get 14 shark meat and 8788 gold. Ask Walz to transport you to the Fanta Counter. Speak to Daffadarus with with Luci and Xander in the party. She will get 6HP. Xander has a choice of 4HP, 5MN or 3LV. When you are ready ask Walz to teleport you to Mt. Zulle.
Last edited by littlebro on Tue Mar 24, 2015 1:32 am, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: Chapter 10 walkthrough - complete

Postby Indinera » Sun Dec 12, 2010 2:40 pm

I haven't read it all, but congratulations for putting this one up!
I know there are several chapters left but LF3 is big so it takes time to write a complete walkthrough for it. :)
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Re: Chapter 10 walkthrough - complete

Postby littlebro » Sun Dec 12, 2010 7:25 pm

Thanks. I've done Chapter 11, and I've started on Chapter 12, but you're right, it takes a lot of time. This is the first time I've ever tried to do a walkthrough - perhaps I should have practiced on a smaller game; I may have bitten off more than I can chew. We'll see.
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Re: Chapter 10 walkthrough - complete

Postby visjith » Sat Jan 22, 2011 4:08 pm

Yeah thanks a lot. Even though i first have completed the game without walkthroug first time.Now i amusing the walk,and i recogonized some places i have missed.Thanks
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Re: Chapter 10 walkthrough - complete

Postby Nanzy » Sun Feb 27, 2011 3:39 am

A little thing I've noticed is that sometimes (like at the end of paragraph 54) you said for example "you get a white carrot", but actually the real thing is when Broff is in the active party and you complete a quest, you get a random item, you'd better correct this in all chapters' walkthroughs! Best way is to have Broff in active party whenever you are to get a quest complete, and save before completing it and reload until you get a permanant booster :)
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Re: Chapter 10 walkthrough - complete

Postby Nanzy » Wed Mar 02, 2011 4:58 pm

Some other things:
1- Before you go to Zoramar, if you go to main lands, there are some dragons in different parts of the main land which when you kill, you get a permanent booster 8)
2- In Crystal Bridge, in the area to the right where you said you didn't find anything, two of the walls next to each other have some gold, just search for it, I don't have a map :)
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Re: Chapter 10 walkthrough - complete

Postby Nanzy » Wed Mar 02, 2011 5:08 pm

Aaand yet another thing!
In Blood Assassin Trial you didn't mention a chest with Yveen kiss in it, you should go to where the gate was, slightly to the bottom of it (maybe about 6-8 steps) you can make a big jump to the right and get the chest!
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Re: Chapter 10 walkthrough - complete

Postby Nanzy » Thu Mar 03, 2011 8:18 am

Although it seem nobody reads what I write(!), again it's me!
At the end of paragraph 37, the chest which you saind has 28 gold, actually has more gold if you click twice +::biggrin
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Re: Chapter 10 walkthrough - complete

Postby Tomas » Thu Mar 03, 2011 9:03 am

Nanzy wrote:Although it seem nobody reads what I write(!), ...

Don't worry Nanzy, it is not the case. :) It's just that there's simply no reason to comment on something that is correct. Anyway, good findings, I personally remember the "random reward for Broff" thing and Yveen kiss in Blood Assassin Trial, others are new to me, too. +::Thumbup
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Re: Chapter 10 walkthrough - complete

Postby Indinera » Thu Mar 03, 2011 9:55 am

i am reading for sure :)
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Re: Chapter 10 walkthrough - complete

Postby Nanzy » Fri Mar 04, 2011 5:07 am

Thanx Tomas and Indinera +::heart
Two other things!
1- Paragraph 21 when you come back out and kill skeletons, take the first way up and you will find an Emerald powder (green thingie on the floor!)
2- At Metrolian counter there's an open box to the right which has some gold in it.
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Re: Chapter 10 walkthrough - complete

Postby loof123 » Sat Mar 05, 2011 12:52 pm

That metrolian cart has lots of things. Even in LFII.
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Re: Chapter 10 walkthrough - complete

Postby Nanzy » Sat Mar 12, 2011 2:32 pm

In last paragraph, Daffadarus can give a bonus to Xander too
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Re: Chapter 10 walkthrough - complete

Postby littlebro » Sun Mar 20, 2011 10:54 am

Thanks for these points. I've been away for a few weeks with only occasional internet access, so a lot of editing has piled up, both here and in other chapters. I'll do these as soon as I can, but it will probably be a few days before I can get round to it all.
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Re: Chapter 10 walkthrough - complete

Postby Calbator » Fri Jul 15, 2011 3:23 pm

Then ask for a permanent blessing. All party members receive 10,000XP. The temporary blessing inflicts heroism.

If you ask him again for a permament blessing he gives you a power salt.
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