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Undefeated Memories

Undefeated Memories

Postby Indinera » Mon Jan 06, 2014 10:53 am

This is the place to post your feedback about Undefeated. You can download the game here:

If you've got 5 mins, please fill this funny questionary!

Just copy/paste the questions and answer below them! :)
Since the questionary is big, to avoid any stupid loss due to internet connections stopping (I've been there lol), maybe copy it in a word document and save it before sending - just a recommendation. +::music

Your opinion about Marcus?
Your opinion about Bastien?
Your opinion about Fela?
Your opinion about Enslan?
Your opinion about Beriberu (leave this question out if the name doesn't ring any bell +::biggrin )?
Your opinion about the story and dialogs?
Your opinion about the monsters?
Your opinion about the battles?
Your opinion about the game's title screen and music?
What was your favorite moment and why?
What's the game's best/strongest sides?
Have you played other Aldorlea "collaboration" games (Sylia, Opaline, Onyx) and if so, how does this one compare?
• Play my latest games! ⬇️⬇️⬇️
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Re: Undefeated Memories

Postby littlebro » Mon Jan 06, 2014 2:39 pm

Ha, I see I'm first up. Well, here goes.
Your opinion about Marcus?
At first I wasn’t sure. He seemed a bit weak, but you could see him develop as a leader during the game. Like the others he was a very believable character and it was good that he had clear reasons and motivations for what he did. A caring person, not just because he wanted to change things for the better, but also because he wanted to do this while being an ordinary (i.e. not super-human) hero.

Your opinion about Bastien?
Funny. I could sympathise with his food obsession. It was nice to see with him and the others that they had hopes and dreams separate from what they were going through during the time we see them, and that those influenced how they acted now. I thought his skills were a bit less useful, though his paralysis axe came to my rescue on many occasions.

Your opinion about Fela?
I thought she was going to be a privileged idiot, but in fact she was a strong character who grew a lot during the game and her choice of what to do with her money was totally believable. Her spells, especially ‘Preserve’ were good (and oh so necessary in Roke Marsh), and I liked the way she learnt ‘Heal’ and ‘Revitalise’, more interesting than just getting them by levelling up.

Your opinion about Enslan?
I think at one stage he was described as a middle-aged map maker, which makes him an unusual character to have in a game like this, but he fitted into the story well. His ‘Night Strike’ in particular was great for dealing with groups of enemies who used a lot of physical attacks.

Your opinion about Beriberu (leave this question out if the name doesn't ring any bell )?
I must admit, he irritated me at times. I think, looking at his spells, he would be more use if you were fighting invisible enemies. For example, his ability to avoid surprise attacks wasn’t needed if you had visible enemies. Getting him made things easier, especially in the Laymar sewers and the Thieves’ Hideout. But I ditched him once I got Enslan. He did, though, provide the opportunity for some good dialogues, and I loved the way Magaz handled him. I did wonder if him being called “Pinkie” was a coincidence, or whether Indy (or Kes?) picked that up from the forum posts when we were trying to guess who he was. I may post a question about that.

Your opinion about the story and dialogs?
I thought both were excellent. It was an unusual story, and had lots of surprises in it, but everything held together logically and nothing felt forced. Lots of funny bits, and emotional in places too. The characters were believable and developed during the game. The scene after Melite’s death when they are on the stairs was so good and I particularly liked the music that went with it. Almost enough to make me tear up. I also liked the fact that Tyler and Naltus had reasons for their actions which fitted logically with their backstories.

Your opinion about the monsters?
Brilliant. The guy who did the art work for them (Thalzon) is just amazing, and his style fitted the story really well. I liked the fact that they all fitted the logic of the story.

Your opinion about the battles?
They needed a fair amount of strategy. Like I said already, ‘Preserve’ was a key feature in some places. But the series of battles on Wasteland 6 and 7 were just awesome. They really tested my fighting skills. Having to judge the use of TP and not simply top it up with a potion made for a lot of interest throughout the whole game, because it meant I had to think ahead about having some for the next battle and not just use everything up immediately. I found having the info about weaknesses come up during the battle a great help in planning what to do. Also the enemies varied a lot even on a single map, so that made for more interest as well.

Your opinion about the game's title screen and music?
I loved both. I think Arseniquez did a really good job on the title screen. The music was just right, and this was one of the very rare games where a couple of times I just sat with the title screen so that I could hear the music all the way through.

What was your favorite moment and why?
I’ve got several, so it’s difficult to choose. As I’ve said already, the scene after Melite’s death (and by the way, why is she not in the list of characters to comment about?) was very powerful, so was Enslan’s explanation of Tyler’s story. But the whole scene at the lake totally took my attention. Lots of the funny bits of dialogue stick in my memory, but so does the bit in the opening when they are getting their gear and you hear what the people giving out the equipment have to say. Getting through the battles on Wasteland 6 & 7 was such a satisfying moment.

What's the game's best/strongest sides?
Definitely the story, the battlers, the characters – nice to see Aldorlea’s tradition of strong female characters continuing (am I the only person who hopes that Jeneva gets to take over from Tyler?), the new menus and battle info. Lots of little things coming together. I also liked the music a lot. I’ve already mentioned the title music, but my favourites also include the music after the lake scene when they are on the stairs and the music during the Credits. I thought the side quests were good and fitted the flow of the story well so that they didn’t feel like arbitrary extras. I did all 16 of them, and got all the secret rooms, so I know that I got all the best gear and items. That certainly helped me to get through the Wasteland without risking coming out – btw, that was a neat addition to the game play, only having two shots at it.
EDIT: forgot to say - having the choice between visible/invisible and the choice of difficulty levels; plus the way the dialogues of the NPCs changed so much as the game progressed, especially the soldiers in Eshley main square.

Have you played other Aldorlea "collaboration" games (Sylia, Opaline, Onyx) and if so, how does this one compare?
I have to say that I didn’t particularly like Onyx, so obviously I think there’s no comparison with this game. The fact that the story is unusual matches it up with Sylia in that regard, but I think that this story is definitely stronger than that of Opaline. This is a ‘darker’ game than those two, it reminded me more of Laxius Force than of them. Looking at all of them, I think this is definitely a worthy addition to the collection.
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Re: Undefeated Memories

Postby Alikamou » Wed Jan 08, 2014 2:24 am

Guess I'm the next guinea +::biggrin
Your opinion about Marcus?
I thought I'd reserve judgment on him at the very beginning, but he became my 1st main chara really fast! A bit cocky to start...but finding out his reasons...eventually...clarified a lot of things.
Your opinion about Bastien?
+::kiss My favorite CHEF!!! +::biggrin Those concoctions came in handy at the last leg of the journey when TP items ran out! +::Thumbup
Your opinion about Fela?
+::lol Thought she was really a girly girl +::biggrin Turns out she can scrap and scramble +::whistle Her dream for the funds collected was soooo sweet, even if there seemed to be no clues until she actually said what she wanted to do.0
Your opinion about Enslan?
Originally a real grump! +::Annoyed But he sure turned things around.
Your opinion about Beriberu (leave this question out if the name doesn't ring any bell +::biggrin )? Oh the name rings a bell, but never got that chara. Have to go back and search it out...unless it's not included in the easy mode +::biggrin
Your opinion about the story and dialogs?
The story was something a bit vague...for a while. It did solidify as you progress through the game. Totally enjoyed the dialogs...with sometimes wanting to whallop some NPCs +::biggrin
Your opinion about the monsters?
Wonderful artwork, tough even in easy mode and some definitely gave great items +::biggrin
Your opinion about the battles?
It definitely reminded me of LP & LF! There's a lot of thinking and strategizing involved that made it entertaining as well as frustrating +::grrr thank goodness for saves anywhere! +::biggrin It wasn't a walk in the park but you had a better chance of surviving +::biggrin
Your opinion about the game's title screen and music?
The music seemed to hit the spot with each section change. Lovely, intuitive and down-right invigorating.
What was your favorite moment and why?
+::lol When Bastien's vertigo comes out +::biggrin The commentary up to then was hilarious!
What's the game's best/strongest sides?
The story came to be simple enough...or linear enough to follow (if I remembered where I was supposed to go next +::biggrin ) and the battles seemed to be well-balanced to me. This was a real strategizing game because of the TP usage and crafting abilities.
Have you played other Aldorlea "collaboration" games (Sylia, Opaline, Onyx) and if so, how does this one compare? yup. Got 'em and played 'em all +::biggrin As for comparisons...can't compare to Sylia because of the sheer size and game play alone. Undefeated is definitely a bit more battle-challenging than Opaline and Onyx.

It's wonderful playing all these games!
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Re: Undefeated Memories

Postby Ryos » Wed Jan 08, 2014 3:00 am

Your opinion about Marcus?

Didn't have much of an opinion of him one way or the other. As far as battle goes, I did have a remark on his late change:

Spoiler: show
While his one spell is amazingly powerful, I kind of hoped he'd learn more eventually. Maybe he does with enough grinding?

Your opinion about Bastien?

He had some amusing comments and was definitely my favorite early character because that character type is pretty unusual in games.

Your opinion about Fela?

As far as characterization goes, I wasn't too impressed (I've seen the type a lot) but as far as battle goes, she was pretty much an essential character throughout the game.

Your opinion about Enslan?

My favorite overall character as far as characterization goes. He brought a lot of normalcy to the group and I thought his motivations/interactions were pretty good.

Your opinion about Beriberu?

Obviously he's annoying but as far as battle goes, he was as broken as any of the characters got.

Spoiler: show
I can see why his TP doesn't carry over between battles because that 80 TP skill is amazing. That second action when it happened also made it so it was easy to buff his Luck before casting it, making it all the more awesome.

Your opinion about the story and dialogs?

Mostly pretty good. My favorite thing about it by far is just how frequently dialogue changes. Almost every step of the way everyone says something different, and that adds a lot of extra dialogue.

Your opinion about the monsters?

Good designs!

Your opinion about the battles?

Thought they were mostly pretty easy right up until the last couple maps. But I was on Normal.

Your opinion about the game's title screen and music?

It was all pretty good, though I thought the title screen was a bit odd.

Spoiler: show
It shows the heroes with their haircuts prior to being conscripted...a few minutes into the game.

What was your favorite moment and why?

Wasteland plot twist for sure.

Spoiler: show
I would have loved to use Melite because she would have made the last fight so much easier, but her sacrifice elevated the cost of the trip.

What's the game's best/strongest sides?

One thing I liked is other than Beriberu, all the characters are pretty believable as far as what they do and why, and I liked that they all tended to make rational decisions.

Have you played other Aldorlea "collaboration" games (Sylia, Opaline, Onyx) and if so, how does this one compare?

Finished Sylia, not Opaline yet though I played a bit. Although the game's short at ~15 hours, I thought it was a great set of 15 hours. Kind of felt like a Laxius Force Lite overall, which is a good thing. I do have a lingering question mark as far as Jeneva goes...

Spoiler: show
As powerful as she is, her abrupt and significant drop in power after the mutated bear made me wonder if she contracted the Wasteland disease and is going to end up being corrupted by it. Significant portions of the overworld map are unused in the game and it almost feels like there's a setup for an Undefeated 2...
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Re: Undefeated Memories

Postby Aggeliki » Thu Jan 09, 2014 2:26 pm

Your opinion about Marcus?
Your opinion about Bastien?
Your opinion about Fela?
Your opinion about Enslan?
Your opinion about Beriberu (leave this question out if the name doesn't ring any bell +::biggrin )?
Your opinion about the story and dialogs?
Your opinion about the monsters?
Your opinion about the battles?
Your opinion about the game's title screen and music?
What was your favorite moment and why?
What's the game's best/strongest sides?
Have you played other Aldorlea "collaboration" games (Sylia, Opaline, Onyx) and if so, how does this one compare?

well, Indinera and Kes, congratulations on this nice game!

This time i really enjoyed the music, i had it on during the whole game!the title screen presents the main vilain and the 3 protagonists-that you realize the moment you see it!artistically it is top quality!
best sides of the game : gameplay-music-battles-exploring..the story could be more elaborated, have more was kinda vague to me till later in the game..i missed the usual enemy activity cutsceens which in my humble opinion add a lot to every story!i did enjoy the quests and the twist in wasteland, also enjoyed dialogues ,Enslan's flashback, Fela's moment of inner truth, Melite's great did!
The game's artwork was nice: detailed mapping, huge world map(with unvisited places for the next episode haha!),awesome sprites (especially the little ones!),fantastic monsters(some of them really scary).The only cons imo were 1) that in some places like the shrine the art style was so different that it clashed the enviroment(in Enslan's village the trees as well) and 2) i would really prefer realistic monsters' sprites and not the usual black ghosts, of course i understand that this is huge work for the developers! (that is the reason why i prefer side battle view in rpgs, cause the monsters are "themselves" haha!)

My favourite chara is Enslan!! i loved his spells' , the fact that he is an unusual class and his personality!!marcus development towards the end was a big surprise and his super spell did all the work in wasteland!Fela is cute in her naiveness but her preserve and mass arow damage spell were very handy!Beriberu is my next fav after Enslan!Not for his cynical and annoying jokes but for his spells' originality and usefulness! i used them a lot in wasteland!Bastien gave me a hard time till i figured how to use his ingredients-and this is his great advantage! these items made a big diference in some battles!

Comparing to Sylia (i haven't played the full versions of Onyx and Opaline) hmmmm...these two are so much diferent from each other..i can't compare them cause Sylia was more of a puzzler and had sci-fi elements, whereas Undefeated is a classical rpg (in fact it reminded me of LF at some points).

i will add more to this post after my second playthrough!

thank you devs, i am looking forward to episode 2!
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Re: Undefeated Memories

Postby johnboy412000 » Fri Jan 10, 2014 1:51 pm

Your opinion about Marcus? Good strong character.
Your opinion about Bastien? Good strong character with great spells.
Your opinion about Fela? Fela was useful for replenishing health without the need to use potions.
Your opinion about Enslan? Had some pretty useful spells.
Your opinion about Beriberu (leave this question out if the name doesn't ring any bell +::biggrin )?
Your opinion about the story and dialogs? Great storyline and dialogues were just about right.I hate long dialogues but these were kept pretty short.
Your opinion about the monsters? Some pretty tough cookies though i was disapointed that the final fight with Naltus was over a bit too soon.Once his minions had gone down then it was fairly easy to concentrate on him and also keeping my characters well healed.
Your opinion about the battles? Good battles but same as before Naltus could do with being longer.
Your opinion about the game's title screen and music? Music well i turned it off as it wasnt really enjoyable to listen to.
What was your favorite moment and why? Cant think of any fav moment i enjoyed the whole game.
What's the game's best/strongest sides?
Have you played other Aldorlea "collaboration" games (Sylia, Opaline, Onyx) and if so, how does this one compare? I think the best game title must go to the MM series they were well put together and lasted much longer.Still Undefeated was value for money.Ill play it again sometime. +::clap +::clap +::clap +::Thumbup +::Thumbup
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Re: Undefeated Memories

Postby Woofgang » Sat Jan 11, 2014 9:31 pm

Your opinion about Marcus?
Good, loved him more towards the end after he told us his secret.
Your opinion about Bastien?
I loved the idea of Bastien being a chef and making things. I only used them a couple of times because I always forget when in battle and I have so many options. I also had enough ingredients for the volcano bomb, but it still said I did not have enough ingredients, so I gave up after awhile. I had 5 cave moss and 4 gems, still wouldn't let me make a bomb, maybe because I had 3 already? Anyway, I did like the idea.
Your opinion about Fela?
Always kept her in the party due to her preserve spell. The most useful spell more me! She was also sweet and I loved the ending for her.
Your opinion about Enslan?
Liked the back story on him, but as a fighter, too close to Marcus. I put in the others many times and would switch him out on and off. I did like him, but once in the wasteland, he couldn't use a ring that helped with the tp, so out he went.
Your opinion about Beriberu (leave this question out if the name doesn't ring any bell +::biggrin )?
Loved the dialog! Kept me laughing. Ring a bell? No, and I have played every game on this forum more than once, and twice, so what is wrong with me!!!!!!!! Anyway, I used him for luck and tp, but once I got to the wasteland, I used Magasz instead and loved the dialog between the two.
Your opinion about the story and dialogs?
Excellent, a strong point in the game. Every character had a comment almost, even babies! I loved the ending, Melite's story and ending surprised and saddened me. As for Marcus and his dislike of dogs, was it my imagination that the dogs kept getting more annoying as the game developed? In Laymar, the dog kept getting in the way! LOL!
Your opinion about the monsters?
Unique and beautiful! The drawings were wonderful and I couldn't wait to see what new monsters would develop! A strong point!
Your opinion about the battles?
I played in easy mode, so they were easy. I did spend a lot of time looking for secret rooms and having them respawn when I left a screen, so I loved that because I gained levels while looking for secrets and that is why I did not have trouble defeating them.
Your opinion about the game's title screen and music?
I never play with the sound on, so I cant comment on music. The title screen I only noticed when someone made a comment about it, sorry.
What was your favorite moment and why?
My favorite moment was with Melite towards the end. I was sad, as though this was real life! LOL! However, I enjoyed many other aspects of the game. One thing in the ending, the very end battle confused me, so I have to play again to see if I read it correctly! It was enough to make me not want to use a character during battle, but I did, so I don't know if I read or understood it correctly. It had to do with Bastien.
What's the game's best/strongest sides?
Character dialog, battles, and I loved that I did not have to obsess over buying weapons, armor, etc!! I could concentrate on the story.
Have you played other Aldorlea "collaboration" games (Sylia, Opaline, Onyx) and if so, how does this one compare?
I have played all of them. Nothing really compares to Sylia, that game is so big and so much to do! The story in Sylia with the animals was also so unique. This game was my next favorite, although I did like the others. Overall, I loved the game and will play again.
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Re: Undefeated Memories

Postby briony » Sun Jan 12, 2014 1:02 am

Your opinion about Marcus?
Very decisive- showed great leadership skills – accepted outcomes
Your opinion about Bastien?
Showed courage when needed , great with herbs to make items, diplomatic
Your opinion about Fela?
Secretive at the beginning, warmed to her through the game, showed unselfishness when faced with the problems of the poor
Your opinion about Enslan?
Admired his courage and his faith in his brother, stuck to his principals
Your opinion about Beriberu (leave this question out if the name doesn't ring any bell )?
Became rather irritating, but he was helpful in action
Your opinion about the story and dialogs?
This left me wondering, what was the wasteland – how did it become so, what was the sickness, how come some survived and others didn’t, the magic that originated from the wasteland? And there were parts on the overall screen that were un reachable – sequel to come?These seem to have no answers- the dialog was apt to the story
Your opinion about the monsters?
Great art work, loved the look of some of them – a change from the ordinary
Your opinion about the battles?
Made you think more about strategy
Your opinion about the game's title screen and music?
This I loved- the music suited the different scenes
What was your favorite moment and why?
When Jeneva starts questioning leaving the team and then goes back to help and Marcus states that they are a team and would all stay together
What's the game's best/strongest sides?
I used Marcus, Bastien, Fela, Melite and “Pinky” for a while, the changed “Pinkie for Enslan till I lost Melite then use Maasz
Have you played other Aldorlea "collaboration" games (Sylia, Opaline, Onyx) and if so, how does this one compare?
All games are different stories and as such have their own good and bad points so now I do not compare – just enjoy playing each one.
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Re: Undefeated Memories

Postby kalbun » Sat Jan 18, 2014 9:45 pm

>Your opinion about Marcus?

A true leader. Not a boss, a leader.
A boss says "we must do this and that". A leader says "I suggest to do this and that for this reason".
And this is what Marcus does.

>Your opinion about Bastien?

Not a brilliant character, but a solid and steady person who keeps the group with the feet on the ground.

>Your opinion about Fela?

I appreciated her evolution during the game, from the typical rich girl, childish and selfish, to a person committed to help the others.

> Your opinion about Enslan?

Honestly this is the character I appreciated less. I enjoyed the explanation of his relationship with the general, but not much more.

> Your opinion about Beriberu (leave this question out if the name doesn't ring any bell +::biggrin )?

Ahhhh.... delightfully irritating! And this character became even more funny after meeting Magasz

And now please let me add:


Because she is the character I appreciated more, for her calm and logical attitude, and for her altruism pushed till the extreme sacrifice. She reminds me of the heroine of Aasguard, another character which I loved

> Your opinion about the story and dialogs?

The dialogues have an excellent mix of seriousness and humour, with some of the best lines ever. The story is good, although not exceptional.

> Your opinion about the monsters?

Very interesting in general, but I feel that they were too unbalanced toward physical attacks - I mean, a bit more magical attack would have been positive.

> Your opinion about the battles?

Nothing to report here. Personally I don't like monster that respawn each time the character returns to an already visited place, but this is only an opinion.

> Your opinion about the game's title screen and music?

In general the music was adequate and contributed to the overall atmosphere of the game. Among others, I appreciated the "leviathan" piece (for boss encounters)

> What was your favorite moment and why?

Difficult question! I can think to a few moments:

- The extreme sacrifice of Melite. I ltruly loved this character, and her decision has been at the same time very sad and very coherent.
- The arrival at Roke Marsh. True tragical and dark scenario, that reminds me of some moments of Laxius Force.
- When the group delivers the Urchon dust, and you understand that "all is not lost" and that there could be a way to invert the Wasteland expansion.

What's the game's best/strongest sides?

The evolution of the characters! There is a lot of dialogues that improves their definition and adds more aspects to their background. They start as a group of strangers, and the relationship builds up gradually until they become a group of friends.

> Have you played other Aldorlea "collaboration" games (Sylia, Opaline, Onyx) and if so, how does this one compare?

Yes I did.
Sylia is unique in its genre and i don't think it can be compared to any other games.
I played Opaline and although I appreciated the game and the two main characters, Undefeated has far superior main and minor characters.

So, all in all: great work, keep it up +::Thumbup
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Re: Undefeated Memories

Postby Tomas » Sat Feb 01, 2014 11:54 pm

Your opinion about Marcus?
A born leader. Not the "bossy" one, but he earns respect and people follow him willingly.
As a warrior he was reliable - i.e. no weaknesses (but no ultimate damaging abilities, neither).

Your opinion about Bastien?
Sometimes he seems to become a conscript by a mistake. But he's a good guy. And funny. I'm not sure if I'd like to visit his restaurant, though, after all the bombs he prepared... :)
Fairly useful in fights, especially with the confusing axe. Also too slow, unfortunately. It was ok with the Crazy Sheep Charm, but once the party entered Wasteland...

Your opinion about Fela?
She seemed to struggle a lot, both with her origin and her magic, instead of using these to her advantage. But I liked her. And she changed a lot during the game.
Also, as the only healer (not counting Jeneva now) she was absolutely essential for the party.

Your opinion about Enslan?
He must have been through a lot in his life. He seems to be the silent type, almost unfriendly sometimes. But it changes slowly as he gets to know Marcus and the others better.
A deadly warrior, his Claw Special skill was extremely useful in boss battles.

Your opinion about Beriberu (leave this question out if the name doesn't ring any bell +::biggrin )?

I must've missed this character. What a shame. +:oops:

Your opinion about the story and dialogs?
Brilliant. Just brilliant. A lot of humour and witty comments. Plus, the dialogues are really good at showing the character relations and development.

Your opinion about the monsters?
Awesome artworks, easily distinguishable by both the looks and abilities. And usually very deadly if given a chance.

Your opinion about the battles?
- (Usually) fast, tactical and challenging. The monster were very dangerous, but it always felt like having good enough tools to counter them. Fela's Preserve was crucial in this.
- The combination of TP and MP on the same character is unique and adds a lot of "action" to the battles.
- Recovering HPs when defending and speed modifiers on spells, another smart ideas that add "flavour" and depth.
- Five party members. Awesome! That was something I really wanted to see sometimes.
- I played on Legendary and the tuning was simply perfect. The final battles were very hard.

Your opinion about the game's title screen and music?
One of the best. Awesome artwork and the music feels "heroic".

What was your favorite moment and why?
The finale - Melite's sacrifice. Thrilling and sad. Also, reaching the end after all the tough battles felt rewarding.

What's the game's best/strongest sides?
Memorable and "lifelike" characters, dialogues, battles, very well-thought-out quests and secret rooms placement and overall feeling of quality and thoroughly designed and tested game. I was also very happy about some of the changes to scripts and controls, such as different categories in inventory, "cycling" even through non-active party members when in Equipment menu and additional info when loading a save.

Have you played other Aldorlea "collaboration" games (Sylia, Opaline, Onyx) and if so, how does this one compare?
Let me get this straight. I was impressed with Undefeated. Very impressed. Except from a few minor complaints ("remembering" positions in skills is more confusing than helpful, Page Down / Page Up doesn't work once in character equip selection menu, F12 causes an error mesage), I can only praise. Basically everything this game offers is perfect or near perfect.
This is by far the best collaboration so far. I enjoyed playing it greatly and I'd really love to see a sequel. I just hope that the series becomes more complex (as MM did - more characters, items, spells, ...), because I prefer the bigger games.
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Re: Undefeated Memories

Postby david42 » Wed Feb 19, 2014 9:19 am

For context, I chose:
Difficulty: Legendary
Monsters: Invisible

Your opinion about Marcus?
Not your typical bossy "This is what we're doing" party leader, which was nice. Fighting wise, I started off using his double hit and later on used his one spell a lot. I equipped him with the reward sword early on and never changed it.
Your opinion about Bastien?
He didn't really make that much of an impression on me. I kept him with the paralysing axe all the way through the game, even though I had got a more powerful one as a reward. Basically, I just used his Cleve skill.
Your opinion about Fela?
I liked Fela, not what most people imagined she would be like, given her parentage. I mainly used her for healing and boosts.
Your opinion about Enslan?
Obviously an honourable kind of guy, but I didn't take much notice of him. I did like his blinding attack, as well as his poison one.
Your opinion about Beriberu (leave this question out if the name doesn't ring any bell +::biggrin )?
Hmm, that would be Pinkie! He definitely needed a muzzle! I mainly used him for boosts.
Your opinion about the story and dialogs?
I thought the story was good and the amount of dialog about right. I was pleased that there weren't too many long cut scenes.
Your opinion about the monsters?
Really varied and I liked that some of them either said things before a battle or caused the gang to comment.
Your opinion about the battles?
I think this was the first time I have played a game with five fighters, so that was fun. I found that the difficulty was about right and a couple of those at the end were really difficult. The final boss was actually easier than a couple before him.
My only issue was in the Wasteland, it seemed that there was another battle about every 4 steps, which made hunting for secret rooms very frustrating. I accept that this may be my fault for choosing the options I did, but this was the only area that I felt this was annoying.
I may have missed something in one of the tutorials, but I had no idea what Luck did.
Your opinion about the game's title screen and music?
Both were good.
What was your favorite moment and why?
Finally defeating some of those final monsters in the Wasteland. +::YAY
What's the game's best/strongest sides?
As I said, having five fighters was good. Also, the dialog with NPCs was fun. The story was quite linear, but the optional quests gave it a bit more depth, I thought.
Also, I think this is one of the few of these I've played that you don't have to keep buying weapons and armour. I don't think I bought any at all.
Have you played other Aldorlea "collaboration" games (Sylia, Opaline, Onyx) and if so, how does this one compare?
I think this was the best out of those.
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Re: Undefeated Memories

Postby flavie » Wed Feb 25, 2015 1:04 pm

My missing points first:
Quest 12 I’ve Corber’s notes but Fela didn’t tell to see the quartermaster then and I didn’t find him.
(tablet) I didn’t hear the music during Melite’s final enchantment +::cry , it was fast to read at the end. +::O_o

Going back for the shrine from the Wastelands, I couldn’t and had the “we fail” ending. I may have used the max times of comings and goings there?

Your opinion about Marcus?
He’s beneficent and doesn’t lose hope
Your opinion about Bastien?
Funny with his obsession with food. I’ve kept his ingredients but is there a result in the end?
Your opinion about Fela?
She shouldn’t have hidden her origins, telling it could show some of the Council are good.
Your opinion about Enslan?
One of the toughest fighters. It’s nice to learn he worked for General Tyler. He’s been a bit reluctant to go to the Wastelands. Did he know or suspect of who’s hiding there?
Your opinion about Beriberu ?
Soon unbearable, the type who shows off and worths a few. I loved the intervention of the Minotaur to shut his mouth.
Spoiler: show
Good I went back on my tracks to refill cos I've found Magasz. I've seen he auto-battles, hopefully I've read in the forum we an change his accessory to use his spells. :)

Your opinion about the story and dialogs?
Intriguing story at first we see a threat of the Wastelands’s atmosphere but then we’ll learn of another threat at the same place.
The dialog needs to focus on it for quests, sometimes I needed to read it again.

Your opinion about the monsters? Well drawn, some are funny how horrible they are. The mushrooms are lovely.

Your opinion about the battles?
Too much battles and bad we can escape none. I had difficulty in the Wastelands and at the yellow ones.

Your opinion about the game's title screen and music?
The title names well the enemy. Before playing we might think it names the heroes. Good music, bad I’ve heard nothing at Melite’s sacrifice. +::cry
What was your favorite moment and why?
Melite's enchantment so colorful and spectacular.
What's the game's best/strongest sides?
the story, the dialog are somewhat complex when u need to focus.

Have you played other Aldorlea "collaboration" games (Sylia, Opaline, Onyx) and if so, how does this one compare?
I didn’t play Onyx yet. Undefeated is the best, furthermore available on android! +::Dance
If you love searching the truth, fight for human race,good and bad sex, sadism to stop, the prequel is WTF
Read "The sword of Truth" by Terry Goodkind in your language or English. Read the prequel after "the Confessor" to not be spoiled.
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Re: Undefeated Memories

Postby D-Squall » Mon Mar 02, 2015 3:47 am

After almost two years this game has been released I finally finished it. lol Here we go, I missed doing this. XD

Your opinion about Marcus?

Didn't impressed me much, but he was a good leader. But appart from that, he's not very interesting.

Your opinion about Bastien?

Liked him, typical old lazy member that every RPG should have in the cast lol and he constant talk about he opening his restaurant always made me want to root for him to fulfill his dream. Nice guy.

Your opinion about Fela?

Her healing spells were great during the entire game, don't know if anyone play with her out of the party but if it was for me I wouldn't have lasted two battles in the Wastleands without her lol. Now for her character, I think she was a decent character, a rich girl but not very spoiled. I liked it.

Your opinion about Enslan?

He kinda joined in the end of the game, didn't have much time to make a impression. All I can say that his Claw ability were very powerful and helped ending the battle faster many times.

Your opinion about Beriberu (leave this question out if the name doesn't ring any bell +::biggrin )?

Beriberu was really annoying, hardly his comments were funny. I only began to like him through the end when Magasz stared to make fun of him calling him Pinkie lol then I stared to like him, like to see him pissed and angry.

Your opinion about the story and dialogs?

I thought that Marcus, Fela, Bastien and Melite had really chemistry as friends and companions, specially the three first ones. I just thought that some NPCs dialogs were very repetitive and boring, I lost count of how many times after I completed a quest or entered someone's house the NPC was rude and said something like: "if you have nothing else to do, leave" "please leave now" "I would like you to leave"

Your opinion about the monsters?

Probably the thing I liked most in this game, the monsters artworks were cool and made the battles very exciting, specially the Wastelands creatures, beautifully done.

Your opinion about the battles?

It was good in difficult (I played Normal mode) but I have a complaint about the visible monster feature, when I choose the visible monsters in the beginning I wasn't expecting to Monsters to respawn every time I changed screens, also I wasn't expecting that they were running over me all the time and each time I ran from battle, they would only give one step away so that I could barely try to avoid and the battle would start again, I recommend to Indy and Kes to take a look at that, that really frustrated me during the game, when I revisited some places that I was stronger and the enemies were weaker I was forced to fight them because they are ridiculously fast in the field and when I escape they only took one step away which is useless in narrow places because they come back running.

Your opinion about the game's title screen and music?

Didn't liked the title screen, but liked the title music. About the game's music, I liked the battle theme, the boss theme, Eshley theme and Laymar theme, and most town themes... the dungeon themes didn't had much impact on me and were easily forgotten.

About the title, was this game supposed to be called Shurland? Because the guide there was a part refering to the game's name as Shurland, was the name changed to Undefeated later on? Although I liked Undefeated more. If Indy could answer me this via pm it would be cool.

What was your favorite moment and why?

Probably Melite's sacrifice to prevent the Wasteland lake to spreading.

What's the game's best/strongest sides?

Side-quests and secret rooms.

Have you played other Aldorlea "collaboration" games (Sylia, Opaline, Onyx) and if so, how does this one compare?

I have to say that I didn't liked much this game, it's a cool game and all but I don't think I would play again like all Aldorlea Games that I have played so far, it's still better than Onyx which I couldn't finish entirely because it was a really, really, really bad game. But still... didn't liked very much.
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Re: Undefeated Memories

Postby clear » Sun May 31, 2015 3:00 am

Your opinion about Marcus?
-Anyone will follow him except fela so he's a good leader.Curious about the treasure chest and the other things like log that involves money.Last arc of the game more like he's a magic type because of the disorientation skill.
Your opinion about Bastien?
-So turtle but powerful but not powerful as enslan.Why bother to do the mission when his mind focus on cooking.
Your opinion about Fela?
-Without her i don't think i can win the game her skill is the most important out of all especially the attack and defense buff.
Your opinion about Enslan?
-A nigga that uses claw as a weapon(wow).The strongest character of the game bcuz of that 2 times attack and even
the bosses could die in 1 hit with that 100tp skill needed(can't remember the name).His blind skill also helps alot.
Your opinion about Beriberu (leave this question out if the name doesn't ring any bell +::biggrin )?
-I forgot who is this lol.
Your opinion about the story and dialogs?
-Most of the scene focus on things like forming a military or army allies to restore the faith of humanity that helps them to plan on how to stop the behavior of monsters.
The trio marcus,bastien,fela talks about of what would they become for the future even though they have an important mission.
Your opinion about the monsters?
-Pretty strong and powerful.I just can't do the auto attacks instead need to focus on their weakness or else i can't beat them.
Your opinion about the battles?
-Most battles are difficult bcuz i pick legendary there's a time where i grind too much that i purchase all of eshley equips before moving on to loxton.Probably the most difficult fight is the thieves and the boss scene fight never thought that they could be that strong at my current level,uses all hp and mana and revive item to finally beat thief boss and also it takes time +::clap .
Your opinion about the game's title screen and music?
-The title screen of the game symbolizes war considering that armor face horn man against the trio +::grrr .
The music fits every single moment. +::music
What was your favorite moment and why?
-When i beat all the tough enemies and bosses and melite's sacrifice.
What's the game's best/strongest sides?
-Maybe sidequest but probably the secret rooms and very tough battles.
Have you played other Aldorlea "collaboration" games (Sylia, Opaline, Onyx) and if so, how does this one compare?
-Yes i played sylia but didn't finish it because of that stuck cave can't even remember the name.
They both uses rpgmaker vx engine so the auto dash is very helpful.So i think this is the best for the meantime bcuz i didn't play yet all cgames except sylia.AND class is coming soon. +::Dance
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Re: Undefeated Memories

Postby Lookz » Tue Aug 04, 2015 3:42 pm

It's been 1 year and 8 months since Undefeated release and months since I last played this, but I guess why not voicing my opinion about this game hehehe :D

Your opinion about Marcus?
Future General for shurland, so very strong magma attack and has a good leadership skill.

Your opinion about Bastien?
A really powerful attacker but very slow. Very confidence and a very useful chef. He did cook bombs???

Your opinion about Fela?
Supporter of the group and a lady but has commoner personality.

Your opinion about Enslan?
Very mysterious but skillful map leader, twice attack is useful, but kinda making him human version of beribeu

Your opinion about Beriberu (leave this question out if the name doesn't ring any bell +::biggrin )?
Pinkie hahahaha. Useful skill but very bad accurary for melee attack

Your opinion about the story and dialogs?
Great overall but there's one option you didn't count. There's 3 ending :
- Bad ending (unable to destroy the liquid)
- Good ending (defeat naltus but don't completed 1 quests for research to cure wasteland desease from I forget who hehehe)
- Best ending (defeat naltus and completed the quest)
but the bad ending STILL happen even if you destroy the liquid from sacrifice of melite but not defeat Naltus (or perhaps you think naltus undo what melite done??)

Your opinion about the monsters?
Good but need more variety especially for the wasteland. I was hoping like there are wasteland wolf, bear, eagle, rhino, crocodile, lion or in cave wasteland bat, spider centiepede etc rather than weird looking monster esp near the end of story.

Your opinion about the battles?
It's still hard even if you have 5 units rather than usual 4. But the effects are amazing.

Your opinion about the game's title screen and music?
I love the music very much, and also the title screen is nice.

What was your favorite moment and why?
Vs Naltus. Because He's a very powerful opponent, real challange. BTW i just curious, Naltus is a rich enterpreneur and lived in upper quarter of Laymar, but kinda an abomination. Did he disguise from human or did he mutated and why did he want to destroy the shurland? Is he remnant of the Arland rebellion?

What's the game's best/strongest sides?
The battle and story is nice but I WANT IT LONGER

Have you played other Aldorlea "collaboration" games (Sylia, Opaline, Onyx) and if so, how does this one compare?
Only played Opaline. much better than Opaline though but Opaline itself is good :D
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