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Laxius S - plot written

Re: Laxius S - plot written

Postby Indinera » Mon Apr 22, 2013 8:10 am

in LF?
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Re: Laxius S - plot written

Postby bclouds » Mon Apr 22, 2013 9:51 am

I haven't played Laxius Power games.
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Re: Laxius S - plot written

Postby SueDee » Fri May 03, 2013 2:10 pm

These are all old and outdated posts. I would like to see current and updated information when I come to my favorite Game Maker site. Laxius S? Ok what does the S stand for?? +::lol Love your games.
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Re: Laxius S - plot written

Postby flavie » Sun Jul 14, 2013 7:18 pm

What have you found for what happens next :) +::O_o

Please don't make it as long as Laxius Force +:oops: , I'm at the half of chapter 12, it's so exhausting. +::cry
I just find out the end of LF3 thanks to Tomas saves and will watch the very end.

(I'm yearning for Millennium 5 +::YAY )
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Re: Laxius S - plot written

Postby Indinera » Tue Jul 16, 2013 8:55 pm

It will probably be long, but I don't think it will be as long as LF3... +::O_o
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Re: Laxius S - plot written

Postby flavie » Fri Dec 05, 2014 10:27 pm

So where are you now? If you have other games to make I wonder how many years we have to wait again +::O_o

Do we try to guess what the S word is? Laxius Sentinel that keep watch over the True Demons threat?
Laxius Spirits, Soldiers, Successors (the main characters kids +::heart )
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Re: Laxius S - plot written

Postby shadow25 » Sat Dec 15, 2018 7:45 am

Any update on LS?

I replayed from LP 1-3 and LF 1-3 and 3SoD again (4th time). I just cannot wait to see the True Demons plot. I am not a fan of the other games tbh. Will just wait for LS.
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Re: Laxius S - plot written

Postby flavie » Sat Dec 15, 2018 9:46 am

I never played LP where can we find it, for free I suppose as it's very old?

I wouldn't have the courage to replay the LFs. If a video could retrace the main episodes it would be nice for old players :)

@shadow25 I'ld love a summary of LF series as you should have it well in mind!
Last edited by flavie on Sat Dec 15, 2018 12:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
If you love searching the truth, fight for human race,good and bad sex, sadism to stop, the prequel is WTF
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Re: Laxius S - plot written

Postby Indinera » Sat Dec 15, 2018 10:42 am

flavie wrote:I never played LP where can we find it, for free I suppose as it's very old?

I wouldn't have the courage to replay the LFs. If a video could retrace the main episodes it would be nice for old players :)

No clue but I'd be surprised if the internet doesn't have it somewhere. +::biggrin
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Re: Laxius S - plot written

Postby D-Squall » Sat Dec 15, 2018 9:14 pm

flavie wrote:I never played LP where can we find it, for free I suppose as it's very old?

I wouldn't have the courage to replay the LFs. If a video could retrace the main episodes it would be nice for old players :)

@shadow25 I'ld love a summary of LF series as you should have it well in mind!

The Laxius Shrine are still up and running, here's the link: ... nload-link
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Re: Laxius S - plot written

Postby rapuska » Wed Dec 19, 2018 11:50 am

seems like all sites are down for 2 days now or is it just me?

EDIT: nevermind now it works
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Re: Laxius S - plot written

Postby diroslav » Mon Dec 31, 2018 7:37 pm

I think I'll replay LP3 for the 10th time lol
And LF Saga too +::sos
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Re: Laxius S - plot written

Postby Indinera » Fri Jan 04, 2019 3:39 pm

diroslav wrote:I think I'll replay LP3 for the 10th time lol
And LF Saga too +::sos

LF saga is a very good idea +::Thumbup
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Re: Laxius S - plot written

Postby rulezz » Sun Jan 06, 2019 4:16 am

Yeah, I will probably be replaying LP 1-3 and LF 1-3 when the time comes for LS to come close to an end.

Honestly, I just hope that it finishes now with LS, would also be pretty symbolic to finish the epic trilogy as a trilogy of epics :D

I seriously hope that it ends with this one, though... dragging it any longer will probably be too much already...

It just doesn't feel like the same series anymore.. the cast is the same, some aspects are same, but it's just not the game we were originally entering into... so I hope it at least gets a satisfying conclusion...

Last time I played through lp 1-3 was like... 2006 or 2007... as for lf 1-3 it was like.... 2011 or so and I still remember a lot of LP 1-3 scenes, yet LF 1-3 didn't leave many memories... if not for LF 3 being a good make up, I would even say that LF series were a waste of time, luckily LF 3 made up for the shortcomings of LF1-2 for me, enough to leave it at satisfying level at least...

I suppose it's just that the kind of execution I was looking forward to is just no longer possible with it being a commercial game and all... the minority of us who started with LP and played LF just because of LP is just that - a minority, a small(although dedicated, heck, I still have to respect the people who made or helped with walkthrough of LP 1-3, that was a titanic effort with the amount of obscure secrets it had) part of current audience who would not make sales the same as current LF at all.

LP series were rough, often overly edgy, highly humorous(pretty dark humor too) but very serious and brutal when it needed to be... the story.. was there, let's say we didn't see much story, since it was mostly a build up saga altogether... but even that build up was extremely enjoyable.. the balance felt just right.. the semi scripted fights were especially fun.. gave that feeling of actually living through how fight actually went.. that feeling which cannot be described when you explore some dark dungeons of LP3... you really relieve the whole horror along with the cast, it's grim but invigorating and immersive... and well.. I don't need to mention the scripted scenes... they were so impactful... it really felt like you were there, experiencing the whole thing as bystander in some scenes. The amount of memorable scenes was also quite huge... there were touching ones, tragic ones, brutal ones... The battles were perfectly hard when they needed to be and characters felt actually balanced fluidly(the ones that were actually weak, like luciana's cat or random slime while could be made decently strong, would never come to the same level as some of the main cast.. who also felt like they are where they should be power wise)..

LF series were still humorous(at least I am glad that part remained, honestly probably the only way I could even bear through the LF 1-2) and while the jokes were toned down to suit a broader audience - they were still pretty decent, sadly storywise - the great buildup from LP series lead essentially nowhere until very late into LF3... it felt much like going through filler episodes. A big turndown for me was change of 'environment' into something too pretty(I mostly blame the new engine tho, since I doubt you could actually make something that represents the same dark atmosphere as LP on new rpgmaker) The game itself was okay, as another casual RPG and certainly not a waste of money, but it was just not the thing I expected as continuation of LP... continuing it after LP made me feel like I was not playing as a veteran cast who went through the whole hell they were put through in LP 1-3... at first I thought - maybe they were just not taking anything serious, since they are so overpowered that nothing would stand a chance if they ever got serious.. but that was not the case since we get loads of seemingly random characters... who often can be made much more broken than our original cast.... at least gameplay wise... and that is offputting.. but it didn't really matter in the end, since you didn't need a strategy or swapping party members or anything - literally any party combination would get you through the game, it was that easy. The optional and hidden content like in LF was lacking as well... I was expecting great secrets and fun fights... and there were maybe.. 1 or 2 fights that were interesting but that's about it... they were still not that challenging, but at least not routine.
The sad thing is that if I were to see it as a standalone series - I wouldn't really mind it all that much, it's a decent game, just like millennium(which is also suited for another kind of audience than even the LF).. it just doesn't feel like the continuation of the old classic 'laxius' we all loved throughout the early 2000s...

I am still interested in seeing LS(have a feeling it's either laxius soul or spirit, maybe we finally get the explanation into why the saga got that name originally after all those years? XD) released nonetheless, although I am not expecting much this time around, unlike with LF 3.. at best, it would be nice to get some unanswered questions answered and get a great conclusion to the series, but even that is probably wishful thinking XD

But well, the game has to sell if you made it into commercial and the reasons are perfectly clear to me, so I won't really complain there... I do miss the 2000s though... I am sad to think how my kids will grow up in the new community, where money is the only thing that keeps stuff going... back in the days people were doing so many huge projects just for the fun of it... months and sometimes years of effort were put just because they were their hobby... there was no donate or support button underneath it all... and the quality was often on par with commerce products. Nowadays even something as minor as flash games is already something people won't even consider doing without a hope to get some $$$ for it...
Heck, I was MIA when lax team was being made, but it was still so much fun to play through it and get reminded how nice of a community we had back then, since I recognized most of the names despite being MIA for quite a while.
Honestly - in past 5 years, I don't remember more than a few RPG titles that remained in my memory up till that moment... and even with the limited time I have as an adult now - I still don't know what to do with my time often, since I literally played it all during my childhood and there just isn't much original content remaining coming out nowadays that is actually original and breathtaking instead of just being a way to pass time.

But err, that went too offtopic and too much longer than I thought I will write... considering how long ago laxius S was announced - I suppose a lot of effort is put into that compared to other smaller titles and I am certainly happy about that, will be looking forward to playing through the end result :)

Guess I will try fortress of hell, since it seems close to what original LP was like meanwhile... sad that it only seems like a minigame though.
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Re: Laxius S - plot written

Postby randomfan » Wed Apr 22, 2020 5:18 am

rulezz wrote:LP series were rough, often overly edgy, highly humorous(pretty dark humor too) but very serious and brutal when it needed to be... the story.. was there, let's say we didn't see much story, since it was mostly a build up saga altogether... but even that build up was extremely enjoyable.. the balance felt just right.. the semi scripted fights were especially fun.. gave that feeling of actually living through how fight actually went.. that feeling which cannot be described when you explore some dark dungeons of LP3... you really relieve the whole horror along with the cast, it's grim but invigorating and immersive... and well.. I don't need to mention the scripted scenes... they were so impactful... it really felt like you were there, experiencing the whole thing as bystander in some scenes. The amount of memorable scenes was also quite huge... there were touching ones, tragic ones, brutal ones... The battles were perfectly hard when they needed to be and characters felt actually balanced fluidly(the ones that were actually weak, like luciana's cat or random slime while could be made decently strong, would never come to the same level as some of the main cast.. who also felt like they are where they should be power wise)..

i agree with this 100%! this is what is missing! +::cry

please don't rush this and do your best, indi! we have faith in you! +:oops:
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