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Dreamscape Comprehensive Feedback

Dreamscape Comprehensive Feedback

Postby Indinera » Tue Mar 23, 2010 4:21 pm

Due to popular (ahem, Titaness) demand.... here it is!
Done with Dreamscape? If you've got 5 mins, please fill this questionary, it is always *very* helpful for me and very appreciated! :)

Favorite Hero (explain why):
Favorite "Reward" upon completing the game (explain why):
Which Mode did you play in?
What did you think about the game, its story, gameplay etc?
What did you think about Erin?
What did you think about Athena?
What did you think about Peeboo?
What did you think about Clochette?
What did you think about the music and graphics?
What did you think about the humor?
Which "dream" was your favorite and why?
Which moment did you like best?
Do you think Dreamscape should have a sequel?
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Re: Dreamscape Comprehensive Feedback

Postby D-Squall » Tue Mar 23, 2010 4:41 pm

Favorite Hero (explain why):

Athena. She was a awesome spellcasters and a funny character, I love how she make fun of Erin and Peeboo +::biggrin

Favorite "Reward" upon completing the game (explain why):

Well, the pride of finish this game and the ending, after I saw Erin call Terry and he wasn't there and then Peeboo was there, the first thing that came to my head was ''This game must have a sequel''
Which Mode did you play in?

Dream Mode

What did you think about the game, its story, gameplay etc?

The game is incredible, I like all the places of the game, the story it's very original and the gameplay was really
joyfull to play.

What did you think about Erin?

Erin, well, I don't know what to say to her, she was a good fighter with awesome strenght, specially with Excalibur, the thing I liked on her is that she was determinated to save Terry no matter what.

What did you think about Athena?

That cute kitty +::biggrin She's my favorite character, she is so fun, I like when her and Peeboo discusses +::biggrin

What did you think about Peeboo?

Don't know what but he reminded me of Coryool and Louis +::Dunno :razz:
He was a good character with good strenght, I wound't know what to do without him, he has a tremendous strenght that helped me defeat some bosses, Dreamlords and Dreamcatchers

What did you think about Clochette?

Some coments of her made me LOL a lot, like when she speaks about tea when Erin was on the spikes of Al Capone mansion. I like her, she looks like those old grannys that only want to take care of her grandsons +::biggrin
What did you think about the music and graphics?

Graphics was really outstanding, specially the entire London, was a true artwork. Congratulations +::clap

What did you think about the humor?

The main characters that made me laugh more was Clochette, all the time talking about Tea and all, and I loved the discussions between Athena and Peeboo, was really funny. +::biggrin

Which "dream" was your favorite and why?

London, explore that beautiful town was really exciting, I never tires of hear that mysterious music and see the lights of the lampposts, and the noise of the rain. Simply beautiful

Which moment did you like best?

The moment where she finds Terry and Terry said that there is no way to get him out of the jail, but Erin won't give up and said that she's gonna find another way.

Do you think Dreamscape should have a sequel?

+::wizard Of course, Im really curious after what I saw on the ending. +::wizard
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Re: Dreamscape Comprehensive Feedback

Postby camillia » Tue Mar 23, 2010 6:06 pm

Favorite Hero (explain why): I loved Peebo. He was really funny and cute.

Favorite "Reward" upon completing the game (explain why): I liked the more hp reward after fights for the harder mode as well as the no venom/ill from skulls. I always found them more than anything. The character rewards are great to.

Which Mode did you play in? I've played in very easy; and easy so far (cant remember what called)

What did you think about the game, its story, gameplay etc? I love the game its fun even replaying it. The dialogue is hilarious. The gameplay is so different but fun and addictive.

What did you think about Erin? I liked her personality but so far I believe shes got poor taste in boyfriends.

What did you think about Athena? Athena is so cute. I love her remarks she kept me laughing. Her spellcasting is awesome.

What did you think about Peeboo? My favorite. The whole viking stronger than anything attitude from a mouse and his arguing with Athena was so cute. For a mouse he did some nice damage to. Got my strongest hits using his might skill.

What did you think about Clochette? She always has the perfect solution to it all. Tea! She was cute.

What did you think about the music and graphics? I typically dont have sound on but I did in this game. The music was fitting and the graphics were awesome. Great job on both.

What did you think about the humor? I was laughing from the start of the game it was great. I like the personalities of the characters and their sense of humour. I loved the humour with bigfoot to that had me laughing so hard my whole family got curious.

Which "dream" was your favorite and why? I liked Athena's especially with her comments. My favorite to explore was London. I loved Jack the Ripper. wasnt a straight thing there was some puzzle to it is why that was my favorite.

Which moment did you like best? The end where Erin shows more guts and says she risked her life especially with that gorilla. She started showing backbone.

Do you think Dreamscape should have a sequel? The game could easily have a sequel and I would definitely play it if it did however I dont think it needs one. Sure would be fun to play especially if brought back some of the characters.
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Re: Dreamscape Comprehensive Feedback

Postby John_Austin » Tue Mar 23, 2010 8:25 pm

Favorite Hero (explain why):

Tough call. I liked Athena for the humor, Clochette for usefulness (venom removal), Peeboo 'cause you've got love a self-confident mouse... but I'd probably go with Erin for determination and not giving up.

Favorite "Reward" upon completing the game (explain why):

If you are asking about reward upon restart, I'm thinking the immunity stone- though I haven't got far enough to see if it's as cool as I hope it is... :) and of course, nice to see Marine...

Which Mode did you play in?

Atraxia (sp?) first

What did you think about the game, its story, gameplay etc?

Brilliant concept. Pretty much every RPG by nature follows a kind of formula, and that's not a bad thing; games have to stand on their own merits. This one introduces a unique method of interaction and movement from area to area which draws you in and adds to the gameplaying experience. It was also oddly relaxing to play- don't get me wrong, the poltergeists made me jump and I was frustrated numerous times... but it had a nice surreal feel, overall.

What did you think about Erin?

I said it above, but I would add that you do tend to develop good strong female characters- which I happen to really like. I thought it was good that she was overwhelmed, yet determined at the start, and developed more confidence as the story unfolded.

What did you think about Athena?

Powerful and a smarta**- what's not to love? +::biggrin

What did you think about Peeboo?

I actually thought he was self-assured without being overly obnoxious, unlike some of your characters in other games (Ahem, Louis) besides, mice are too cute to be annoying :)

What did you think about Clochette?

Reminded me of Grandmother wanting to pass along helpful information which we tend to smile at and yet ignore... but still she was very useful and in fact you can not complete the journey without her. Probably a lesson in there...

What did you think about the music and graphics?

Music was excellent and graphics were outstanding. Graphics in London were especially well done.

What did you think about the humor?

Good, just about the right touch to break things up. Erin/ Athena interaction was about what I'd expect if cats could talk...

Which "dream" was your favorite and why?

Hard to say. I liked the overall feel of London and the dream within a dream within a dream (etc...) aspects of Erin's.

Which moment did you like best?

When I walked out of the JAG and into the area I'd spent half and hour trying to figure out how to get to +::O_o

Do you think Dreamscape should have a sequel?

Of course. There should be as many of your games as humanly possible... and after one play I'd rank this up with 3SoD, which is one of my favorites of yours.
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Re: Dreamscape Comprehensive Feedback

Postby tommy2 » Wed Mar 24, 2010 1:33 am

Due to popular (ahem, Titaness) demand.... here it is!
Done with Dreamscape? If you've got 5 mins, please fill this questionary, it is always *very* helpful for me and very appreciated! :)

Favorite Hero (explain why): Clochette. She likes tea. I like tea but not as much as coffee.(Noone else preferred coffee.)

Favorite "Reward" upon completing the game (explain why): A cup of coffee to congratulate! (really wanted coffee just then)

Which Mode did you play in? Ataraxia, then Utopia. Working on the rest (whilst drinking coffee.)

What did you think about the game, its story, gameplay etc? Honestly - pissed me off at first with the inability to store goodies but later appreciated the subtlelty of the gameplay and grew to really enjoy it. Plot - Mouseboy suggests there's more to come... Would happily find out.

What did you think about Erin? Is it 'Erin' or 'Erin/ng/'?

What did you think about Athena? Big, cuddly Persian cat with an attitude and fancy spells. How can this not be loved? Appararently the best coffee in the World is passed through an Indonesian cat. Have Athena eat coffee beans and then 'visit the tray' and she's perfect! (If she's Indonesian)

What did you think about Peeboo? 'Here I come to save the daaaaaay!' Mighty Mouse. Or rat.

What did you think about Clochette? Chubbly cheeks. Mumsy, even grandmumsy. Healy helpsy and someone you'd wanna have a hug from after a damned hard day and with BIG GUNS too! Awwww...

What did you think about the music and graphics? Music dunno, tend to play on silent. Graphics? Nice but not revolutionary although London was pretty - looked more like Hungary/Croatia though with the tiled roofs.

What did you think about the humor? Witty and enjoyed it! Big monkeys are always a winner, as are banter between charachters. Nice!

Which "dream" was your favorite and why? Has to be London for the feeling of progression. Jack was a real killer (excuse the pun) to that stage. When figured out it gave a real feeling of achievement and opened out the game beautifully. A true turning point between frustration and appreciation.

Which moment did you like best? Big Gorilla. No game is complete without the intervention of a big nasty monkey. Except coffee.

Do you think Dreamscape should have a sequel? For sure, but with more monkeys and coffee.
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Re: Dreamscape Comprehensive Feedback

Postby diklazam » Thu Mar 25, 2010 10:28 pm

Favorite Hero (explain why): none.
Favorite "Reward" upon completing the game (explain why): the end - terry keeping his earphon - another game....
Which Mode did you play in? atarxia (easyest)
What did you think about the game, its story, gameplay etc? the story nice, not very connected to each other but all and all logincal - nice ieda
What did you think about the caractures - nice
What did you think about the music and graphics? - like it. like the idea of enemy walking around and u can avoid them if u want.
What did you think about the humor?
i smiled a lot of time... nice humor...
Which "dream" was your favorite and why? the dog's dream was the nicest....
Which moment did you like best? none
but i was v e r y frightend when the thing after the foot pop up... after it the gorilla was exceptable.
Do you think Dreamscape should have a sequel?
i dont know if sequel but i do like to see more games in this style... give and take, logic puzzles... game for thinking people but not to guess - to put some more clearer clews... like how do u know that edna's celler is in the entarance? it should be down, with stairs..
and another thing - i dont know why all the door are so dark and u have to look very carefull... this is not should be the aim of the game... i think u make it hard by the game itself and not by the colors and the sight... if u know what i mean
all and all - i liked it... i'm glad i bought it - indi, notice that i bought the game only because i knew you are behind it....chapo...
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Re: Dreamscape Comprehensive Feedback

Postby titaness » Fri Mar 26, 2010 12:56 pm

Why thank you Indy. I've been dying to see this thread open...I have much to say (imagine that)!
Rebel that I am, I'm not going by the outline suggested, so bear with me.

Indy, I absolutely love this game! It reminds me so much of Laxius Party at times...a game that
I've always felt was under appreciated. What could be better than getting lost in one's imagination?
The possibilities are boundless! You not only should, but I feel are obligated to make a sequel. This
would be a wonderful way to pull all of your games together, and may encourage others who may
not have played them to try all of them! You are already set up for a sequel. Marine is already on
board! Can you imagine getting into the minds of Guanidia or Wendala? (This one might be for
adults only!) HAVE to let us into Bokden's head. (Hope I'm in there somewhere,
probably in a nightmare!! ) HEHEHE

As for the characters, Athena was by far the strongest! She could be the "voice of reason" at times
and at others a passive supporter. Peeboo was lucky to survive along side of her without getting
eaten in his sleep!! Don't tell me she didn't consider it at times!! Clochette was a little too "Prim
and Proper" for me but was helpful with healing. It would have been nice if her spells gained
strength with improved levels as 60 points didn't help much by the end of the game. Erin was
not one of the strongest heroines we've encountered from Indy, but you gotta love her dedication
to "her man". The music wasn't quite up to par with Millenium, but then that's a very hard act to
follow! The graphics and artistry, however, were superb as always. No one can compare to Indy
in this regard.

There are just a couple of things I would change for my taste. I had plenty of gold, but no place
to spend it!! I have a personal strategy I always use in these games....I stock up on recovery
items even before buying weapons and armor, usually to the max...Just in case, you know? There
were plenty of items around, but they had to be used immediately instead of going into inventory
to use when you really needed them. And, there's no place to build levels..another thing I like to
do. Most of the visible minions do not reappear. It would have been better to be able to set
encounter rate with invisible foes, like in MM.

Two things were a huge improvement over past games! The language was excellent. I didn't
encounter many of the confusing phrases of other games. Kudos to did a wonderful
job. And.........this is the cleanest game I have played by Indy or anyone else. There were
no glitches! Except the monster kind!! HEHEHE Zeriab and Indy, you did a superb job of this!

One of the things I love, love, love, was the Autosave! Boy, did that save my butt many, many,
many times when I got so excited about exploring I forgot to save!! I would have thrown my
computer across the room in the Jag area with out that! But, by far, the most impressive thing
about Dreamscape is Indy's incredible sense of humor!! America is still mourning the loss of
Michael Jackson, and when Rick went moonwalking across the room, I burst out laughing so
hard, my husband started to call an ambulance! And, the simultaneously funniest and ugliest
thing was BIGFOOT!! Someone call a podiatrist, quick!! The subtlety of the humor makes it
easy to miss at times, but when you catch out, accidents may happen!! Read
every line, so as not to miss any of the abundant treasures Indy generously sprinkles throughout
the game!!

Indy, you MUST make a sequel. If you choose not to do so, I will haunt you in your "nightmares"
throughout eternity!! :razz: :razz: You will be afraid....Very afraid!!
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Re: Dreamscape Comprehensive Feedback

Postby anniezo57 » Sat Mar 27, 2010 9:22 am

Favorite Hero (explain why):This is a tough question +:::| Erin- you equip her correctly and she is unstoppable 8) She also has amazing defenses later in the game....This chick can take a hit +::grrr +::biggrin

Favorite "Reward" upon completing the game (explain why): Immunity Stone...I adored walking all over those things
Spoiler: show
and getting Marine

Which Mode did you play in? Ataraxia ( twice) now Utopia

What did you think about the game, its story, gameplay etc? I was upset at 1st...thought my inventory was broken,once I understood that items I picked up didn't go there...I had an AHHA moment +::shhhh LOL

What did you think about Erin? My favorite! +::kiss

What did you think about Athena? 2nd favorite....I'm a "paladin" when I play these games...his magic was costly until I put a mask on him 8)

What did you think about Peeboo?
Loved his strength & Bad smell & carrot spell +::biggrin

What did you think about Clochette? I really liked her but since I like to play w/ brute force..I had trouble managing her. If she took a physical hurt +::fear same w/ Peeboo...

What did you think about the music and graphics? Loved the graphics +::heart . I'm on the fence about the music. I tend to play hard driven tunes for games. +::music The music was great but not the type of tunes I listen to when I'm on a quest +:oops:

What did you think about the humor?Adored it +::Thumbup Too many funny things to mention but my fave was when I put a hat on a certain member....and a reference to a certain vampire later in the game +::biggrin

Which "dream" was your favorite and why? Al Capones in New York. I got such a kick out of the gangsters +::biggrin .' They packed a punch if they got to "hit" +::fear I was yelling " I want a semi-automatic" & well I found something 8) +::biggrin
Which moment did you like best? When the Ape attacked me....I had just gotten over "Bigfoot" +::biggrin I went " WTF" rather loudly....scared my animials +::biggrin +:oops:

Do you think Dreamscape should have a sequel? I'm not going to answer this question until I've played every mode & every possible combination of out comes 8) I do want to say that this is the best of your games yet IMHO +::clap Soooooooooo Much fun to play +::heart
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Re: Dreamscape Comprehensive Feedback

Postby debhi » Sat Mar 27, 2010 1:08 pm

Due to popular (ahem, Titaness) demand.... here it is!
Done with Dreamscape? If you've got 5 mins, please fill this questionary, it is always *very* helpful for me and very appreciated! :)

Favorite Hero (explain why): Must you ask.......Athena the cat. Her spells kept the group alive. Her humor and bantering with Erin and the Mighty Mouse.
Favorite "Reward" upon completing the game (explain why): My favorite "Reward" will be if there is a sequel to this game. I loved that there was different types of challenges/puzzles in each dream you entered. I know some just had life saving items. Challenge to remember whose dream unless you kept your pen and notebook or word doc open.
Which Mode did you play in? Let's see very easy, easy and currently normal and hard.
What did you think about the game, its story, gameplay etc? Fabulous game. You created a completely different style of game. Had a little of this and a little of that. Never a boring moment.
What did you think about Erin? Erin reminds me of me and the type of people I hang out with. No matter what we will stick by you and help you type of people.
What did you think about Athena? Ahhhhh.....Athena. Strong spells. Self centered and that tongue.
What did you think about Peeboo? Mighty Mouse/Viking. Not as strong as I would of liked. Thinks highly of self. Would do anything for a friend.
What did you think about Clochette? Dear grandma. Loved her "tea" comments at the most inappropriate times. Who would of thought that Grandma would be the savior.
What did you think about the music and graphics? Normally I don't play with the sound on. But the music was excellent. It did not bother me. I in fact enjoyed the mix. The graphics were good. I did like London the best. It made me want to hurry inside due to the rain.
What did you think about the humor? It was great.
Which "dream" was your favorite and why? The "dream" that was my favorite had to be the old man's. It took me to London and things happened at times you did not expect it. I love that.
Which moment did you like best? This is a hard one. It is easier for me to say which one I did not like. That had to be New York. I did not find that dream challenging enough.
Do you think Dreamscape should have a sequel? I would love to see it have a sequel. I want to know why Peeboo was there when Erin woke up at 9 a.m. via her alarm. What did Terry the bum do to her? So many questions left unanswered.

I must say that this was enjoyable. Great job and thank you Indy for allowing us to enter yet another one of your wild dreams. +::Dance +::clap +::YAY 8)
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Re: Dreamscape Comprehensive Feedback

Postby disneath » Sun Mar 28, 2010 6:51 pm

Due to popular (ahem, Titaness) demand.... here it is!
Done with Dreamscape? If you've got 5 mins, please fill this questionary, it is always *very* helpful for me and very appreciated! :)

Favorite Hero (explain why): Loved Peeboo, very understated yet grew stronger. Love fighters!

Favorite "Reward" upon completing the game (explain why): Don't know yet, have just started Utopia

Which Mode did you play in? Ataraxia

What did you think about the game, its story, gameplay etc? Game took a lot of getting used to as it was soooo different from other RPGs. At times, confusing and frustrating. No use for the money ($17,000.) at the end. The story was different but interesting. The gameplay - undecided. Would have liked to see some maps or hints of what to do next or where to go.

What did you think about Erin? Liked her and her strength as the game progressed.

What did you think about Athena? One of my favourites, but I love cats regardless.

What did you think about Peeboo? Liked him a lot. Whoever thought a mouse could fight.

What did you think about Clochette? She got better as the game went on. Great sense of humour.

What did you think about the music and graphics? Don't play with the music on as I share a computer room. The graphics were fantastic. The best yet of all the Aldorlea games.

What did you think about the humor? Cute

Which "dream" was your favorite and why? London and New York were the most challenging.

Which moment did you like best? The end, because I almost gave up a couple of times and never thought I would or wanted to complete it. Now, I will go through the other levels. I'm finding Utiopia much easier as now I have a pretty good idea of where most things are and the difference from other RPGs.

Do you think Dreamscape should have a sequel? NO. This is enough! I'm waiting with fingers crossed for a sequel for Assguard. Thank goodness for the forum and everyone's prompt replies. Much appreciated all your help
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Re: Dreamscape Comprehensive Feedback

Postby Prometheus » Mon Mar 29, 2010 2:18 am

Favorite Hero (explain why): Peebo, I thought the dialogue was the most entertaining and showed the game didn't take itself too seriously.
Favorite "Reward" upon completing the game (explain why): Well I haven't really playtested them yet having just finished but the immunity should be pretty convenient so I don't have to save and reload to make sure I didn't lose a ton of hp.
Which Mode did you play in? Ataraxia
What did you think about the game, its story, gameplay etc? I liked the game and the exploration required. There were times it got confusing and some kind of hint feature could go a long way to making it easier if you got lost. I thought the gameplay was good and would have enjoyed a deeper skillset/equipment choices at times.
What did you think about Erin?
What did you think about Athena?
What did you think about Peeboo?
What did you think about Clochette?
I liked all the characters and enjoyed the dialogue - the dialogue was paced very well.
What did you think about the music and graphics? The graphics and music were both very solid.
What did you think about the humor? I like it.
Which "dream" was your favorite and why? I really liked London and the encounters with Jack the Ripper - first game over was a real surprise.
Which moment did you like best? First time I made the home of the gods and got all the goodies there.
Do you think Dreamscape should have a sequel? I'm sure I would enjoy it if there was but I'm sure you should make the games you want to create.
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Re: Dreamscape Comprehensive Feedback

Postby dee0227 » Mon Mar 29, 2010 12:38 pm

Favorite Hero (explain why): Athena. Just an all around balanced character. Great with magic, pretty good with weapons when she has a good weapon.

Favorite "Reward" upon completing the game (explain why): Still to be determined. I haven't finished all levels. Least favorite reward was the Cheese Powder in the JAG. Why bother???? All of the cheese has been used by the time you got it.

Which Mode did you play in? I am playing all modes. Currently working on Dream again.

What did you think about the game, its story, gameplay etc? The story was good. The gameplay was good also. I would like to see an option to add random encounters if you wanted them. I like to be able to level my character up before going into a new place to minimize damages. It makes it easier to explore.

What did you think about Erin? A little naive at first but grows quickly.

What did you think about Athena? Great comic relief. I love the part about the pointy hat.

What did you think about Peeboo? Coryool or Louis in a mouse's body. But a great fighter. He just needs to learn to dodge a little better.

What did you think about Clochette? The matriarch of the group. Just like a grandma (I should know because I am one), always wanting to fix things with food/drink.

What did you think about the music and graphics? No music on my machine (slows it down too much). Graphics were great.

What did you think about the humor? My favorite part. But I do get strange looks from my husband for laughing at the computer screen.

Which "dream" was your favorite and why? The Old Man's dream was my favorite because it made you think and the first time through surprised me several times.

Which moment did you like best? When Clochette saved the day. Age and wisdom will always prevail.

Do you think Dreamscape should have a sequel? Certainly. You didn't destroy the headphones.

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Re: Dreamscape Comprehensive Feedback

Postby CEMF » Tue Mar 30, 2010 11:36 am

My turn ^^

Dreamscape Comprehensive Feedback
by Indinera » Tue Mar 23, 2010 4:21 pm

Due to popular (ahem, Titaness) demand.... here it is!
Done with Dreamscape? If you've got 5 mins, please fill this questionary, it is always *very* helpful for me and very appreciated!

Favorite Hero (explain why): Peebo,because I like his personality,he always wants to destroy everything, because he thinks he's a Viking, but he was always loyal to Erin, and when she asked for help, he helped :)
Favorite "Reward" upon completing the game (explain why):Hm...I think the best reward in this game,was the fact,that erin gained friends in the dream world,and the medal in his chest,becaus her adventure was almost like a life experience for me ^^
Which Mode did you play in?Ataraxia (I'll play in Utopia now)
What did you think about the game, its story, gameplay etc?Think with me: A game where you end up falling into a totally mystical world, full of fantasy where you meet friends, enemies, can enter the imagination of whoever you want, besides having to fulfill your goal searching for a loved person .. . IS TOTALLY INNOVATIVE!The gameplay,I like how erin can get good things and bad things,like coins and a venon condition !!Just awesome!
What did you think about Erin?A good girl,aways loyal to her beloved boyfriend Terry.She knew how to be a good leader during the game +::biggrin
What did you think about Athena? +::lol The humoristic "person" of the game...I liked her,and her personality too :razz: When Erin was doing something wrong she always made fun of her face +::biggrin
What did you think about Peeboo?Always courageous and obeying Erin, he was a major component in the group (Favorite)
What did you think about Clochette?Seems to be the most loyal person in the group, always showed respect for Erin and also helped a lot during her journey +::Thumbup
What did you think about the music and graphics?Awesome,the artworks are astonishing,and the tiles too .Could not expect anything of the millennium team,I hope you continue making games with this marvelous things :razz:
What did you think about the humor? Hahaha very interesting, though erin be in a tense world, there was always a moment of humor in the group that contributed much to the interactivity of the game (JAG = Jaguar...LOL Athena)
Which "dream" was your favorite and why?The dream of the mister with the butterfly,because it leads to one of the most beautiful and tense place in the game: London
Which moment did you like best?
Do you think Dreamscape should have a sequel?Of course I hope to play with erin again, and she finds her friend in the dream world, because in my opinion the end left something to be desired

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Re: Dreamscape Comprehensive Feedback

Postby johnboy412000 » Tue Mar 30, 2010 10:22 pm

Favorite Hero (explain why): Athena cos of his strong spells that helped to do massive damage to the monsters
Favorite "Reward" upon completing the game (explain why):I dint get a reward prob cos i touched the pinky about 17 times
Which Mode did you play in?Atrixia
What did you think about the game, its story, gameplay etc? Well it was certainly a game with a difference not having an inventory stuffed full of food etc was strange at first.
What did you think about Erin? She was ok after shed gained a few levels
What did you think about Athena? Truely awesome
What did you think about Peeboo? Witty and funny comments
What did you think about Clochette? She was handy for helping to heal venom etc
What did you think about the music and graphics? Graphics were awesome especially the part on route to the jailhouse that was a breath taking backdrop
What did you think about the humor? It was kinda humorous
Which "dream" was your favorite and why? Cant say as i had a fav
Which moment did you like best? i dunno i was hellbent on getting to the end and seeing the credits roll to take much notice lol
Do you think Dreamscape should have a sequel? Yeah definately bring it on +::Dance +::Dance +::Dance +::YAY
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Re: Dreamscape Comprehensive Feedback

Postby SurferGranny » Tue Mar 30, 2010 10:42 pm

Favorite Hero (explain why): Clochette because she’s soooo cute! And boosts everyone besides!

Favorite "Reward" upon completing the game (explain why): Only first reward so far. Picked the immune stone for next time so I could check everywhere without getting hurt so bad!

Which Mode did you play in? Easiest so I could map! +::surrender

What did you think about the game, its story, gameplay etc? Game was the best yet! You’re going to have to go some to beat it! Story was fun and dialogue was sparkling and funny! +::lol

What did you think about Erin? She got very strong and became awesome.

What did you think about Athena? She was a typical cat. Just wants what she wants when she wants it. Did have some pretty good spells though.

What did you think about Peeboo? Great Viking! Great fighter and willing to do whatever needs doing.

What did you think about Clochette? My favourite. She is adorable and her boosts are super! Can’t say much for her healing....

What did you think about the music and graphics? Music was really nice. I don’t listen to it much, cause GrannyC and I are in the same room.

What did you think about the humor? Loved it! Rolled all over the floor several times!

Which "dream" was your favorite and why? I think that now that I have the immune stone, that I’ll even like the jailhouse!!

Which moment did you like best? When the gorilla popped up! Good scare! +::fear

Do you think Dreamscape should have a sequel? What? +::music Terry lied to Erin when he said that he’d erase the ipod??? Horrors! +::O_o (Of course!!)

Overall: Fantastic game, Indy! This is my favorite so far of all your games. Probably because it's not your typical RPG, it's one of a kind! Proofreading was excellent! (Thanks, Eri) Only thing I wish is that you could carry the healing items and use them on whichever character needed them. Didn’t really care for the ‘across the board’ healing. Also having someplace to level up and maybe be able to sleep at the inn in London without losing your reward! And someone to have a decent healing spell when you're fighting!! +::biggrin
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