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Walkthrough for part 8- Malufus maze and stairs of nevenmore

Walkthrough for part 8- Malufus maze and stairs of nevenmore

Postby mellowkat » Thu Jun 04, 2009 4:52 am

Walkthrough for part 8- Malufus maze and stairs of nevenmore

(Random encounters: Malufus reject [20 gold, 160exp], Malufus remnant [0 gold, 366 exp], Xbaldos [75 gold, 450exp, Xabaldos wings], Xabaldarus [488 gold, 623 exp, Xabaldarus mask], Black hole eye [0 gold, 500exp])
125. Merlin will tell you that you can get to the stairs of Nevenmore through the old machinery station. Before the warp gates became popular there was a traditional road to the stairs. He will tell you that there is a gate blocking the way. He will walk you to the area. This place is in the room next to his. He will show you the gate and then head back to his office. He will explain that you need to enter the maze of Malufus behind him to open the gate. You must reach 3 activators and press them at the same time to be able to open the gate for a short time. Merlin will move out of the way and you can move forward. Random, Sarah and Luciana will form the leaders of the separate parties. Choose Luciana’s party. Make sure you put the most powerful people in Lucianas party as her section is the hardest.

Quest 36– Maze of Malufus (Q31)

Luciana- Blue maze
126. To the right is an arrow that will lead you back if you decide that your party is not going to work and need to change. Below you is a question mark hint that explains the properties of platform jumping. You will be doing a lot of this in the maze. It will show you how to jump onto the next platform. Go up the next couple of platforms. The path going up leads to nothing but a dead end. Go right and follow the blue arrow and jump up the platforms. Take the left path. At the end is a chest. Heal up before you open it. You will be confronted by the malufus oracle. This is a relatively tough fight and the reason why I said to choose a good team. Paralyse him first with Luciana and then knock out his side kicks. Luciana’s overbolt spell is the only one that will hurt him. He is mainly weak to physical attacks. It may take a little while but he will eventually die. He will randomly drop the necroleech (all). In the chest is a KR28 shield (artefact). If you have trouble defeating him you can go back to the start and add an extra person in your party and then return to the oracle and try again. When done return to the start and remove that person from your team. Now head right and jump across to the right side. Go behind the cliff and then open the chest to get the Laxius armor (artefact). Now take the right path.


127. Follow the path until you have to jump onto the two circle bits. Grab the temporary speed crystal boost and then on the second circle look up and walk into secret room 46/51. Grab the Temporary speed, mind and strength crystal boosts. Open the chest to get a 1x Al’ Kazayer scroll, 1x moon stone, 10x dynamite, and 18676 gold. Exit the secret room and continue going right. Go up and work your way around and around until you reach the chest. Open it to get a Laxius armor (Artefact). Work your way back around to the start. On the next screen go down until you reach the next screen. Go down past the diagonal bit with a hole in it. If you go down the left path all that’s down there is a temporary mind crystal boost. Go right and you will see some round platforms to jump up onto. Go a little to the right and above you, you can see some multiple platforms that you can jump up. At the top there are some translucent tiles that you can jump across to the right. At the end of them jump across the circular platforms and then work your way down to the bottom. Save and heal up before moving onto the next screen. You will see the activator switch however a huge thing floats above you and you will be forced to right it. This is the outer whale. Just concentrate on staying alive for a few rounds and then the thing will swallow you.



Quest 37- Find a way out of the outer whale (Q30)

(Random encounters: Parasite devourer[0 gold, 165 exp], Phosphorea bulb [0 gold, 123exp])
128. Luciana has a bit of a freak out because it swallows your team. Walk forward and enter the cave a little to the left. Inside grab the 1x flesh catalyst. To the right of that in the first corner look down and walk into secret room 48/51. Grab the 3x flesh catalyst and the 1x Ademia globulus. Exit the secret room and continue going up. Take the left path and grab the 2x flesh catalyst on the way up. Once outside grab the 2x mineral salt and the 4x stones that gives all party members +1 Hp. Go back inside. The other set of stairs going up leads to nothing. Exit the cave down the bottom. Go right. The end path has nothing. Go up the middle path until you see a funny looking yellow thing. Go right of this and cross the bridge to the next screen.


129. Grab the 1x mineral salt on the little island. First go up. You may have to press space/enter to jump across. Go up and to the right is a 1x old bottle. Go left and grab the 2x mineral salts. Now head back to the island and head right. Once across the bridge grab the 1x Ademia globulus. Head back to the island and this time head down. Grab the 1x mineral salt. Head down to the bottom and to the left is a 1x 100TNT dynamite. Go back to the island and go left. Head back to the entrance area. Now go right. Walk across the bridge and up. Take the left path first and go up onto the ledge. Go down and open the chest to get a Bio-Globulus Melanine. Get off the ledge and head up a little bit. Go across the bridge to the left. Go up the first path. Grab the 1x Ademis Globulus. Continue heading left and grab the 1x mineral salt at the end. Head back to the start of that area and this time go straight ahead. Go up the first path and grab the 1x old bottle. Head back right and this time go down. Luciana will comment that the area is quite dangerous. Go up the second path. Grab the 2x old bottles. Also grab the 1x mineral salt. Go back down and continue heading left. Grab the 1x flesh catalyst. Go back to the right and cross back over the bridge.



130. Once across the bridge go up. Grab the 1x Ademis Globulus. To the left of that go up and you will see a bridge partially obscured by a cliff. Go up it. At the end of it you will find secret room 47/51. Walk forward and grab the 8x mineral salt, 4x Ademia Globulus and the 1x old bottle. Exit the secret room and head right. You will see a green tentacle thing. Inspect it and you will use the dynamite that you found earlier to blow it up. Walk forward and heal up before you move onto the next screen. When you step forward you will be confronted by a Vermine. It will randomly drop the verminator. Go up to the top and heal up. You will be confronted by the Space whale’s heart. Luciana has the theory that if you hit it hard enough it will expel them out. Use Luciana’s mega freeze spell to make it bleed. Now just concentrate on staying alive. It should go down after a time. It will randomly drop a Ademia Globulus. Quest complete. Now heal up before you touch the activator crystal. You will be confronted by several monsters. The spirit of the artifact is the one that you need to be most concerned about. Dark based spells are generally effective against this foe. Also try to equip dark based equipments. Quest complete.

Sarah- Yellow maze
131. Go right. There is nothing around to the left. When you reach the bottom, go up and around the blue squares. Go left and then go up. Open the chest to get an ocean love (all). Now head down. When you reach the bit that divides keep going down and you will find secret room 49/51. Grab the 2x Malufus eyes, the temporary strength crystal boost and the 3 yellow glow balls to give your party +1 HP each. Exit this room and go around to keep going down. Go down and grab the temporary resistance boost at the bottom. Go up the next path. At the top go right. Grab the temporary mind resistance. Go down the last path and on the second square down turn left. You will find secret room 51/51. Grab the temporary speed boost. Talk to the dwarf to be able to buy a bateleur (artefact). Exit this room and go down the next path to the left. At the end turn right and go behind the cliffs. Flick the switch to on. Go back around and head down the path to the left. First head right and open the chest to get a granite helmet. If you take the right path you will find a temporary mind crystal boost. Take the path down. At the end open the chest to get 4x mithril dust. Heal up before the next screen. Go and inspect the activator crystal. You will face the same fight as Luciana. Use Sarah’s lethal dance on it. It will eventually go down. Quest complete




Random- Pink maze
132. First up go down. Open the first red chest to get a 1x necrotear. Open the second chest to get a Malufus shield. Head back up to the top and go right. Open the blue chest to get a 1x oxyfolium. Go straight ahead. On the next screen Go all the way right and down. Go down the first left path when you can. At the end grab the temporary strength and resistance crystal boosts. Open the red chest to get 3x Yveen potions. Head back right and then go down and left. You will end up on the previous screen again. Head down. You will now find yourself in a circular platform maze. There are no secret items in this area except for temporary crystal boosts which I will not point out and a secret room. First up head right 2 platforms, down 1 platform, right 3 platforms, up one platform, then head right and down. Turn right and you will find Secret room N/C. Open the chest to get a malufus shield. Grab the 1x Malufus gem. The lizard is Malufus himself! Now head back by going up and left, down 1 platform, left 3 platforms, up 1 platform, left 1 platform.



133. Now you should be back at the start. The way you need to go now is right 1 platform, down 1 platform, left 1 platform, down 3 platforms, right 1 platform, up 2 platforms, right 2 platforms, down 1 platform, right 1 platform, down 1 platform, left 1 platform, down 1 platform, left 2 platforms, down 2 platforms, right 2 platforms, and down. Now head right. You should now be at a diagonal with holes blocking your path. You can jump across the holes. At the top move onto the next screen and go all the way right. Open the chest to get the cat shield. Go left and head down the first path. Go down. When you get to the part when you see some diagonal path areas on the left. In the top right corner to the left is secret room 50/51. Grab the 4x moon stones, 1x Malufus gem. Also grab the temporary mind crystal boost. Exit the secret room. Go down and at the bottom head left. You have now reached the crystal. Heal up for the fight. Now inspect the crystal. Fight the monsters there again and quest complete.



(Random encounter: Droid tricker [101 gold, 324 exp], Laser tron [182 gold, 588 exp], Robotank [320 gold, 820exp])
134. You will now find yourself back at Merlin. You will move onto the next screen. In the first room down grab the 2x zorb. In the second room down grab the 1x zorb. In the first room up, in the top left hand corner is a 1x karmitron. Exit this room and keep going right. Talk to the woman a few times to be able to buy some items. Head up the path to the left of her and grab the temporary mind and speed crystal boosts. Exit this room and enter in the one to the right and down. Grab the 1x Dynamite. Go past the locked area and then go up into the next room. Straight ahead is a temporary resistance crystal boost. Exit this room and walk past the next locked area and down into the next room. Behind the tree up the top is a hidden 1x XP pumpkin. Exit this room and keep going right then down. At the bottom in the first niche is a 1x zorb. Walk down and around. In the first niche is a 1x dynamite. In the first room down below is a 1x zorb. Keep going right and after you walk around the wall in the way and past the little green thing that looks like a save frog, the blue switch sells items. Stock up if you need to. Talk to the crazy man a few times for him to offer some nice but expensive equipments. Grab the temporary speed and resistance crystal boost.

Quest 38- Destroy Ozur (Q33)

135. Now turn on ALL of the switches. Now go back to the area with the gated paths. Go into the one to the right of the crazy lady first. Grab the 1x dynamite, 1x XP pumpkin and the 2x zorb. Now exit this room and head past the floor that looks like the moon and enter into the area above that. You will enter into a red room where you will hear some creepy music. The sign will say that the road to nevenmore is shut down and is too dangerous. Hit the switch and an alarm will sound. Walk forward onto the black area and keep walking forward. You will reach another room. Heal up. Now walk forward and when you get one step past the flags you will step on a trigger that will sound another siren. You will then have to fight the perfect enemy. I found physical attack with Coryool worked best. Just physical attack it and it will go down pretty easy. Now heal up and save. Make sure you remove any counter hitting items from Random, Luciana and Sarah (To find out if they are counter hitting equipments just check their description and it usually says somewhere if it is or not). Walk into the next room and you will come across Ozur once again. He will say that he underestimated you the first time and this time he wont make that same mistake. He is not going to fight anyone else that are undeserving so he throws you into a space where it is only Random, Sarah and Luciana against him. Now this is where all those nice totems of evil will come in. You should have 25. Get Luciana to paralyse him and then go for it. After a few rounds something will change. The three stars will develop the laxius power. It is at the pinnacle of its intensity. When he starts to yell at you that is when he is starting to weaken. He will say as follows: 1. “I am fed up with you!” 2. “I can’t believe you are still standing! Take this if you can!!” 3. “Surprise!” 4. “I cannot fail! Whatever happens, I have to kill them all!” (+heroism) 5. “My skin is so strong your attacks are like caresses to me!” (+defence up lvl 2) 6. “…why. WHY? Why can’t I destroy KIDS???!” He should go down after using most of the totems of evil. You will get HEAPS of exp and will be given the opportunity to save. Ozur dies and you will be teleported to the antechamber to the stairs of Nevenmore again.

Q 39-Pass the trial of the stairs of Nevenmore (Q34)

136. The others who watched the whole battle said that they glowed pink and when they returned to normal the color diffused into the room. Sarah and Random finally kiss. The scene will cut to Yveen and Iota. They noticed the burst of energy. They comment on how the burst of energy matured their bodies drastically. She thinks that the difference between their mortal bodies and the ones that they have improved here may be lethal. Yveen thinks that she needs to cancel their memories of the event to help them survive. Random and his team will forget everything that occurred while here including Random’s confession of his love for Sarah. Yveen thinks that he will discover it soon on his own again anyway. The scene will cut back to Random. Random will say that they are off. Quest complete. Now head right and you will see a path. Walk across and you will find you are on the other side of the gates that Ozur destroyed earlier. Now save. When running up the stairs always hold up. At the start when Random starts talking wait until he says up up up and press the up buttom during this text and then keep holding up until you reach the top. The whole thing should only take 1 minute and 30 seconds. Quest complete. THE END.

137. You should now be transported to sunset beach. Random feels that he must have been asleep for a very long time. The blue fish will unlock some goodies. The time goodie will give you points of HP for however many hours that you played for a price. The secret room goodie will convert the amount of secret rooms you found to HP for a character for a price. The relic/ Artefact goodie will allow you to convert the amount of relics/artefacts to HP for one character for a price. If you like you can wait until you have all the artefacts/relics or more hours of playing time. You can always come back. You can leave the island by talking to the blue phoenix at the bottom of the screen. You can get teleported to Rillia, SankT Leona or Mt Zulle. Time to complete all the unfinished quests.

*** Walkthrough dont by Mellowkat
*** Maps done by Surfergranny and edited by Mellowkat
Last edited by mellowkat on Wed Jun 24, 2009 5:27 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Walkthrough for part 8- Malufus maze and stairs of nevenmore

Postby joyce » Thu Jun 04, 2009 1:48 pm

thanks +::YAY
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Re: Walkthrough for part 8- Malufus maze and stairs of nevenmore

Postby SurferGranny » Fri Jun 05, 2009 3:35 pm

Another beauty!! Thanks for all your hard work +::YAY +::YAY +::YAY !!
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Re: Walkthrough for part 8- Malufus maze and stairs of nevenmore

Postby flavie » Sun Aug 09, 2009 3:10 pm

I'm very upset.Malefus Maze I did Luciana's part but with too many characters (Luciana, Lisa, Coryool and Guanidia) then I said ERK very few weak characters left, impossible to go further, isn't it?
. I can go back to before Luciana's quest, I've chosen Lisa and Guanidia but not a good team.
Do you have teams to advise? or I'll give up!
(Was my Luciana's team good?)
At worse could I send my savefile to someone to make it in Story Mode low encounter rate cos it's very hard.
Please help. +::surrender
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Re: Walkthrough for part 8- Malufus maze and stairs of nevenmore

Postby Indinera » Sun Aug 09, 2009 4:03 pm

Why not training your characters?
You're so close to the end....
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Re: Walkthrough for part 8- Malufus maze and stairs of nevenmore

Postby flavie » Mon Aug 10, 2009 8:05 pm

+::YAY I've finally passed malefus maze! Now I'm at the switches, it goes well.
I'm so proud of being patient. +::Dance

Oh NOOOO! I used most of totem of evil fighting ozur the first time! I've written my situation at Help Questions section, can't manage Ozur topic +::sos
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Re: Walkthrough for part 8- Malufus maze and stairs of nevenmore

Postby nanchan » Tue Dec 15, 2009 5:26 am

Great walkthrough, but I found a couple of differences with Mellowcat's walkthrough.

Paragraph 129, about halfway through, there is a sentence, "Now go right." That is actually "left".
Paragraph 130, in Secret Room 47/51 I found 9x mineral salt.
Paragraph 132, last sentence, at the very end where it says, "left 1 platform.", it should say, "left 2 platforms."
Paragraph 133, as to the location of secret room 51/51, it says it's in the top right corner to the left. I can't see that at all, to me, it is in the top left corner to the left. But maybe I don't know what's she means there.
Paragraph 134, near the end where it says, "In the first room down below is a 1x zorb. Keep going right...", it should say "....Keep going left..."

At the end, when going up the stairs of Nevenmore, it should be pointed out that it doesn't seem that you can navigate the stairs with the mouse, you need to use the up arrow key.

And if you are really intent on collecting all the relics, you'd better be prepared to have a lot (a LOT) of money to buy that relic the guy in the maze was selling.

Fighting Zorb, some of the other items were effective (though not as effective as the Idol).

That's it! and again, thanks for the hard work!
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