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Asguaard Comprehensive Feedback

Asguaard Comprehensive Feedback

Postby Indinera » Sun Nov 15, 2009 9:05 pm

Done with the game? If you've got 5 mins, please fill this questionary, it is always very helpful for me!

Favorite Hero (explain why):
Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why):
Which Mode did you play in?
What did you think about the story?
What did you think about Glen (the Hero)?
What did you think about Rayanne?
What did you think about Grom?
What did you think about Luby?
What did you think about the music?
What did you think about Thanatos and his minions?
What did you think of the last scene and fight?
Overall Comment about the game:
Are you looking forward our next game, and what would you like to see in this game?
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Re: Asguaard Comprehensive Feedback

Postby Kel » Mon Nov 16, 2009 5:43 am

Actually i beat the game this morning, was very good.

Favorite Hero (explain why): Grom - He thought he would always remain the same, but he does actually change and see a difference in the Asguaard.
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It also helped that he was my strongest character at the end with his Bahamut claws.

Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why): My favorite in-game moment was the whole stone of origin part of the story because
Spoiler: show
I never expected the stone be alive and so funny, and just the general aesthetics of being in the center of the world with the airship was sort of liberating and cool compared to all the enclosed caves and forests the player usually is in.

What did you think about the story? The story to me was very simplistic and straight-forward. It wasn't exactly deep in a broad view but when you get to that ending scene it really just crashes down and you get to see what the moral is, and It definitely evoked some emotions. I also liked the fact that the two humans were not from Asguaard and actually lived seemingly normal lives which we can all relate too, i hope! It sort of reminded me of the chronicles of narnia in that aspect..

What did you think about Glen (the Hero)? Glen was probably what gave me the feeling that this game was geared towards a younger audience, i liked his sense of humor but he got on my nerves when he didn't exactly show empathy towards Rayanne.

What did you think about Rayanne? Rayanne in my opinion changed the most throughout the game and i measured the other hero's growth and changes against Rayanne's because of this. I need not say she was the kindest and most caring person for it is a given! Through her acts of kindness she helped change the other heroes, and most importantly she helped change the world to a better place.

What did you think about Grom? Favorite character because I feel like i most relate to him.
What did you think about Luby? Cutest thing as a baby,
Spoiler: show
and very wise as an adult. If you ever read the eragon book I would relate her to saphira.

What did you think about the music? The music was what really pulled me in and made me love the game even more, the first time i heard the boss battle music I enjoyed and got to listen to quite a bit since i kept dying to islander whale LOL.
the track called metalstorm-full_length_track was my favorite ;)
What did you think about Thanatos and his minions? They actually had some feelings and weren't COMPLETELY evil, and were ... almost lighthearted? Bone-crusher was my favorite.

Overall Comment about the game:
I usually rush through most rpg's now because i can't stand grinding upon grinding and the Story Mode really helped make me enjoy the game more for it's story rather than just countless hours of leveling up.
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I feel I got lucky too because i found a the survival guru and 2 sword relics, 1 sword relic that actually let glen attack twice.

I am looking forward to legend because supposedly it will be a sci-fi? my favorite type.
My end game stats:
Spoiler: show
Play time : 17:52:13
Step Count = 80,000
Glen(sword) - lvl 46
grom(claw) - 46
Rayanne-(bow) 47
luby - 50
Last edited by Kel on Tue Nov 17, 2009 3:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Asguaard Comprehensive Feedback

Postby nekoyasa » Thu Nov 19, 2009 11:07 pm

Favorite Hero (explain why):
rayanne. i like nice people who treat others with respect. i like people who try their best. so she is my favorite of these characters since she has love and compassion for her friends and others.

Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why):
the ending where grom is dying and says he does'nt mind because now his people have a goddess. i thought that part was so beautiful.

Which Mode did you play in?

What did you think about the story?
it was good. the ending was great because i was really taken by suprise. i usually hate sad endings, but you managed to make it touching and beautiful in a way that did'nt make me feel all depressed.

What did you think about Glen (the Hero)?
he was o.k. i liked him alright but he could be really annoying with his comments. i really dont mean any offense by saying that. it's just a personal opinion because i like kind, possitive, caring people and really dislike rude, cruel, or uncaring people. but your games are so exceptional that i just ignore the characters that annoy me too much and just concentrate on playing. but he was mild compared to the laxius people so i guess he was'nt really that bad at all +::biggrin . i hope that does'nt sound bad. no matter what i think about any of the characters i still think you are an awsome game maker and i feel bad saying anything negative at all.

What did you think about Rayanne?
very sweet person. liked her alot.

What did you think about Grom?
i liked him. it's sad that the dwarfs think they dont have souls. they could do so much more if they did'nt limit themselves by thinking they cant do things because of believing they lack a soul.

What did you think about Luby?
cute, sweet, good spells. i really liked having her in the group.

What did you think about the music?
i feel guilty, but i dont listen to game music.

What did you think about Thanatos and his minions?
i dont really have an opinion about them. his minions were'nt very bright or strong, but they were fine. i would have liked to have been able to wander around a little after the fight with thanatos so i could see what the sword he dropped could do. it's sad to get a weapon drop at the end of a game that you can never use.

Overall Comment about the game:
of all your games this is my least favorite (i never played any of your free games, but have bought & played all your other ones). but that is'nt really bad because even if it is my least favorite of your games it still places high overall in the list of rpg games i've played. i liked the whole skills thing in the game, but i got very tired traveling back and forth, back and forth trying to upgrade skills and then going back and forth trying to collect the things i had to leave behind because of not having the right skill or skill upgrade yet. if i had kept track of who had what skill and upgrades and where they were i probably would'nt have gotten so burnt out playing the game. but i did'nt so it's probably my fault i did'nt enjoy the whole game as much as i might have otherwise.

Are you looking forward our next game, and what would you like to see in this game?
definitely looking forward to the next game. hope i can save anywhere - i'm not a fan of only being able to save at certain points. i know a lot of games do it that way but it lessens my enjoyment when playing. if the game errors or if i want to redo a part but have to go back a long way to do it i feel really annoyed and frustrated. thats just another personal opinion of mine though. i know it adds a different kind of challange so plenty of other people like it.
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Re: Asguaard Comprehensive Feedback

Postby Saphira » Sat Nov 21, 2009 8:53 am

Favorite Hero (explain why):Rayanne. She had courage and remained positive despite everything.
Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why): Getting Luby back, cause I thought I'd lost her. +::YAY
Which Mode did you play in?Easy, always do for first time through
What did you think about the story? Was OK. I was expecting more depth to the story line seeing as there were no side quests :(
What did you think about Glen (the Hero)? He did'nt impress me at all, he was wimpy. :(
What did you think about Rayanne? She was my favourite. +::YAY
What did you think about Grom? He was strong and determined to save his country. I liked him.
What did you think about Luby?Loved her. She was cute and powerful
What did you think about the music?Played without the music (sorry) +:oops:
What did you think about Thanatos and his minions?They weren't as strong as I expected them to be.
Overall Comment about the game:Missed the side quests that give depth to your games but loved the massive areas we had to cover. As usual your caves, mazes, castles etc were just as confusing as ever. Drives me nuts but I love persevering till I get through. +::Thumbup
Are you looking forward our next game, and what would you like to see in this game? Of course I'm looking forward to the next game, and the one after and the one after that +::biggrin Who wouldn't? +::clap

My end stats aren't too good cause I prefer to play through the first time I'll be aiming for all the secret rooms and hidden places!
Glen lvl 61 Grom lvl 61 Rayanne lvl 62 Luby lvl 65
play time 30hr 26min steps 152036 hidden locations 50 :( secret rooms 14 :(
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Re: Asguaard Comprehensive Feedback

Postby titaness » Sun Nov 22, 2009 4:53 pm

Favorite Hero: Rayanne. I have always been drawn to female magicians/healers, but
Ray served another role as the *silent* leader of the quest. She remained positive
and confident through everything, despite her shaky start. Once engaged, she encouraged
everyone to continue despite all problems. It was totally appropriate to have her become
the Stone of she was just that.

Favorite in game moment: When Luby joined the quest. She stirred an instinct in Ray
which reinforced the significance of the overall quest. And....she was very CUTE! +::heart

Which Mode: I always start in Easy Mode, then progress through the others. I like to
explore the first time around, without worrying about getting killed constantly, and
like being able to use the "Rush" option so I can concentrate on the exploring while
building levels easily.

What did you think about the Story: I loved the story, and the fact that this game
was story driven. Though I love all the sidequests in other games, it was refreshing
to me to be able to concentrate on the one goal with determination, and not having
that continually interrupted.

What did you think about Glen? As usual, he was not as strong as your female hero,
but that works well with me (being female, of course). I felt better about him, as
I could rename Titan..of course for me! It bothered me a little in the ending
that you reverted back to the Glen name rather than allowing *Titan* to end the
quest after all his hard work!! I chose *sword skill* for him, and it will be interesting
to see how he does with the *knife skill* instead!

What did you think about Rayanne: Rayanne was pretty much perfect in my book..
a balanced fighter and healer. I would have liked the option to rename her as well
though, as that name doesn't really fit with her in my opinion. (Here in the south
of the USA) a double name like that ..Ray Anne, usually denotes a dumb country
girl who could never fulfill such an important role!!)

What did you think about Grom: He was strong, steadfast, and loyal..the perfect
unquestionable "knight" of the group. You could always dependent on him.

What did you think about Luby: I loved Luby..she offered something of a comic
relief, and could have been even more so in that regard. I liked the way she
gained strength as a fighter, but could also heal when needed. She could maybe
have had a few upgrades to her *horn* that would have been nice!

What did you think about the music: I liked the music, but honestly, didn't have
it on most of the time. It didn't have the same *mystical* quality of MM, which
I particularly liked. I'll try to pay more attention to it in my new game I'm getting
ready to start.

What did you think about Thanatos and his minions? Strange though this may
sound, it was disconcerting to me that Bonebreaker looked just like Indy!!
Thanatos seemed to resemble you more in my mind! But, the monsters in
this game were superior to me to the ones in MM, and reminded me more
of what you would expect in a world of fairies and dwarves.

Overall Comments: I love the change to story driven style as it's a nice
break to me from sidequest driven games. (Though I love them both) I
respect the fact that when problems were encountered, they were fixed
almost immediately with a new download. I would like to see the ability
to name all of the characters as you can the hero (and let them keep the
names at the end...please). It was also good for me to return to the
ability to earn gold rather than sellable items as you did in MM. I'm sure
there are varied feelings about this. Overall, of course, I loved Asguaard!!
+::YAY +::YAY It is another in a long line now, of my favorite RPGs of
all time. Indy has dethroned Final Fantasy forever!! +::heart +::heart

Am I looking forward to the next game??????????????????? That Lord Trickster
is a silly question!!!!!!!!!!! I say bring it on..I'm ready. The Oracle foresees
continued success by doing just what you do best...create fun!!!
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Re: Asguaard Comprehensive Feedback

Postby Tomas » Mon Nov 23, 2009 5:03 pm

Favorite Hero (explain why):
Rayanne, she was strong and courageous. Also, the end was quite unexpected.

Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why):
I loved the Hyperbole caves, the combination of music and gameplay was really awesome, I simply couldn't stop playing once I entered. :) And the absolutely craziest moment for me was the HUUUGE jump down to the Centre of the world, I almost got vertigo here...

Which Mode did you play in?

What did you think about the story?
I liked the whole idea of people from our world being summoned to Asguaard. Also, the end is pretty sad.

What did you think about Glen (the Hero)?
He was more a child than a man to me, he didn't seem to take the situation too seriously, atleast until Hyperbole. And, of course, my favorite was his "...Why did't you summon Chuck Norris then." in the beginning, I couldn't stop laughing for a next few minutes when I saw this.

What did you think about Rayanne?
See Favorite hero.

What did you think about Grom?
Sometimes he was pretty funny with his comments, also, despite being slow, his damage was often insane (atleast with axe).

What did you think about Luby?
A little too big for a "monkey", right? But cute.

What did you think about the music?
Pretty decent and very addictive.

What did you think about Thanatos and his minions?
Honestly, I believe there could be a better explanation in the story why Thanatos did what he did. I mean, why would he like to destroy the whole Asguaard? What profit could he possibly have from this< Or was he just insane? And what about the others, like Dodo, why would they help him? It just didn't make much sense to me.

Overall Comment about the game:
It's another awesome game from Indi, and because some things, like great map design, funny story and characters and enjoyable fights, are pretty much a standard for all previous games, I will not comment more on them and instead I will try to list some of my thoughts about things that are new/different:
- The world map is a masterpiece, it's HUGE and very detailed, definitively the best world map you have ever made.
- The secret areas are a great idea, it's another reason for exploring the map, and they are also very heterogeneous and beautiful.
- The difficulty is nicely balanced.
- The summonable spirits, like Glylph, seemed to worked correctly now (I mean they were not targetable by party members and Glylph seemed to heal the person who needed it, not a random one), I hope the same scripts will be used for Millennium 2.
- The Expert/Master/Guru system is really nice.
- Having some skills like countering attack character-specific instead of equipp-specific is nice, but sometimes it can be pretty double-edged, for example, Glen counters attacks, and when fighting a boss than counters attacks too
(like Bone-breaker), then once low on HP, Glen attacks because of Adrenaline rush, and the counterattack kills him. Now when you ressurect him, he's low on HP again (unless you spent some of the really powerful healing items), so he attacks and gets killed again and so on, thus you are in trouble.
- Being able to name the hero and decide which weapons characters use is nice.
- The "100+ hours of gameplay" doesn't seem real to me, I have played for 32 hours on hard mode and discovered 50 secret places and 21 magical rooms, thus I didn't miss that much. (And I really didn't die too often, so the real time spent with the game wasn't much longer.)
- As for the lack of side-quest, I think it's ok, I didn't miss them in Asguaard.

Are you looking forward our next game, and what would you like to see in this game?
Obviously, I'm pretty curious about what you will throw at us next, and Millennium 2, Legend and Laxius Force 3 are all on my list.
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Re: Asguaard Comprehensive Feedback

Postby dee0227 » Mon Nov 23, 2009 8:33 pm

Favorite Hero (explain why): Rayanne - Just an all around good fighter. Has good spells. Pretty good with weapons. Half way decent armor.

Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why): The ending. Big surprise at least to me. It was now what I pictured happening.

Which Mode did you play in? Hard as always

What did you think about the story? Very well rounded story. Flowed smoothly.

What did you think about Glen (the Hero)? It took me a while to warm up to him but after the first couple of hours he was ok.

What did you think about Rayanne? My favorite.

What did you think about Grom? Stodgy at first but he got a little better as he went along. All around good fighter though. He is all that got me through the caves at the beginning of the game with his Freeze spell.

What did you think about Luby? Sorry but kinda annoying at first with the baby talk but got better as the game progressed.

What did you think about the music? Didn't hear a lot of the music because of the Script is Hanging errors. Had to turn it off to be able to keep playing the game.

What did you think about Thanatos and his minions? His minions were pretty easy to put away if you leveled up enough first. Thantos did take me a while though.

Overall Comment about the game: Overall a good game. Confusing until you got the hang of the Skill system but once you do it is ok. I would like to be able to return to the regular game after defeating Thantos like you did in Millennium so that you could finish looking for magical rooms/ruins etc.

Are you looking forward our next game, and what would you like to see in this game? I think the next game is Millennium 2 and I'm looking forward to it. I would like to see the Egress option used in Asguuard in Millennium 2 or something somewhat like it.
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Re: Asguaard Comprehensive Feedback

Postby bclouds » Tue Nov 24, 2009 1:33 pm

I'm up to the moment where that cute lil unicorn joins your party, I love it so much!
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Re: Asguaard Comprehensive Feedback

Postby diklazam » Tue Nov 24, 2009 10:04 pm

just a suggestion for another question or may be a post - "which skill you like the most"?
i myself love the eye of the tiger/

or may be the first 3 places and than vote the favorite skill.....
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Re: Asguaard Comprehensive Feedback

Postby Indinera » Tue Nov 24, 2009 10:05 pm

bclouds wrote:I'm up to the moment where that cute lil unicorn joins your party, I love it so much!

i think this was a great moment too - a quite trick plot-wise :)
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Re: Asguaard Comprehensive Feedback

Postby Indinera » Tue Nov 24, 2009 10:06 pm

diklazam wrote:just a suggestion for another question or may be a post - "which skill you like the most"?
i myself love the eye of the tiger/

or may be the first 3 places and than vote the favorite skill.....

yes but there are sooooo many lol

when i played i like heroism too it's so great against bosses ehehe and perception is quite effective too
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Re: Asguaard Comprehensive Feedback

Postby debhi » Fri Nov 27, 2009 6:15 pm

Favorite Hero (explain why): My favorite hero is Rayanne. She had such a beautiful spirit and soul.
Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why): My favorite in-game moment was killing Thanatos 4x. Each time I killed him
I learned how to kill him faster next time.
Which Mode did you play in? Easy mode.
What did you think about the story? The story was very warming and heartbreaking. I cried at the end.

What did you think about Glen (the Hero)? Glen was your typical teenaged boy. Self-absorbed and heartless in the beginning. Than you watch him grow as the story progresses. By the end you feel so much love for him because of what he had just experienced.
What did you think about Rayanne? Rayanne had spunk and soul. Her skills were not that specutacular.

What did you think about Grom? Grom was their teacher and guide. He did his job really well.
What did you think about Luby? Ahhhhhhh Luby. Cute and endearing
What did you think about the music? It was okay. I turned sound off after awhile.

What did you think about Thanatos and his minions? They were not evil as I would of liked. After killing Thanatos 4x I
find him not really tough.
Overall Comment about the game: I enjoyed the story line. I liked that you didn't get side tracked with alot of other quests. You had a mission to accomplish. Was totally shocked at the ending. Was not prepared for that.

Are you looking forward our next game, and what would you like to see in this game? Yes I am looking forward to the next
game. More mazes and harder challenges.
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Re: Asguaard Comprehensive Feedback

Postby disneath » Fri Nov 27, 2009 11:13 pm

Favorite Hero (explain why): Luby, because I love animals and she was drawn so beautifully one couldn't help but love her.
Also she had good attributes and was a great support to other members of the team.

Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why): Loved the balloon and zooming all over the place. It gave me a chance to build up hit points and also collect a lot of gold for purchases. I also appreciated the arrows in the caves and mazes. It took away the frustration I had while playing Millennium.

Which Mode did you play in? normal

What did you think about the story? It was a good story line with a surprise ending.

What did you think about Glen (the Hero)? My hero was a bit of a wimp, but with some patience I was able to build him up into a strong fighter and he held his own in the end.

What did you think about Rayanne? Great character, hope she is resurrected in a future game.

What did you think about Grom? Not much during the game - he kept on dying and I used up all my spells and gold in bringing him back to life. But in the final battle he held his own. Sorry to see him die the way he did.

What did you think about Luby? Loved Luby, want to see her again.

What did you think about the music? I don't play with the music on.

What did you think about Thanatos and his minions? Great art work. Really challenging to defeat and I needed some help in that area.

Overall Comment about the game: This game is my number 1 favourite and reminded me of my first RPG - Lord British and the Ultima series (that's 20+ years ago). So glad I found this web page. I just enjoyed everything about Asguaard - there was lots of money to be found, loads of secret rooms, the graphics were amazing, the journey was challenging and fun. I couldn't stop playing it and now it's over.....going through withdrawal at the moment. I also enjoyed the support provided by Indy and the other players who were so much better than I. This is my 4th Aldorlea game and I will be playing them all. Indy - great job and I can hardly wait until your next venture. In fact, I will be replaying this game in a couple of years just for the fun of pure enjoyment. THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO CONTRIBUTED.

Are you looking forward our next game, and what would you like to see in this game? YES, YES, YES. I would like to see all the wonderful things that were in this game - loads of money bags, hidden rooms, the balloon, the boat, etc.
Can't wait.
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Re: Asguaard Comprehensive Feedback

Postby anniezo57 » Sat Nov 28, 2009 2:47 am

First I’d like to thank everyone involved in the making of this fantastic game! A special thanks to Indy for putting up with my emails about the script hanging issues and for the amazing speed in which the problems were addressed. The new build is fantabulous! I would also like to thank all the members of this forum for the walkthroughs, maps, skill lists & help. You are invaluable!
Now on to the questions….

Favorite Hero (explain why): Grom, he is very well balanced & deadly with the right skills & equipment. His most important skill (to me) was his path finding. 8)

Favorite In-Game Moment (explain why): The ending. I’ve played through twice now & get teary eyed every time. +::cry

Which Mode did you play in? Story Mode (twice) I wanted to try the different equipment. I shall try the other modes next.

What did you think about the story? I loved it & really hope there will be a sequel in the future! :)

edited to add...I would love to be able to roam around after the finial battle....just would be icing on the cake :)

What did you think about Glen (the Hero)? This is a tough question….He’s a very powerful fighter but his attitude in the beginning annoyed me; yet I really felt bad for him in the end. I could grow to love him…LOL +:oops:

What did you think about Rayanne? I really liked her. She was also well balanced but I would have liked to see more spells for her. Next time I play I intend to grind & get them all to Lv99 just to see what happens. +::wizard

What did you think about Grom? He was my overall favorite. Without him this mission could not have succeeded. +::Thumbup

What did you think about Luby? I adored Luby! Cried when I thought I had lost him….LOL. He has a wicked attack and his spells are invaluable. Drove me nuts trying to find equipment for his ….left?? Right?? hoof….LOL…never did find anything…. +::grrr

What did you think about the music? I loved the music in this game! It really suited the different situations you were in & several times when I encountered certain fights I went “oh chit” this is gonna be tough! LOL adrenalin rush +::music

What did you think about Thanatos and his minions? I mopped the floor with them…we’ll see how this plays out on different difficulty settings… :razz: +::fear

Overall Comment about the game: This is my favorite of your games so far. I like them all for different reasons but I really enjoyed not having to do a gazillion different side quests. I still have a game that I have not finished because all the stuff I need to do became overwhelming. So this was an extremely welcome change & a joy to play! I do wish though that you could save anywhere +::Dance

Are you looking forward our next game and what would you like to see in this game? YESSSSSSS!!! The ability to save anywhere & Luby, Choca, etc….I adore animal characters +::Thumbup +::heart I would also like the ability to roam around after the finial battle...this would be the icing on the cake :)
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Re: Asguaard Comprehensive Feedback

Postby bclouds » Sat Nov 28, 2009 4:00 am

I had problems at first with script hanging on windows 7. For those that don't know, just run compatability mode for xp.
On desktop, right click on Asguaard icon and select properties and then compatability. Tick xp box.
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