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Echoes of Aetheria

Re: New RPG: Echoes of Aetheria

Postby Valdy » Fri Jan 22, 2016 2:47 am

Please don't be upset, Harmonic. I am just saying how I - not everyone else - feels about the game. OK, the part about non-stop fighting comes from the fact that after we got the cat in our midst, and shortly after Kesh, I have been fighting my way through armies galore. It was the Revolution Quest, ending at Fort Alabarda Keep. And yes, it's very military, what with talk of "armies" and strategic fights. I am just not much into the fighting parts, that's all.

Another thing I noticed is that when I am in "buy" mode for armour or weapons, I never know whether my characters have either that is already higher or lower. I always have to go out of "buy" mode and check my characters to see whether they already have something better on them. Same goes for the weight. It would have been nice if we could have seen the weight allowed and which they already carry while in "buy" mode. In other RPGs you can always see what the characters already carry while in "buy" mode.
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Re: New RPG: Echoes of Aetheria

Postby harmonic » Fri Jan 22, 2016 5:05 am

That part of the game is pretty "military" yeah. He's starting a rebellion and fighting a war.

Later on it's a lot more character-focused, especially in the next chapter.
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Re: New RPG: Echoes of Aetheria

Postby liza » Sat Jan 23, 2016 6:05 pm

Every time Soha uses magic she gets damaged. Stronger magic stronger damage. Is this normal? Any way to protect or stop it.?
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Re: Demo doesn't work

Postby blitzen » Sat Jan 23, 2016 7:15 pm

blitzen wrote:Hi there! Does this game work with Windows XP? I have downloaded the demo and tried it both on my laptop and my desktop which still run XP (don't judge me), and get the same error message for both. After the demo window opens, there is a popup error message saying:

Script 'Win32API' line 305:RuntimeError occurred.
GetProcAddress: PhysicalToLogicalPoint or PhysicalToLogicalPointA

The game looks great, but obviously I'm not going to buy it if I can't even get the demo to work. Please let me know if this is something that can be fixed.

No response? I saw the post about the updated version of the game. Does that mean the demo was updated too?
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Re: New RPG: Echoes of Aetheria

Postby Valdy » Sun Jan 24, 2016 1:08 am

liza wrote:Every time Soha uses magic she gets damaged. Stronger magic stronger damage. Is this normal? Any way to protect or stop it.?

I too noticed that, liza. It does not say in the spell descriptions that she would lose HP when she uses a spell, but yes, she does.

--- --- ---

Edited to take out the mention of "military", because it seems that I have offended the dev by adding my personal view rather than pretend. I still much prefer Skyborn. Everything about that game is so much better. But that's just how I feel about it. :)
Last edited by Valdy on Mon Jan 25, 2016 3:10 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: New RPG: Echoes of Aetheria

Postby Valdy » Sun Jan 24, 2016 7:22 am

Another thing: 23 hours ago, a second update has come out. This new version is v1.2.0. Harmonic posted the info at Steam, but it would have been nice if he (or she) would have taken a minute and posted it here too, and not just assumed that we all get our info from Steam.
The game is being offered here as well, so we should get the same info at the same time as it's been given on Steam.
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Re: New RPG: Echoes of Aetheria

Postby harmonic » Sun Jan 24, 2016 10:11 am

My apologies, yes 1.2.0 is out and available off Steam. I have been juggling a lot of things including a wedding to prepare for +::sos

Vald, I am really confused as to why you are pressing this "military" issue. Note that I am *not* upset or angry. Please hear me out. I am simply unable to pinpoint what it is you're trying to accomplish here. The word military in the dialogue does not make a game "about military." If you read the context clues in that conversation, he is simply referring to her and her followers as the military backbone of Lucian's rebellion. He could have said something like "her followers are the muscle" or something. Or they are the majority of the participants. It was something he said to emphasize her importance and significance, and how she should be valued more. Sort of a tool of manipulation.

Yes, there is a rebellion in this game, and rebellions often involve soldiers, fighters, participants, what have you. There's rebellions and soldiers in .... SOooooOOooo many RPGs. It's such a common theme. Just about every Final Fantasy game has soldiers, and militaries. I mean, I don't know how far you are in the story, but after the Beladorne chapter, a lot more focus is put on the characters and the behind the scenes plot. In reality, the rebellion and the "military" aspect is a backdrop. Secondary in nature to the real plot.

In regards to Soha losing HP when she uses abilities, it is only for some abilities - ones that are Dark-magic based. This is explained in the cut scene you just watched Vald, in which she explains how using her magic is killing her slowly and that they need to find a cure, the basis behind much of Kormag's plans.

Yes, eventually Soha learns how to control these abilities better. In fact, Soha becomes GODLY later on. She really is anything but a damsel in distress. but until then, Soha has a lot of life drain abilities like Blood Saber and Blood Tap that allow her to absorb a lot of HP. Her dark magic abilities are very strong - like Shadow Blast and Shadow Bolt. It is a sacrifice - a decision the player can make.

Please see past the word "military" and see the context behind the game. I absolutely hate dry boring games that are only fighting and I have made a sincere effort to make it narratively-driven. I have played many other RPGMaker games and many are WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY more fighting-focused.

I just want you to enjoy it for what it is, I want to help you see past this military thing.
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Re: Demo doesn't work

Postby harmonic » Sun Jan 24, 2016 10:20 am

blitzen wrote:No response? I saw the post about the updated version of the game. Does that mean the demo was updated too?


It's an issue we are looking into - but it does not happen on any full versions of the game. I will upload an updated demo to match the 1.2.0 patch update soon, thanks for your patience.
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Re: New RPG: Echoes of Aetheria

Postby dgford » Sun Jan 24, 2016 1:05 pm

Another wonderfully made game by the creator of Skyborn, Deadly Sins! I have played through the entire game (which took me over 30 hrs). And (disclaimer) I was privileged to beta test this gem. Here are the things that I really appreciated in this game:

1. No incessant grinding. You can't even do it if you wanted to. You kill all the monsters in an area, you're sufficiently leveled up for the next.

2. Visible encounters, and no random encounters. THANK YOU!

3. An incredible, in depth story line - full of intrigue, betrayal, love interests, clashes of cultures, and more.

4. The customization available - for characters skills, weapon and armor forging, and even the formation of your party.

5. Lots of strategy necessary (which I enjoy. Not just hack and slash).

6. unique characters, each with their own personality and unique skills

7. gorgeous artwork!

How I played:
There is a little bit of a learning curve, esp. early on, when you're trying to figure out what the best strategy is for the team (skills, formation). But by Chap. 2, I had it all down, and it was FUN! Ingrid starts off a bit weak, and has little defense or HP. I used the items I found to boost her build and HP, and used Lucian as a shield. Once she got her first turrets (later on in the game) - watch out bad guys!

Soha has some very unique abilities, and while she does lose HP (it is a sacrifice), as she gets stronger and gets more HP, I found that she could effectively drain HP from the enemy faster than she was losing it.

Kesh was my healer for the most part, and Eskander I used as a wicked fast claw, giving the enemy statuses like bleed, or poison.

Lucian, of course, was my tank, and my heavy hitter.

Personally, I loved this game, and I wish there were more like this. I hated that it ended! And that's coming from someone who has played ALL of Indy's, Phil's (Dancing Dragon), and Amanda's (Aveyond) games. A truly epic game - thanks Phil!!!
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Re: New RPG: Echoes of Aetheria

Postby Valdy » Tue Jan 26, 2016 8:51 am

Not wanting to upset the dev any further than I already have, but this game isn't for me after all. It has its nice moments but on the whole I found it too much work (too many choices for augments, crafting objects, skills and fighting positions). I found Skyborn far more entertaining and fun to play.
The last place I went to was "Siege of Ezrum", and what a nightmare that was. I only saw the number at the top left when I had a moment's pause, and noticed that I had to fight enemies non-stop, and there were at least what... 80 or 90 consecutive fights? I had already been fighting for a while when I saw a number in their mid 70s. In the end I let the enemies penetrate my defences so that I was able to get out of the game, and will just leave it at that.

But this is just my opinion of the game - how I feel about it.
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Re: New RPG: Echoes of Aetheria

Postby harmonic » Thu Jan 28, 2016 1:33 am

Vald wrote:Not wanting to upset the dev any further than I already have, but this game isn't for me after all. It has its nice moments but on the whole I found it too much work (too many choices for augments, crafting objects, skills and fighting positions). I found Skyborn far more entertaining and fun to play.
The last place I went to was "Siege of Ezrum", and what a nightmare that was. I only saw the number at the top left when I had a moment's pause, and noticed that I had to fight enemies non-stop, and there were at least what... 80 or 90 consecutive fights? I had already been fighting for a while when I saw a number in their mid 70s. In the end I let the enemies penetrate my defences so that I was able to get out of the game, and will just leave it at that.

But this is just my opinion of the game - how I feel about it.

It seems that indeed, the game is not for you. Because you didn't read anything about that Siege of Ezrum - you don't need to kill all of those soldiers. In fact, you are encouraged to kill none of them!!! Lucian says "please avoid fighting any of the flesh and blood soldiers, to win a humane victory. And you are handsomely rewarded for avoiding the fights.

You only have to win ONE battle during the entire siege - against the commander, Alexei. This is mentioned multiple times in the game.

Everyone, these opinions from Vald are pretty misleading. I've tried to clarify but I suppose I will have to let the game speak for itself.
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Re: New RPG: Echoes of Aetheria

Postby Valdy » Thu Jan 28, 2016 1:38 am

Yes, I have read about it, harmonic. But why make the game as complicated as you did? When I left the battle, I was asked if I wanted to engage again. If I wasn't suppose to, why do I get the choice?

And, btw, if you offer a product, you have to realise that not everybody will only praise it, but there are some people who might not like it. And it wasn't just that one place I didn't like. I didn't care for the game on the whole. Way too much talk - didn't even get a rest in the rest areas where I had to talk to others yet again just to get more XP, and never mind the skip button, way too many consecutive fights, with little non-fighting scenes in between. It just looks like a game made for big boys who like to play soldier. Lets just leave it at that, OK?
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Enkidu Hill

Postby jincyk » Thu Jan 28, 2016 4:13 pm

The first time I tried this, I went far right right away, in order to secure the King of Diamonds, but of course eventually got the bad news about Kirei being caught. So I went back and fought straight down until I got to Alexei. At that point, I just shut down the game, because I was confused about procedure.

So my question: If you clear out the path to Alexei, should you then go back and to the right to get the King of D and then
come back to Alexei? Also, what does Soha have to do while all this is going on?

I do like the game, but the Strategy Guide occasionally confuses me. Any advice appreciated...
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Re: New RPG: Echoes of Aetheria

Postby AuntIggy » Fri Jan 29, 2016 2:17 am

I can tell a lot of effort was put into this game but also for me it isn't a game I care for. Too much talking and reading. I want a good storyline but I feel that there is far more talking/reading than game playing. The reason I like these old fashioned RPG's is for their simplicity and when the games get complicated I just stop playing which is what I've done. I finally got to the cats and skipped through most of the cut scenes and when I went to buy items and found that I had to keep getting out of the buy mode and check my characters for what they had well, that just became a waste of time for me. I have to say that in my opinion Skyborn was a much better game by far. I love the steampunk. I also like your earlier games much better but again they were more simplistic.
Everyone needs to play and decide for themselves how they feel about this game but it's always good to hear both the good and the bad of what people think. A good developer will appreciate both points of view which will help them improve on their art and also let them know what the people who buy their games prefer. I know it's hard when you have put so much love and time and effort into something and then someone doesn't like it but not everyone will. Keep on making games Harmonic because even though this one wasn't my thing your next game just might be my favorite! ;)
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Re: New RPG: Echoes of Aetheria

Postby briony » Fri Jan 29, 2016 11:45 pm

I love the game, the scenery is beautiful and the fact that I do not have to constantly grind to level up is a bonus. I am quite used to crafting items ( this happens a lot in Rose Portal Games)and as for the reading - that happens a lot in other games too. I am glad that people are not all the same in their likes/dislikes - what a boring old world that would be and to be honest I did not like Deadly Sin - I found it difficult to master but that was a long time ago- maybe now that I am used to these type of games I might enjoy it better- all your others I have enjoyed- this one offers more challenges and needs time to really appreciate the storyline -not race through like some other games. It certainly is a different type of game., but most enjoyable - keep up the good work+ +::YAY
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