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Laxius Force 3 ~ Player's Memories

Re: Laxius Force 3 ~ Player's Memories

Postby Wickah » Mon Dec 30, 2013 8:49 pm

Your opinion about Random?

I love Random, but he was a bit controlling where Sarah was concerned.

Your opinion about Sarah?

I liked her skills, but she was way too vain.

Your opinion about Luciana?

I really like Luci and was hoping that the king would come back to life, so they could live happily ever after.

Your opinion about Wendala?

Wendala was really annoying, but had great skills.

Your opinion about Coryool?

Coryool was cool, lol. He would have been better, if he hadn't been a drunk.
I thought for awhile that he was a traitor and I'm glad I was wrong.

Your opinion about the Grand Commendanter?

He was a prick, but easier to kill than I expected. Guiddiba and Hondler were
much worse.

Your opinion about the new characters?

The new characters added flavor to the game.

Your opinion about the game's ending?

The ending was alright, but I wish that they would have given us the
opportunity to finish all the quests that were left undone.

What was your favorite chapter and why?

That is hard, I loved them all. I didn't care for the last chapter,
it was a little harder than the others, lol

What was your favorite moment and why?

When Luci and the King met and married, because it was a fairy tale.

Which dungeon is the hardest?

What's the game's best/strongest sides?

Best - being able to heal and come back to life
Worst - Not being able to access some of your items or to return to finish quests.

Have you played Laxius Force 1 and/or 2 and if so, how does this one compare?

It is more intense than the first two games.

Is Kommender better than the Grand Commendanter?

Yes, he put his wife first.

Petula: Yay, Win or Fail?


Timbany: Little Monkey or Big Gorilla?

I only saw Timbany as a little monkey, so I don't know.
Which of Wendala's Masters did you like best?

Hmmm, the one where they had to go underground in the sewers.

If you were to be on Kommender's list, would you rather face Aliener or Titanic, and why?

I think the Aliener, Titanic was vicious and relentless.

Who should win the Beauty Contest: Sarah, Luciana, Wendala, Yveen, Alexandra, Angelina, Leanda or Sandy?

Sandy, she was beautiful, but didn't know it.

(old players) What did it feel to see Herbert and Joshua back?

They were ok, but not as good as they thought they were, lol.

(old players) What did it feel to see Djarma, Kratin and Timbany back?

It was nice, as they had their own special skills to add to the team.
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Re: Laxius Force 3 ~ Player's Memories

Postby Noah217 » Sun Apr 05, 2015 6:38 am

Your opinion about Random?
He is a master swordsman. The perfect fighter with the perfect armor and a perfect sword. He deserves his leadership and is the best warrior since he participated in the battle with Louis even though he thought he would lose, but never gave up hope and look where that's got him. Age doesnt prove excellence... come to think of it, age proves anything.

Your opinion about Sarah?
She is a really determined elf both beautiful and versatile and should have a great title as a supreme elf of the sun. Sarah is a funny character since she hates wendala and loves making fun of her. She is a great elf warrior and never wants to leave random's side. She is a vengeful person and wants to take revenge on who killed her parents (still wondering when that will happen though) which describes a bit her personality, vengeful.

Your opinion about Luciana?
One of the best players in the game, loved her spells since they were quite useful, her leadership in some parts was really astonishing, hated that her husband was killed, the poor woman did not deserve that and hope that in the next laxius trilogy she can have her beloved husband back. Like Random she had also strived to stop the grand commendanter, even though the one man she loved was taken away from her.

Your opinion about Wendala?
LOVE her latest look, this should have been her original in the entire series, she is proof that not everyone can have only 2 lives +::Dance , she had to go through a lot just to find information on the grand commendanter for Random. But when she died i felt really sorry because of all the things she had done, when she came back to life i was like "oh".

Your opinion about Coryool?
Heh, black hole enzyma, that dude is a black hole, he drinks a LOT and i mean a LOT of beer and gwahahahahaha's all the time, he really was funny and the part where he blew up the wall with his beers was amazing, i mean that guy made his beer's flammable, who knew that his beers would actually help and also who knew that he had a tiny fairy to talk to whenever he wished. His surprise appearances and disappearances made me really suspicious. I thought that he was working for the order but then i found out he wasn't. He tells us that looks can be deceiving

Your opinion about the Grand Commendanter?
The Grand Commendanter was a really great and powerful enemy, although he was a coward, he had a really smart mind and knew where everything was and knew how to handle things, that man has a really sick mind to torture everyone using sick techniques, when i say powerful enemy, i mean powerful in resources because he had the money to summon kommender, create a gigantic meteor and prepare several temples, in the end he really was a weak enemy who had no skills and could only simply attack 2 or 3 times in a row, but then he was mangled at that time +::biggrin +::biggrin +::biggrin .

Your opinion about the new characters?
Xander was the best new character since he had so many spells that i couldn't wait to try out, they all dealt severe damages. Angelina was also a good character though she had less moves but had great attack power, the best part was when she was defending Random from titanic. Adon was a great creature character, he may not have had any skills but he had a great personality and never disobeyed a command from Xander no matter what it was (loyalty). Seiman had good healing moves as much as attack moves which could drain the lifeforce of an enemy and restore it to his own, didn't like the part where he stole that lady's stuff (forgot her name). i really hated daryll, he acted like such a knowitall and was a severe pain in the neck, he made me want to punch my laptop really badly. Deuterium... can't say much cause he was a robot, but he was a smart robot and a proper skilled one too, i liked the part where he received the signals that daryll was sending from so far away.

Your opinion about the game's ending?
lemme just say that GUIDIBBA WAS CRAZY to not let the laxius gang through i also like it when they escaped to the airship and Random was like GOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! was a really good ending and i enjoyed it.

What was your favorite chapter and why?
The last chapter obviously, i liked it cause i knew that i was going to have to choose teams (i love choosing by the way) and i knew that random, sarah, luciana, and wendala would be in one team and that team was the strongest.

What was your favorite moment and why?
i liked the moment when random found titanic all smashed up and then we learn that titanic was actually created to stop people from getting harmed and that kommender altered his circuits, i also liked it when titanic used his internal device to delay the timer for a few minutes to help the laxius gang.

Which dungeon is the hardest?
the hardest so far was the iron manor and astral litz, the iron manor i had to draw arrows on my hand using a marker and it was still hard to get through the manor since i was ignoring all the words that wendala was saying. Astral litz, guidibba and hondler when they last show up are EXTREMELY hard to beat and the other creatures and machines were also difficult to beat, had to waste some of my magicka.

What's the game's best/strongest sides?
the strongest sides were when that creature attacked random first that allowed aliener to access his body and the part when everyone was having trouble figuring out what was happening to random and what to do to cure him.

Have you played Laxius Force 1 and/or 2 and if so, how does this one compare?
i have played both and this one is really better than the others because random, sarah and wendala finally have their character change and their skill change. i like this game because random and sarah finally have their ultimate weapons +::heart +::heart +::heart .

Is Kommender better than the Grand Commendanter?
No, the Grand Commendanter is till better than kommender since he has a lot of equipment and bigger resources than kommender. His body is also the control of astral litz and the creatures that were attacking the deport so he is without a doubt better than kommender.

Petula: Yay, Win or Fail?
zombie petula, win. normal petula, fail. zombie petula underwater, major win, normal petula underwater, minor win.

Timbany: Little Monkey or Big Gorilla?
timbany... big gorilla, he was really sneaky and had a HUGE attack damage, and when he scram it was kind of terrifying.

Which of Wendala's Masters did you like best?
Uba, he was really terrifying and had so many people to do his bidding, he had nice clothes for wendala which had great defense. Was really stunned when i saw wendala kill one of her own master, made me think what she would do to random if she felt that same way.

If you were to be on Kommender's list, would you rather face Aliener or Titanic, and why?
i'd face titanic because he would be easier to run away from and would not be so teeny weeny like aliener. If aliener effected your body then it would be really hard to get him out cause first of all you would need someone with re-incarnate spell and great guts like luci to rescue you and cause also the fact that titanic is super slow.

Who should win the Beauty Contest: Sarah, Luciana, Wendala, Yveen, Alexandra, Angelina, Leanda or Sandy?
Wendala, she is amazingly hot in her astral form and would win the beauty contest very easily without a doubt.

(old players) What did it feel to see Herbert and Joshua back?
i was like... oh man you guys survived, i thought that you had died and left me in peace, i didn't like herbert and joshua that much and didn't really feel anything when i saw them come back.

(old players) What did it feel to see Djarma, Kratin and Timbany back?
at first i thought that what they did in the temple was a really long time a go, i felt full of joy when i saw djarma and timbany back, kratin... he could live up to a thousand years cause he is undead.

Still waiting for laxius S to come out... i will wait for as long as i need to and i hope that you make the artworks better.
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Re: Laxius Force 3 ~ Player's Memories

Postby Nikos » Sat Nov 07, 2015 4:19 pm

Delete this , i want to cherish my first memory :).
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Re: Laxius Force 3 ~ Player's Memories

Postby Stargazer » Sun Nov 08, 2020 5:15 am

*Your opinion about Random?*

Personally Random was a great character. He had some skills that were like useless but he was very strong. His first character art is the best! +::YAY

*Your opinion about Sarah?*

Sarah was pretty strong but wasn't very fast and damaging until she got In Go Feila. Also it felt that she was a little ignored in the game. Anyways I liked all her spells which became very strong and useful in the airport and Astral Litz. +::biggrin

*Your opinion about Luciana?*

Luci was very strong. I liked her Lava Wall. But the problem was some of her MOST damaging spells from Laxius Power 3 were not present or became weaker in LF +::cry . The best spell she had was Laxius Omeggaddon. It was very fancy looking. +::wizard Also she had to go through lots of sacrifices which was very sad. Also her OWN sacrifice in Astral Litz was very sad. Also the way she stood up to remove the barrier was too good. +::cry +::cry

*Your opinion about Wendala?*

There were some skill problems with Wendala. Her best spell was supposed to be Carnage but it was weaker than Shocker....? +::cry Story wise she was a pretty good character. :) In the Blade room she was trying so damn hard not to fall unconscious which I liked a lot. +::Thumbup

*Your opinion about Coryool?*
Coryool was a good character but he was acting quite mysteriously +::Dunno . I guess he was just sad that all of his friends just cared about Adretana. +::lol

*Your opinion about the Grand Commendanter?*

He looked so damn bad, definately how a villain should look like +::surrender . I didn't like how he boasted to be able to become stronger than the gods when he couldn't even defeat us. +::tired But I would say that he was quite clever to find such devious mechanisms. +::O_o

*Your opinion about the new characters?*

Rosa, Tarabulla, Detremiun (sorry forgot the spelling), Xander, Cocka Cocka, Seiman, Angelina were my favorites as per battle strength. :)
Petula, Daryl, Adon, and the other new characters were quite weak. But they were all good story wise. +::biggrin

*Your opinion about the game's ending?*

Personally I liked EVERYTHING that happened on Astral Litz until they escaped +::lol . But I wish that they had a big party when they reached Adretana :razz: . The game ended a little soon after escaping Astral Litz. A Party would have been good. Also the Muesem was very good and funny. +::biggrin

*What was your favorite chapter and why?*

Chapter 13 was my favourite chapter because it had Astral Litz in it. I loved Astral Litz, LOVED IT. +::biggrin +::heart

*What was your favorite moment and why?*

Choosing is very difficult because ALL of the Astral Litz was great. But I guess my favorite moment was succeeding at Blade Room and beating Hondler and Guiddibba a last time. Alsi Titanic helping was awesome. I wish they had took him with them +::biggrin :razz: .

*Which dungeon is the hardest?*

In the global war, Claria's party was the most difficult for me. But it was only because my characters didn't have good equipment :razz: . So the real hardest dungeon was Astral Litz. The enemies were very hard to beat because of their large Hp. Also Honder and Guiddibba were very difficult also +::O_o . GC wasn't strong at all as compared to them. Mabye it was because of Luci that he became so damn weak. Or mabye he was weak from the start. +::biggrin

*What's the game's best/strongest sides?*

If by sides you mean features then, the moments, situations and sacrifices. In this game enemies are not so strong until Global War. I think this was done to give a greater emphasis on the fact that the situations were much more difficult than the monsters. :)

*Have you played Laxius Force 1 and/or 2 and if so, how does this one compare?*

Personally all of LF is great so I can't compare. :)

*Is Kommender better than the Grand Commendanter?*

Probably yes because he aborted the mission in the end for his girlfriend. +::Thumbup

*Petula: Yay, Win or Fail?*
Yay!! Cuz Petula was a good character story wise. +::biggrin

*Timbany: Little Monkey or Big Gorilla?*
Depends on the situation but Big Gorilla looks better than the other. :razz:

*Which of Wendala's Masters did you like best?*

Hmm.... The woman. I think Lilith was her name. Atleast she didn't try to kill me or imprison me +::biggrin .

*If you were to be on Kommender's list, would you rather face Aliener or Titanic, and why?*

I would have chosen Aliener at first but I read a few posts in here and that made me realize that with Titanic I have a little chance of survival. :)

*Who should win the Beauty Contest: Sarah, Luciana, Wendala, Yveen, Alexandra, Angelina, Leanda or Sandy?*

Either Luci or Wendala. They both looked good. :razz:

*(old players) What did it feel to see Herbert and Joshua back?*

I never really liked their attitude. They thought that they were stronger than everyone +::Annoyed . Funny thing, I followed the walkthrough and unequipped them before Arvendal drowned. So when I got them back before Global War, I completely forgot to give them any equipment and they were pretty much useless in Global War. +::biggrin :razz:

*(old players) What did it feel to see Djarma, Kratin and Timbany back?*

I didn't really like Djarma as he was a little weak but it was good to see all of them back. :)

I think that there were some problems with the game. I will list them :--

(1) Whenever there was an event, the characters moved in a line. That was pretty awkward. Because normally everyone would gather around the place to talk about anything but all of them moved in a line.

(2)Daryl. +::biggrin

(3)Too many characters. Very difficult to level up. :)

(4)Most of the new characters were ignored. They never said anything which was kind of sad. +::cry

(5)Hyper Flare wasn't present +::cry .

(6)Sarah was a little ignored. +::cry

And that's it. Personally I liked the game very much. These were just some little problems I think the game had. Thank you for such a great game Indinera! +::Dance

P. S. It took me an hour to type and edit this +::biggrin :razz: .
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Re: Laxius Force 3 ~ Player's Memories

Postby Indinera » Sun Nov 08, 2020 5:36 pm

(awesome entry - and revival of the LF3 memories - thanks!! +::clap +::Dance )
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