Lady JJ wrote:@kimo-The inability to save at will is seriously hampering my progress.
I chose Hard mode this time and the save slots are few and far between. I may just wait and jump in to join you when you move on to LF1.
I am playing in normal mode, but I have to choose when to play so I can hopefully finish a segment. I, too, hate waiting for those bouncing bunnies/frogs to save. I just encountered a "Failed Mutation" yesterday in the Metro area of the Outerworld without being able to save just before. That thing must have had 200,000+ HP.
Thankfully there was a rabbit next to some "random" woman in a room so I used the "see a bunny and save" principle. The woman turned into a large green blob and was also incredibly hard to kill (took about 10 minutes). I cannot imagine surviving this game on hard mode with some of the boss-like encounters.
If you find all the Nirum Armor pieces (I had to use old notes to find the final piece in Witch Woods) they can also be equipped on
Batabog if you find him in the port and also find the Sailor's Axe to give him. With 3 hits, he usually wipes out the enemy along with 2x Hits from Sarah and a 1st hit by Random. Then adding a 4th character like Herasia, Spark, and Guanadia the Brave to just build their levels works fine.
I was going to try the 3 Laxius Power (not Force) games after this. They are freeware and can be found on reputable sites. I haven't played any of those in close to 10 years because the graphics are definitely dated. But that's part of their "charm".
Are you stayin' dry? We got record rainfall last weekend.