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The 7 Dreams

The 7 Dreams

Postby Lady JJ » Fri Feb 02, 2024 3:54 am

When Random's party returns to the MSI after the Ancient Conondrium, Baretta learns the 'Am I Dreaming?' spell. It may not be obvious that she has the spell. You have to look for it in her Magic (not Skills) list. 'Am I Dreaming?' can only be used inside the MSI. Once Baretta has the dream, or the party leaves the MSI, she will lose the spell. Upon returning to the MSI, within the given timeframe, the spell will become available again. Four of the seven dreams are initiated with Baretta's 'Am I Dreaming?' spell. The other three are initiated by repeatedly resting in either the Indy'Inn or the Azan Inn. All these 7 dreams take place during the timeframe of when Random's party is searching for the Heart of Indinera.

If a dream is missed, it's lost. Each dream has a set timeframe and place where it can happen.

Dream 1- The Candy Dream
How: Use Baretta's spell 'Am I Dreaming?' in the MSI
When: The group is ready to travel to the Thorn Fortress for the first time. BEFORE leaving the MSI, use Baretta's magic spell 'Am I Dreaming?' to trigger this first dream. You can also get this dream by sleeping repeatedly 4 or 5 times at the MSI, even before Sarah is found by Nash and Neon. Whether you get it by sleeping or waiting until Baretta has the spell, the dream must take place BEFORE you leave for the Thorn Fortress.
Secret Room(s): #D-001
Spoiler: show
Baretta finds herself in the legendary Candy City. She says her Candy Shop project is going to be a reality and that her Mum will be so proud of her.

This is a simple scene to complete, just the one area, but it does contain the first Dream Secret Room, Secret Room #D-001. You begin in the lower left quadrant of this area. Talk to Prune to your right. She gives you a weapon. Check the cookie (candy?) to the left of the left building for a fight. Cross the bridge to the right lower area. There's a candy crossbow in the gift boxes on the floor. Ludivine sells some healing items, but you don't have much gold. Before crossing the next bridge, go down to the large table area. Both the left and right sides allow you to move down a square and then across to the center of the table. Go down the right side, across left as far as you can, turn up and enter the first Dream Secret Room, Secret Room #D-001. You can buy one Azura Pearl, one Golden Pearl, and one Rose Pearl here as well as Cherries. The only gold you have in dreams is what you earn in battles, or maybe find, so you may or may not be able to afford any of these items. Return and cross the bridge to the right upper area. There's a candy knife in one set of gift boxes, there's a bubblegum staff in another. Yveen is on the bridge leading to the left upper area. Do not approach Yveen yet. Look at your gold to see if you have enough gold to buy a pearl and do it now. You'll lose this opportunity once you've intereacted with Yveen. Yveen pleads with you to help or she will die, but then she disappears. The room shakes and you can no longer make it back to Ludivine or to Secret Room #D-001. Continue to the left upper area. There's a partially open door in the first house. Don't enter it yet as that will end the dream. There's a Smiley Face, and another set of gift boxes with a Fortune Crystal. The crown in front of the building has a Short rifle. There is a Rose Pearl in the large gift box sticking out of the back left side of the first building. There's a wafer-like cookie that extends over the edge to the left of the smiley face. It allows you to walk down to the bubble gum door that increases Baretta's MHP 3 times. Keep clicking on it. When ready, enter the door that's ajar to end the dream.

Dream 2- The Pirate's Treasure Dream
How: Sleep in the Inn'Dy Inn in Indi' Ner' Ah-Llegwanyl
When: While you are searching for the Heart of Indinera in the Thorn Fortress for the first time. You can sleep right away before even going to the Thorn Fortress or wait until you've done some exploring in the fortress. You must do it BEFORE Luciana opens the box and become ill, though. This is your first visit to Indi' Ner' Ah-Llegwanyl and the only place this dream occurs. You may have to sleep several times before the dream occurs.
Secret Room(s): None

Spoiler: show
This is a difficult map to navigate just because some of the decorations act as blockers creating an invisible maze. You find yourself on a tropical island. There are two palm trees above you, some rock formations and a dry campfire next to you. This site will be important to find the buried treasure later. Explore the island, both land and sea as much as you can. To your immediate left, is a patch of algae. Walk straight into it to trigger a fight that will give you some healing items (fish and meat) and a Diamond Shard. Do this before Coryool joins the party as the fight won't trigger if you're not alone. Coryool is to your lower right, partially hidden by the palm trees to the right of the hammocks and beach umbrellas area. You can make your way there first to have his help for the battles. As usual, Coryool isn't interested in pirate's treasure unless it's beer. Search the shallow waters directly below and slightly right of where you're standing for one fight where it branches to the left and two fights where it branches to the right. Do not travel beyond that second Saurus fight as it will end the dream. Don't take the shallow waters path to the below and to the left of where you're standing as that path leads to the dream's exit. In the shallow waters surrounding the island are patches of algae. If you click all around them, you might find some Indinera Algae, but it's a lot of blind clicking. There are treasure boxes (not chests) in the water surrounding the island. These contain the candy weapons (crossbow, axe, knife. spear). Equip Baretta with one of them for the bonus effect. I prefer the knife for the double items. There's a shell you can enter above and near the center of the island for another saurus. Now let's search the island and look for the treasure. There are large shells on the island. In the one to the right of where you arrived is an Eschlaschaboom. The one in the hammocks and beach umbrella area doesn't contain anything but the hammock to the right and slightly above it has a Life Jar. Start searching the upper right of the area and Baretta says they've found the treasure. But she's not interested in gold, she wants the relic, and Coryool is only interested in beer and rum. Search all around the gold piles to find a Golden Egg, a Wyrm Egg, a Cocka Egg and another Golden Egg. You can't reach the opening of the shell, but clicking on the right side reveals 'X 24,18' which is where the relic is buried. The relic is buried 24 squares across and 18 squares down from the upper left of the map. Unfortunately, you can't reach the corners of the map to count, so you'll have to do trial and error, or.... Go back to that dry campfire where you first started. Stand in the right square directly below the largest rock formation. Go down 3, press enter, retrieve the relic which is a nice weapon for Baretta. It's time to leave this island now. Head down to the hammocks and beach umbrella area and go down into the shallow water path. You can only reach it from the right side of that small inlet between the hammocks. This loops clockwise to the end. After a fight find a Mist Pearl in the tall shell, another candy axe in the wooden box, another fight, and a Giant Pearl in the large shell. You now arrive at a vendor's cart, but no vendor in sight. Search the potted plant for an Aquamarine Salt, the right side of the cart for a Life Jar, and finally the left side of the cart to end the dream. It seems the candy weapons don't persist once the dreams end. Fortunately the other items, including that Skullface Blade, does.

Dream 3- The Pill Dream
How: Use Baretta's spell 'Am I Dreaming?' at the MSI.
When: The party has returned to the MSI from the Thorn Forest, Luciana is ill. This dream must be done BEFORE the party leaves the MSI to head out to the Gardens of Constanctza in search of a cure.
Secret Room(s): #D-002

Spoiler: show
Baretta starts out thinking she's in the candy city, but she's clearly wrong. Head up to the first 4-way intersection. There are doorways midway both left and right corridors. Enter the left doorway. Bokden is running around in there. He gives Baretta a short rifle. Leave and enter the door in the right corridor. Yveen is there wondering what they're doing to her. Baretta tells her to get up, but it's no use. Yveen falls asleep. You can examine a couple of jars on the table, but that's about it. Leave, go up to the next 4-way intersection and enter that left corridor door. Wendie is in the back sleeping and Baretta can't wake her up. Approach the box on the table from the left side to find another Short Rifle. Leave and enter the right corridor door. Luciana is there, also asleep. Some weird doctor says he is preparing the cure that will also give her Laxius Powers. Leave. As you walk through the corridors there are some mandatory battles, but nothing that Baretta's Short Rifle, Drama skill and/or Spectral Morning skill can't handle. Go up to the top, check both corridors, although there's nothing there but a battle, and enter the silver door at the top.

Directly in front of you is a large box of pills. Enter that box from the middle behind to find Secret Room #D-002. You may want to hold off entering this room until you have all available party members with you. Inside this room, you're asked to pick a Dope. As with all medications, the benefits come with side effects. The Red pill gives +4 AGI to all party members but also inflects bleeding. The Green pill gives +6 MDF to all party members but also inflicts contamination. The blue pill gives +6 MAT to all party members but also inflicts confusion. Back in the main room, behind the box of pills, is a door. A nasty fight is waiting in front of that door. Baretta can probably hold her own with her Uber Crystal spell, but it may be best to wait until you have Wendala in the party. Don't go through that doorway, but explore to the right of this room first.

Wendala is there, says 'I'm here if you need me' and disappears. Return to the previous room where Wendala was sleeping. Wendala is awake now and will join the party. Check on the sleeping Yveen. She's still sleeping. Luciana is still sleeping as well. Don't speak to that weird doctor by Luciana as the dream will end. Go back to the room beyond this entry room and continue exploring to the right. There are a couple of items in the room at the end, a Fortune Crystal and a Candy Crossbow. Return to the beginning. Now that you have Wendala in the party, enter Secret Room #D-002 for the buffs, leave and then enter the room to the north.

This is just one large room. There is a secret path down from the left side. To get there, go up into the room, and enter the first recessed alcove down through the open chest and left to a table with a Magic Bell. The other tables aren't accessible. Search the left and right alcoves in the room for some other good items.

When ready, return to the sleeping Luciana, speak to the weird doctor, and end the dream.

Dream 4- The Zombie Dream
How: Sleep in the Azan Inn
When: Do this while searching for a cure for Luciana in the Gardens of Constanctza. You may have to sleep several times for the dream to occur. You can visit at any time after you arrive in Azan, but it must be done BEFORE the group returns to the MSI. This is the only place that dream occurs.
Secret Room(s): #D-003, #D-004

Spoiler: show
Baretta finds herself in a dark area next to a bath of blood. She does have a flashlight but it's still difficult to see her surroundings. Get up to the square to the right of the bathtub, turn right and get an Undead Bell. Below the bathtub is a Semi-Auto Rifle. Equip Baretta with one of the two weapons depending upon your preference, then follow the hallway down to the lower room where you'll find a Life Potion. Move to the right, checking the north wall for a Zombie Stomach. Ewwww! I have no idea what these Zombie parts do and I don't think they're preserved when the dream ends. Continue right, then up to a battle. There is a room in the next corridor leading left, but there doesn't appear to be anything there. Continue straight up to a Zombie heart. Move right and when you can see Sandy, move to her. She won't respond to you. Go back up a bit and continue right to a room containing yet another Zombie heart. At the top of the room is Wendala. She won't respond to you, either. Next to Wendala are some Zombie eyes. In the far cupboard to the right of Wendala is a candy crossbow. There are three corridors leading down from the room. Take the third, the rightmost one. Yveen is there. She can't move. Move up to the previous room. Don't take the middle corridor, take the leftmost this time to a room. Check the crack in the north wall for a Mist Pearl. Check the flashing wall to the left of the crack to enter Secret Room #D-003. You can increase all skill uses +4 in this room. You way want to postpone doing so until you have more party members.

Check a narrower crack in the wall at the corner to find a Salt. In the tub is some meat. Now take the middle corridor in the previous room to the next area.

Akherburg is there. He tells you it's too dangerous here and you need reinforcements. Go back to Sandy. She'll join your party now. With Sandy in your party, check on Yveen and, if Sandy decides to cosplay as Dr. Dyper, she'll awaken Yveen and Yveen will join the party. Wendala never joins the party. With your full party, go to Secret Room #D-003 and get them all +4 skill uses. Return to where Akherburg was, he's gone now.

This area has three corridors on the left side of the main vertical corridor and three corridors on the right side of the main vertical column. Turn into the first left corridor to a room with more lit displays on the north wall. Walk into the opening between the lit displays to Secret Room #D-004.

Secret Room #D-004 Search the pile of scrolls on the floor to find a letter that increases the Donation amount. I'm not sure how much it increases it, or if it is even a significant amount. Along the left wall, about halfway up, is a path to another room. There are six windmills in this room. Inspect each of them. You won't get anything right now, but later, back at the MSI, you'll see windmills in a lower room on MSI Lvl2. I don't know whether they add anything more than decoration to the gameplay. Exit both rooms to continue exploring the main path.

Back to the main vertical corridor and this time continue following that first corridor to the right. Enter the room at the end of the corridor where you'll find another Zombie brain (why?) and a Mist Pearl. Backtrack to the main vertical corridor, down a bit past a couple of back-to-back fights, then take the next left corridor. There's a Mist Pearl at the end of this corridor. Going up leads to a room with another Mist Pearl and a Super Energy Can. Return to the main vertical corridor, down a couple of squares and turn into the next right corridor and up to the next room. There's a Mana Boost here and another battle. Two remaining sections of this area. Back to the main vertical path, down to the end, turn right this time. In that room is a Pistol and a Diamond Shard. Follow the lower edge all the way to the left to enter the final room. In this last room, after a difficult battle, is a Golden Pearl and a couple of Fortune Crystals. The dream exit is also in this room.

Warning: Use whatever found items and battle drops you can to restore Yveen's HP/MP. She doesn't heal between dreams and you'll want her as healthy as possible at the start of each dream.

Dream 5- The MSI and Gold Dream
How: Use the 'Am I Dreaming?' spell in the MSI
When: After returning from the Gardens of Constanctza with only 3 of the 4 plants. This must be done immediately upon the return, BEFORE going up to see Luciana. Once the party checks on Luciana, Baretta is removed from the party and this dream will no longer be available.
Secret Room(s): None

Spoiler: show
You find yourself in the MSI and it's filled with gold. Speak to Reyes below you. He gives you the option of choosing a Magic Bell or a Royal Bell. The Golden Bell doubles item drops in battle and gives Baretta 120% exp rate. The Royal Bell silences the enemy, gives 100% critical evade and increases recover to 125%. Your choice. You can't pass beyond Reyes, so move up to your first battle, then left. The door to the Deluxe Bedrooms won't open. You can see Bokden to your upper left. The lower rooms contain battles, but not goodies. The stairs to Baretta's locker room below appear to be missing. Don't keep clicking else you'll end the dream. You can't reach Bokden from this level, so finish exploring what you can. The database gives you 6M gold and says you're rich, but it doesn't show up in the menu, so I doubt that's real. Llawinas doesn't have much to say. Go up the stairs. Sarah and Random are in front of you, but neither join. Go down and around. Nash won't join you either. Don't keep clicking on him or the dream will end. Go to the upper left area. Sandy is there and she will join your party. Take the stairs down to where you saw Bokden. There's a Golden Age Rifle in the large crate of gold in the room behind you. Go to Bokden. Baretta says they need a cure for Luciana. Bokden says he has a buddy, Thurngard, who's a big crook, a bandit even, and he has tons of recipes, one of them with All the ores even!! (Note: This conversation is critical to getting the Morogorth recipe from Thurngard back in Indinera.) Bokden disappears after this conversation. Go back to the second floor and circle around. Wendala is in the right area. She'll join your party if you talk to her three times, although even after she's joined, she's still there. 'Crazy, huh?' In the right lower room is a large pile of gold. There should also be a green machine in that same room (only if Random had brought Baretta to the Laxius Farmhouse earlier AND had talked to Farmer Agenor). Head towards the upper right stairs down. Coryool won't join your party. Go down the stairs and then down the stairs again to the basement level. To the left where the machinery usually is, the room is filled with gold. If Bokden has told Baretta about Thurngard, his image appears there. (Maybe as a reminder as to who he is?). Retrace to the main path and continue down and to the left. In the first room up there's some gold that it looks like you can actually keep. The upper left corner gives experience to all players. Come back to the lower corridor and continue left. The next up room is filled with gold and you can't get in. The lower left room is blocked with gold and you can't get in. Continue up and around to the last room. Interact with the girl there to end the dream.

Dream 6- The Rocketship Dream
How: Use the 'Am I Dreaming?' spell in the MSI
When: After Luciana is healed and rejoins the party. This must be done BEFORE the party leaves for its second trip to the Thorn Fortress.
Secret Room(s): #D-005, #D-006

Spoiler: show
Baretta finds herself alone in the right upper corner of the first map. In that room is a Snore Bell. Baretta picks it up and speaks of the Dreamchaser. Go down, then left. Ignore the first hallway up for now. At the second hallway is Reyes offering you again the choice of a Golden Bell or a Royal Bell. Don't speak to Reyes again after receiving the bell as that will end the dream. Bokden is hiding out midst the large machinery. He says he's too tired to help her. Continue left to Sarah who just wants to go into the water. Go up into a room. Wendala is there but she won't join your party. The entrance to Secret Room #D-005 is here, but don't go there yet. Return to the lower corridor and go past the corridor with Reyes. Take the next corridor up to a room where you'll find Yveen. She says she can't stay here, that she's going to make it out of this madness. Baretta says she knows the exit and Yveen joins the party. Engage in two battles before leaving the room and Coryool inexplicably joins the team. Go back to Sarah. She brings your attention to a sparkle below. Investigate for a battle. Go back up to the room with Wendala. Enter the wall between the sink and the cabinet to the left of Wendala to find Secret Room #D-005. Each of the planets there will give you one permanent stat increase, but you can only have one. Once you receive the boost, you'll be thrown out of the room and you can't return. Save before entering the first time so you can reload and try them all out.

Now you can go to the room above Reyes. It's a tough room. Investigate the sparkle in the circle for a battle. Not only are there other battles, but Bongo is in there. Luci says he looks dangerous, but she still won't join your party. Luci was right. Bongo is dangerous. It may be one the toughest fights in any of the dreams. And, if you succeed in defeating Bongo, he shows up again in front of the door to the north and you have to fight him again. Fortunately, if you decide not to bother with him the first time, he won't bother you a second time.

Enter the north door to the rocketship. Finally, Yveen is headed home. Wendala is enclosed in a half done. In the white full dome behind her is the entrance to Secret Room #D-006. Entering the white full dome inside Secret Room #D-006 seems to recursively lead you back to the entering square of Secret Room #D-006. At some point in time, if you have the patience to continue this recursive route, each player will receive an increase in MP. I don't have the patience to count how many times this happens. Maybe it's random? Inspect the rocketship from the left side. Two back-to-back fights ensue. These are really tough, maybe not as tough as Bongo, but tough nevertheless. If you can't survive, just let the dream end. If you do prevail, go towards the back wall. The game will pan up the wall and you'll find yourself in a horizontal hall with a timer. Get to the cylinder at the right end as quickly as you can. Keep entering and exiting the cylinder as quickly and as many times as you can, as each flash increases MHP by 1 for each player. When the timer runs out, the dream ends.

Warning: As tough as these battles are, they're even tougher in the next. Yveen doesn't heal MP or HP between dreams. Use whatever battle drops you have to heal Yveen. There is a vending machine to the right of the rocketship. If you've earned some gold, buy whatever you can to replenish her MP. She's going to need MP in the next dream.

7- The 3 Doors Dream
How: Sleep in the Inn'Dy Inn in Indi' Ner' Ah-Llegwanyl
When: This dream won't take place until AFTER the innkeeper, Margrileta, becomes ill and you've cured her (Sidequest #20). Margrileta doesn't become ill until after you've gone to the Thorn Fortress, dispatched of Slayer, and unlocked the box. After Margrilet is cured, sleep. Once again, you may have to sleep four or five times for the dream to occur.
Secret Room(s): #D-007

Spoiler: show
There are only three battles in this dream, but they're all nasty. In fact, the third registers as a Boss Fight. Hopefully Yveen is in good health, both HP and MP, from the last dream.

Baretta is walking across an abyss, going nowhere She doesn't want to dream anymore. She turns down so start walking down, continue to the end. It's a dead end, turn around and walk straight up to Yveen. Yveen says they need to solve the riddle of the doors to be free. Yveen joins the party. Go all the way down to Secret Room #D-007. Continue this downward path until you exit the room. Baretta and Yveen have collected quite a bit of exp, enough to raise them both a few levels. Now to find a few more comrades. Continue straight up again to Salvatore. Speak to Salvatore, he tells you this is your chance, disappears and Luciana joins the party. A tough battle immediately ensues. Ignore the doors, continue down checking to the left and the right each time. When you can move left until you reach Random who will join the party, turn right to find Coryool and he'll join the party as well. Now make your way back to the doors.

The left door is unlocked. Enter that door. Good luck. If you survive that battle you'll get a lot of meat. You're going to need it for the next battle. The right door is now unlocked and holds another battle. Use the meat rather than depleting MP for healing as Yveen is going to need that MP to keep casting Purification in the next, and fortunately final, battle. Keep banging on that open third door and the dream will eventually end.

When she wakes up, Baretta wonders if the Mechatree is the solution or a bigger problem?
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Re: The 7 Dreams

Postby Indinera » Fri Feb 02, 2024 5:53 am

Wow. Stunning topic, hats off +::Thumbup
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Re: The 7 Dreams

Postby Lady JJ » Sat Feb 03, 2024 3:16 pm

Indinera wrote:Wow. Stunning topic, hats off +::Thumbup

Thanks. It was kind of fun replaying these small chunks of this huge game. Credit to D-Squall as well for helping to finetune exactly when that last dream will occur. If anyone is looking for concise information about all the side quests, main as well as guild, D-Squall listed them all at viewtopic.php?f=227&t=10520

I'm pretty sure there are more secrets in this game, but, slowly, very slowly, they're being unearthed. 8)
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Re: The 7 Dreams

Postby briony » Wed Mar 20, 2024 7:02 am

AM DOING DREAM 5 AND it says to talk to Bokden - I do and tell him we need a cure but all he says is he is bored and going to change his name - have gotten Sandy and the rifle - help please
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Re: The 7 Dreams

Postby Lady JJ » Wed Mar 20, 2024 11:31 am

briony wrote:AM DOING DREAM 5 AND it says to talk to Bokden - I do and tell him we need a cure but all he says is he is bored and going to change his name - have gotten Sandy and the rifle - help please

Do you have the quest for the recipe?
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Re: The 7 Dreams

Postby briony » Wed Mar 20, 2024 11:14 pm

yes have the quest from Kalisto to get recipe
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Re: The 7 Dreams

Postby Lady JJ » Thu Mar 21, 2024 2:16 am

The walkthrough says once you have Eliandre's Tusk, you should exit the fortress and speak to Thurngard again before returning inside and attempting to open the box. Do you think it's possible you didn't do that?
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Re: The 7 Dreams

Postby briony » Thu Mar 21, 2024 2:46 am

no I only spoke to him before I went inside- so does that mean I now have to go back to Thorn Forest and redo that part again- lol - the walkthrough I have does not mention anything about that
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Re: The 7 Dreams

Postby Lady JJ » Thu Mar 21, 2024 3:06 am

briony wrote:no I only spoke to him before I went inside- so does that mean I now have to go back to Thorn Forest and redo that part again- lol - the walkthrough I have does not mention anything about that

from the walkthrough
Reenter the fortress making your way up to the circular room on the upper level (Map 3). Search around for a treasure chest and ?? before approaching and defeating the black widow spidow. Come back to entrance of the fortress (Map 1). Speak to Thurngard again. Now go to the locked box, stand in front of it and USE the Eliandre's Tusk you just won as a battle reward. Cutscene follows.

I think it's important to speak with Thurngard again. If you have the quest, there's a hint that he knows more about that recipe than he's letting on.

It's a lot to repeat though. I do think being able to craft a few Ultramagnus Rings might be worth it. Other than that, I really didn't do much crafting.'
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Re: The 7 Dreams

Postby briony » Thu Mar 21, 2024 3:35 am

thanks but in the official walkthrough I bought there is no mention of returning to outside - it just says to return to the front where the chest is and use the tusk right in front of the chest - will not make any difference to me now as I do not have a save from there - appreciate your help though
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Re: The 7 Dreams

Postby briony » Fri Mar 22, 2024 7:42 am

hi in last dream no 7 - how do you get a weapon on Baretta
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Re: The 7 Dreams

Postby Lady JJ » Fri Mar 22, 2024 11:48 am

briony wrote:hi in last dream no 7 - how do you get a weapon on Baretta

Baretta goes into that dream with no weapon equipped and there are no weapons, not even candy weapons, to be found in the dream. Both Random and Luciana remain equipped with whatever weapon they were equipped when you started the dream. Coryool didn't have a weapon in my save. Yveen comes into the dream equipped with a gun. I finished the dream with Baretta being support with no weapon. You could unequip Yveen's gun and give it to Baretta since Yveen is mostly going to rely upon her cosmic powers anyway. If you do that, that gun persists even after the dream ends.
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Re: The 7 Dreams

Postby briony » Sat Mar 23, 2024 1:36 am

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