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Cute Knight

Cute Knight

Postby eridani » Tue Dec 30, 2008 4:07 pm

An orphan girl searches for her destiny... Train in jobs and classes to raise skills, make friends, and find romance - then use those skills to conquer the monsters in the dungeon. Design and dress your unique character to reach one of fifty storybook endings.

A princess or a pauper? It's all up to you!

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Which endings?

Postby eridani » Tue Dec 30, 2008 5:03 pm

Which endings have you had with this game? :)
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List of possible endings - SPOILERS INSIDE!

Postby eridani » Thu Jan 01, 2009 10:58 am

List of possible endings - SPOILERS INSIDE!
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General tips

Most good endings require you to have a Dream score of at least 50 and possibly 100. Don't end the game with a bad Dream!

The formulas involved in reaching endings are tricky. There are certain hard requirements that you MUST have in order to get a certain ending, but it's not that easy to say exactly what will give you which result if you meet the hard requirements for several possibilities. The description of the ending will give you suggestions about what to focus your attention on while you play, but you may not always get the ending you plan for.

Special Event Endings

Most endings only appear when the character turns 21 or runs out of a Dream. These endings can happen at any time when the events around them are reached.

1. "The Royal Family"

This is the 'true ending', the only one that answers the questions about your identity. Therefore, it takes some extra work to reach. It's a good idea to get ending 2 before ending 1.

Take a job reading to children at the library and continue doing this so that you meet the old woman. After you've met her a few times, ask her about Princess Alexandra, and you will find out about the birthmark.

Visit the slums and fight in the dungeon to raise your Sin over 50 so that you are unable to leave the slums and meet the gang of thieves. Pick through the trash until you meet a girl with pink hair. Now alternate between picking through the trash and volunteering at the doctor's until you find out who that girl is and convince her to go home.

Go back to town and train to raise your Mind, Luck, and Charm, until you are able to win the Flower Queen contest at the spring festival. Show your birthmark to the Queen.

Variants: Either the PC or Kirelan may be selected as the eventual heir. If you were also pursuing a romance with him, you may end up ruling together.

2. "False Princess"

To reach this ending, you need to prove to the Queen that you are the missing Princess Alexandra. If you defeat the wizard in the third level of the dungeon, you will find Alex's signet ring. Also, if you work at the library reading to children long enough, you will meet the nursemaid. Ask her about the princess to learn about the birthmark.

Now raise your Mind, Luck, and Charm so that you can win the Flower Queen contest at the spring festival. Show the ring or the birthmark to the Queen. You can also meet the Prince at the stables, raise your Charm enough to talk to him, claim to be his sister, and show him your birthmark or ring.

3. "Fairytale Wedding"

To reach this ending you must meet and marry Prince Kirelan. He can usually be found at the stables at the end of the month, so keep working there. However, working at the stables lowers your Charm. You need a Charm of at least 50 to get over being tongue-tied, so you'll have to find other ways to keep your Charm up.

If you try to pursue the romance, eventually the Prince will ask you to meet him on a certain date. Visit the Church on the map at that time and make sure you have a Taming skill > 70, Charm > 70, Dream > 50, and Sin < 50. If you meet the requirements, he will ask you to marry him. Otherwise, you will just be friends.

4. "Royal Knight"

To reach this ending, defeat the Black Knight at the Midsummer Festival.

Variants: If you have enough Charm and Mind, you will become a diplomat, otherwise you will be just a festival champion.

5. "Family Magic"

Train in Magic at the university and make friends with Rose. Agree to be her "sister". After she teaches you the Rain charm, then sometime when you go to class during the first half of the year, she will mention the Wizard's Challenge. After she does this, the magic teacher will be angry with you and bar you from the class, so you may want to take classes only in the second half of the year for a while to be sure you can get your skill high enough before you are barred.

After you have been barred from the class, win the Wizard's Challenge at the Midsummer Festival. Orchid will apologise and offer to adopt you.

6. "Warrior Wife"

Work as a Bouncer at the Inn until you have to help carry 'Shane' home. This is the weapons instructor - take his class again after this and he'll give you a bonus.

Raise your Charm over 40, your Weapons skill over 40, and your XP over 200, then work as a Bouncer again. Shane will ask you out. (If your XP is under 200, the date ends badly.) After the date, return to Combat class to marry him.

7. "Partners"

Work at the library a lot while also adventuring in the dungeon and raising your XP. The Librarian will take an interest in you and eventually ask you to train her. You will have to find a plain wooden staff for her (either craft one or wait until they are available in the store), and then she will give you a magical necklace. Keep going like this and she will ask to become your sidekick.

8. "Dragonslayer"

This ending is received if you defeat the dragon at the bottom of the dungeon. It's a good idea to take out the four elemental guardians around the outside of the lowest level first. If your skills are high enough and your items and potions are good enough, this could turn out to be an easy fight.

Variants: If you haven't already found Alex, she 'mysteriously' reappears after the dragon is defeated and the barrier around the slums is removed.

9. "Oops"

This is one of the last endings in the gallery, but it falls into this category. If you assist the Crafting Teacher with all of his special projects, finding him all the components he asks for, raising your magic to at least 50, and volunteering for his final experiment, it will Go Boom.

10. "Slacker"

To reach this ending, start the game by resting in the Town Square, and continue to do absolutely nothing else. After a while, the game will end.
Adventuring Endings

These endings generally rely on combat, magic, and XP.

11. "Hero"

You need to be talented in both weapons and magic and to have reached a high XP.

Official requirements: Weapons > 90, Magic > 90, Dream > 50, Sins < 25, XP > 800

12. "Fighter"

High combat skills and good XP. Strength also adds a bonus.

Official requirements: Weapons > 50, Sins < 50, Dream > 50, XP > 800

13. "Martial Artist"

Maxed-out weapons skill. Luck and Strength add bonuses.

Official requirements: Weapons >= 180.

Variants: With high Charm, you are a performer, otherwise you travel to compete.

14. "Thug"

Strong and tough, but mean and not very bright. Mind and Charm subtract from this ending.

Official requirements: Strength > 75, Weapons > 50, Sins > 25.

Variants: If you do manage to reach this ending with some Mind and Charm, you can become a warlord.

15. "Witch"

Strong talent in magic. Mind helps.

Official requirements: Magic > 50, Dream > 50, XP > 550.

16. "Sage"

A very talented mage who has learned every charm in the game. (One you get from Rose, one can be found reading the books in the library, and one is taught by the nun at the church if you meditate there.)

Official requirements: All Charms, Mind > 125, Dream > 100

17. "Sorceress"

A sexy and slightly wicked magic user!

Official requirements: Magic > 50, Charm > 50, Sin > 0, Dream > 50

18. "Druid"

A magic-user who is also very fond of nature and animals.

Official requirements: Sin < 50, Taming > 100, lots of Charm and Magic.

19. "Assassin"

A fighter who is also a thief. Good weapons skills and having done thief tasks a lot helps.

Official requirements: Luck > 100, Sin > 50, Dream > 50
Academic Endings

For these you will generally need a lot of Mind.

20. "Professor"

Spend most of your time taking classes, and be sure to take every class at least once.

Official Requirements: Mind > 150, Dream > 100

21. "Student"

Same as the Professor, but with lower requirements.

Official Requirements: Mind > 60.

Variants: With good Charm, you will marry a professor.

22. "Strategist"

Good Mind and Weapons skills, but not a lot of XP. You know how to fight, but you haven't done it much.

Official Requirements: Mind > 75, Weapons > 50, Dream > 100

23. "Inventor"

Master both Crafting and Brewing skills.

Official Requirements: Crafting > 100, Brewing > 100, Dream > 100.

Variants: What you invent and whom/if you marry. With enough Mind you decide to build the perfect man yourself!

24. "Philosopher"

Study all the various kinds of mental disciplines - math, magic, the church, and the library.

Official Requirements: Int > 100, Magic > 30, Dream > 100
Social Endings

For these you will generally need a lot of Charm.

25. "Advisor"

Spend time meeting people (dancing at the festival, socialising) and taking classes that are NOT combat.

Official Requirements: Charm > 180, Mind > 100, Dream > 100, Sin < 25.

26. "Bodybuilder"

Strong and charming, but not very bright or very good with weapons. High stamina also helps.

Official Requirements: Strength > 100.

27. "Banker"

Do social things, take math class, and end the game with a lot of gold.

Official Requirements: Charm > 100, Mind > 75, Dream > 100, Gold > 500

Variants: If you have high Sin, you may become a loan shark.

28. "Socialite"

Do lots and lots of social things.

Official Requirements: Charm > 100, Dream > 100, Sin < 60

29. "Bride"

Same as Socialite but less successful.

Official Requirements: Charm > 50, Sin < 60

Variants: Several slightly different husbands possible.

30. "Writer"

Take dance class and perform as a bard a lot.

Official Requirements: Mind > 125, Charm > 100, Dream < 110

Variants: If sinful, may also become a spymaster.

31. "Dancer"

Same as writer, but with less mind.

Official Requirements: Charm > 100, Dream > 100, Sin < 50

Variants: Success in your career depends on Strength, Stamina, and Luck.

32. "Street Dancer"

Same as dancer, but even less mind, and possibly some sin. Having partied for money adds to this ending.

Official Requirements: Charm > 50

Variants: Will marry a bard if not sinful.
Religious Endings

33. "Church Leader"

Spend lots of time visiting the church.

Official Requirements: Mind > 100, Charm > 100, Dream > 100, Sin < 25

34. "Nun"

Spend a lot of time meditating at the church.

Official Requirements: Sin = 0
Thief Endings

35. "Queen of Thieves"

Visit Jareth and his gang a lot, pickpocket and steal. Luck and lots of Gold help.

Official Requirements: Dream > 100, Sin > 0

Variants: Solo burglar, leader of a criminal network, or hanging on to whoever's in charge.

36. "Beggar"

Steal occasionally, but be no good at anything and run out of Dream.

Official Requirements: Dream < 50, Sin > 0
Career Endings

These will depend on what job you did most often. Most jobs have a Good (high dream) and a Bad (low dream) result.

37. "Innkeeper"

All inn jobs. Mind > 100, Dream > 100.

Variants: Charm and Cooking skill affect your success.

38. "Maid"

Cleaning the Inn. Dream < 100.

Variants: Steal if sinful, marry if charming.

39. "Chef"

Cooking at the Inn and the class.

Cooking > 150, Dream > 100.

Variants: May hire Abby if you made friends with her. May open a candy shop if charming.

40. "Assistant Chef"

Failed Chef.

41. "Waitress"

Waitress and barmaid. No requirements, but charm helps.

Variants: Low stamina gives you a bad ending. If sinful and charming, may decide to take up a different line of work.

42. "Bouncer"

Strength > 100.

43. "Shop Owner"

Both moving boxes and salesgirl count. Mind > 75, Dream > 100

Variants: Who you marry, how well your business does.

44. "Shop Worker"

Failed Shop Owner. Also the job you will probably get if you fail everything but are not sinful enough to be a Beggar.

45. "Dressmaker"

Crafting and Seamstress job. Crafting > 100, Dream > 50

Variants: Charm and Mind affect your success.

46. "Assistant Dressmaker"

Failed Dressmaker.

47. "Doctor"

Assist the slum doctor. Mind > 100, Dream > 100, Sin < 60

48. "Nurse"

Failed Doctor. Mind > 50, Sin < 30

49. "Vet"

A doctor who also tends animals at the stables. Mind > 50, Taming > 50, Dream > 100, Sin < 50

50. "Equestrian"

Good with animals and also wealthy. Taming > 75, Dream > 100, Sin < 60, Gold > 200

Variants: Breeding stables or racing.

51. "Stable Worker"

Failed Equestrian. Sin = 0.

52. "Librarian"

All library jobs. Mind > 100, Dream > 100

Variants: Study magic, discover secrets, running an entertainment service, possible marriage

53. "Library Worker"

Failed Librarian

Variants: Different mishaps for different bad skills.

54: "Children's Entertainer"

Read stories to kids. Taming > 50, Dream > 50, Sin = 0
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Postby eridani » Thu Jan 01, 2009 10:59 am

Some tips - spoilers inside:
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Play Guides
In most cases you should spend your starting 100 gold at the college training Stamina and Strength. These are used by just about all low-level jobs and will help you earning more initial money.
You cannot "die" in Cute Knight; if your hit points run out, you'll always be rescued somehow. However, there is a score to worry about: your Dream score. If your Dream bar runs out, a bad ending will be triggered; which one it is is based on your current skills, but all of them follow similar patterns of your character getting a menial job related to their abilities. Doing jobs that are low level for you drain your Dream; working while at 1 HP, and being sick, take large chunks from it.
Never ever ever work while at 0 HP. You lose 10 dream and 1 off every other skill for each day you work in this condition!
You can meet people in jobs by working at them at particular times, usually near the end of the month.
The best jobs in the game for getting gold are the tip-based jobs, which can pay up to 25 gold a day depending on the values of the associated stats. Because of this, it's often worth working as a Maid initially at the bar, because doing this enough times unlocks the options to be a Waitress or Barmaid, both of which are tip-based.
The winner of the Flower Queen contest will (almost)always be Darla if it isn't your character. She's the only one you actually need to beat.
To get the False Princess ending, work at the Library reading to children at the ends of months until you meet the grandmother several times, and then ask her to tell you about Alexandra. Then, work at the Church caring for animals at the ends of months until you meet the Prince several times, and then show him your birthmark. You can also win the Flower Queen contest and show your birthmark to the Queen. Although a good ending, it is rather dark, though - it suggests that you aren't really Alex at all, and you've displaced her while she's trapped in a dungeon somewhere.
To get the socialite ending, let the game time run out while you have a high Charm.
To get the partners ending, repeatedly meet the Librarian at the end of the month while you are gaining experience points. On about the fourth time, she'll ask you to teach her. Go and buy her a staff from the store, and she'll give you Mercury's Blessing, a necklace that adds your Mind to your Luck. Do this again for a fifth time, and she'll ask you to partner with her; if you accept, you get the partners ending.
Defeating the dragon at the bottom of the Dungeon earns the dragonslayer ending.
You can restore Princess Alexandra to the throne as follows: commit crimes or kill things in the dungeon until your Sin is high enough to be blocked by the town's force field. This enables you to go to meet Jareth and the bandits. Once there, Search through Trash until you meet someone - this is actually Alexandra! Next, volunteer at the Hospital until you meet her again, and carry on searching for her in these locations. Once you get the dialog that ends with "Help people, like I'm doing..", Volunteer at the Hospital until your Sin is worked off and then return to town. When you return, you'll be told Alexandra is back too. Note - this isn't an ending! Instead, it puts the game into a different mode, where other endings are available.
If you do nothing but work as a Maid for the first six months or so of gameplay, you will receive a magic item when your Cleaning skill goes over 100. This only works at the beginning of the game.
To marry the prince you have to work at the church tending animals .You will usually meet the prince at the end of the month.Talk to him until he invites your for a picnic. Meet the prince on the 1st of may. make sure you have high tame points before that as the prince only propose if he feels you love animals.
To get the Queen of thieves ending , you have to work with Jareth at the slum.Be sure to visit Jareth often.
to gate the real princess ending restore princess alexandra to her throne, then visit her grandmother at the library,then keep visiting till you get to the part with asking about alexandra then win the pagent, and show the birth mark on your arm.

If you play enough times, you will get a different type of dialouge box as soon as you enter the game. You wont actually get to play the game, but you will get the "slacker" ending.


Press F9 to enter Cheats

-For Gold enter: (can be any number u want

-For HP enter: global.hp=100 (can be any number from 1-999)

-For XP (level) enter: global.xp=5000 (this is the highest level)

-For MP enter: (can be any number from 1-999)

-For Dream: global.dream=150 (150 is the max-you can put more but it will revert back to 150 on your next turn)

On the following you can go over 250 but it will still revert back to 250 Combat: global.combat=250 Weapons: global.weapons=250 Magic: global.magic=250 Spells: global.spells=250
To cheat you press F9

Global.str=X -> strength global.con=x -> stamina -> mind global.dex=X -> luck global.cha=X -> charm

global.cook=X global.clean=X global.craft=X global.brew=X global.tame=X

global.combat=X global.weapons=X global.magic=X global.spells=y

X go 1 to anything y go 1 to 250

hope its helps* by kahnzim
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Postby Kerilithia » Sun Jan 04, 2009 5:16 pm

I bought cute knight back before the delux version came out, can anyone tell me the basic differences between them so I can decide if I want to upgrade. +::Dunno
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Re: original/delux

Postby eridani » Sun Jan 04, 2009 6:15 pm

I fuond this on a fan site:

The Deluxe version contains completely new graphics for all the endings and monsters, as well as many other graphical enhancements. If you have unlocked all the endings in the original, you will have to reach them all again in Deluxe to see the new pictures.

The Wizard's Challenge has been changed so that now half the time you play your card first and your challenger responds, and half the time they play their card first and you respond. This means you can look at their card and try to find the strongest possible card to play against it. So if you have all the cards and you learn which cards beat which other cards, you have a much better chance of winning.

Many people noticed that the balltoss game at the festival was rigged - it was impossible to win! This was intentional. The man running the game is cheating you. Didn't your parents always tell you never to waste your money on crooked fair games? However, in the Deluxe version it is possible to catch him cheating if your skills are high enough. This is the only way to receive your mysterious magical prize - but we're not telling you what that prize does just yet!

There is a new special quest with Jareth which can lead to a new ending - but if you're not careful you'll just end up in more trouble!

And since everyone asked for it, it is now possible to reunite the separated mother and son if you complete all the steps necessary for both endings.
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Re: Which endings?

Postby Kerilithia » Sun Jan 04, 2009 6:17 pm

Ok, I've had this for a while so lots of endings here :razz:

False Princess, Fairytail Wedding, Royal Knight, Warrior Wife, Partners, Dragon Slayer, Fighter, Witch, Sage, Sorceress, Assassin, Student, Wife, Author, Church Leader, Nun, Maid, Master Chef, Barmaid, Store Owner/worker, Fassion Designer, Doctor, Librarian and Opps (
Spoiler: show
I spent all that time and effort and what do have to show for it, I turned into the stupid fool that blew up the town. NOT IMPRESSED!!)
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Re: original/delux

Postby Kerilithia » Sun Jan 04, 2009 6:22 pm

Thank you so much for that Eridani, It does sound much better and at least I know now why I never won the ball toss challenge. I thought I needed to just boost my strength and luck stats to get it right +:oops: . You have me sold on the new version, I'll give it a go.
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Re: original/delux

Postby eridani » Sun Jan 04, 2009 6:23 pm

Let us know you thoughts on it +::Thumbup
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Re: original/delux

Postby flavie » Thu Jul 30, 2009 6:05 pm

I ended it once I had maid cos my major time was working for money than going at the dungeon! +::lol
If you love searching the truth, fight for human race,good and bad sex, sadism to stop, the prequel is WTF
Read "The sword of Truth" by Terry Goodkind in your language or English. Read the prequel after "the Confessor" to not be spoiled.
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